HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution-2004-0014 RESOLUTION NO. 14 Series of 2004 TITLE: A RESOLUTION AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2004 BUDGET TO REFLECT ACCEPTANCE OF THE BUREAU OF JUSTICE ASSISTANCE BULLETPROOF VEST GRANT WHEREAS, the City of Wheat RIdge applied for and was awarded a grant to assIst the Wheat Ridge PolIce Department in purchaslllg bulletproof vests; and WHEREAS, the CIty Council deSIres to accept the grant III the amount of $8,022.16, and WHEREAS, the Wheat RIdge Charter reqUIres that amendments to the budget be effected by the CIty Council adopting a ResolutIOn. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado, as follows: A. The City hereby accepts the grant. B. The City Manager is authonzed to execute all documents necessary for the acceptance of the award. C. Upon receipt of the funds, that the funds be placed III the general fund. D The CIty of Wheat RIdge fiscal year 2004 budget be amended accordmgly, specifically adding $8,022.16 into the Police Department uniforms and protective clothlllg account (01-211-700-730). DONE AND RESOLVED THIS 14th day of June 2004. /~ 1/~J ATTEST: ~~,. J EXHIBIT C: Program Response to Arboviral Activity pools, area sentl11el c1llckens contl11ue to seroconveli; addItIOnal horse cases, human case confin11ed. ProbabIlIty of human outbreak: High Response. I Imtlate active human case surveIllance 2 lmtlate adult mosqUIto control actiVItIes III areas already IdentIfied by surveIllance data mappmg as epIzootic / epIdemIc areas. NotIfy pubhc and affected beekeepers of spraying locations and tImes. 3 Emergency Pubhc ServIce Announcements and regular press releases advlSlllg reSIdents m affected and adjacent areas on nsk reductIOn practlccs. 4 Focus resources on mosquito control, human case surveIllance and preventIOn. Suspend dead bIrd surveIllance and In11lt mosqUIto collectIOns to dlTect and assess the effectiveness of control actIVIties. 5 Notify COEM of potential outbreak (i e., state resource allocatIOn) to begm secunng emergency fundlllg from local, state, and federal sources. Beglll documentlllg costs assocIated WIth outbreak control. Level VII Status. EpidemIC level actIvIty, multiple human cases. Probablhty of human outbreak: In progress Response: 1 Contlllue active human case surveillance. 2. ProVIde daily pubhc and medIa updates on status of outbreak, areas of hIgh nsk, personal protectIOn and mosqUIto control measures. 3 Contlllue and expand adult mosqUIto control actIVIties based on surveIllance data mapplllg. 4. Focus all resources on human case preventIOn and adult mosqUIto control. 5 Cease envlrom11ental surveillance and only conduct mosqUIto trappmg to detennme areas for control and to assess effectIveness of adult control actIvIties. 6 NotIfy COEM of nnmment outbreak and 111ltlate process for emergency fundl11g. Document all outbreak-associated costs. 7 Activate Colorado PublIc Health StatewIde Emergency Mutual AId and ASSIstance Agreement. tIn Ihe event of a nalural disaster (e.g., nood), CDC is available upon formal reqnest to provide an arbovilUs I nuisance insect assessment J.lTanda/Emergcy '.1a\'ls/ Arbovirus Resp Apndx /ArboRespDraftVersnB~ 4.03 doc Page 4 (c. \DOCUME-1 mncebn ILCJCALS-l "Tcmp'S5 Program Response to AJhovlral A..ctivit).-rsalv2_doc)