HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution-2006-0048 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE CITY COUNCIL Resolution No. 48 Series of 2006 TITLE: A RESOLUTION MAKING CERTAIN FINDINGS OF FACT REGARDING THE PROPOSED ANNEXATION OF A PARCEL OF LAND LOCATED IN SECTION 16, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. WHEREAS, an annexation petition was filed with the City requestmg the annexation of certain umncorporated territory located m the County of Jefferson and State of Colorado, otherwise known as Lot 8, Arvada Ridge (Coors Glass Plant), and hereafter described m Exhibit A which IS attached hereto and made part hereof; and WHEREAS, said petition was forwarded to the City Council; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado, found substantial compliance ofsmd petition With C.R,S Section 313-12-107; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado, conducted a public hearing as required by law to determine the eligibility for annexation of that property described in attached Exhibit A; and WHEREAS, public notice of such public hearing was given as required by law; and WHEREAS, the public heanng on said annexatIOn was conducted in accordance with the reqUirements of the law; and WHEREAS, pursuant to C.R.S Section 31-12-110, the City Council, sittmg as the governmg body of the City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado, is required to set forth its findmgs of fact and its conclUSIOn as to the eligibility of that property described m attached Exhibit A for annexatIOn to the City of Wheat Ridge, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. A plan for that area encompassmg the property described on attached Exhibit A has been adopted by the City Council pursuant to C.R,S Section 31-12-105(1 )(e), Section 2. Not less than one-sixth of the perimeter of the area proposed to be annexed as described on attached Exhibit A is contiguous with the eXisting boundaries of the City of Wheat Ridge as reqUired by law, C IDocUlm.'I1ts and Settings'jsmothers\Local Settings'Temporary Internet hlcs\OLK2\Coors Anm:xation findings res.doc ResolutIOn No, 48-2006 Page 2 Section 3. A communIty of mterest eXIsts between the area proposed to be annexed as described on attached Exhibit A and the City of Wheat Ridge and that the area will be urbanized in the near future, Section 4. The area proposed to be annexed as described on attached Exhibit A IS inte!:,'Tated or capable ofbemg integrated wIth the City of Wheat RIdge, Section 5. The limItatIons of the MUnIcipal Annexation Act and the ConstitutIOn of the State of Colorado do not prevent the annexation of the subject property of any part thereof smce: a, No land m the temtory to be annexed which IS held in IdentIcal ownership and consIsts of either a smgle tract or parcel, or two or more contIguous tracts or parcels has been divided or portion thereof excluded from the area to be annexed without the wntten consent of the owners thereof; b No land in the territory to be annexed whIch is held in identical ownership and comprises twenty (20) or more acres, having an assessed valuation for ad valorem tax purposes in excess of $200,000,00 m the year next preceding the annexation, has been mcluded in the area to be annexed WIthout the wntten consent of the landowners; c, no proceedmgs have been commenced by another mUnIcipalIty for the annexatIOn of all or part of the temtory to be annexed by the City of Wheat RIdge; and d, the annexatIOn will not result in the detachment of the area from the school dIstrict m whIch it is currently located, Section 6. The petition for the annexatIon of that real estate described on attached Exhibit A meets the requirements oflaw and IS m proper order for annexation for the property proposed to be annexed as described in attached Exhibit A, Section 7. No electIon is reqUIred pursuant to C,R, S, SectIon 31-12-107(2) or any other law of the State of Colorado or the CIty of Wheat RIdge, Section 8. The proposed annexatIon will not have the etfect of extendmg a mUnIcipal boundary more than three miles in any dIrection from any point of the City boundary in anyone year. Section 9. The entIre WIdth of any street or alley to be annexed is mcluded WIthin the annexation, Section 10. The property described on the attached Exhibit A is elIgible for annexatIOn to the CIty of Wheat RIdge and all requirements oflaw have been met for such annexation, includmg the requirements of C ,R,S, Section 31-12-104 and 31-12-105, as amended, Section 11. An ordmance annexmg that property described on attached Exhibit A to the City of l DOCUITIL'llts and Settings'jsmothers\Local Settings\Tcmporary Internet Filcs\OLK2\(oors Annexation findings res.doc ResolutIon No, 48-2006 Page 3 Wheat RIdge shall be consIdered by thIs CIty Council pursuant to C R,S. SectIOn 31-12-111. RESOLVED AND PASSED thIs ATTEST i /~ / L I' <...../K\ ~h i l \ ( .~L I ...--- Pamela Y And)rson, CIty Clerk ( !C~ au I. ( ~ day of . \ Ol{ ,2006. " / JER , \~. j\ 1 \~ \\,.:~ ULLIO, MAYOR C Documents and Settingsjsmothers\Local Scttings"T cmporary Internet hlcslOLK2\Coors Annexation findmgs res,doc