HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006 CLttj of WVI e CI t RL r).. g e 2006 Adopted Budget Creating a Sustainable City Government . City Prepared for Growth and Opportunity ';'1 ~ ~ ..... ~ ~ ~ =i lC ..... ..... ~ ~ "'l ~ a +:: l:l ..... ~ ~ 1: ~ c;;:. ~ ~ ;:j ~ .~ ~ ~ -oJ 1\ .. ~ is' ~ " ~ .... ~ ::s \.3 ~ ~ '1 ~ .. ~ ~ ~ ..... ~ Cc: .... '1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ..... ~ ~ .... ~ ~ ~ 1: ~ ::i' I(S "" ~ V\ ~ c:I' & ~ Strong Partnership Between City and Community - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Adopted Annual Budget for the Fiscal Year JanuaJ:V 1, 2006 to December 3], 2006 Citv Council Jerry DiTullio. Mayor Karen Berr~. Council Member, District I Terry Womble, Council Memher, District I Dean Goke~, Council Mcmber. District II Wanda Sang, Council Memher, District II Karen Adams, Council Member, District III Mike Stites, Council Memher. District III Lena Rotola, Council Memher, District IV Larr~ Schulz, Council Memher. District J\ Pam Anderson, City Clerk Mary Cavarra, City Treasurer Cih ~taff Randy \oung, City Manager Patrick Goff, Deputy City Manager Dan Brennan. Police Chief Joyce rVlanwaring, Director of Parks and Recreation Tim Paranto, Director of Public \'orks Alan White, Director ofCommunit) Development Contents and Production Patrick Gotland Dcbble Meixner Departmcnt Budl!cl (ontacts elt)' Treasurer -l\1ary (a\arra Finance - LlOda 'ilengel City Clerk s Of1icc, Legislative - Pam AndeNlT1, ('hrista Jones and Janice ';mothers MUl1lclpal ( ourt - Kersten Am1strong Admlllstrative <;ervcies. (itv rVlanager's Ollice, Cll) Attorney - Patrick GojTand Debbie Meixner ('ommunity Development- "'Ian While and I\.ath) Field Police Department - Joe Cassa, Michelle :-.todden and .Iud) 'iullivan Public \\orks Department - Tim Paranto, Steve Ngu)en and (ireg Knudson Parks and Recreation Department - Joyce Manvvanng, Julie Brisson, Toni Crocker, (arol Mullin MISSION Our mISSIOn ]s to provIde PERSONALIZED SERVICE at a HIGH STANDARD OF EXCELLENCE crcatmg a FINANCIALLY SUSTAINABLE CITY WE PROTECT LIVES AND PROPERTY, SHAPE WHEAT RIDGE'S FUTURE, ENRICH OUR CITIZEl\'S' LIVES, and ENGAGE OUR CITIZENS - OUR BUSINESSES Emergency Response - - FaClhtatmg EconomIc I:xpanslOn - Laws, RegulatIons and Code ComplIance - Land Use and Development RegulatIOn - Pubhc Infrastructure and FaClhtles - Commul11ty and NeIghborhood Bmldmg - CIVIC EducatIOn and Govemance - - LeIsure Facihtles and ServIces CORE BELIEFS We S ervc }(Jl[ lie Are E flieicnt Ite Take R esponsihi/ity l1e Add V a/lie to Ollr Citizens' Lives We Aet With I ntegritl' lie Are A C ooperative Team Ite Have E mpathvfor Others - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - City of Wheat Ridge Organizational Chart CITIZE'S OF" H1.-\"1 H.II)(~E (1'1\ TRE\SlRER J\I.\\OR oS. ('1'1\ COl'\CIL ." unh:ip\l\ YroHtution . \\ uniciplll t (!urt (lmmonih Support . [((lno", il' n~"l'lll"m ('Ill PO Lie [ \nimal/Park ( nUL' Enl'urn'n1cnt PlIHLIC' \\OHh.S . (()mmunication~ . RtclJrds . En~int'ning . Patrol . Optrutiulls . InH.~ti~a(i()n' . Traffic Enftlfccml'nt . Eml'rgl'nC\ Opn:ltilln~ I{ [Cln: ,TI(l' C () \1 .\ll NIT' DE \ F: IOr.\1 E 1'\ 'I . Rl'Cfl'utiun . Plannin!! . Parks 1\1 aintl'flanl'l' . F Ofl'stf' Opl'n S!)UCl' . Building (~\'ncra' Prtl~rann . Sl'niorlCommunil\ C,'oh'T . Ruihlillg Maintenanu' Recreation Center Operations (,IT\ (Lt:Rh. BO.\RDS &: CO.\lJI\IISSIO'\S \Ilimal \\ dfarl' and ('ontrol ('oDlrni\"iun . Board of '\'dju,tml'nt . Building (ndl' \{Jyi,un Buard . Cultural (' ummh,iun E ll'i:tiull <- om m is,jun II uusing .\ lIthorit\ . Liquur Lkl'n,,;in~ Authllrit\ Park, &. Rl'Cfl'atjoll Commission Planning ( ommi"ion . ~l'niur Program \d\'json Committl'l' . l rhan H.{'nt'" Oil \ uthorit\ ." hl'at Ritlg(' Fuundatioll <\UJ\1I'\ISTR.\TI\ E SEW.\ ILES . BlIdgl't . FinanCl' . Sa(n 1'a). . Human Rl'Hlllrcl'\ . RiSk :\'1 anaji:l'ml'nt . PUH'hasing and ('on trading . Informatiun Tl'chntllog~ TABLE OF CONTENTS Budl!et Messaoe ~ to Budget 111 Bnef 7 StrategIC Plan 17 Commul11ty Profile & Budget Process 59 Revenues & Expenditures Summary Budget Summary By Fund General Fund Revenues. General Fund Expenditures 65 66 69 - General Government LegIslatIve ( It) Attomey Central Charges Community Development AchmlllstratlOn Plannll1g Building ..... 71 - T -' - 75 - 77 - 74 - /\1 - /\3 - X5 - - X7 - /\4 92 44 46 9/\ - 100 102 105 lOX II () 112 CIty Treasurer .. City Clerk's OHiec . City Manager City Manager's Of lice EconomIC Development Commul11ty SUppOl1 MUlllclpal C0U11 AdmllllStral1ve ServIces Admll11stratlve Services Finance Human Resources Sales Tax Purchasmg and Contractmg InttlIlnatIoIl Technolob'Y - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Pollee Department Admll11stratlon Commul1lty Sen'lees Lll1It Communlcatlons School Resourcc Officcr Records . Trmmng Patrol.. Investlgatlons Traffic Enforcement SpecIallnvestlgatJOns Emergency OperatlOns Public \\orks Adl11l1l1Stratlon Engmeenng OperatIons Parks and RecreatIon Adm 1111 StratI on Reereatlon Parks Mamtenance forest!) Open Space Anderson Buildmg AthletlCs General Programs Outdoor Pool Senior:('oml11ul1lty Center BuiIdmg Mamtenance RecreatIon Center t und Faelhty Operatlon AquatJcs FitJ1ess Marketmg Speelal Revenue Funds Pollee [nvestlgatlon t und Open Space Fund MUlllclpa[ Court Fund RIChards Hart Estate Fund TABLE OF CONTENTS 115 Ill) 120 122 124 12h 12X DO 132 134 13h I3X 141 144 146 14X 151 155 ... ISh 15X 100 162 164 166 16X 170 172 174 177 lXO 182 184 1X6 189 190 19\ 141 TABLE OF CONTENTS SenHJr Fund .. Conser\atHJn Trust Fund HoteLfvlote] Fund ]92 193 194 CapItal Investment Program 197 Statting 2006 Compensation Plan 2006 Compensation Plan Benefited POsitIons 2006 CompensatIon Plan Intem11ttant Part Time and Seasonal POSlllons Staffing Table 203 207 223 230 2006 Fee Schedule 239 Lllle Item Accounts CltyTreasurer(OI-IOI) Legls]atlve (01- I (2) Flllance (0 I-I (3) EconomIc Development (01-105) ell) Manager (() I - I (6) CIty Attomey (01-107) City Clerk's Of1ice (() 1-1 ()g) Mumclpal Court (0 I - I (9) Admllllstratlve ServIces - Admllllstratlon (0 I-II] ) Human Resources (01-1 12) Commumty Support (0 1-113) Sales Tax (01-1 15) Purchasmg and Contractmg (01-116) InformatIon Technology (0] -] 17) BUlldll1g Mamtenance (01-118) C ommumt) Development - Admllllstratlon (0 I -] 20) Plannll1g (0 1- 12 1). BUlldll1g (01-122) Police - Admll11Stratlon (01 -20 1) Commul1lty ServIces Ul1lt(()]-203) CommUl1lCatlons (0 I -204) School Resource Officer (0 1-2(5) Records (01-206) Tra1l1111g (01-207) Patrol(01-21 I) InvestIgatIons (0 I -212) Traffic Enforcement (01 -213) Specml InvestlgatJons (0 1-214) 245 246 247 248 249 250 25] 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - TABLE OF CONTENTS - Emergency Oreratlons (0 1-215) PublIc Works - A.dlTIllllstratwn (01-30 I) Engmeermg (01- 3(2) Operations (01-303) Park;, & Recreatllln - Admll1lstratlon (0 l-flO I) Recreatllln (01-602) Parks r'vlarntenance (0 l-fl(3) F ore'itry (0 1-6(4) Open Space (0 l-h(5) Central Charges (01-610) Anderson Buildrng (0 1-(20) AthlctlCS (01-621 ) General Programs (01-622) Outdoor Pool (01-623) SemoriC ommumty Center (01-624) 273 274 275 - 276 277 27X 279 2XO 2XI - - - - 2~2 .2X3 2X4 2X5 286 2X7 - - - - - - Specml Revenue Funds Pollee InvestlgatlOn Fund ( I 7) Open Space Fund (32) rVlulllclpal Coun Fund (33) RJChards Hart btate Fund (35 ) Semorrund(53) ConservatIOn Trust r und (541 Baugh House Fund (62) HoteL Motel Fund (63) . nx 289 291 292 292 293 295 296 - - - - - - - - RecreatlOl1 Center OperatlOm, Fund (64) Faclhtles (64-602) A.quatlcs (M-h04) FItness (64-605) Marketmg (64-607) Therapcutlc RecreatIon (64-608) General Programs (64-609) 297 298 299 300 . 301 302 - - - - - - Glossary and Investment Poky Glossary Investment PolIcy 303 .307 - - - - - - - - BUDGET MESSAGE November 29,2005 Dear Mawr DiTulho and CouncIl Members, - I am pleased to present to the Mayor and City CouncIl the 2006 Adopted Budget. TIllS budget pro\'ldes the framework for provldll1g serVlces and programs to the clt1zens of Wheat R1dge for the year 2006 ThIS budget document mcludes the General rund.l apllallnvestment Program (ClP) Fund and all SpeClal Revenue Funds, - - - \Vheat Rldge's total General Fund operatll1g budget f(}r 20061S S25,t\ 11 ,941, whIch lllcludes a S3,450,000 transfer to the eIP Fund and a S 1.000.000 contnbut1on to WR2020 The Cll1''s total 2006 operatll1g budget exdudll1g transfers and contributIOns, represents a 4000 lllcrease compared to the adJusted 2005 Budget. When you ll1clude the contributIon to WR2020 the 2006 operatmg budget lllcreases by X 90'0 compared to the adJusted 2005 Budget. - - - - - The proJected 2006 General Fund endmg limd balance IS S5,679,47t\ or 22,00 0 ofexpemhtures, The adopted total Clly budget lor 2006, WhICh mcludes the General Fund. elP and SpeCIal Revenue Funds 1S $34,595.082 excludmg h,msfers, - - - WHEAT RIDGE GOAL~ 2010 - - The Mayor. CIty CounCll and statlha\ e \vorked tLlgether Llver the last t\\ 0 years tLl devclLlP a strateg1c plan mcludmg a VISIon, plan and actJon agenda to move the C 1t1' tCllward, The goals that willmf1uence every dec1s1on Council and staff wIll conSIder m the next five years arc' - - - C reatmg a Sustamable Govemment C 1ty Prepared for Growth and Opportumtles Strong Partnersh1p between CIty and Commul1lty 1-70 COlTHJor as a Ma]or CommerCIal Center Better QualIty Housmg Stock Redevelopment of Wheat RIdge City Center LeIsure Amel1l11es for Famihes - - - - - - ThIS budget reflects the Mayor and CouncIl 's VISIOn and goals by "illl'csting in the juwre uj the' CitI "The adopted 2006 Budget contmues to develop and bmld on the govemmenta!, CIVIC, and finanCial foundatIons needed for the Clly of Wheat RIdge to be successful now and m the future and to be "A Great Place to LIve'" - - - - The City was fortunate enough to successtully pass a 1 percent ll1crease ll1 the sales and use tax rate wh1ch became effectIve January 1.2005 Although retaIl sales have been decreasmg m 2005 compared to 2004, the CIty 1S proJected to realIze an addlllOnal $6,0 ImllIon m new sales and use tax revenues 1112005 compared to 2004 - - - - Budget Me,ssage This budget proposes to mvest these new dollars m the future ofthe CIty by buIldmg on those foundations necessalV for success. TIllS buduet mcludes, but IS not lImIted to, the followml': ll1vestments, J - - ~ ~ Capital dollars for mfrastmcturc Improvements to Improve trattic t10w to the proposed Cabela's de- velopment and other potentIal developments, Fundll1g fix economIC devclopmcnt opportumtIes lllcludll1g busll1ess retent]on and the creation of WR2020 CompetitIve yvage and bcnefit packagc to retam and recrUit employees who can help thc Mayor and Council meet their goals. - AddltlOnal stat1'to assist ll1long tem1 plannll1g, pubhc safety, quahty ofhfe and cmployee retentIon and accomplIshing the goals set fm1h by Mayor and Council. Infl)1111atlon tcchnology Improvcmcnts to gIve employees the tools they need to be successful. REYENlfESAND EXPENDITURES The total adopted 2006 Budget IS 534,595,082 excludlllg transfers ofS3,450.000 hom the General Fund to the eIP Fund The budget IS based on prolected revenues of$28JC6.975 excludll1g transfers. In addltJon, the begmmng fund balance fix 2006 IS projected at 513.853,098 which brlllgs the total avaIlable funds to $42.680.073 TlllS wIll provldc for a projected endmg fund balancc of58.084.991 DetaIled revenue and expendlh]re tables are presented III the Revenue and Expendnure Summary sectlOn ofthls Budget. General Fund General Fund revenue]s projected at 524.733.759 whIch I:' a -0 10(1 decrease compared to 2005 e:,t]mated revenues. Startmg m2006. the General Fund wdlnot recelVe an annual transfer from the Open Space Budget to offset open space mamtenance expenses. Howey er, those expenses WIll be budgeted dIrectly m the Open Space Budget as was recommended by thc Cny 's mdependent audItors. In adchtlOn. the begmnmg fund bal- ance for 2006 IS projected at S(-,,757.660 whIch bnngs the total avaIlable funds for the General Fund to S31,491,419 General fund expemhtures total $25,811,94]. whIch mcludes a S3,450,OOO transfer to the CIP Fund and a 51,000,000 contIibutlOn to WR2020 General Fund expenditures, exdudmg transfers and conl1ibut]ons. rep- resent a 4 00'0 mcrease compared to the adjusted 2005 Budget and an X.30,0 l11crcase compared to the estI- mated 2005 Budget. TIllS w]1I provIde fur a projected endmg fund balance of$5.679,4n or 22.00'0 ofexpen- dltures. The General Fund budget will expenence an mcrease in 2006 pnmarily due to the followmg new expendItures or expendIture mcreases. . Workers' CompensatlOn Insurance Employee Salanes SWO!11 POSItIons Civihan PosHions New Employee PosItIons Info!11mtlOn Technolol:,'y Fucl and Energy Expenses $ 72 .444 S400.000 $3XO.000 S540.000 $200.000 $XO.OOO 2 - - - - - - - - - - - - Rudget Messuge Capital Investment Program Fund liP hmd revenue IS projected at S3,X30,000 winch lS a 27.20" decrease compared to the 2005 estImated revenue of~4,X71.400 In additIon, the begmnll1g fund balance for 2U06 IS projected at S3,lJ45.990 winch bring, the total avaIlable funds for the CIP Fund to $7,775,990 The CIP Fund Wlll experience a decrease III revenues 1l120()6 compared to 2()05 because a one-t1l11e trunster of$1 ,275,()OO \vas made fi'om the General Fund to the ( I P I-und III 2U()5 for the Youngfield Street wldelllng project. The project Wlll not start III 2005 so the funds will carryover mto the 2000 CIP Budget. - - The 20Uo CIP Budget mcludes major ~treet Improvement proJects at 32nd and Youngtlcld Street, 3Xth Avenue to 44th Avenue on Youngfield Strcet, and 46th Avenue to 1-70 between Estes and Carr In additIon, funds are budgeted for annual CIP proJects including drainage and street lInprovements, street light IIlstallatlOn, traflic Signal Improvements, buildmg IIlti'astmcture and parkll1g lot Improvements, GIS updates and a contributIon to the Wheat RIdge Busll1ess DistriCt. Cl P expendItures total S7, 765,000 which IS a II.X"" ll1crease compared to the adJusted 2005 Budget and about a 109.500 IIlcrease compared to the estimated 2005 Budget. ThIS wIll proVide for a projected endll1g fund balance ofS I U,990 - - .- - - - - Open Space Fund Open Space revenue IS projected at S900.250 whIch IS a 20 XO" decrease compared to the 2005 estImated revenue ofS I ,OX7 .250 In additIon, the beglnl1lng fund balance for 2006 IS proJected at S257,652 whIch brings the total available funds for the Open Space Fund to S I , 157,902. - - - - Open Space projects for 2006 IIlclude open space Improvements, park mamtcnance proJects, Randall Park lITIgatIOn replacement. Prospect Park ballfield lights, opcn space sIgn fabncatlOn, Kendall Park deSign, and bleacher replacement. Open Space expendItures total S I , 14X, I 15 whIch b a 2.00'0 decrease compared to the adJusted 2005 Budget and a 6 X~ u IIlcrease compared to the estImated 2005 Budget. TIllS wIll proVIde for a projected endmg fund balance ofS9, IX7 Startlllg 1Il 2006, the Open Space Fund will no longer make a transfer to the General Fund to cover open space expendItures. However, the Open Space Fund wlll budget those expenses dIrectly 111 ItS budget as recommended by the City 's mdependent audltor - - - - - - Conservation Trust Fund ConservatIOn Trust re\ enue IS prOjected at $3 IX.OOO. whIch IS a 32 6" 0 IIlcrease compared to the 2005 estImated revenue of$285,000 In acldltlOn, the bcglllnlllg fund balance for 2006 lS proJected at S250,855 whlch brings the total aVaIlable funds for the ConservatIon Trust Fund to S62~.X55 - - - - ConservatlOn Tmst projects for 200611lclude Stevens Elementary plan, 'found. CreekSIde Park restraom and callceSSlon buildlllg, CreekSIde Park dugout roofs, faclhty Improvements, LOUlse Tumcr Park playground lmpravcments. Panorama Park sewer lllle replacement, and curb and gutter at Panarama Park. Randall Park and Rlchm'ds Hart estate. ConservatIon Trust expendItures total $465,000 whIch IS a 6.5" 0 decrease cum- pared to the adJusted 2005 Budget and a 446",,, lIlcrease compared to. the estlmated 2005 Budget. Thls will provlde for a proJected endlllg fund balance ofS I 63J:\55 - - - - - - Recreation Center Operations f~und RecreatlOn Center Operatlans revenue tor 2006 lS proJected at $2,087,766, whlch lS a 2.70'0 decrease com- pared to the 2005 estllnated revenue ufS2, 144,1)31) In addltlOn, the beglllnlllg fund balance far 2006 lS - - 3 Budget Message pro)ectcd at $2,402,4 70 whIch bnngs the total avaIlable funds for the RcereatlOn Ccnter OperatIons Fund to $4,490,236 Recreation center expcl1lhtures total $2,330,964. whIch IS a 0600 decrease compared to the adjusted 20()5 Budget and a 1 90 olllcrease 0\ er the estimated 2005 Budget. This WIll prOVIde for a pnlJected endmg fund balance ofS2.150,272. of WhICh S205,OOO wIll be set aSIde as a reserved mamtenance fund balance for Recreation Center eqUipment replacement and buildmg ma1l1tenance Miscellaneous Special Revenue Funds Several other mIscellaneouo SpeCial Revenue hmds are also lIlcluded Il1 thiS Budget to track revenues and expenditures that are legally restricted for speCIfic purposes or to SImplIfY the budgetmg process. Those funds mclude Police Investigation, MU111C1pal ( our!, RIchards Hart Estate, Sel1lor and Hotel/Motel. Detailed revenue and expendIture mfonnatlOn for these funds can be found m the SpeCIal Revenue Funds and the L1I1e Item Accounts sectIons of the Budget. STAFFING Personnel-related expenses account for the largest portion of the CIty's budget. therefore. mamtalllll1g tillS mvestment IS a hIgh pnonty Through a penodlc compensatIon reVle\\ proceso, a surv'ey ofthe 2005 pay scales for the ell) 's posltlons was conducted it)r the purpose of detennll1g what wages are generally pervailmg Il1 sImilar CItIes wnhm the Denver metropolitan area. The final analYSIS of the market companson mdlcated that the 2005 pay range mmm1ums and maXImums warrant adjustment m order to be competlllve m the market. As a result of the data receIved pertmillng to tbe la\\ enforcement (swom) posItIons, efTecl1ve July 2,2005. tbe Clty adopted a new pay plan that encompassed the posltIons. PolIce ReCl'ult, PolIce Oflicer, PolIce Sergeant, and Pollce Commander. The ne\\ plan IS a SlX (()) step pay plan that mamtamo the salanes fix these posItlOns at the 70th percentIle ofthe market range. The adopted 2006 Budget mcludes a ne\\ compensatIon plan for all clvllian (non-swom) posltlOns to become effectIve January I. 200h The new compensatlon plan costs approxlInatel) $3~0.000 and mcludes tbe fal- lowmg changes: AssIgnmcnt of each pOSItIon to an appropnate '~lob-li:l1nil)" categOlY SImilar to Equal Employment Opponu111ty CommlsslUn placement. The pay range for each posltlon WIll be market-based that mamtams the salanes far these posltlOns at the 50th percentIle ofthe market range. Employees will be elIgible for a 3.50 0 salary ment mcrease ("ExecutIve" claSSIfied employees WIll receIve 4.50'0) on thelr anmversary date of employment Iftbey receIve satisfactory peIi()J111anCe evalu- atIons. The adopted 2006 CompensatIon Plan IS deSIi:,'l1ed to ma111ta111 competltlve relatlOnshIps wlth the market and pnlVlde an unbIased rclatlOnsl11p 111 pay between posltJons and departments. You may find the complete Com- pensatlOn Plan 111 the "Staffing" sectlOn of the Budget. 4 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Budget 'Hessuge The adopted 2006 Budget lI1cludes a statling levcl of220,3XO FTL \ Il1 all Funds, an Il1creasc 01'6 0 FTE's compared to the 20(J5 Budget. Statling lI1creases lI1clude the followll1g' - I (J FTl: Senwr Planner (t ommut1lty Developmcnt) I (J FTL: Mall1tenancc Workcr I (Parks and RecreatIon) I 0 FTl: \ila1l1tenance Worker II (Parks and RecreatIon) I 0 FTE Human Resources Technician (Admll1lstrative ServICes) I (J FTL Court Marshal (Mul1lelpal COUl1) - upgrade from two 04 FTE Court Marshals to two O.S FTE Court Marshals wIth benefits I 0 FTE (PolIce) - police department IS proposll1g to trade 2,0 FTE PolIce Officer posItIons for 2.0 FTL Pollee Support Clerks and I 0 FTE Pollee Sergeant for a net 1l1crease of I 0 FTE - - - - - BllDGET TRANSFERS - - The CIP Fund will receIve S3,4S(),(JOO 111 revenue 111 the f0l111 o l' transfers from other funds to cover expenses Il1cuITed for speCIal projects, reImbursements or operatmg costs LIsted below are the funds makll1g the transfers, the amount of the transfer and a bnef.lustlficatlOn for the transfel" - - - CIP Fund - transfers m (,eneral Fund - S3,4S0,OO() AI7I7//a/ tl'al7s(cl' 10 CO\'CI' capital CXpCI7SCS - - - The 2006 Adopted Budget IS presented m greater detaJI1l1 each department section and m thc Lme Item Accounts section of tins document. Please reter to thosc pages for addltlOnalll1fonnatlon. - - I would like to thank the Mayor, CIty Council and CIty Statftor then' leadershIp, dlrectlOn and patience dunng thIS budget proce%. I would like to espeClellly thank the Dlrcctors and all of the Department budget contacts who partICIpated Il1 tlllS budget process. - - - - Respectfully submItted, - - G~C>L>~ - - Randy Young CIt} Manager - - - - - - 5 - - BUDGET IN BRIEF 211116 Total Expenditures $34,595,082 (excluding transfers) - (ieneral CapItal Imcstment Program RccreatlOn Ccntcr Opcn ~pace CunservatIon Trust Hntel Motcl Richards Hart Estate MunKIpal Cuurt S,el11or PolIce InvestIgatIOn - - - - - - - - S25,R 11.941 "7765,000 52,~~9 964 "1 14S.115 "465.000 $~5U,67 S65 J)OO S62,lOO SnJOO '-ix,7Y5 2006 General Fund Expenditures $21.361,941 (excluding transfers) 70% of (Jencral Fund expendIturcs arc for pcrsonnel cxpenscs lIlcludmg salaries. wagcs and bcncfits for full-tnTIc. part- timc. and tcmporary work, lIlcludlllg ovcrtImc and similar compcnsatIon, - - - - PolIcc PublIc Works Parks and RcercatIon Central Chargcs Admllllstrativc Scrvices (Iencral Govcrnmcnt C Om111Ul1lty Dcvclopmcnt MUl1lClpal Com1 - - - - - - Ending Fund Balan, c - - - - - - - - - - S7.~5R,4M S3.4c).um S3.0S9.656 52.547.1 OS S2.247.586 S1.359.750 S754.07R S600,462 5'5,679,4:'1\ General 67,8% Hotel/Motel 0,9% CIP 117% Police Inv 0,02% 0,2% Public Works 16% Parks and Recreation 14% Adm General Gov't 6% Police 34% Personnel Services 70% Capital Outlay 4% Materials & Supplies 5% Other Services & C ha rges 21% 7 Budget ill Briel AII/lllal Citr Tax Receipt City of Wheat Ridge Budget Office 7500 Viest 20th Avenue Wheat RIdge. Colorack, xoo:n Taxpayer Name: Address. \our mone~ is spent on: Communif:\ Development Police Services Public Works Parks and Recreation Capital I nvestments Municipal Court Elected Officials, Cit~ Manager, & Legal Counsel General Government 8 Annual Ci(l' Tax "Receipt" City Taxes Dlle* $ Averaue ReSIdent Wheat Rldlie 526 *Ineludes saks tax 11 ()(I",,). property tox II Sill) millsl. and open Sp3Cl' 1;1\ (O.500'f) l. Which provides for: Lluddlllg, Planmng, Lonlllg and L ude Enforcement Patrol. '] rame. Investigations, ( ode Lnt()rcement, Animal Conlrol. 911 ServIL'c '>trect and Sidewalk mainlenanee. snow removal. stred c1eanlllg, correctll1g dnunagl:' issue~ ProVllle and maintalll recreational amenilies Illcllldlllg recreation t'lcilitles, pools, parks, open space, trails Preventative 111uinlenancc and drainage projects, street improvements, tramL signal and streetlight Jlnprovemenls i\djudicate InIsdellleanors. tralIic. juvenile. domestIc vi"lence and ordinance vIOlations City (ouncd, Lily Clerk. L ity Treasurer, (ity l'vlanagclnent and legal services FinallL'e, I Illman Resources, Information Technology emplovee benetits,liabilitv and workers' COIn cnsation insurance Cit) Spending in Fiscal Year 2006 Total Capital Investment 26% General Governmenl 16% Court 2% Parks & Recreation 15% Community Development 2% Legislative & Management 4% Public Works 11% Police 24% - Cit~ Cost 'ou Per Resident Paid $24 SIO $230 $126 $106 $58 $147 $80 $242 $137 $19 $10 $42 S21 SI50 S84 - - - - - - - - - - I $\)6011 $5261 Budget in Brief' Gel/eral Fund Revenues General Fund Revenues 2UU6 General Fund Revenues $24,733,759 Bn:inning Fllnd Balan('(' \(', ~5~ f>Mi - Sa les Tax l'sc Tax Other Taxes I ntergovc1ll11lcntal LlCenscs Fmcs Propcrty Tax ~cr\' ICCS Other Interest S] 5.2iQ.232 52.500.00() S2.020.0()O S 1.5'143()2 SX15.00() S7()(J.700 S7(){J.(IOO St1hS.525 'i273.()O(J C;lXO.OOO - - - - - - - - li;/al Al ailahfe Fllnds \'31,41)/41<) - Sales Tax 62% Interest 1% Use Tax 10% Fines 3% Intergov 6% Licenses 3%, Sales Tax Distribution - - - Count~ 0.5< - / Cit, of Wheat Ridge 3c The total sales tax rate ll1 the CIty of Wheat RIdge IS 7 6uu. For cvery dollar you spcnd on retaIl purchases. you pay 7 6 ccnts ll1 sales tax, Only 3 cents of this goes back to the CIty of Wheat Ridge - I ~~~ ( ~ ~ t~) , " , ~4W ._'JO. ~~,'tate !7~~~,...,,-::;I] 2.ge ~ ~ - - - - - - Property Tax Distribution - - - - Most people will be surpnsed to know that for every dollar Jefferson County receIves ll1 property taxes from Wheat RIdge resldcnts, only 3 cents goes baek to the City of Wheat RIdge - - - - - Special Dist riets 17" Cities and Towns 3" Schools 53< County 27c 9 BudKet in Brief Capifalllll'eslmenf Program Fund Captial Investment Program (CIP) Fund 2006 CIP Revenues $3,830,0110 He',;il1l1il1g rlll1d 3"lal1(,c 53, 'N5 I)I)() Sales Tax (transi'er) Loug:er's Tax Commul1lty Development Block. Cranl (CDB(i) Interest M Isce llaneous S3A50J)OO ~170,OOO ~160,000 TU/III 'lhlilahlc FIII/d, I\~ 77'i I)I)() 2006 CIP Expenditures $7.765,000 Youngfielu 3i\th to 44th wKlenmg Street reslIrtilCmg, concrete rehah and crack sealmg Estes-CalT slreet reconstructl'}]] 32ml & Youngtlelu nnprmements M III or street improvements Clly Hall maintenance Klpl1l1g peuestnan1ll1provements (JIS mapping Lena (Julch Study Llpdate PubhL improvement projects Parks & Rcc park1llg lots Clly Hall security upgrades Wheat Rluge Bus1lless Dlstnct Nelghhorhoou tramc management Street hghh El1dil1g Fund Ba/al1ce 10 S40,OOO S lO.OOO S3,60U.00U S 1.200.00() S9()0,OUO $600,OUO $360,000 5345,000 S200,000 5200,UOO SXO,OOO \XO,OOO $~m.ooo S50,O()0 $40,000 $25,000 S5,000 $ f() <N() Sales Tax (transfer) 91% - - 4% - - - Drainage 1% - Streets 89% - - - - - 1% - - - - - Budget in Brief Recrelltion Center Operations Fund Recreation Center Operations Fund 2006 Recreation Center Operations Reyenues $2,087,766 - - Bcginning Fllnd BalO/I< e ~2 4()2,4 7() - - F~Clh(y ()per~tlon Fit11es, Interest AL]U~(ICS S1751.300 "1 ~:-I.34h S~OJ)O() Sh:-l.120 - - - Tolal '11 ailaMc Fllnds ~4 4()(),23o - - - - 2(11I6 Recreation Center Operations Expenditures $2,339,964 - - - - Faelllly 0)1erat1011 '\L]ual1es Fitness Marketmg S 1.294.003 "1127,417 S333.~7~ S~4.h 71 - - - Rnen'('(l ,'vfaintellance FE ~2()-, (J(J() Emling Fllnd Bal,II7,'e S 1, <)4 -' 2"2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - Wheat Rid'>!;l' RecrI.'(I!;cm (('me!" Facility Operation 84% Aquatics 3% Facility Operation 51% General Programs 6% The Wheat Ridge Recreatioll Cemer is a state-oj' Ihe-arl f(/('ilill located ill Ihe heart of rVhea! Ridge The l enter Has estahlished throllgh a voleI' approved temporan increase ill the sales and use lax rate to pal' for the cOllstructioll of Ihe Centcr Hhhh opened in Fenman 2()()() II Budget il/ Briel Opel! Space Fund Open Space Fund 2006 Open Space Revenues $900.250 Be'!illllillg F/llld Balwl,'e ~25;' (,52 Open Space Tax Je1Tco Jomt Venture Grant Interest $S50,OOO ~50.00U 5250 1'0101 AI'ai/aNe F/lllds Sf,157 (j(J2 2U06 Open Space Expenditures $1,148.115 Personnel Prospect Park ball field lIghts Randall Park lrrigatlon Kendall Park Design Park mamtenance Open Space Improvements Bleacher replacement (Ipen 5pacc Slgnage S506 115 ~275 000 $125.000 "SO.\KlO S50.00() 'i50.0()0 $47.()()() $\5.000 Eneling Fund Balant e $') 7 /I' ~ H(>s! La/.;.( 12 Ope n Space Tax 94% Interest 0.03% - - - - - Park Design 7% Bleachers 4% Personnel 45% - Ball Field Lights 24% - - - - Irrigation Projects 11% - TYilhin Ihe nine siluare miles or Wheal Ridge, Ihe Cill' mailllains 23 parks (lml 250 acres or o/,en Ipaee. Ihe Wheal Ridge Greenhell The li\'c mile rcgional Clear Creek Trail rullS Ihrough Ihe Greenhell cOllneeling 10 Irail ,ITSlems Oil Ihe cosl and wC\1 The Grecnhell ,'onla;lIs liJl/r lakes a Ihrec-mile crusher line Irail Ihrough a consen'a- lion area and a lii/h oUlfillcd playground liJl' Ihe phvsit 0111 challenged - Budget ill Brief COllsel'l'utio1/ Trust FU1/d Conservation Trust Fund 2006 Cunservation Trust Revenues $378.000 Beginning FlInd Bo/uncc f;250,855 - l olOl'ado Lotter) e ount) Jomt Venture Grant GUe U Grant lntcresl 5275.000 550 000 550000 53000 - - - 7i;lo/ 'Imi/oh/c r IInd\ S628855 - - - 2()()6 Conservatiun Trust Expenditures $465,O()() -- - -- Cn:ekslde Park restroom eOlJeeSSlon Ste\ens Elementary Playground Panorama Park sewer lme Park eurb and gutter LouIse Tumer Park playground FaClllty Improvements e reeks Ide Park dugout roofs S200.000 575000 550.000 S500QO S35.000 S3(J.OOU S25.00(J - -- - - -- Ending FlInd B%nce Sj(J3,855 - - - - -- -- - -- - - -- - - 4ndl'rso}l Park P/m'\!found Lottery 73% GOCO Grant 13% 1% County Grant 13% (;urb If, Gutter 11% Facility Improvement 6% Sewer Lines 11% Cree ks ide Park Improvement 48% The eill or Wheal Ridge has receivcd m'er $3 mi/lion in rcvcnllC fmm Ihe (,%rodo Lo!ler] since 1')92 H'hich has hcen liS I'd fin- park and recreation lonstrlle/ion and maintenance projects 13 Budget in Brief' Hlltel/Mlltel Fund Hotel/Motel Fund 2111I6 Hotel/Motel Revenues $23 7 ,51111 Beginnillg Fund Ea/anul $114,536 Lodgers Tax No Proof of Insurance Fl11es Interest S230,OOO 'S5,()()() "2.5()() Tolul Al ai/uh/e Funds \'35;;,03!) 2006 Hotel/Mutel Expenditures $351,867 Per-;onnel ServIces MaterIals 8:: ~upphes Uther Services & Charges S33X,5h 7 SX,95() S4J5() Em/in", Fund Ba/an('(' $169 If'heLl! Ridgt Polio.;' Utlicer 1-1 Lodger's Tax 97% - - - - - 2% - - - Personnel - Se rvice s 96% - - Other Se rvice s 1% - Materials & Supplies 3% - - - - - T,)ten approved a 5"" increase ill Ihe lodgen tax in Vo\'emher 19<)8 (,()"" or Ihis tux is 10 he used fill' police and code enforcement actil'ilies wilhin lhe Cin - - - Budget iI/ Brief Other Special Rel'el/ue FUl/ds Other Special Revenue Funds - · Police Investigation Beginning Balance $14,045 Revenues $100 Expenses $8,795 Ending Balance $5,350 - - - - - - - - - - - l/1II7iciJ1.:l1 ( IIl1r{ Room - - · Senior Beginning Balance Revenues Expenses Ending Balance $16,046 $12,600 $27,300 $1,346 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Rid/llnh fldrJ LShile Poilu DCj!or{!Jlcn! L'l'idL'lIu Room · Municipal Court Begmning Balance $38,880 Revenues $39,500 Expenses $62, 100 Ending Balance $16,280 .)'(-,!1ior/C Ol1llllllJ/in ({'Illcr · Richards Hart Estate Beginning Balance $54,964 Revenues $57,500 Expenses $65,000 Ending Balance $47,464 15 Budget ill Briel Sta./fillg 16 Staffing Changes in Staffing 2003-2006 Full-Time Equivalents (All Funds) 200 180 160 140 120 100 2003 2004 Authorized Authorized o General o Hotel/Motel 2005 2006 Authorized Proposed III Recreation Center o Open Space 2006 Staffing by Department Municipal Court Parks & Recreation 48 13 2900 102 00 10 00 1700 45 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Public Works Police Community Development Administrative Services General Government o (Jcneral (J()\'t!lmlt'l1/ includes Cif'" AIu1IJ'.!,cr s Of/it (' and ( ill' Clerk \ Ot!iC( - - - - - - - - Strategic Plan 2005 - 20 I 0 - 2020 - - - - - - - - - Mayor and City Council - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - February 1005 - - - Lyle Sumek AssocIates, Inc 1514 St, Edmunds Place Heathrow, FL 32746 Phone (407) 77 I -4 I 95 Fax (407) 771-4197 E-mail sumekassoc((L:aol com - - - - Copyrighl <b 2004 Lyle Sumek Associales, Inc. February 2005 J7 Strategic Plan 2005 - 20W - 2020 Table of Contents Strategic Planning for Wheat Ridge 2 - - Wheat Ridge Vision 2020 4 - - Plan 2005-2010 11 - Action Agenda 2005 27 - - - Action Outlines 2005 30 - This report and all related materials are copyrighted. This report may be duplicated for distribution to appropriate parties as needed. No unauthorized duplication is allowed, including for use in training within your organization or for consulting purposes outside your organization. All requests for duplication must be submitted in writing. Copyright '92004 Lyle Sumek Associates, Inc. February 2005 18 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Stratexic Plan 2005 - 20 I 0 - 2020 STRATEGIC PLANNING FOR WHEAT RIDGE February 2005 19 Copyright l!;1 2004 Lyle Sumek Associates, Inc. Strategic Plan 2005 - 2010 - 2020 ~,~~~~,,~ ~~~~~"-~~~ ~~~,,~ ~'-~~~~,~ - - VISION - "What We Want to Become- Our Preferred Future as Defined in Value-Based Principles." - - - PLAN "Our Road Map for 2010 - How to Realize Our Vision with Achievable Goals Defined Through Objectives, Meaning to Our Citizens, Challenges and Opportunities, Actions 2005, Major Projects 2005 and Actions on the Horizon." - - - - - - EXECUTION "Actions to Implement the Plan - A Work Program for 2005 with a "To Do" List for Mayor, City Council and Management - To be Completed with Accountability for the Results." - - - - MISSION - "Purposes of City Government - Determined in Service Businesses Defined in: Operating Elements, Business Successes, Challenges and Opportunities and Service Improvements 2005." - - - - BELIEFS "Our Core Beliefs Which are the Foundation for Our City Government - Creating a Corporate Culture of Action and Accountability, the Primary Value, as Defined in Performance Standards to Guide Behaviors and Actions." HOW WE CONDUCT OUR BUSINESS - - - February 2005 20 Copynght 192004 Lyle Sumek Asso<:iates, Inc. Strategic Plan 2005 - 2010 - 2020 - - - - WHEAT RIDGE VISION 2020 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Copyright Igl 2004 Lyle Sumek Associates, Inc. February 2005 21 Strategic Plan 2005 - 2010 - 2020 WHEAT RIDGE VISION 2020 WHEAT RIDGE is R~~ ~~~~~~(A) '-.~~~~~,~'-~~~~~~~ (B) with a range o~~~~~ ~~~~~,(C) mixed us~~~""~~~~~ (D) an~~~~~ '-.~~'-(E) serving our residents and serving as unique regional destinations. - - - - - - - - - - Our residents havA'-.~~ ~~~~~ (F) to Denver and the mountains, enjoy an~~'~~ ~~~~'-~, (G) share~~~'-~'~~ ""~'-~~~ (H) and tak.R~~~ ~ ~~'-.~~~~~''''~, (I) - - - - - WHEAT RIDGE - A GREAT PLACE TO LIVEI Copynght '<':' 2004 Lyle Sumek Associates. Inc. February 2005 22 - - .- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Stratexic Plan 2005 - 20 J 0 - 2020 PRINCIPLE A FAMILY ORIENTED ~ Means I. All Generations are VII elcome 2 Young Famlhes Want to LI';e Here 3 ServIces and Amellltles are Readily Available for Famlhes 4 FamilIes Feel Safe and Secure Any Place m the CIty 5 Quality Pubhc Schools are Available to ChIldren and Open for Commumty Use 6 CIty FacilItates Commulllty Involvement Il1 the Schools PRINCIPLE B RESIDENTIAL COMMUNITY ~ Means People Want to Move To and LIve In Wheat RIdge for the Sense ofCommulllty Values Wheat RIdge IS CompetitIve wIth Other CItIes The CIty IS Neat and Clean, as well as EnvIronmentally SensitIve People Have Choices for Types of Housmg and Types of NeIghborhoods Housmg IS AVailable for a Range of Income Levels Wheat RIdge is a DIVerse, InclUSIve Commumty The Wheat RIdge Commumty has Up-to-Date Infrastructure and Utllltles, Includmg TechnologIcal Access to the World, Water and Wastewater ') 3 4 5 6 7 Copyrighl @ 2004 Lyle Sumek Associales. Inc. February 2005 23 Strategic Plan 2005 - 2010 - 2020 PRINCIPLE C QUALITY HOMES ~ Means - 5 6 Homes are Well MaIntaIned and AttractIVe HomeownershlP IS EmphaSIzed A Vanety of Homes EXIst from Condos, Townhomes and Urban Cottages to Suburban and "Ranchettes" Homes are AvaIlable at a Range ofPnces from Affordable Dollars to MultllmllIons of Dollars Older Homes Have Been Upgraded and ModernIzed Homes are DesIgned for AccessibIlIty - '") - 3 - - 4 - - - - - - - - PRINCIPLE 0 URBAN VILLAGES - - - - ~ Means MIxed-Use CommerCIal and ResIdentIal Developments are at Major CorrIdor IntersectIOns (Belmar Type) 2. CIty Hall IS Located In an Urban VIllage 3 Villages are Pedestnan Fnendly 4 ResIdents Have Convel1lent Access to Amel1ltles and ServIces 5 VIllages are AttractIve WIth NIce Pubhe Spaces and Pubhc Art 6 Quality HIgh-DensIty Development IS AvaIlable In the Commul11ty - - - - - (opynght ~ 2004 Lyle Sumek Associates, Ine February 2005 24 - StrateKic Plall 2005 - 2010 - 2020 PRINCIPLE E QUALITY RETAIL - - - ~ Means ResIdents and Employees Can Shop for Their BasIc Needs 111 Wheat RIdge RegIOnal ResIdents Come to UnIque RetaIl DestInatIons More Retall Ch01ces are AVailable m Wheat RIdge More ResIdents and Employees are Shopp1l1g 111 Wheat RIdge Keepmg Sales Tax Dollars m the City RetaIl Stores are Incorporated 111 Mlxed-Use Developments Strong Partnershlps EXlst Between the City and Busmesses - - - - - - - - , 3 4 5. - 6 - - - PRINCIPLE F GREAT ACCESS - - - - ~ Means ResIdents Can Get to the Amel1ltles of Denver Withm 15 MInutes ResIdents Can Get to the Mountams QUlekly ResIdents Have ConvenIent Access to Major HIghways and Interstate System ResIdents Have ConvenIent Aecess to FasTracks, LIght RaIl and PublIc TransportatIon ResIdents Have ConvenIent Access to ShoppIng, Health ServIces, LeIsure Amel1ltles and Government ServIces Coord1l1ated Multlmodal Transportation Systems FacilItate Regional Access - - - - - - - - - 2 3 4 5 - 6 - - 25 l opyright '9 2004 Lyle Sumek Associates, Inc. February 2005 Strategic Plan 2005 - 20 f(J - 2020 PRINCIPLE G ACTIVE LIFESTYLE - ~ Means ..., ResIdents Have Choices of LeIsure ActIvIties TraIls are Used for Blkmg, Hikmg, Walkmg and Joggmg RecreatIOn Programs are Available for All GeneratIOns Top-Quahty Parks and RecreatIOnal FaClhtles EXIst m Our COmmU11ltles that are Integrated with NeIghborhoods and Retail Areas ResIdents have ChoIces of Quahty Restaurants and Entertamment Walkmg IS Promoted by Pedestnan-Fnendly COmmUl1ltles An ActIve Arts Community Supports the Arts and Culture - 3 4 - 5 6 7 - - - PRINCIPLE H SMALL-TOWN VALUES - - ~ Means NeIghbors Know and Help NeIghbors 2 Development IS 111 Scale with the NeIghborhoods 3 ResIdents ReceIve "Personal" ServIces 111 Our Busll1esses 4 People are Fnendly and Involved 5 Hlstoncal Roots are Respected and Valued 6 Pubhe and Commul11ty Gathenng Spaces EXIst for Bnngll1g People Together Copyright ~I 2004 Lyle Sumek Associates, Inc. Fehruary 2005 26 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Strategic Plan 2005 - 2010 - 2020 PRINCIPLE I COMMUNITY PRIDE ~ Means ') .:.. ResIdents Take Pnde In Saymg, "I am from Wheat RIdge" Commumty and NeIghborhood Events Bnng People Together CIty Govelllment IS Respected and CIty Leaders are Trusted ResIdents are Involved In Planmng for the Future and m PolIcy Development ResIdents are ActIvely Involved 111 CIVIC AffaIrs Wheat RIdge IS Recogmzed as a Strong RegIOnal Leader , -' 4 5 6 February 2005 27 Copynghl (~I 2004 Lyle Sumek ASSOCIates. Inc Strategic Plan 2005 - 20 I 0 - 2020 PLAN 2005-2010 - - - - - - - - - - - - - Copyright c9 2004 Lyle Sumek Associates, Inc February 2005 28 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - StrateKic Plall 2005 - 2IJ J(} - 2IJ2IJ Wheat Ridge Goals 2010 Creating a Sustainable City Government City Prepared for Growth and Opportunities Strong Partnership between City and Community 1-70 Corridor as a Major Commercial Center Better Quality Housing Stock Redevelopment of Wheat Ridge City Center Leisure Amenities for Families Copyright Ie} 2004 Lyle SUInck Associates, lnc, February 2005 29 Strategic Plan 2005 - 20 I 0 - 2020 GOAL 1 CREATING A SUSTAINABLE CITY GOVERNMENT - ~ Objectives Ob,jective 1 I Well-Mamtamed and Replacement of CIty FaCIlitIes and Infrastructure Ob,jective 2 I Adequate Revenues to Support Defined ServIces and ServIce Levels Objective 3 I More DIverse Rcvenue Base Objective 4 I ProductIve, HIghly MotIvated Workforce wIth CompetItIVe CompensatIon Ob,jective 5 I Strong FmancIaI Reserves ConsIstent wIth FmancIaI Pohcles - - - - - - - - - ~ Means to a Citizen 2 Timely Response m an Emergency Value for TheIr Tax Dollars ServIces ResponsIve to TheIr Changll1g Needs Rehable ServIces Services That Support TheIr Quahty of Life - 3 4 5 - - - - - - ~ Challenges and Opportunities I Expenses Outpacll1g Revenues 2. Catchll1g Up on Infrastructure Mall1tenance and Replacement 3 CItIzen Understandmg of CIty and CIty Fll1ances 4 Reliance on Sales Tax WhIch IS Fragile and Expandmg Sales Tax Base 5 Changll1g Technology and Impact on ServIce Dehvery - Copyright @ 2004 Lyle Sumek Associates, Inc. February 2005 30 - Strategic Plan 2005 - 20 I 0 - 2020 ~ Actions 2005 Polin' Agenda CapItal Investment Plan (CIP) and Fundmg Strategy lncludmg Storm Water UtIllty 2 EconomIc Development Goals - Strategy, Structure and rund1l1g Management Agenda I 3 Salcs Tax Budget Amendments and PublIc EducatIon/Market1l1g Program PRIORln Top Priority - - Top Priority - - Top Pnonty - - 7 X Pohce StrategIC Plan. ImplementatIOn InformatIOn Technology StrategIc Plan and IT Manager Employee CompensatIon Pohcy and Plan AlternatIve Revenue EvaluatIOn Study Ne~ Sales Tax Software ImplementatIon Top Priority - 4 5 6 Top Pnonty Top Priority II igh Priority - - - - - - - - ~ Actions on the Horizon - Storm Water Utlhty DIrectIOn 2. Customer Fncndly ServIce Program for Clty Government 3 Flre,'Clty Adm1l11stratlon RelatIOnshIp 4 Weed Program DIrectIon and ActIons 5 Healthcare Cost Conta1l1ment Strategy and Plan 6 Parks and RecreatIon Orgal1lzatlon and Management AudIt 7 CIty Bus1l1cSS LIcense Inventory and EducatIon Program - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Copyright @ 2004 Lyle Sumek Associates. Inc. February 2005 31 Strategic Plan 2005 - 2010 - 2020 GOAL 2 CITY PREPARED FOR GROWTH AND OPPORTUNITIES ~ Objectives I Objective 1 I Objective 2 I Ob,jective 3 I Objective 4 I Objective 5 - - I VISIOn Clearly Defined and Used m Plannmg, Policy Dcvelopment and DecIsIon Makmg I StrategIc Plann1l1g Established as an Ongomg Process I ComprehensIve Plan Rcflccts the CIty's viSlon and Goals I Clearly Defined Development Standards and GUIdelines Used m Plannmg and DecIsIOn Makmg I Development Process Clearly Defined wIth Predlctable Time Frames - - - - - - - - - ~ Means to a Citizen EffiClent Use of CIty Resources 2 CIty IS Focusmg on Wheat RIdge's Futurc 3 PredIctable Future Development 4, Improved Quality of LIfe m the ruture 5 Plans That are ReaL Plans That arc Implemented Through ActJOns - - - - - - - ~ Challenges and Opportunities I Changmg the Commul11ty" Wheat Rldge Image and ReputatIon 2 Definmg Proccss for Incorporatmg the Commumty m the Plannmg Process 3 Overcommg Our ResIstance to Change 4 PolitIcal Will and Courage 5 Use of VISIOn and Goals - - - - - - February 2005 32 Copyright (OJ 2004 Lyle Sumek AssocIates, Inc. - Strategic Plan 2005 - 20/0 - 2020 ~ Actions 2005 - - - - Poliq' AKellda PRIORrr\ I 2 .3 4 5 ComprehensIve Plan KIckoff Zonll1g Ordll1ance EvaluatIOn and RevIsIOn Zomng Overlay DIstrIcts Concept and DIrectIon Town Center IdentIfication and Plan Annexation PolIcy and ActIon Steps High Pnonty High Priority - - - ~ Actions on the Horizon - - - - - - - - - ') ResIdential ArchItectural DesIgn Standards and Gmdelll1es RevIew Development and Pern11ttll1g Process GIS Development and Fundll1g TransIt OrIented Development AnalYSIS and ApplIcatIon to Wheat RIdge LIghts Pohcy DIrectIOn InternatIOnal Buildll1g Code EvaluatIon of ApplIcatIon to Wheat RIdge SIgn Ordmance Revle'W and ReVISIon CommerCIal Code Enforcement Enhancements 3 4 5 6 7 8 - - - - - - - - - - - - 33 February 2005 (opyright @ 2004 Lyle Sumek Associates, Inc. Strategic Plan 2005 - 2010 - 2020 GOAL 3 STRONG PARTNERSHIP BETWEEN CITY AND COMMUNITY ~ Objectives Ob,jective I I City Government Perceived as More Bus111ess Fnendly Objective 2 I Open and Transparent City Government Objective 3 I Increased Cltlzen (onfidence and Trust 111 City Government and Leaders Objective 4 I Citizens Appropnately Involved 111 PolIcy Development and Project Plann111g Objective 5 I Mayor-CIty CounCIl-City Management Workmg Together as a Team Objective 6 I CItizens Well Informed on City PolICies, Servlces, Programs, Issues and F 111ances - - - - - - - ~ Means to a Citizen - ') OpportUl1ltles to Get Involved m Clty Government Bemg Well Informed City government IS Open and Accessible and Wants to Listen to Your Ideas Open Processes m City Government Greater Confidence 111 City OffiCials - 3 4 5 - - ~ Challenges and Opportunities I "How To" Commul1lcate wlth People 2. Boards and CommlSSlons ApplIcations 3 RelatIOns and Commul1lcatlons With RegIOnal Partners 4 Evaluation of PartnershlP Surveyor Other Mechal1lsms 5 CItizen Apathy and Non-Involvement 6 Developmg Future CIV1C Leaders Copynght lCe' 2004 Lyle Sumek Associates, lnc February 2005 34 - Strategic Plan 2()US - 2U]O - 2U2U ~ Actions 2005 - Po/iCI' A/(enda ReglOnaLNatlOnal OrganIzatIons PartIcIpatIon - DIrectIon and Fundmg ') Lobbymg Program. State and Federal Government 3 CItIzen OversIght CommIttee Development Alatla/(ement A/(enda I 4 City Government Busmess Image 5 Candldates/Ne\\! CouncIl OnentatlOn Program - - - PRIORln High Priorily High Priority High Priority High Priority - - - - ~ Actions on the Horizon - CltlzeI1/Busmess Survey Pubhc InformatIon Program and CommUnIcatIons Upgrade eGovernment RegIstratIon for Rec Program, CredIt Cards Webslte Development Channel 8 Enhancement Dlstnct Meetmgs CitIzen CIVIC Academy Development - ') - 3 4 5 6 7 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Copyright @ 2004 Lyle Sumek <\ssoelates. lnc. February 2005 35 - Strategic Plan 2005 - 2010 - 2020 GOAL 4 1-70 CORRIDOR AS A MAJOR COMMERCIAL CENTER ~ Objectives Objective 1 I Development of Ul1lque RetaIl Destmatlon for the RegIOn Objective 2 I Development of Coors/I-70 Propcrty and AdJacent PropertIes Objective 3 I Redevelopment ofWard/I-70 Area Objective 4 I More QualIty Retail and Restaurants Attracted to the Area Objective 5 I Improved Access to 1-70 All Interchange Objective 6 I Expanded Tax Base; Increased Propcrty Values - - - - - - - - - ~ Means to a Citizen - 2 More Ul1lque Retail ChOIces More Restaurant ChOIces More Lodgmg ChOIces Better Acccss to 1-70 Enhanced Property Values - - - 3 4 5 - - ~ Challenges and Opportunities I Workmg WIth COOT, Jcffcrson County and Other Partners on 1-70 Interchange Improvements Not Tappmg EconomIc Development Potential Property Owners and OwncrshlP Fragmented and Confllctmg Land Use ConflIcts Inadequate Comprehenslve Plan Gettmg Investment Dollars - - - - ') - 3. 4 5 - - - - February 2005 36 l opyright c9 2004 Lyle Sumek Associates. Inc. - Strate"ic Plan 2005 - 20 I 0 - 2020 ~ Actions 2005 - Polin' AKenda 1-70/Cabela's Project and Devclopmcnt NeIghborhood Revllahzatlon Study Fund111g and ImplementatIon 1-70 Corndor VISIon and Master Development Area Plan 1-70 and HIghway 58 Interchange Hotel/Motel Substandard Strategy PRIORIH Top Prionty ') Top Priority Top Priont) - 3 4 - - 5 - - - - - ~ Actions on the Horizon Ward and 1-70 Truck Stop Redevelopment Applewood Center Upgrade Plan Jolly Rancher Redevelopment ') - - 3 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Copynght r~, 2004 Lyle Sumek ASSOCiates. Inc. February 2005 37 Strategic Plan 2005 - 2010 - 2020 GOALS BETTER QUALITY HOUSING STOCK ~ Objectives Objective 1 Objective 2 Objective 3 Ob,jective 4 Objective 5 Incrcased Homeownershlp Upgraded and More Modem Homcs More Young Families Purchasmg and Upgradmg Homes PosItive Reputation among Rcaltors and Developers Quality Infill Development Compatihlc with Neighborhood, VIsion and Updated Comprehensive Plan - - - - - - - ~ Means to a Citizen ChOIces of Where to Live Affordable Housmg A vmlable Homes that Meet or Exceed Mmm1Um Standards Infill and Ne\v Homes Consistent With the Commumty ProtectIOn of Their Property Values ') ~ 3 4 5 - - - - - ~ Challenges and Opportunities I EXistence of Substandard Housmg Umts 2 Code ViolatIOns and Enforcement 3 Political Will and Courage Commumty Interests vs. Pnvate Rights 4 Out of Date Zonmg 5 Changmg Regulations and Codes - - - - February 2005 3g Copyright <92004 Lyle Sumek Assuciates.inc. - Strategic Plan 2005 - 20 J 0 - 2020 - ~ Actions 2005 Po/ie}' AKenda Neighborhood RevitalizatIOn Strategy ') Rental Housing Standards Registration and InspectIOn Program 3 Agll1g, Substandard Apartment Complexes Program MaflaKemenl AKenda I 4 Code Enforcement and Compliance Enhancements - - PRIORIT\ - Top Priority High Priority - - - Top PrIOrIty - - - - - ~ Actions on the Horizon I st Time Homebuyers Incentives and Program 2. Neighborhood Clean Up Program and Fundll1g 3 Housmg Authonty Evaluation and Plan 4 MlI1lmal Housll1g Standards and Enforcement 5 Zonmg Code Update for Infill Development - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Copyright (~, 2004 Lyle Sumek Associates. Inc February 2005 39 Strategic Plan 2005 - 2010 - 2020 GOAL 6 REDEVELOPMENT OF WHEAT RIDGE CITY CENTER ~ Objectives Objective 1 1 44th and Wadsworth MIxed Use Development Ob,jective 2 1 38th and Wadsworth MIxed Use Development Ob,jective 3 1 38th and KIplIng MIxed Use Development Objective 4 1 44th and Klplmg MIxed Use Development Objective 5 1 38th Corndor Infrastructure Improvement and Busmess RevitalIzation - - - - - - ~ Means to a Citizen Increased Property Values Alternative New Housmg Developments and ChOIces Greater Convemence for Shoppmg and Services Opportumtles to Develop and Grow a Busmess m Wheat RIdge Cleaner, Neater Commumty - More Attractive and Bcautlful - - ') - 3 4 5 - - - - ~ Challenges and Opportunities I Developmg PublIc-Pnvate PartnershIps 2. Definmg CIty Center 3 Attractmg New Retail 4 Best Land Use vs. NeIghborhood NIMBY 5 Fmdmg Developers to Invest - Copyrighl @ 2004 Lyle Sumek Associates. Inc. February 2005 40 - - Strategic Plan 2005 - 20/0 - 2020 - ~ Actions 2005 - - - Po/iCl' A~ellda 44th and Wadsworth Mixed Use Village Plan Urban Renewal Authonty EvaluatIOn and DirectIOn 38th and Wadsworth Mixed Use Plan Wadsworth Boulevard EvaluatIOn and Plan ') 3 4 - - - - ~ Actions on the Horizon Streetscape on Klplmg Project 38th Streets cape Project (Harlan West) Busmess Improvement Dlstnct for 44th - - - - ') 3 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - February 2005 41 - Copyright (~-, 2004 Lyle Sumek Associates, Inc. Strategic Plall 2005 - 2010 - 2020 GOAL 7 LEISURE AMENITIES FOR FAMILIES ~ Objectives Objective 1 I AddItIOnal FacIlItIes and Programs for Youth Ob,jective 2 I AddItIOnal FacIlItIes and Programs for Semors Ob,jective 3 I LeIsure Time OptIons and ChOIces ResponsIve to ResIdents' Needs Objective 4 I Improved QualIty of Parks Amemtles, Mamtenance Level and Safety Ob,jective 5 I Development of Expanded TraIl System Objective 6 I More Restaurants and Entertamment Venues - - - - - ~ Means to a Citizen - C onvement Thmgs to do m Your LeIsure Time ') Convement Access 3 4 5 ActIvItIes for All FamIly Members ActIve and PassIve Thmgs to Do Access to Great Parks and RecreatIOn FaCIlItIes - - - ~ Challenges and Opportunities I Need for an Overall Parks Master Plan ') Agmg Parks 3 Parks Mamtenance ServIce Level 4 Youth Sports and RecreatIOn Pattems 5 Outdated SWlmmmg Pool RcquIrlng RenovatIon and Replacement 6 Changmg RecreatIon and LeIsure Patterns Copynghl @ 2004 Lyle Sumek Associates, Inc. February 20llS 42 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Strategic Plan 2005 - 20JO - 2020 ~ Actions 2005 pone)' Agenda Greenbelt RecreatIOnal Development and Clean Up Management Agenda I ') Master Plan for Parks and RecreatIOn (lncludmg Nceds Assessment) 3 Youth RecreatIon and Sports l::valuatlOn PRIORln I H igh Priorit~ ~ Actions on the Horizon Anderson Park EvaluatIOn 2 RecreatIon Center ExpansIOn Study 3 Semor Center FeasibIlity Study 4 Outdoor SWlmm111g Pool Replacement/RenovatIon DIrectIon 5 Parks and RecreatIOn Orgal1lzatlon and Managcmcnt Audit Copyright (~2004 Lyle Sumek Associates, Inc. February 2005 43 StrateKic: Plan 2005 - 2010 - 2020 - ACTION AGENDA 2005 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Copyright @ 2U04 Lyle Sumek Associates, Inc. February 2005 44 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Strategic Plan 2005 - 20 J 0 - 2()2() Policy Agenda 2005 TOP PRIORITY Economic Development Goals - Strategy, Structure and Funding Neighborhood Revitalization Study Funding and Implementation 1-70/Cabela's Project and Development Capital Investment Plan (CIP) and Funding Strategy Including Storm Water Utility 1-70 Corridor Vision and Master Development Area Plan HIGH PRIORITY Comprehensive Plan: Kickoff Zoning Ordinance Evaluation and Revision Rental Housing Standards Registration and Inspection Program Lobbying Program: State and Federal Government Regional/National Organizations Participation- Direction and Funding Copyright I!; 2004 Lyle Sumek Associates, Inc. February 2005 45 Strategic Plan 2005 - 20 I 0 - 2020 Management Agenda 2005 - - TOP PRIORITY - - Sales Tax: Budget Amendments and Public Education/Marketing Program Police Strategic Plan: Implementation Code Enforcement and Compliance Enhancements Employee Compensation Policy and Plan Information Technology Strategic Plan and IT Manager - - - - - - - - - - HIGH PRIORITY - - - Master Plan for Parks and Recreation City Government Business Image Alternative Revenue Evaluation Study Candidates/New Council Orientation Program - - - - - February 200S 46 Copyright @ 2004 Lyle Sumek Associates, Inc. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Strategic Plan 1005 -1010 -1010 ACTION OUTLINES 2005 (opyright if: 2004 Lyle Sumek Associates, Inc. February 2005 47 Strategic Plan 2005 - 2010 - 2020 Action Outlines 2005 Policy - TARGET Economic Development Goals - Strate2v. Structure PRlORln and Fundin2 Policy - Top Kel' Issues Actions Tilllc I Goals Defimtlon I Dcvelop Short Term Strategy, 06/2005 .., Targeted B usmess for AttractIOn Consultant Contract for 3 City Poilcy' EconomIc IncentIves ServIces 4 RetaIl Busmess Type .., Devclop SpecIfic Work Tasks wIth 06/2005 AttractIon Process Defined Responslbliltlcs and 5 Structure Short Term Tlmcframe Long T enn 3 Develop Mechal11sm for Reportmg 06/2005 6 Overall Strategy to Mayor and CouncIl on 7 Benchmarks Outcome ActIvItIes 8 Busmess RetentIon and Growth 4 Evaluate Long Ternl Structure 12/2005 Strategy OptIons - Development 9 Land Uses at StrategIc LocatIOns Strategy, Include Goals, Benchmark Measures, Targeted Busmesses for Attraction, Busmess RetentIon Program 5 RevIew Approaches Used by Other 12/2005 CitIes - Best PractIces 6 Develop RecommendatIon (Long 12/2005 Term) for Mayor and CIty CounCIl I ResponSIbility' Randy I - - - - - - - - - - - - - Copyright @ 2004 Lyle Sumek Associates. Inc. February 200S 4X - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Strategic Plall 2005 - 2010 - 2020 TARGET Neh!hborhood Revitalization Studv Fundillf.! and PRIORln Implementation Po/iq - Top Kel'/ssues ActiollS Timc I CIty's Role I Complete Focus Groups 04/2005 2. Tools Pohcy Framework 2 Prepare Report WIth 06/2005 3 Emment Domam PolIcy DIrectIon RccommendatlOns (by 4 RecommendatIons. Pnonty Consultants) ActIons 3 CouncIl Study SessIon ReVIew 06/2005 5 Targeted LocatIOns Pnonty for Report ActIon 4 Detenmne DIrectIOn, ActIon 07/2005 6 Fundmg and Resources Pnontles 5 Develop SpeCific ActIOns WIth 08,'2005 Resource RecommendatIOns I Responsiblhty Barb I TARGET 1-70/CabeIa's Proiect and Development PRIORIT\ Po/iq - Top Kel' Isslle.~ Actio11S Timc I AnnexatIon I Dcclde on AnnexatIons 02/2005 ") O.D.P ") Determmc Intenm Zonmg/Revle\\- OS/2005 3 Traffic SolutIon ActIons o D.P 3 Complete COOT 160 I Process [TBA] 4. Final Zonmg, Outline Development Plan (0.0 P ) 08/2005 5 Final Development Plan (F 0 P.) [TBA] 6 Complete NEPA Process 07/2006 I ResponsibIlity- Randy/Alan/Tim I Copyright r<;1 2004 Lyle Sumek Associates, Inc. 49 February 2005 Strategic Plan 2005 - 20 I 0 - 2020 TARGET Capital Investment Plan (CIP) and Fundin2 Strate2v PRIORln Includin2 Storm Water Utilitv Poliq - Top KCI'Issues Actions Time I Project Pnonty I Revle\\< Sales Tax Revenues for 1'\ 04/2005 ') rundmg for Projects Quarter 3 Storm Water Utllily 2. Conduct Pubhc Heanng on Stonn 06/2005 4 Service Level Street Mamtenance Water UtilIty 5 Direction and Fund111g' Major 3 Decide on Stom1 Water Utlhty 06/2005 Street Projects 4 Deten111ne Direction and Fundmg 06/2005 on Master Dramage Study 5 Update 10 Year Capital Plan with 09.'2005 SpeCific RecommendatIons for 2006, Includ111g Major Street Projects and Current Pnontles 6 Dcclde on Streetscape ExtensIOn 092005 West of Harlan (LmK to Capital Plannll1g I Responslbllily' Tim/PatncK I - - - - - - - - - TARGET 1-70 Corridor Vision and Master Development PRIORln Area Plan Policy - Top Kcl' Issues Actions Timc I City'S Role I RevIew and Evaluate NRS 07/2005 2 Boundary for Area RecommendatIOn for 1-70 3 VIsion Comdor, Includmg Definmg 4 Land Uses and Zonmg the 1-70 Comdor Boundanes 5 Process Steps 2. Design VIsl0111ng and Plannmg 07/2005 6 Level of CitIzens, Busmesses and Process with Fundmg/ Property Owner PartIcIpatIon Resource RecommendatIOns 3 Inventory Current Economic 09/2005 Dcvelopmcnt ProJccts and Pnvate Sector ActivitIes (c g. Jolly Rancher) 4 Develop VISIOn 09/2005 5 Develop Area Plan to GUide 03/2006 Future Development I Responsibl IIty' Alan I - - - - - - - - - Copyright (92004 Lyle Sumek Associates, Inc. February 2005 50 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Strategic Plan 2005 - 20 I 0 - 2020 TARGET Comprehensive Plan: Kickoff PRIORIT\ Policy - High Kel'Issues Actions Time I Process for Level and Approach for I RevIew NRS and the Impact on a 08/2005 CItIzen Involvcmcnt ComprehensIve Plan 2 Defimtlon. Scope of ProJect Use of ') Develop the ComprehensIve Plan 08/2005 Stecnng CommIttee Process WIth Steps and Tlmeframes, Costs and Fundmg 3 F mailze the Planmng Process 09/2005 4 Create a Steenng CommIttee 09/2005 5 ImtJate the Process 10/2005 I ResponsibllIty' Alan I TARGET Zonin2 Ordinance Evaluation and Revision PRIORIT\ Poliq' - High Ket'lsslIe.\" Actions Time I Approach Walt for I Staff Revle", Current ZOllmg 06/2005 ComprehensIve or SpecIfic Ordmance and IdentIfy ReVISIOn Conf1lcts, Problcm Areas ') Problem Pnonty ') Present Staff ReVIew at a CouncIl 07'2005 Study SeSSIOn, CouncIl IdentIfy Areas ofConcem and Problems 3 Detenmne DIrectIon. 07/2005 a. Wait for ComprehensIve Plan b Address SpeCIfic Issues 4 Dependmg on DIrectIon, Develop [TBA] a Process, Timeframe and Resources I Responsibl i1ty' Alan I Copyright l(" 2004 Lyle Sllmek Associates, Inc. F ehrllary 2005 51 Strategic Plan 2005 - 2010 - 2020 TARGET Rental Housim! Standards Re2istration and PRIORITY Inspection Pro2:ram Policy - Hi!:" KeJ' Issues Actions Time I Goals I Review "Best PractIces" Used by 04/2005 1. City's Role Other CitIes and Their 3 RegIstratIOn or License PotentIal ApplIcatlOn to Wheat 4 InspectIOn Level/Scope Ridge Frequency ") Incorporate DISCUSSIon 111 N R.S OR/1005 5 Fee Level . Issues 6 Enforcement . Problems 7 PenaltIes . Goals . Parameters 3 Develop Report and PolIcy 09/2005 Framework 4 RevIew and DIrection by Mayor 09/2005 and Clty CouncIl 02/2006 5 Develop Specific program and Implementation Steps, Detemlme Resources, Revenues and Budget 03/2006 6 Develop Community EducatlOn Program [TBA] 7 Implement Program I ResponsibIlIty' Alan I - - - - - - - - - - - - TARGET Re2ional/National Or2anizations Participation - PRIORIT\ Direction and Fundin2 PolilJ' - Hi!:" Kel' Issues Actions Time I Attendance at NatlOnal Conference I Conduct a Study SessIon (Type I) 07/2005 2 Budget Amendment wIth Mayor and CIty CounCll 3 CrIterIa. Which Conference to . Goals Attend . Level of ParticipatIOn 4 Use by Council (Frequency) . Issues 5 Reportll1g Reqmrements . Parameters 2 Develop RecommendatIons, OR/1005 Budget and Policy GUldelll1es on PartIcipation 08/2005 3 DeCIde on Direction I ResponsibIlity' Pam I - - - Copyright 1<';12004 Lyle Sumek Associates, Inc. February 2005 52 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Strategic Plan 2005 - 20 I 0 - 2020 TARGET Lobbvine Proeram: State and Federal Government PRIORln Po/iq - High Kel' b;.\'ues J.f1i!1!!.5. Tillie I Approach State I lnventoryiJdentlfy PotentIal 08/2005 2 Approach. Federal LegIslatlVe Issues ."I Legislative Agenda a. State 4 Budget and Resources b Federal '1 Develop a Leglslal1ve Program 08,'2005 With Recommended Pohcy POSitIons for the Clty of Wheat Ridge a. State b Federal 3 Detem1me Goal, Approach and 0912005 Budget a. State b Federal 4 Detem11l1e DlrectlOn 5 Coordmate Our LegIslatlve 10'2005 " Program With Jefferson 11/2005 County, Other Cltles, and CML I Responsibil1ty- Patnck/Pam I Copyright r.iej 2004 Lyle Sumek Associales. Inc. February 2005 53 SI/'ale~ic Plan 2005 - 20 I 0 - 2020 Action Outlines 2005 Management TARGET Sales Tax: Bud2:et Amendments and Public PRIORITY Education/Marketin2: Pro2:ram Mgllll ~ Top Kel' IsslIes A clions Timc I Budget Amendments I Develop a MarketIng CampaIgn 07/2005 for New I~ ') Develop PublIc EducatIOn 07/2005 Program on Sales Tax, SpecIfic ActIOns, Impact on CItIzens' QualIty of LIfe Staff Develops SpeCIfic Budget Recommendations 3 Staff Develops SpecIfic Budget 09/2005 RecommendatIOns 4 Council DecIdes on 10/2005 Rccommendatlons I ResponsibIlIty' PatrIck I - - - - - - TARGET Police Strate2:ic Plan: Implementation PRIORIT\ Mgml - Top A clions Timc I Develop PolIce StrategIc Plan OS/2005 ') RevIew StrategIC Plan and ActIon 06/2005 Steps from Study SessIOn (T ype lll) 3 Refine the "Commul11ty PolICIng 09/2005 PhIlosophy," IncludIng Core Values and ActIon Steps 4 Il11tmte Selected ActIons [On GOIng] 5 Address PolIce CompensatIon 04/2005 I Responsibility- Dan I - - Lopynghl (~. 2004 Lyle Sumek Associales. Inc. F ehruary 2005 54 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Slralegic Plan 2005 - 2010 - 2020 TARGET Code Enforcement and Compliance Enhancements PRIORITY Hgllll - Top Kel' IsslIes A ('(ions Time I Change Codes I Staff Report Identlfymg Concerns, 07/2005 ') Enforcement Level Problems, SpecIfic LocatIons, 3 CouncIl CommItment and Support SpecIfic Landlords 4 Degree of ProductIvIty ') Conduct counCIl Study SessIOn 08/2005 (Type I) to Focus Concerns, IdentIfy SpecIfic Problem Areas, ProvIde Overall DlrectlOn 3 Staff Develops SpecIfic 08/2005 RecommendatIOns 4 Conduct CouncIl Study SessIOn 09/2005 BrIefing RecommendatIOn (T ype III) 5 Implement RecommendatIOns 01/2006 I ResponsibIllty' Dan/Kersten I TARGET Emplovee Compensation Policy and Plan PRIORITY Mglllt - Top Ker IsslIes Actions Timc I CompensatIOn PolIcy I ReVIew CompensatIOn and Place 07/2005 ') Budget In the Market 2 Develop Recommendation on 07/2005 Changes. a. Polley b. Plan 3 ReVIew RecommendatIon WIth 09/2005 Mayor and City CounCIl 4 DecIde on PolIcy and Budget 10/2005 I Responsibility' Patnck I Copynght @ 2004 Lvle Sumek Associales. Inc February 2005 55 Stralegic Plan 2005 - 2010 - 2020 TARGET Information Technolo2:V Strate2:ic Plan and IT PRIORln Mana2er iHglllt - Top Kel' /sslles Actions Time I Budget I HIre IT Manager 04/2005 ') Evaluate Current SltuatlOn and 08/2005 Assess Needs 3 Develop IT StrategIc Plan 09'2005 I ResponsibilIty' PatrIck I - - - - TARGET Master Plan for Parks and Recreation PRIORln Mglllt-High Ker /ss lies Actions Time 1 Parks Uses 1 DetermIne Scope of Master Plan 07,'2005 ') Park LocatIon and Fundmg RecommendatIon 3 Youth RecreatIon 2. Conduct Study SessIOn to 08/2005 4 Program DIrectIon DeterImne DIrectIon, FundIng, 5 CIty'S Role Time LlI1e 3 Incorporate DIrectIon 111 Budget 10/2005 '06 I ResponsibIlIty' Joyce I - - - - - - -- - - - - - TARGET City Government Business Ima2:e PRIORIT\ M~lIlt-High Actions Time I Conduct Study SessIon Type I 08/2005 IdentIficatlon of Problems 2. Determme DIrectIon 08/2005 3 Develop Action Plan 1 1/2005 I Responsibility- Barb I - - - Copyrighl (~) 2004 Lyle Sumek Associates. Inc. February 2005 56 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Strategic Plan 2005 - 2010 - 2020 TARGET Alternative Revenue Evaluation Study PRIORln Mglllt - High Actions Timc I Present Revenue OptIons 111 Work 07/2005 SessIOn (Type) ') Determll1e DIrectIon on Revenues OK'2005 3 Develop a "De BruclI1g" Plan 03/2006 I ResponsibIlIty PatrIck I TARGET Candidates/New Council Orientation Pro2:ram PRIORITY Mglllt-High Ker /sslIes Actions Time I Electlons Procedures for CandIdates I ElectIOn Calendar and Candldate 08/2005 ') TransltIon and ContInUIty for New OrIentatIon CouncIl ') Coordll1ate WIth Departments 09/2005 3 New CouncIl OrIentatIon Series 11'2005 4 New Council Retreat: StrategIc 01/2006 Plan/VlslOn I RcsponsibIllty' Pam I Copyright @ 2004 Lyle Sumek Associales, Inc. February 2005 57 Strategic Piau 2005 - 20 I 0 - 2020 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - CllPyrighl cg 2004 Lyle Sumek Associates. lnc February 2005 5~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - COMMUNITY PROFILE & BUDGET PROCESS The CIty of Wheat Ridge mall1tall1S a rIch history that began 147 years ago WIth the Gold Rush of I X5G In I X59, \;Vheat RIdge servcd as a respIte for mll1ers on theIr way to seck. theIr fortunes 111 the gold msh bo- nanza oft cntral CIty and Georgetown. Millers would stop 111 thls area to rcst before their bIg push mto the mountall1 gold camps. Scnator Ilenry Lee rcmarkcd that when travelers passcd through our area along thc Overland TraIl, they passed through rIdgcs whcre wheat was 1:,rrown. Hence, the deSIgnation of our Clt) 's name - Wheat Rldge When unable to "strIke 1t1lch," the gold I11mers returned to theIr roots as fanners. and moved to the area to hl1ln the rIeh, fertile soil The establIslIment ofa permanent commumty bcgan 'Nlth the orgalllzatlon ofa school dIstrIct 111 Wheat RIdge Il1 I X67 School records Il1dlCale Ihat there were approxnnately 20 resldents at thIS tl1lle. As the com- mUl11ty 1:,rrew and wheat tields were converted to fnut orchards and vegetable tie Ids, rcsldents ti'om Denver would Joumey west Il1 the fall to purchase theIr pro- duce at renowned frUIt and, egetable stands. As the years pro1:,rressed \vheat, orchards and vegetable hmn- mg gave way to the estabhshl11ent of1:,rreenhouses and the largest productIon ofcarnatlOns 111 the world, hOIll whIch came the deSIgnatIOn "CarnatIon City" All car- natlOlb grown1tl the area were patented and recog- nlLed world WIde tlW theIr mtense cmnamon essence. DUrIng the 1':160 's. a bouquet oftresh carnatIons was dclIvered to thc WhIte House m Washmgtlln, D C e\ cry Monday mOf11mg and dlsplaycdm thc tront toyer WIth a card statmg: "With complImcnts to our natlon's capItal, Wheat RIdge Colorado, CamatlOn CIty" The Camahon Festnal was establIshed 36 years ago to celcbrate and honor thc mdush)' 's accomplIsh- mcnts wIth1l1 the commumty The City of Wheat RIdge covers nInC square 1111les centrally located m the Dcnver Metro area. Thc CIty of Lak.ewood IS located on thc south border, the CIty and County of Denver IS on thc cast, the City of Arvad a IS to the north. and to the west IS thc City ofCiolden. The populatIon for the City llfWheat Ridge IS 32,022 resldcnts, and ser\es as the homc ofapproxnnately 1 ,XO_~ busmcsses. Smce 1990, tlIe total population of Wheat Ridge has mcreased by approxnnately 9 per- cent. The medIan age t(1t the City ofWhcat RIdge lS 40 wltlI 19 percent of the populatIon ovcr 65 Forthe population 25 years and over, 55 percent lIave some level of college education, With 25 perccnt hav1l1g a bachelor's degree or higher The medIan household mcome Il1 2000 was $3X,9X3 Thcrc arc approxI- mately 14,160 houselIolds Il1 Wheat Rldgc, WIth 55 percenl ofthe households bCll1g owncr-occuplcd. The a\erage sel1mg prIce for homes III Wheat RIdge III 2002 was approxImately 'l230.000 \Vheat Ridge and Bordering City Population Demographics Wheat Ridge Population 29 1970 19RO 1990 2004 City 1990 2004 1990-2004 Population Population Change Anada S Q.2 35 I D2.6 5 5 13 10..0 Denver 467 biD 572.S62 IS 4 Oil) Gold en 13 1\6 17.7 OX 25 1..)0'(1 Lakewood 126,4XI 145.532 13 I" " Vv heal Ridge 29 419 "I' 022 X 10'0 SOllrce {'.5. ( ('IISIIS Bllreall, ( eliI'llI' ]()()(i LJRl O(y ( Ol1ll1lllllill" Pmfiles 5'1 Community Pm/ill' & Budget PI'II(,l'ss Median Household Income ",{'Iada pen>let Golden ._e>llood \ Ridge \.3" 'JII"e3 Race ..... 80% :ii 60% ~ 40% ~ 20% 0% O'/> <:,,'15 '?' ",' ,,'" <:)'" "," d' "c; ",0 (:,0 ",,'" y'/> f1>'" ~c; w ",'" ~ lEI White 11II Black lEI Asian D Hispanic 11II Other Age 80% - 60% t: ., u 40% ~ ., 20% a. 0% 0'1> i- <!,'Ii ~ '?' Qru ru~ 00 ~ru 2t<:> ~o 0C; o t/tru ~ v ~,<:-ru I lEI Under 5 11II5-19 lEI 20-44 1E145-64 11II65+ I Source L .S. C el/SUs Bureau. Census 2()()(J 60 Education (25+) _ 80% ~ 60% ~ 40% ., 20% a. 0% O'/> (>'Ii '?' ru' ,;. ,3<' 00 ",0 ~<O ",'Ii <0" "c; (:,0 <0 0<:$ ~ 1>- ",<0 ~ lEI No High School D Some College 11II Grad Degree 11II High School D BS/BA Degree - LOCATION AND CLIMATE - The CIty 's ccntrallocatlon allows for easy access to three Intcrstatc hIghways, 1-25, 1-70 and 1-76 Wheat RIdge IS l11mutes mvay frol11 Colorado \ state hIgh- way systcm. Thc limon PacIfic Rail LlI1es 11m through \Vheat Ridge\' lI1dustrIal area along the 1-70 comdor 'iupportmg easy raIlroad acccss to manufacturcrs. Colorado \, Rocky Mountams arc Just ml11utes away - - - - - - Whcat Rldgc"s chmatc IS charactcrIzed as mIld and sunny WIth 10\\ humidIty The CIty averages 1945 mches oframt:tll and ~5 X lI1ches ofsnowt:tll per ycar. - - - LEISURE IN \\ HEAT RIDGE \\; Ithll1 thc nmc square miles ofWhcat RIdge, the City maIntams 23 parks and 250 acrcs of open spacc, the \Vhcat RIdge Greenbelt. Thc fivc nule regional Clear Creek trail runs through the grcenbelt conncctIng to traIl systems on the east and west. The Greenbelt contams four lakes, a three-mlle crusher fine traIl through a conservation arca and a fully outfitted play- ground for the phYSically challcnged. - Wheat Ridge RecreatIon ('enter IS a 70,000 square tcmt tacillty that proVIdes a varIety of am em tiCS to mcct the needs ofa diverse conunul1lty All agcs arc able to enJoy the leisure/lap pools, the titness area and take part 111 a varIety of classes and programs. Busmesscs and prIvatc partles are able to rent state-of-the-art rooms at the RecreatIon Center - COlllll/lmi(r Profile & BllIlgel Process Sel110rs can take advantage of the spcCIal events, trIpS and classes that arc offered at the Wheat RIdge Sc- 1ll0r(COmmumty Center ThIs facilIty also has rental rooms aVaIlable to the publIc - <\ regIstered histOrIC place. the RIchards Hart Estate IS a beauuful1) restored VictorIan ManSIon Ideal for meetmgs. company partIes and weddmg rcceptlClns. The Estate IS located on three acres oflandscaped gardens and park area. - - The CIt) IS also home to the u11lque Sod House and museum located 111 thc \\!heal RIdge HIstOrIC Park - - Communit~ Event Calendar Bike to Work Dav CamatlOn FestIval Chnstm<Ls Llghtlllg Ceremony June August Decembcr - - - - - GOVERNMENT Al\D ORGANIZATlOl\ The CIty ofWhea\ RIdge was lIlcorporated 111 19h9 On November 2. 1976. the cItIzens of\Vhcat RIdge voted for the creatIon of a Home Rule Charter Com- mISSIon and select cd a dIverSIfied b'rouP of cItIzens to draft a propo~ed Charter The twenty-one elccted membcrs ofthe Chaner C ommlSSlon submItted to the voter~ of the CIty then' proposed Home Rule Chaner whIch Vla~ apprQ\ ed on Fcbruary 21, 197X - - - - - - - - [n 1996 thc chartcr was amended by the voters to provldc for the CUlTent Council-Manager tom1 of go v- emment. The Mayor preSIdes ovcr counCIl meeungs and possesscs the power of\' eto The Mayor shall be the rccogmzed head of the city govemmcnt fIX all legal and ceremomal purposes and shall be the con- servator of the peace - - - - - - The CIty Council IS estabhshed as the polIcy-makmg legislatIve body ofthe CIty The Councd consIsts of eIght members WIth two members clected from each oftcJUr dlStrICtS. Thc Councd appomts CItizens to all boards and commIssIons on an equal rcpresentatlOn baSIS. - - - - The nghts of the people havc bcen retamed through power~ ofrccalL mltmtlvc and refcrcndum. EDUC \ TIONAL OPPORTLN 11'\ Wheat RIdge IS part ofthe Jefferson County School "ystem. The Jefferson <. ounty R-I School Dlstnct IS natIOnally recogl11zed for havmg some of the hIghest eqtl1valency test scores m the nation for grades one tlIrough twelve. TlIere IS one IIlgh schooL two middle schools, and seven elemcntary schools servmg the W11eat RIdge commumty The Ul11verslty of Colorado at Boulder and Denver. tlIe UmversIty of Denver. Colorado School ofMmes, and C U Health SCIences C enter are wlth1l1 easy ac- cess of Wheat RIdge Both the Red Rocks Commu- tlIty College mam campus 111 Lakewood and the Arvada campus are wIth1l1 mInutes onVheat RIdge. WHEAT RIDGE'S ECONOMIC PROFILE Independent commercIal development has been at the core of Wheat RIdge 's eXI~tence stnce 1859 The \Vheat RIdge Post Officc was cstablIshed m 1913 to support the agrIcultural commerce and small busl- ncsses m the area. \Vheat Ridge \ commercial suc- cess has contll1ued to grovv and wIll bc the mamstay ofthe commu11Ity for the future. The Wheat Rldgc City CouncIl has recently mvested 111 two bcautlficatlOn proJects. Thc first IS on West 29th Avenuc and the second]s on West 38th Avenue between Shendan and Harlan. The Council bcheves that Its ltlvestment will proVIde a pertect el1Vlronment for growth of establIshed bus messes and busmesses lIlterested 111 movmg mto our area. 61 Commlllli(r Profile & Blld~et Process Occupations of Wheat Ridge Residents Other ** Wholesale Tradc 1100 Constmctlon 700 Manutacturmg X" " 40'0 Retail ~ :no'o Scrv Ices 4100 finance. Insumnce & Real E,tatc 400 **(}rlk"" ognl'ldlllre IUI1lSPUr!dli()l1, l OllllHlInic ...l1imls, pllhli( lftilif;cl,- (/~riclllrun' (~ mining and m;s{'cl!wICOl(s, ~()lIrce {.s. (ellSIIS Bureall. Celis liS :'Iilili Major '''heat Ridge Employers Wheat Rldge Cyclery and A.ppleJUck LIquors are two natIOnally recogl1lzed busmesses located 111 Wheat RIdge Some top BIO Medical and other technology compallles 111 thc Whcat Rldgc area mclude UTI StargUldc, LJtc-Loc Inc. McKlllley MedIcaL Pasco Laboratory. Rcsource Develop- ment, The Industrial Laboratones, FClgcr Hcalth Research Center, Forcc Equals Mass TUlles Exceleratlon, GeneThera, Inc., Rocky Mounta1l1 Heart A.ssocratlOn, Western Urological AssoCIa- tion, AUO, Arc Wireless. Starworks Technology, Aspen Systems, Bycrs Peak and Geochcmlcal TechnologIes Corp Wheat Rldge serves as home base for the Exempla Lutheran Medical Center. wInch has 420 lIcensed beds and sees approxl- mately 21 ,000 mpatlents and 190,000 outpatIents per year Some of the largest employers wlthm the CIty of Wheat RIdge 1I1elude' Exempla Lutheran MedI- cal Center. Rocky Mounta1l1 Bottl1l1g Company, Terracon, Inland Contamer CorporatIOn. M-E Eng1l1eenng, V Structural, Arc Wireless, Gash E1eetnc and KaIser Permanente 62 TRANSPORTATIOl\ Wheal Rldge"s mass transit needs arc met by the RegIOnal TransportatIon Dlstnct (RTD) The Whcat RIdge park-n-Rlde IS located at 1-70 and \vard Road. The park-n-Rlde allows commuters casy access to downtown DCI1\ cr. the Dcnver Tcch l enter and l30ulder 2005 BUDGET PROCESS The City of Wheat Rldge's budget dcvelops thc wadmap necessary for provldmg programs and se!,\'lccs to the CItizens of Wheat Rldge The ( tty CouncIl and City statl put a great deal of effort and tlme mto preparIng thc annual budget. The CIty annually develops a budget process that 1l1- eludcs conSIderable staff partlclpatlOn from all deparImcnts and CIty CounCIl dIrection and mput concclTllllg key polIcy areas. The publIc has the opportul1lty to partIClpate WIth comments, con- cerns or budget requests durmg two publIc meet- mgs and a public hear1l1g prIor to adoptIon of the budget. - - - - - - - - - - - - Budget Calendar The budget process spans a great portIon of the year Thc followlllg summarIzes thc 2005 budgct schedule - - - - Fc!JrUWT CIty CouncIl StrategIc Plannmg Rctreat - - April Departmcnt DIrectors and Imd-level manager's strategIc plann1l1g workshop JUlie' . CIty Council, Department Directors and mld- level managers' strateglc planl1lng workshop DIstribute budget packet 111structions to depart- ments PublIc meetmg on 2006 budgct - - Jul\' Pubhc meetlllg on 2006 budget - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - CO/U/UI/lli(l' Profile & Blld);ct Process ell/gl/st Deadlll1e for ~llbmlttal of 2006 department budgct requests and 200S budget estnnates . Cltv Manager Budoet Officer rc\'l<;?\\ budget '" ...... c '- 5,'cl'lciJ1hcr DIstnbute proposed budget to CIty CouncIl Public heanng on 2()()() proposed budget and capItal pwgwl11 Oc!oher 2006 Budget Appropnatton ResolutIon Adop- t 1l1l1 ''l/o\'clIlher. Dccemher fInalIze budget document for pnntmg . DIstribute Budget to CIty CouncIl, et. a!. Legal Requirements The City ofWlIeat Rldge's CIty CouncIl and staff adheres to the followmg legal reqUlrements pur- suant to the CIty Charter (Chapter 10). SectIOn 10 I The fiscal:, ear of the CIty and all Its agencIes shall begm on the first day ofJanuary and end on the thirty-first day of December of each year SectlOll 10.2 Pnor to the begmnmg of each fis- cal year. the CIty admll1lstratlOn shall prepare and submlt to the CouncIl a recommended budget for the next fiscal year and an accompanymg mes- sage. Section 10.3 The City admtmstratlOn message shall explam the budget both in fiscal tem1S and 111 tel111S of the work programs. SectlOn 10 4 Thc budget shall provldc a com- plete financIal plan of all mUl11clpal funds and ac- tIvItles tor the next fiscal year and, except as re- qUIred by ordmance or thIS charter, shall be m such form as the CIty admmlstratlOn deems deSIrable or the CounClI may reqUIre SectIOn 10.5 Thc total of the proposed expendi- tures shall not exceed the total of csttmated rev- enue Sectton I () 6 The (Ity adl11l11lstratlOn, wlth such assIstance as the Counctl may dIrect, shall pre- pare and submIt to the CouncIl a long-range capI- tal program, simultaneously wlth the recom- mended budget. SectlOn 10 7 A public heanng on the proposed budget and proposed capItal program shall be held before ItS final adoptl(lll at such tnne and place as the Counctlmay dIrect. SectIon lOX After the publIc hcarIng, the Coun- CIl may adopt thc budget WIth or WIthout amend- ment SectJon 109' Thc Councll shall adopt the budget by resolutIOn on or before the tinal day establIshed by the statute tor the certification oftbe next year's tax levy to the county SectlOn 10 10' AdoptlO1l of the budget by Coun- cIl slIall constitute approprIatlolls of the amounts speCIfied there1l1 as eXpendlnIreS from the funds II1dieated and shall constItute a levy of the prop- erty tax therem proposed. Scctlon 10 II Dunng the month of July, and as otten as the CounCIl may rcqum:, the admlll1stra- hon shall present a budget statu~ and forecast re- port to the CIty Counctl WIth any recommenda- tIons for remedial actIon SectIOn 10 12 Amendments after adoptIon. SectIOn 10 13' Every appropnatIon, except an ap- propnatlOIl for a capItal expendIture fund or spe- CIal fund. shall lapse at the close of the fiscal year to thc extent that lt has not been expended or en- cumbered. SectIOn 10 14 Coples of the budget and capital program as adopted shall be publIc records and shall be made avaIlable to the pubhc 111 the CIty Clerk's ot1ice. 'Section 10.15 Anmdepcndent certJtlcd audIt shall be madc of all (It) accounts annually, and more frequently If deemed necessary by the counCIl 63 (ommuni(r Profile & BIIJ~et Process 2006 4dopted Budget 64 - - - - - - - RCI'l'llIleS & Expl'nditures Sum/ll/IIJ' BudKet Summary By Fund BUDGET SUMMARY BY FUND Beginning Funds Fund Balance + Rewnues Expenses Balance Available - (1/1/06) (12/31/06 ) - Operating Fund<; - (icncral $6.757.660 + $~4. 733. 759 S3 I .491 419 $25.X 11.'l41 $5,679,478 Total Operating Funds $6,757,660 + $24,733,759 $3 \,49 \,419 $25,811,941 $5,679,478 - Fund Balance Percl'llfUKC 22.()% - - Capital Fund<; Capitalln\cstmcnt Program $3.9459'lO + S3.X30.(X)O - $7 775 990 S7,765,OOO $10,990 - Total Capital Funds $3,945,990 + $3,830,000 $7.775,990 $7,765,000 $10,990 - - Special Rewnue Funds Police Investlgation $14.ll45 + SIOO $14.145 $X.795 $5J'iO - Opcn Spacc $257.652 + $900.250 ~ $1.157.902 $I.l4X,115 $'l.7X7 - \1unicipal Court $3X.XXO + $39.500 $7XJXO $62. ](Xl $16.2XO Richards Hart Eslale $54.%4 + $57.500 $112.464 S65,O<Xl $47.464 - Scnior $16.(l46 $12.600 $~X.646 $27 JOO $1,346 + - Conservallon Trust $~50.X55 + S37X,()()O $62X.X55 S465.000 $163,X55 Hotc1Motcl S114.536 + $23 7.500 $352J)36 S351.X67 $169 - Recreation l cntcr Opcrations S2.402.4 70 + $2.0X7.766 $4.490.236 $~,339.lJ64 $2.150.272 - Total Special Rewnue Funds $3,149,448 + $3,713,216 $6.862,664 54,468,141 $2~,94.523 - Total Operating Funds $6.757.660 + S24, 733. 75'l $31491.419 S25.X 11.941 $5.67'l47X - Total Capital Fund<; S3.945,'l90 $3.X30.000 $7,775990 S7 765.000 $10.990 + - Total Special Rewnue Fund<; $3 149,44X + $3.713.216 $6.X6~.664 $4.461-:.141 S2,394.523 (Less Transfers) SO + ($3.450.000) ($3.450.000) ($3.450,000) SO - GRAl'Il) TOTAL $13.853,098 + $28,826.975 $42,680.073 $34,595,082 $8,084,991 - - - - - - - - - - - 65 Rel'enlles & E\}Jenditllres SI/11//lIU1T General rund Rel'enlles GENER-\L FUND REVENUES 2004 2005 2005 2006 "-etual Adjusted Estimated Adopted SALES TAXES Sales Tax S5.012.377 SI5.901.932 S 14.687.232 S14.687232 Audil Revenue <;(J SO SI75.0(J(J S275.000 ESTlP S20.6(KI S75JKKI $70.0m S70.000 \VRURA S20161 S'IO(KK) S250 O(J(J S250.(KKI TOTAL S5.053.138 S 16.066.932 S 15,1 82.232 S 15.282.232 OTHERT"-XES Real Prope11y Tax S677.88'1 $675JXJO S690.0(J(J S7OO.()()() Liquor Occupational Tax S67,606 S60.lXKJ S60.lllKI S61.()(J(J Auto Ownership Tax S74.488 S78.lXKJ S70.000 S70.000 Xcel FranchIse Tax SI.062.1'13 SI.lX)O.OOO S l.200,O(XI S 12(XJ.OOO Telephone Occllpalion Tax S248,824 $270.lXXJ S245.0m S245,OOO Lodgers Tax S374.844 S375,(KKl S400JJ(XJ S4(K).mO - Admissions Amusement Tax S45343 S45 (J(KI S44 om S44 (KK) - TOTAL S2.551 187 S2.503.(J()O S2.70'l.OOO S2.720.000 USE TAXES ProfessionaLRelall S567.550 SI200.lJ()O S I.lXJo.om S l,(X)().OOO Building S318,312 $460.5(K) S500.0m <;4(K).lKXJ - Aulo S820 386 SI275(J(JO S 1.170 O(K) S I 100 000 TOTAL Sl 706.248 S2.'I35.500 S2.670,OOO S2.5(J(l,OOO LICENSE REVE:'IiUES Amusement Machine License SIO,380 S'I700 $lO.4m S 10,800 Arborist License S2.330 SI7(J() S9m S1.6(J() Contractors License S72,93I "58.0m S75.0(J() S65.(KKl LIquor License Fee S12,638 "12.(KKl SI1.5oo SI2.lKK) Building Pemlils S475.637 S315,( KKl S4(K).O(J(l S318,()(J(J Street C ul Penmls S40.113 S47,(KJ() S50.(J(J(J S55,OOO Cable TV Pennits S262.503 $250.(KK) S260.(J(Kl S260,<KKl Elevalor Inspeclion Fecs S 13.5'16 SI4.5(K) SI2.0(KI SI7.600 Busmess License r ees S7I205 S72()(J(J $77.(J(J() S75 (X)() TOTAL S96lJ33 $779l)(KI S896.8m S815.()(J(J INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE CigarctIe Tax S 177,52'1 $165,()(J(J SI25.(J(XJ SI20.()(J(J County Road and Bridge $467.191 $5(x).(xKl $475,{XXJ S475.0m Highway Users Tax S916263 $914.lKK) S831.()(J(J S827.402 Motor 'vehicle Regislralion S 106,672 $I05.lXKl SIOx'()(J(J SIIO.(XJ(l Wheat Ridge Fire Department S28,4OO S2K4(J() S28.4(X) S28.4(J() Police - Bulletproof Vest Granl S2.090 S8.l122 SIO.()(J(J S3.5(J(1 Police - Get Connected Grant S777 SO $1,442 SO PolIce - JAlBG Grant S14.704 $12243 $12234 9J Police - LAS 1 Granl S3.011 SO 9J W Police - HlDTA Granl $3.752 S lO.lXKJ S631 9J Colorado Home Garden Grant SO S5.lJ(J() S5.(XK) ~l Police - Bryne Grant ~) 9J S30.'I68 S30.000 PolIce - OCDEFT Speed Trap OT S3.822 9J $0 $0 Police - LLEBG S27.825 S 10.525 SO 9J Scienllfic & Cultural Grant S78(J(J S38m SQ .:i:U TOT <\I S1.75n36 S \.761.990 S 1.627,675 S \ .5l)4,302 66 - Revet/lies & Expel/ditures SlIlIImU/T Gel/erul FlIl/d !level/lies 2004 2005 2005 2006 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted SERVICES Zoning Applications M7.952 530,Om "160.000 S35,OOO PlannIng Reimoursement Fees M,IXI 52.400 S4.(K1O S3.CKlO Engineering Fees 512,953 514.(XX) SI5,(XXJ S14.500 Misc Zonmg Fees 52,632 5L5(KI S3.000 S l,5(X) Plan Re\le'A Fees S120,673 S 1 00.000 SI50.(m SI20,(KXJ Pavillon:Park Renlal Revenue S22.1XX S2 LOOO S2UXXl 52Lom '\lhleties Revenue 5%,139 S113.035 5105,(KXI S!OO.OOO Gcn. Prog. Revenue ~I SO $0 SX3.500 Anderson Building Revenue 5K3R3 S7,340 $7,340 5X,(XlO P&R Damage 'Security Deposils \;46220 S452(Xl S40,OOO S42,(XJO Communily l enter Revenue 5 102.ROR SI13,700 S99,X72 SIOO,275 Outdoor Swimming Fees MX,311 S53.447 546,1 m: 540.lKXl Police Fces SI94 ~I SO SO Police Report I-ees 514.661 514,500 S15,OOO SI5,(XXJ Police Record Check Fees 5640 $500 5530 S450 - Pawn Shop LIcense Fees SlOmO 5 lO.OOO 5 lO,(KXJ $IO,(XKl - Pawn Shop Ticket Fees 519,610 SIX,(XKI SI7.500 S17.500 Police Alarm Fees "2,350 S4 .9(x) SO SO - Police Fingerprinl Fees 53,330 S3.000 S3,370 $3.400 - Sex (mender Regislralion 52. no SL900 S2,320 $2,700 Police Drug Destruclion Fees "RCKl <;4iX I S5(X) S5(XI Insurance C onlinualion Fees S459 S400 Sl56 S2(XJ - Police Duly Reimoursement S71 755 $50.000 540.000 S50,OOO TOTAL S63K959 5605,222 S740,696 S661>.525 - - F1:\1ES& FORFEITURES MUl11clpal Court Fines S522.653 snx,(XXJ S500,000 S700,OOO - Handicap Parking Fees SI20 sno $6lXJ $7m - TOTAL S522,773 5nKnO S5m,6m $700,700 - INTEREST - Inleresl Earnings SI19X76 $] 10.000 $150 (xlO SIXO.OOO TOTAL S119,X76 511O.0(x) SI50.000 S] XO.(XXJ - OTHER Cable Peg Fees S42.572 $42.(XXl S42.0(x) S40,OOO - Pass porI Proccssmg Fee S2.676 S2,(XXl $R,OOO $X,OOO - Miscellaneous Income 5225 563 5150000 5225 000 $225 (xlO TOTAL S270$11 S194.000 S275,(lOO S273,()(lO - - Total General Fund $13,584,161 $25,685,264 $24,752,003 $24,733,759 67 Revenues & Expenditures SUl1ll1lwy General Fund Revenues 2004 2005 Actual Adjusted Transfer Payments FromCIP SI,9XO,467 9,) hom Open Space S615 (XX) S579650 Total $2,595 467 S579.650 Total Rewnues (including transfers) $ 16. I 79.62R S26.264.914 Residual Transfers 9,) SO Fund Balance Carryover S6 263 ~61 S5674,453 Total Carryover 5>6.263,261 $5,674.453 Total Funds Available S22.442.XX9 S31 ,939.367 2005 Estimated $0 S579650 S579,650 $25,331.653 S45 5>5426,199 55.426.244 S30.757.XY7 68 2006 Adopted SO .:i!! $0 S24.733.759 so $6 757,660 $6,757,660 5>31.491,419 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- Revenlles & Er:penditllres SlIlI1l11l1r)" (ieneral FlInd Er:l'enditllres Legislative LegislatI\e Services Total - City Mana::er's Office CIty Manager Economic Developmenl C ommunily <'uppurt Total - - - Ci~ Attorney City Attorney Total - - - City Clerk's Office Cily Clerk Total - - - City Treasurer C ily Treasurer Total - - - - Central Charges Central Charges Total - - - Municipal Court Municipal Court Total - - - Administrative Services Administration Finance Human Resources Sales Tax Purchasing and Conlracting Information Technology Total - - - GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES 2004 2005 2005 2006 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted 5124.460 5160722 5159 022 $193207 "\124.460 5160.722 5159.022 $143207 $228.686 $263.942 5263.942 5310.477 $306,324 $562.505 S617255 5235.580 542,354 5166458 $157234 577 360 5627,364 $lJ92.905 51.038.431 5623.417 5n3214 5283214 S310 500 5310.500 5310500 5310.500 5300 500 $300.500 5176,314 5176,3 14 5203.466 5203.466 5193.466 5143466 5210233 5210.233 532119 5321]4 S31 794 531.744 532 239 532134 532393 532,393 52.142.908 52.142.908 52.454598 $2.454.598 52294.640 S2.244.640 $2547.108 $2.547. lOX S483.IM '483.1M 5538 714 5538.714 5528 122 5528.122 $600 46! $600.462 $160.887 $]70.381 5333.621 5118.373 565.138 5858.314 $1,706,714 $173.644 $179.902 5327.1 84 5171.904 $68.098 $1.081.617 S2JlO2.354 <; 173.344 5179,902 5301.061 S170.193 $67.998 5lJ98 ()l)7 51.890,640 5203.652 5194.457 S385.M2 $187.959 573.851 51.202225 52147.586 69 Rel'enues & Expenditures SU11IfllUl:!' General Fund Expenditures 2004 200S 2005 2006 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted Community Development Administralion 5160.401 5274.208 527 1,858 5234,642 Planmng 5177.615 51lJ5,873 518K848 52lJ8,838 Building 5232,{}lJlJ 5203 525 5203 525 5"0 5lJ8 Total 5570.115 5673.606 $664.231 $754.078 Police Department Administralion 5724.226 5674,55lJ 5670j98 $733.860 Commumty ServIces Unit 5163,834 5179.211 5179.211 $243.574 CommunicatIons 5548.072 5840,688 5608,63lJ 5703.778 - School Resource Officer 50 50 SO 5149.846 - Records Seclion 5188.652 5224.987 5224.987 5248.745 Traming 5113.85lJ 5177.234 5177.234 5]92,371 - Patrol 52J67,808 52,816,341 52.765.938 $3.088.268 - InvestIgations 51,OI5.lJ43 $1.128.206 51,089.274 51.320.092 Traffic Enforcement $28lJ.539 5242.039 5226,092 5398.968 - Speciallnvesligations 5230.394 5247.485 S234,340 5258,362 - Emergency Operalions 518280 $29.479 529 479 S20 600 Total 55,660,607 56.560.22lJ 56.205.792 57.358.464 - - Public "'orks Department - Admmistration 51 ]9.980 S 125.062 5125.051 5142.886 - Engineering 5724.503 5955,8] 3 5844,000 5925.357 OperatIOns 5 1.799 .135 52.433.312 5'.4'9312 52.336.594 - Total <;2.643.618 <;3.514.1 87 53.3lJ8.363 53.404,837 Parks and Recreation Department - Administration 5174.497 5]85,6]9 5184,809 5203,601 Recreation 5153.7]3 5188.791 5176.592 5200.525 - Parks Maintenance 51,081.114 51.197,658 5 1,186,663 51,022.917 - F oreslry 5222.449 5316.189 5306,851 5239.796 Open Space 5134.196 5160,915 S139,590 5115.297 - Anderson Building 574.325 574,771 572.308 586.480 Athletics 5140.920 5174.535 5159.787 5169.743 General Programs SO 9) SO 5170.557 Outdoor Pool $66.751 51OlJ.040 587.936 599.417 Senior.'Communily Center 5306,833 5362.470 $358.426 $4 lO.858 Building Mamtenance 5299468 5330707 $336 829 $370,465 Total 52,654.266 53.100.695 53.009.791 53.089,656 - Total General Fund 517.1 04,943 S20.543 ,770 5IlJ,725.237 521.361,941 Transfers 9) $4.275,000 54.275.000 S4.450.000 Total General Fund w/Transfers 517.104,943 $24.8] 8.770 S24,OOO.237 525.811.941 70 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - LEGISLATIVE SERVICES Overview: Compnsed of the Mayor and elght nn Coun- cil Members. two (. ouncIl iVlembers represcnt- lllg cach geographic Councll DistrICt. Serve as the legIslatIve and polIcy-makll1g hody ofthc CIty of Wheat RIdge 1\1 a (. ouncll- Manager form of gO\ emment. Adopt laws, ordlllances and resolutIons Appoll1t the City Manager, CIty Attorney and MUl11C1pal Court Judges. Appol\1t members of the commu11Ity h) CIty Hoard and CommIssions and encouragc com- mUl11ty outreach andmvolvemcnt. Hold regular. special, and study sessIon meet- lngs Mayor sIgns all offiCIal documents and agree- ments on behalf of the CIty 2005 Achievements: Contmued to encourage publIc Il1volvement through regular meetmgs, dlstnct meetmgs, Boards and CommIssIons, Open House Meetll1gs, and a Town MeetIng. Ma111talned focus on rede\elopment opportu111tles. . Contll1ued to mamtam a vIsIon and strategIc plan process. Malllta1l1ed focus on redevelopment opportul11tJes. Completed Neighborhood ReVitalIzatIOn Study, adopted 9 strategies and began implemcntatlon of Wheat Rldgc l02l) 2006 Objectives: Mamtam ViSIon and Strategle Plan process goals and objectIVes. Contmue implementatlOn of Wheat RIdge 2020 and strategy, structure and fundmg of economic development goals. Develop and lI11plement a CIty PolIcy Agenda and Lobbymg Program. TranSItion and OrIent newly elected Mayor and Councll members. Partlclpate 111 tra1l1111g, profeSSIOnal development and nctworkmg opportu11ltles. Contmue to facIlItate a strong partnershIp between the CIty and Commumty Total Budget by Object 2004 2005 2005 2006 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted Personnel Services $73.405 $72,857 $72,857 $72,857 Materials & Supplies $2,493 $3,940 $3,940 $3,143 Other Services & Charges $48,562 $83,925 S82,225 $117,207 Capital Outlay $0 SO $0 $0 TOTAL S 124,460 $160,722 $159,022 $193,207 71 Legislatil'e Sen'ices O/-[(J:! Total 20116 Budget by Object Other ServIces & Charges 6()"" There are dozens of op- portunitIes to particIpate 111 CJty government through work on vanous Boards and Commlssions appol11ted by the Mayor and CIty CouncIl. 72 Personnel Services 38"'" MaterIals & SupplIes 20'0 - - - - - - - - - CITY ATTORNEY - 0, erview: Counsel and advIse the CIty CouncIl, CIty Manager, Boards and CommlsslOns, and De- partment Dlrcetors on the legal ImplIcatIOns of contemplated polJcy and admll1lstratlve decIsions. Detem1InC legal means to Implement CIty polI- cIes. Represent the Cay Il1 lItIgatIon Il1 state and federal courts and before local and state ad- mmlstratlve ageneles. Prepare and revIew Clty ordll1ances and con- tracts. Conduct legal trall1ll1gs and other cducatlOn programs related to laWSUIt aVOIdance Prosecute CIty Code VIOlatIons Il1 MUl11clpa] Court. - - - - - - - - - - 2005 Achkvcments: Completed agreements for annexatlOn and Il1ltlal zonll1g of the Cabela's proJect. Created numerous ordmances on request, II1cludll1g those addressll1g nOIse, no proof of Il1surance, snO\\/Ice, and settmg an electIon to amend the home rule charter. - - - - - - - - Prepared legal memoranda on request. Defended lItIgatIOn 111volv111g the Clty, Il1cludll1g that agall1st Wheat Rldge Urban Renewal Authonty FaCIlItated Councll 's regular reVlew ofthe CIty Manager ReVIsed CIty'S computer and E-maIl polICIes. Conducted trall1ll1g for Board of Adjustment and Plannll1g CommISSIOn. Drafted varIOUS Il1tergovemmental agreements on request, Il1cludll1g prIsoner transport; West Metro, Wheat RIdge FIre Dlstnct. Prosecuted enforcement of sales tax and LIquor Authonty cases. 2006 Objectives: ProVIde legal scrvlces wlthll1 budget. . Conduct rcgular tra111111g for members of Plann111g CommlSSlon and Board of Adjustment. Complete work necessary to finalIze PCD and related financ111g agreements for Cabela's development. Conduct new CouncIl Member/Mayor trall1ll1g. . ASSIst WIth ImplementatlOn of the NeIghborhood RevItalIzation ProJect, II1cludll1g formatIon of nonprofit corporatlon. Total Budget by Object 2004 2005 2005 2006 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted Personnel Services $0 $0 $0 $0 Materials & Supplies $0 $0 SO $0 Other Services & Charges $283,214 $310,500 $3 10,500 $300,500 Capital Outlay $0 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL $2R3,214 $310,500 $310,500 $300,500 - - - - - - - - - - 73 City 4.uII/'Iley 0 I-I 0 ~ Total 2006 Budget b~ Object Other ServIces & Charges 10000 Gerald DahL City Attomey, speab Spal11sh 74 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Central Charges 0/-6/0 CENTRAL CHARGES - Overview: Reflects medIcaL dental. hfe and dIsabilIty 111- surance benefits for employees budgeted 111 the Gcneral Fund. Oversce expendIturcs of cItywIde general op- eratIOn Items mcludmg but not lllmted to post- age and delIvery scrvlces, photocopy and prmt- II1g expenses, telephonc cxpenses and office eqUlpment mall1tenance. Oversee the Property and LIabIlity and the Work.ers CompensatIon programs. ProVIde fundmg for Employee Safety Com- mIttee to provldc loss control and safety pro- grams for all Clty employees. Work WIth the Employee Wellness CommIt- tee to admmlster a Wellncss Program. - - - - - - - 2005 Achievements: MOllltored cltywlde general operatlon expcndItures. Conducted several Wellness Program cvents. Completed first year of Safety Recog11ltlon Program to asslst In ralsmg awareness of safety Issues, reduce employee aCldents and m.lUrIes and mstill proatlVe behaVIOrs that create a safe workmg culture - - - - - - - - - Conducted safety trall1mg opportU11ltles to all CIty staff members. Contmued development of FaCIlIty EvacuatIon Plan for all cIty faCIlItIes. 2006 Objectives: Contll1ue further development ofthe Wellness Program mto a more comprehenSIve and extensIve Wellness and FItness Program. Implement Faclhty EvacuatIon Plan for all CIty facilItIes. Cont1l1ue mOllltonng CItYWIde general operatIon expendltures. Admmlster and mOl11tor CItYWIde medIcal and dental expenscs. ReVIse aCCIdent rcportmg forms and process. Il11tlate officer ergonomIcs tramll1g program. Total Budget bJ Object 2004 2005 2005 2006 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted Personnel Services $1,540,643 $1,799,371 $1.731,290 $1,937,176 Materials & Supplies $63,156 $93,377 $75,000 $75,000 Other Services & Charges $515,498 $54R,445 $475,945 $522,527 Capital Outlay $23,611 $13,405 $12.405 $12,405 TOTAL $2,142,90R $2,454,598 $2,294,640 $2,547, I 08 - - - - - - 75 Central ('(/(/rges 0/-610 Olher Scrvices & C hargcs 20.50'0 Total 2006 Budget b~ Object CapItal Outlay U 50'0 Matcrials & Supphes ...../" 2 goo 76 Did you know... The CIty receIved an award hom CIRSA 111 2005 for the fewest vehIcle aCCidents per mIles dnven for the second year III a row - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - CITY TREASURER Overview: Invest all City funds. MOl11tor CIty's avaIlable cash on a daily baS1S. SIgn all City checks. Serve as City Internal Audltor. 2005 Achievements: . Increased YIelds on 1I1vestments and managed Investment to accommodate Clty's potentlal cash reqUIrements. ReVIewed the CIty's use offinancml1l1stltutIons and serVlces provlded, assIsted wIth the Request for Proposal and award of a 10ckbox contract. Made recommendatIons to CIty Manager to expand the use of technology to Improve financJaI controls and/or effiCIenCIes RecommendatIons were accepted and are 111 varIOUS stages of ImplementatIOn. Developed salcs and use tax reports to analyze results ofthe addJtlOnal one-cent sales/use tax, and revenue collected by types of bus1l1esses (SIC Codes) 2006 Objectives: MaXtmlZe Income from 1I1vestments by ImprovlI1g cash flow analysls. Orgal11ze a Fll1anclal AdVISory Commlttee to revle\.\ 1I1vestment and 1I1temal audIt poltcles. Follow-up on recommendatIons approved 111 2005 Analyze the current bus1l1ess lIcense structure for serv lce companies and make recommendatIOns that would slmpltfy the process for the CIty and the compames. Revle\, and amend Clty's Investment PolIcy Cont1l1ue to work wIth sales tax software vendor to resolve all rema1l1111g issues. Total Budget by Object 2004 2005 2005 2006 Actual Adiusted Estimated Adopted Personnel Services $31,459 $3 1,219 $3 1,2 I 9 $31,218 Materials & Supplies $0 $25 $20 $25 Other Services & Charges $760 $550 $ 1,000 $1,l50 Capital Outlay $0 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL $32,2 \ 9 $31,794 $32,239 $32,393 77 City Treasurer 01-/01 1'olal2006 Budgl't by Obj~ct Personnel ServIces 964" 0 - - Other SefVIccs & j Charges 36"." MaterIals & Supplies o I" 0 - - - - - - - - - - - The CIty has lsslIed 3,400 busmess lIcenses 1112004. ApproXImately 950 ofthose busmesses remIt monthly sales tax, 1,000 arc quarterly filcrs; and the remamdcr file on an annual basis. - 78 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - CITY CLERK'S OFFICE Overview: Coordmate wlth Jefferson County for the CIty'S electIon. Attend and mamtam a pemlanent rccord of all CIty Councll proceedmgs. Ma1l1tall1 all records of CIty ord1l1ances, resolutIOns, deeds, easements and offiCIal documents, 1l1c1ud1l1g management ofMumclpal Code supplements. Overscc the publIcatIon of all notlccs, proccedmgs, and matters of publIc record. AdmInIster the fees, licenses and reqUIrements ofthe CIty's liquor cstablIshments and scrvc as clerk to the Wheat RIdge LIquor LIcense Authonty Adm1111ster the Amusement Llcens1l1g polICIes, procedures and fees. Coord111ate and adm1111ster the Office of the Mayor and CIty CouncIl Act as Passport Agents for the U.S Depmiment of State. 2005 Achievements: Adopted the Model MU111clpal RetentIOn Schedule eity-wlde and Implemented a Records Management CommIttee. Coordmated and completed a CIty Clean-Up Day whIch elImmated duplicate and obsolete records. Re-lI1stated a part-tIme reeeptlOl11st to better serve customers that do bUS111ess with the Clty Orgal11zed a cIty mall room and ncw postage system. Implemented and stream-lmed a ncw candIdate and Councll onentatlon process. Imtlated a charter amendment regardmg publIc notIces to become more efficlent and mformatlve Installed a new dIgItal rccordmg system for CouncIl Chambers. Analyzed and computerIzed a detail cd hIstory offomler and current Board and CommIssIon members. 2006 Objectives: Cont111ue progress wlth Records Management CommIttee. Develop a capItal proJect for a dlgltal database for records management. PartICIpate m advanced trammg m records and customer serVlce Develop and Implement a CJtlzens Academy for CIty government. Total Budget by Object 2004 2005 2005 2006 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted Personnel Services $124,905 $144,366 $144,366 $151,083 Materials & Supplies $2,009 $2,500 $2,500 $2,550 Other Services & Charges $49,400 $56,600 $46,600 $56,600 Capital Outlay $0 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL $176,314 $203,466 $193,466 $210,233 79 City Clerk 01-108 Total 2006 Budget by Object Personnel Services 71 9"" MaterIals & SupplIes 1.200 - - Other ServIces & Charges 26900 - - - - - Staffing (Full-time Equivalent Employees) - - 2003 2004 2005 2006 Authorized Authorized Authorized Authorized City Clerk's Office 2 2 2.5 2.5 Total ') ~ 2.5 2.5 - - - - - - - City Clerk (Elected) The CIty Clerk's Office lS now a Passport Acceptance facihty for the U S Department of State. Deputy City Clerk - - Administrative Assistant Receptionist (0 5) - 80 - - CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE - Overview: ProvIde overall admmlstratlOn for CIty III accordance wIth CJty CouncIl polICIes and Issues. Managc and supervIse departments, agencles and offices to achIeve goals wlthm avmlable resources. ProvIde oversIght III preparatIOn and executIOn of budget. ProvIde dIrectIOn for redevelopment and de\elopment programs wlthm the Clty C oordl11ate te]ecommut1lcatlOn Is~ue~. Coordlllate public mformatlon program. Provlde effectIve commut1lcatlons WIth CIty Counel1, cltlzens, and staff Ensure orgall1zatlOnal expectatIOns are mcorporated and practIced by all stafl Manages speCIal proJects. Track state & federal legIslatIOn lmpactmg the City (hersee adm1l11stratlOn of grant applications. - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2005 Achievements: Coordmated the contmuatlOn of the Strategic Plannmg process wlth consultant, staff and CIty CounCIl resultmg m updates to StrategIc Planl1lng documents and development of MISSIon, Busmesses and Core BelIefs. - - - - - - - Contmued negotIatIOns for largc retaIl development at ]-70 West locatIOn mcludmg coordmatlOn of nClghborhood meetmgs and 160 I proccss WIth Colorado Department of TransportatIon. Coordmated NeIghborhood ReVItalIzatIon Strategy (NRS) cffort, approval by CIty CounCIl and began plannmg efforts for Wheat RIdge 2020 (WR2020) Contlllued focus on economIc development to encourage new bUSIness development. 2006 Objecthes: Oversee nnplementatlon and eoordmatIon of WR2020 and NRS Coord111ate the completIon of polIcy and management agendas outl111ed m the Strateglc Plan. Cont111ue to focus on economIc development to encourage new bus mess development. Manage final development of the Cabela's retml center proJect. Oversee completlOn of alternatlve revenue evaluatIon study and polIcy dIrectIon. Oversee thc completlon of the second bI- annual CItIzen Survey Total Budget by Object 2004 2005 2005 2006 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted Personnel Services $196,746 $216,427 $216,427 $212,392 Materials & Supplies $2,091 $1,750 $1,750 $1,900 Other Services & Charges $29,849 $45,765 $45,765 $94,585 Capital Outlay $0 $0 $0 $1,600 TOTAL $228,686 $263,942 $263,942 $310,477 - - - - - - - 81 City Hal/llger 01-106 Total 211116 Budget by Object Personnel ServIces 68 400 Materials & SupplIes 0600 CapItal Outlay 0.50'0 Other ServIces & Charges 30.500 - - - ~taffing (.. ull-time Equivalent EmpIo) ees) - 2003 2004 2005 2006 Authorized Authorized Authorized Authorized City Manager's Office 2 ') ') 2 Total ') ') ') 2 - - - - - - - - - - A NeIghborhood ReVItal- IzatIOn Strategy (NRS) was completed and adopted by CIty Councll as gUldll1g pnnclples for reVltalIzmg the CIty City Manager I Assistant to the City Manager 82 Economic Development granl. Produced five economIC developmcnlnevis- lctters. ProVldcd oversIght III preparatIon Implemen- tatIon of budget cnsunng fiscal responsIbIlIty Developed marketlllg brochure professIOnal ad\ ertlsemenr. Successfully developed EconomIc Develop- mcnt program aImed at rcvItalIzmg the cIty and attractIng nc\\ buslIless Contlllllcd focus on economIc development to encouragc nc\v bus1l1ess dcvelopment. Total Budget b) Object 2004 2005 2005 2006 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted Personnel Services $0 $0 $0 $0 Materials & Supplies $6,1 82 $12,450 $11,700 $ \ 8,000 Other Services & Charges $300,142 $550,055 $605,555 $217,580 Capital Outlay $0 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL $306,324 $562,505 $617 ,255 $235,580 - O"erview: Manage the Wheat RIdge bUSIness recnl1tment and retentIon program Promote commut11ty revltal1zatlOn. Serve as IIlfOrmatlOl1 resource for bus1l1csses Partncr wtth de\ elopers, busmess owners, and Chambers of ( ommerce to recruIt ne\\ bUSI- nesses. Provldc assIstance WIth tra1l1mg and counsel- mg to bus messes. Adm1l11ster city IIlCentlve programs Promote pOSlt]\ e Image of City I'vlanage market1l1g of CIty - - - - - - 2005 Achievements: Increased commU11leatlons WIth busll1esses through the Clty and cconomlc devclopmcnt newslettcr (onductcd bU~1I1ess award and luncheon pw- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Development of bus1l1cSS dlrcctory Developed work1l1g relatIOnshIps wlth police, commul1Ity developmcnt and public \V orks department to coordlllate customcr scrvlce to bus messes. Developed partnershIps WIth econOlmc devel- opmcnt mdustnes, cIty. county orga11lZatlOns and busmess orgamzatlOns. chambers. . Increascd adv ertls1l1g to pWJ110te CIty Image Coord1l1atcd tV\ 0 busllless cvents - arrrecJa- tlon and bus mess forum. Partnered ViltlI DMCAR to proVIde an onlmc property search database 2006 Objectives: Devclor marketmg materIals Coordmale five busmess events mcludmg ap- prCClatIon event and busmess forums. (ontlllue focus on retentIOn eflorts to encour- age busmess de\elopment Partner WIth \vesl Chamber to develop and UtI- lIze economIc garden1l1g program. Develop commIttec to asslsl m rollmg out e- sychromst retentIon system. UtIlILe cIty and economIc development neViS- lcttcr and \vebSIte as 1I1formatlon modcs. Research bus1l1ess Il1fOrmatlon systems de- SIgned for colkcllOn, managemcnl, analysb and reportmg of bus1l1ess data and Ib Impact on the CIty's economy 83 City Mil/laKe,.:, Oftia Economic Del'elo[lllle1ll () J - J OS Total 2006 Budget hy Ohject Other ServIces & Charges 92 400 - MaterIals & SupplIes 76" 0 - - - Staffing (Full-time Equhalcnt Employees) - 2003 2004 2005 2006 Authorized Authorized Authorized Authorized Economic Development 0 0 0 0 Total 0 0 0 0 - - - - - The CIty has asslsted wlth over 50 requests for busmess development. 84 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Community Support Overview: Coordll1ate the publIc I11formatlon program I11cludmg the government access channeL cIty newslctter, and pnnted II1formatlon to the publIc Manage special proJects mcludmg the annual CarnatIon FestIvaL HolIday Llghtll1g Ceremony and Memonal Day celebratIon. Manage vanous contracts and agreemcnts mcludmg the cable franchIse agreement. Managed electIon forum. Managed \:Vest N Ilc v lrLlS MosqUito Control contract and serVlCC~. 2005 Achievements: Coordmated SlX City sponsored events. Produced four program/mformatlon vldeos. Produced 24 VIdeos of CounCll meetmgs. Produced SIX Clty Connectlon Newsletters. 2006 Objectives: Produce four commu111ty VIdeo programs. Cont1l1ue focus on developIng publIc Involvement programs. Improve the Image and use of the clty newsletter and government access channel Producc SlX clty connectIOn newsletters. Upgrade Channel ~ system to II1corporate Jefferson County Schools. Total Budget by Object 2004 2005 2005 2006 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted Personnel Services $10,611 $IO,7g4 $0 $0 Materials & Supplies $33,792 $36,600 $35,500 $35,520 Other Services & Charges $47,951 $119,074 $121,734 S41,840 Capital Outlay $0 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL $92,354 S 166,458 S157,234 $77,360 liS Cit)' Manu~er\ Otfice COI1I11Ilt1li~1' Support 01-113 Materials & Supplies 45 900 86 Total 2006 Budget b) Object Other ServIces & Charges 54 1"0 Did you know... In 2005, the Clty produced 28 vldeos to build commu111ty awareness. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - MUNICIPAL COURT - Overview: . AdjudIcate mIsdemeanors, traffic, juvenlle, domcstic violence, and ordmance v101atlons. Conduct 134 ( ourt sessIOns annually for varIOUS hearIngs, arraIgnments, pre-trIals, trials by judge, tnals by JUry, revocatIOn heanngs, bond hearIngs, complIance heanngs, prIsoner heanngs, restItutIon heanngs, sentencing hearIngs, and Issue arrest warrants. Process domestIc VIOlence VIOlatIOns on a fast- track basIs. MOl11tor complIance Wlth probatIon condltlons and general sentencmg condltlons. Collect revenues assoclated wIth fines, costs, outstanding judgments, defaults, dIrect servIces, and tllmg fees. Collect and process escrow funds assocIated with restItutIOn, jUry demands, and bonds. Appomt attorneys for I11dlgent defendants 111 cnmInal cases. CompIle, mamtam and dIstribute records. Process prIsoners by VIdeo arraIgnment or m Court as applIcable - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2005 Achievcmcnts: Researched acceptance of credlt card payments for tInes, costs, and bonds. Revlewed strateglc plans, goals and gUldmg pnnClples estabhshed by CJty CounClI Implemented procedures and processed abatements filIngs m MUl11clpal Court. - - - - - Upgraded/improved Court computer system. Improved and created varIOUS Court forms and translated appropnate forms mto Spa111sh CompIled appeal process instructIOnal packets for defendants. Conducted overall departmental study of Job titles, dutles, and c lasslficatlOns. Replaced PA system and lmproved sound qualIty m courtroom Added aSSIsted audIO feature. Implemented dIgItal record111g system lmprovmg qualIty, retneval and storage and rcduced amount of staff tIme and costs aSSOCIated WIth prevlOUS system. Conducted quarterly meetmgs WIth ChIef of Police 2006 Objectives: Implcment uPb'Taded vldeo arraIgnment system. Implement full-slze summons. Implement new plea offer system utIllzmg dnvmg record to determme fine amount Increase accountabIlity for Court appearances utllIzmg Court Marshals m enforcement of active warrants. Revlew avaIlable resources for collectlon of outstandmg fines and fees. . Improve work statlOns, compIle computer needs assessment and upgrade computer to access forms and letters through Court program. Improve handlIng of juveniles found In Contempt of Court. . . . - Total Budget by Objcct 2004 2005 2005 2006 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted Personnel Services $463,666 $512,174 $502,582 $572,852 Materials & Supplies $6,348 $10,350 $9,650 $10,520 Other Services & Charges $13,130 $16,190 $15,890 $17,090 Capital Outlay $0 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL $483,144 $538,714 $528,122 $600,462 - - - - - - - 87 Municipal Court 01-10<) T()taI21106 Budget b) Object Personnel ServIces 95 400 - - Other ServIces & Charges 2 80'0 Materials & SupplIes I 800 - - - - - Staffing (Full-time Equivalent Employees) - - 2003 21104 21111S 211116 Authorized Authorized Authorized Authorized Municipal Court 10 875 875 875 Total 10 875 875 875 - - - - - - - - Presiding Judge Appointed - MU11lclpal Court has the authOrIty to scntcnce otrcnd- crs of domcstlc vlolcncc. assault and harrassment to up to one ycar 111 Jeffcrson County Detention Ccntcr. Court Administrator - Deputy Court Clerk 16.75) Probalion Officer Court Marshall 110) - 88 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES Oven ie\\ : PerfOlTIl admll1lStratl'vC, supcrVlsory and profh- sllmal \vork m plannmg. coordmatmg and dlrcct- mg thc opcratIons ofthc Adn1l111strallvc SerVlCCS Dcpartment 10 mcludc asslgncd office SUPPOl1 and thc dlVISlons otTinance, Human Resources. Sales Tax, Purchasmg and Contractll1g and Informa- (!On Technology Orgal1lLc and dIrect the CIty 's fisk managemcnt, safety, wellnes~ and cmployce bcncfits programs. Perf OrIn all dutIes related to budget preparatIOn and admmlstratJon. Assumc dutlcs of the CIty Managcr as dlrccted. - 2005 Achievements: Coordmated the successful ballot ll1itJatlve to m- crease the Clty 's sales and use tax rate mcreaSl11g revenues by approXImately $6.0 millIon. CoordInated thc establIshment of strategIc plan- nl11g as an annual process WIth CIty Council and staff Developed tools to ll1c1ude strategIc plan- nll1g m daily operatIons such as a quarterly up- date report, goal Icons, modIficatIon of Co unci 1 ActIon Forms, and marketmg materIals. Completed first year of an cmployee Safety IncentIve Probrram. Asslstcd WIth Coordll1atlon ofa town hallmcet- mg WIth over 250 attendees. HIred a new IT Manager Improvmg the manage- ment of the IT DIVISIOn and enhanCIng thc sup- port proVIded by the DIVISIon and 1111tJated the creatIOn of IT polICIes and procedures. - - - - - - - - - - - - ASSIsted wIth budgct reVISIons and Implemcnta- tlon of changes m accordance WIth salcs and use tax mcrease as approved by the Wheat Rldgc voters. C omplctcd Pay Plan upgrades f()!' swom and CI- vilIan employecs. Created a 5-year staffing plan to ldentlfY and plan for future staffing needs. Implemcnted MlcrosoJi Outlook as the CIty", cmml and schedulIng software Implemented a sales and use tax educatlOn pro- b>ram and the mventory of Wheat RIdge busmesses resultmg m the llcensmg of over 100 busll1esses wIthout a busmess lIcense. 2006 Objectives: l omplctc an bnergcncy ActIOn plan fix City fa- CIlItIcs to coordmatc procedures to respond to thrcats to employcc satCty' RCVlC\\ the employee's pension plan forpossiblc rcvlslons. Devclop a RIsk Management PolICies and Pro- cedures manual. Conduct an alternatIve revenuc evaluatlon study Develop a "de-Brucl11g" plan to exempt City rev- enues from TABOR lImIts. Develop a IcglslatlVe lobbymg program m coop- eratIon WIth the CIty Clerk's Office. Complete the lmplementatlon of procedures to secure CIty Hallmcludmg IdentIficatIon badges for employces and customers, securIty cameras, and buildmg lockdown procedures. Total Budget bV Object . 2004 2005 2005 2006 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted Personnel Services $952,271 $1,030,994 $1,029,100 $1,188,XOO Materials & Supplies $15,444 $21,015 $2U47 $23.100 Other Services & Charges $525,605 $607,305 $526,853 $731.526 Capital Outlay $213,394 $343,ll40 $313,540 $304,160 TOTAL $1.706,714 $2,002,354 $1,890,640 $2,247.586 - - - IN 4dmi/listrative Services 4dmi/li.,trmh'e Scrvices (II-III Total 2006 Budget by Ohject Materials & Supplies 1 0"0 Personnel Services 52.9'\, Other Services & Charges 32.5"0 CapltalOutlay I3Suu Staftlng (Full-time Equivalent Employees) 2003 2004 2005 2006 Authorized Authorized Authorized Authorized Finance 0 3 3 3 Administrative Services 3 ') 2 2 Human Resources ') 2 ') 3 Sales Tax 0 ') 3 3 Purchasing and Contracting 2 I I I lnfonnation Technology 5 5 :; 5 Total 12 15 16 17 Deputy City Manager xecuttve Assistant HR Manager Purchasing & lont. Agcnl Accounting Sales Tax Supervisor Auditor (2) IT Manager HR Rep HR Tech Network Admin Sr IT Support Tcch (2) Web & Imaging Tech Accounting Tech Payroll Tech Sales Tax Tech 90 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4dlllinistralh'e Services 4dlllinistrath'e Services 0/-111 Total Budget b~ Program - 2004 2005 2005 2006 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted Finance $170,3XI $179,902 $179,902 $194,457 Administrative Services $I6<Uj87 $173,644 $173,394 $203,652 Human Resources $333,621 $327,1X9 $301,061 $385,442 Sales Tax $118,373 $ I 7 I ,904 $170,193 $187,959 Purchasing and Contracting $65.l3X $6X,l)98 $67,99X $73,851 Infonnation Technology $858,3 14 $ L08 1,617 $9n,092 $1,202,225 Total $1,706.714 $2,002,354 $1,X90,640 $2,247,5X6 - - - - - - TotaI2()()6 Budget h~ Pnlgram - Purchaslllg and Contractlllg 3.300 - Human Resources -! 17 100 InformatIon ~Technology 53.500 - - - - - - 1 \ L Admllllstratlon 9 10'0 - Sales Tax X 40'1 FlIlance X 70" - - - - - - - The Clty \vas awarded the C1VlC Awareness Program (CAP) award !i'om CML for promoting C1VIC aware- ness thruugh the Blue RIbbon Panel process. - - 91 4dminisfrative ..\'erl'ices 'ldministratil'e Services 01-111 Administrative Services Total Budget h) Ohject 2004 2005 2005 2006 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted Personnel Services $153,737 $164,354 $164,354 $180,275 Materials & Supplies $1.568 $2,750 $2,750 $3,000 Other Services & Charges $3,90~ $6,040 $5,7lJO $19,R77 Capital Outlay $ 1,674 $500 $500 $500 TOTAL $160,887 $173,644 $173,394 $203,652 Total 2006 Budget h~ Object Capital Outlay 0.20'0 Personnel ServIces R8.50 0 - - - Other ServIces & Charges 9 RO,o MaterIals & SupplIes I 50'0 - - - The Wheat Ridge voters approved a 100 sales and use tax rate mcrease etfec- tlve January 1, :W05, the first lllcrease Slllce 1976 92 - 4dministratil'c Senices 2006 ./dopfed Budget - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 93 Finance Overview: Rccelvc, proccss and deposit dady cash revenue thm1 all CIty sources. Process all purchasc rcqUlsItlons for the CIty Enter budgctcd expenditures through a purchase encumbrance system. Process semI-monthly accounts pay ab lc checks. Manage the General Ledger aecountmg system. Reconcde the Clty'S monthly purchasmg card statement. Respond to all vendor and department IllljUlr- les m an expedIent manner Process, create, reconctle and dell\ er bI- weekly payrolllllcludlllg manual and electronic chspos1llOn of all penSIOn, medlcal and tax wlthholdmg. Prepare quarterly and annual payroll reports. monthly budgetary report and monthly finan- CIal slatements Prepare statement of( Ity\ fixed asseh. Prepare year-end audIt work papers. ASS1St outsIde aud1lor~ In completIon orC1ly 's comprehenSIve annual JinancIaI report. Responsible for on-golllg analYSIS and mternal audIt 01'( Ity'S financlal records, momtor and en- force financIal accountmg controls III place and recommend adjustments as needed. PrOVIde finanCIal II1formatlon to CIty dcpart- ment~ to md deCISIon makmg. ProVIde supp0l1 to Human Rcsourccs DIVISiOn, Sales Tax DIVISIOn and Purchasll1g Dl\lslOn. 2005 Achievements: Increased usage of purchasmg cards and decreased usage of payable checks. Prepared request for proposal for Lock. Box ServIces and awarded bId. Completed conversIon ofFinancm] Management System to a wmdows based system. Prepared request for proposal for AudIt ServIces and awarded bId. PartIcIpated m Clty Wide Records RetcntIon and Clean Up Program. 2006 Objectives: ImplementatIon of Lock Box ServIce ImplementatIon ofGASB 40, relatlllg to depOSIt and mvestment rIsk dIsclosure Contmue to IdentIfy areas for Improvement III finanCIal reportmg. Implement new employee tImesheets. Total Budget by Object 2004 2005 2005 2006 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted Personnel Services $144,343 $150,512 $150,512 $162,1 17 Materials & Supplies $1,202 SIJ65 $1J 65 $1,200 Other Services & Charges $24)\36 $28,225 $28,225 $30,540 Capital Outlay $0 $0 $0 $600 TOTAL $170,381 $179,902 $179,902 $194,457 94 - -' - - - - - - - - - - - - 4dmillis!rat;,'e Services Finance O/-[()3 - - - - - -- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- -- - - - - - -- Total 2006 Budget by Object Personnel Services X3 40'0 Materials & SupplIes 060'0 CapItal Outlay 0.300 Other Services & Charges 15 700 CIty Purchasmg Card transactIons average 624 per month. 95 -ldministratil'e Services H/lman Reso/lrces 0/-112 Human Resources Overview: Oversee personnel functions such as resource ad- m1t1lstratlon,job claSSIficatIon and compensation. employee relatIOns, recrUltment, selectIon, and re- tention of employees. ProVide per~onnel pohcy development. adm1t1IS- tratIon. directIon, and gUIdance to orgamzatlon. ProvIde program dcvclopmcnt, adm1l1lstratlOn, directIon and gUIdance for performancc sys- tems, employee bcncfits and trall1l1lg. Oversee adml11lstratlon of bcncfits, Worker's CompensatIOn. Employee ASSIstance Program and Employee Recognition Committee Conduct compensatIon surveys (wages and benefits) and provldc rccomll1Cndatlons based on results of analysls. Prepare clty-wllle budget 1t1forInatIon concern- lIlg adjustments III ~alanes and benefits. 2005 Achievements: . Completed analYSIS on 2005 salary market and made reeommendatlons lIlcludlllg redeSIgn of ClaSSIficatIOn/Compensation Plan and reclaSSIficatIon of 22 pOSItIOns. Perfomled analYSIS on health benefits package IdentIfYlllg potentlal modIficatIons for cost- effectIveness. Revlsed and lmplemented selected Personnel Policies for clarIficatIon and enSUrIng complIance WIth revIsed federal regulatIOns. ProVIded pay and benefit projectIons for 2006 budget. ProVIded recrUltment servIces for 2005 Conducted trallllllg on polIcles, practlces and form( s) appltcable to payroll processmg. Contlllued mOllltonng and partlclpatmg 111 employment selectIon processes to ensure exposure to rIsk lS m1l1lmIzed. StreamlIned seasonal recrUItment process, 1l1Stltut1l1g "mvltatlon to rctum" techl11quc Completcd CertIficatIOn Program for Human Resourcc ProfeSSIOnals. Responded to compla111ts 111volv111g harassment, wrongful term111atlon and/or dlSCrIm1l1atlon. 2006 Objectives: Develop tra1l11l1g program on human resources related tOpICS. ReVIew Pay for Performance System for possible ImplementatIOn ReVIew retIrement programs for posslble modIficatIOns ensunng competltlVeness and effectlveness. ReVIse and Implement Personnel PolICIes. Contmue actIve partlclpatlon m Employee Recogl11tlon CommIttee Contmue mamta1l11l1g worker's compensatIOn II1surance at lower rate Cont1l1ue lmproV1l1g recrUItment practIces and developmcnt ofhmng tech11lques. ProVIde support wlth regard to personnel and employment lssues and concems/complamts. ProVIde pay and benefit prOjectlons for budget. - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - Total Budget by Object 2004 2005 2005 2006 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted Personnel Services $192,132 $174,790 $168,790 $232,143 Materials & Supplies $3,270 $2,400 $2,500 $2,500 Other Services & Charges $138,219 $149,999 $129,771 $150,049 Capital Outlay $0 $0 $0 $750 TOTAL $333,621 $327,lg9 $301,061 $385,442 96 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .tdmini.\trutil'e SelTices HlImal/ Resollrces OJ-1I2 Personnel Services 60.2~0 Total 2006 Budget by Object MaterIals & SupplIes 0600 ~I CapItal Outlay 0.200 The HR employee lIbrary houses 66 VIdeos and 53 books regardmg HR Issues, safety & health, trainmg, customer servIce. supervIsory aSSIstance, employment Issues, etc Other Services & Charges 38 900 97 AdmillistratiJ'e Sen'ices Sales Tax IJI-1l5 Sales Tax Overview: Adn11l1lster l1eensmg procedure for ne\"\ busl- ncsses, lIquor occupatIOn. temporary husll1esse~. cxcmpt I11stltutlons. massage thcraplst and parlours Interpret and explall1 the legal provIsIons. regula- tIons and procedures relatll1g to taxatIon fi.)f sales and usc tax Provide mforInatlon to general pubhl and \" cn- dors on the methods ofcomplIancc and usc of sales tax t(mns. Process sales and use tax retUl11s. Research and Imtmte tlIe collectl011 ofdelmqucl1t sales and use tax accounts. Ad11l1l11ster collectIOn oflodgcrs and admiSSIOns taxes. ImtIate summons process. act as court Itmson. and Issue lIens on propertIes. Track revenue and prepare rcports tor the ESTll' and WRURA programs. AsslSt AudItor \vlth selectIon ofhus1l1esses to audIt Insure complIance of sales tax ordlllance through audit proccss. 2005 Achievements: Produced and publIshed, pnnt and web-based 1I1formatlOnal gUIdes for general sales/use tax and speCIfic tOpICS. Produced and posted web-based on-demand taxpayer educatlOnal programs for busllless IIcensmg and use tax baslcs. . Converted all Wheat RIdge tax accounts to comply WIth postal ZIp code regulatlons. Researched all lIcensed bUSInesses and classlfied for "In" or "Out ofClty" 2006 Objectives: Update account 1I1formatlOn for all lIcenses for trade-name and ownershIp accuracy EstablIsh analysls of miscellaneous sales tax actlvlty to pursue l1eens1l1g complIance by repeat filers. Update tax publ1catlons and create addltlOnal tOpIC sheets as necessary . Screen accounts for proper payment reportll1g penods. - - - - - - - - Total Budget b) Object 2004 2005 2005 2006 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted Personnel Services $106,559 $160,598 $158,704 $166,849 Materials & Supplies S5,581 $7,950 $8,119 $7,R50 Other Services & Charges $3,496 $3,356 $3,370 $12,660 Capital Outlay $2,737 :i>0 SO $600 TOTAL $118,373 $171,904 $170,193 $187,959 98 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Admillistrat;.'e Sen'ices Sules Tux OJ-lI5 Total 2006 Budget b~ Object Personnel ServIces XX 80'0 'I CapltalOutlay 0.300 'I Othcr Servlces & Charges 6700 The Sales Tax office lIcenses on average 30 new busmesses per month. MaterIals & SupplIes 4.2'\0 99 4dlllinistrat;ve Servic.:cs Pllrdlllsin~ and Contraclillf.: 01-116 Purchasing and Contracting Overview: AssIst statTon varIOUS mcthods ofpurchaslllg, contractlllg and ~ourclllg. Prepare and soliCIt bIds, requcsts for proposals and requests tix mf0l111atlon. Assist and educate supplIers and vendors on hO\v to do busllless With the Cny of\Vheat Ridge UtIl17e coopcratlv c bIds such as State Pnce Agrecments. MAPO, WSCA, US COmmUl1ltles. Conduct formal bid opel1lngs and momtor evalu- atIOn proccss. Prepare anclmollltor contract renewal agree- ments. Admllllster cltywlcle purchaslllg card program. Manage the cltywldc copy rental program. Oversee thc cItywide custodIal services agree- ments. Manage the cltywldc surplus and auctlon program. C oncluct and coordlllatc month ly Accountmg and Purchasmg meetmgs. C oordmatc ycar-encl process With the Account- mg Departmcnt. Assist on speCIal projects 2005 Achievements: NegotIated steep dIscounts for the new Video System Upgrade. Streamlmed the payment process by use of an Aceountmg purchasll1g card. Implemented Phase II of the Purehasmg Card Management Program. Prepared, solICIted and awarded over forty- five (45) bIds and proposals. Contmued provldmg a hIgh level of customer servIce Increased use of Blank.et Purchase Orders (BPO) for better effiCIency . PartIcIpated 111 the StrategIc Planl11ng workshops. PartJclpated on the Board for the Rocky Mounta1l1 Governmental Purchas1l1g ASSOCIatIon. 2006 Objectives: Implement Phase III of the Purchasmg Card Management Program. Contmue to mcrease use of Blanket Purchase Orders Total Budget by Object 2004 2005 2005 2006 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted Personnel Services $62,537 $65,198 $65,198 $71,051 Materials & Supplies $329 $800 $700 $600 Other Services & Charges $2,272 :);2,100 :);2,1 00 $2,200 Capital Outlay $0 $0 $0 :);0 TOTAL $65,138 $68,098 $67,998 $73,851 100 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ..fdl11illistratil'e Sen,ices Purchasillg alld COlltractillg 01-116 Total 2006 Budget by Object Personnel ServIces 96.20" Other ServIces & Charges 3000 MaterIals & Supplies 080 " Did you know... The Purchasmg and Contractmg Dlvlsion manages 125 actlvc purchasmg cards. Volume has lllereased approxImately 45"'0 slllce 2004 101 "JdI11ini,\'trative ..\~erl'ices /nf,mlllltion Tedlll()I()~y 111-1 r I nformation Technology Oveniew: Responsible for the procurement, mstallatlon, and mamtenance of all CIty computers. ResponsIble for software management and mamtenance. Responsible for 111ventOrIes of computers and software. Install hardware/software on the CIty scrver computers. AssIst departments wlth specIal softwarc requests. . Responsible for backup and dlsaster recovery of both computer and telephonc systems. . Responsible for moves, addJtlOns and deletions of all telephone eqUIpment. 2005 Achievements: Installed Windows 2003 server at all five remote sItes. Installed 48 new or replacement computers. . Completed the conversIon of all computers to the Windows XP Pro WorkstatIOn and MIcrosoft Office 2003 SUIte Installed new telephone systems and telecomm 111frastructure at all satellite offices. Implcmented automated patch management system for servers and workstatIOns. Upgraded PublIc Safety Computer AIded DIspatch and Records Management System for PolIce Department. Implemented new mteractlve forms for publIc use on the new Web Installed new Web Track 111terface softwarc for enhanced publIc access to recreatIon actIvItIes. Developed polICies for computer systems. Developed an InformatIon Technology Strateglc Plan. Hlred new Infornlatlon Technology Manager. StandardIzed hardware and software platforIns. Upgraded all software l1eens111g to current updated legal status. 2006 Objectives: Cont111ue to pursue Solutlons to enhance the publIc's access to ( lty mformatlOn. Install computer replacements per the five-year plannmg gnd. Implement tlmd phase of the MobIle Fleld Reportmg System for PolIce . Contll1ue to ensurc a hIgh degree of perfomlance from all VOIce/data systems. Install enterpnsc wlde Plannmg/Pernllttmg applicatIon. . Install networked multl- functIon coplers CIty wlde. Start cIty WIde GIS project. Remodel CIty Data Center Implement Improved help dcsk. Total Budget by Object 2004 2005 2005 2006 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted Personnel Services $292,963 $315,542 $321,542 $376,365 Materials & Supplies $3,494 $5,950 $5,913 $7,950 Other Services & Charges $352,874 $417,585 $357,597 $516,200 Capital Outlay $208,983 $342,540 $313,040 $301,710 TOTAL $858,3 14 $1,081,617 $998,092 $1,202,225 102 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4dministratil'e Sel'l'ice.' IlIformation Technology 01-11 ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - MaterIals & SupplIes 07"0 Personncl Servlces.-l 3 1.300 Total 2006 Budget by Object Other ServIces & Charges 42 900 Capital Outlay 25 10'0 Did you know... Thc CIty of Wheat RIdge network has 23 scrvcrs and 250 \\ orkstatlons. The CIty phonc system contams ovcr 26() telcphoncs at SIX loca- tIOns 103 Adlllillistrath'e Servias 20(}6 4.dopted Hili/get 104 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Overview: Manage the actIvItIes ofPlannmg and Zonmg ServIces, Building InspectIon ServIces and Zomn" ~ b Enforcement. Admu11Ster the City and department polICIes. Dlrect the preparatIon of speCIal plans or studIes. DIrect the work of consultants. ProVIde staffsupport to Board~ and CommISSIons. Coord1l1ate development actIvItIes WIth other departments, servlcc proVIders, mUl11clpalItles, and reglOnal and state agencIes. Manage actlvltles of Urban Renewal Authonty and HousmgAuthonty DIrect specIal projects as asslgned by the CIty Manager. 2005 Achievements: Completed several CouncJl requested and staff 1l11tIated Code reVISIons. Dlrectcd zonmg regulatIOns, streetscape and archItectural gUldelmes and development processes revIew Identlfymg conflIcts or opportUl11tles for strcamlInmg approvals as recommended In the NRS ("X Zone"). DIrected research of rental hous1l1g proi:,'Tams and prepared report for Council consIderatIon. Successfully completed annual adoptIon of City 's "Three Mlle Plan" defilllng growth boundary outsIde ofCtty Successfully completed annexatIOn ofCabela's/ Coors project, approval ofmterIm zon1l1g. and spcclal use penmt. DIrected work of staff and consultants m preparatIon of three subarea plans. l111tlated the t1md Housmg Authonty rehab,' conversIon proJect. Contmued Improvement and expansIon of 1l1fOrnlatlon on Department's page of CIty'S webslte 2006 Objectives: DIrect completlon of subarea plans mltIated m 2005 and mltIate addltlOnal subarea plans. DIrect process of IdentIfymg and prepanng refinements to development code and revIew processes/procedures and fully lmplement "X Zone" recommendatlons. Work WIth WR2020, developers and landowners to 11lltlate redevelopment projects focusmg on Wadsworth comdor, "Orchard D1StnCt" and Gold L1l1e transIt statIon. Cont1l1ue the hotel/motel and housing mspectlon programs. DIrect fomlatIon ofhous1l1g mspectlon program for rental housmg as dIrected by City CouncIl. Total Budget by Object 2004 2005 2005 2006 Actual Adiusted Estimated Adopted Personnel Services $427,901 $509,611 $509,611 $639,973 Materials & Supplies $3,641 $nOO $7,1 00 $17,450 Other Services & Charges $138,573 $156,895 $147,520 $78,655 Capital Outlay $0 $0 $0 $18.000 TOTAL $570,115 $673,606 $664.231 $754,On 105 COlllmunity Developlllent Total 2006 Budget by Object Personnel ServIces 84 g"" CapItal Outlay 24"" Matenals & Suppltes Other ServIces & 2.31~,,, Charges 104"" - - - - - Staffing (Full-time Equivalent Employees) - 2003 2004 2005 2006 Authori7..ed Authorized Authorized Authorized Adminis tration ') ') ') 2 Planning 4 3 3 4 Building* 3 3 4 4 Code/Zoning Enforcement** I 0 0 0 Total 10 8 9 10 - - - - - - - - - * The Prop<:rty Inspeclor IS funded out oj" Ihc HoteL'Motel Fund. ** Zoning Entllrcemenl consolidated mto Buildlllg. - Director of Community Dcvelopment - - - Senior Planner (2.0) Chief Building Official Planner Planner I Combination Inspector Property Inspector Permit Tech 106 - - C011l1llllnil)' Del'elol'lIIelll Total Budget by Program - 2004 2005 2005 2006 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted Administration $160,401 $274.20~ $27 L~5~ $234,642 Planning $177,615 $195,873 $1 ~8,~4~ S29~,~3~ Building $232,099 $203,525 $203.525 5220,598 Total 5570,115 5673,606 $664.231 $754,On - - - Total 2006 Budget by Program - - - - AdmmL'itratlon 31 10'0 - Buildmg 29.300 Plannmg 39 600 - - - - - - - Did you know... - - - - - - AnnexatJon ofCabela's/Coors property added 198 acres or .31 square mile to the CJty, 111CreaSIng the sIze ofthe CJty to 9 46 square mIles. - - - - - - J()7 (OIll1llllllitl' [)evelopment 4dmillistratioll 01-120 Administration Total Budget b} Ob.iect 2004 2005 2005 2006 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted Personnel Services S 157,145 S167,69X S167,698 S206.617 Materials & Supplies SUI8 $2, 900 $2,900 $3,900 Other Services & Charges $ 1,538 $103,610 $10 L260 $9,125 Capital Outlay SO SO $0 $15.000 TOTAL S160,401 $274,208 S271,858 $234,642 - Total 2006 Budget by Object - Pcrsonncl ServIces XX 100 - - Capital Outlay ~ 64"'0 MatcrIals & SupplIcs I 70,0 - - Other SCrvlCCS & Chargcs 39"." - Did you know... - The City's population has declmed from the 2000 Ccnsus count of32,913 to 3 LY()2 as of.1uly 1,2003 Thc decrease IS due mainly to a doublmg of the vacancy rate. lOll Commul/ity [)el'e[ol'ment 2()(){, 4dol'1ed Rudget - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 109 Coml1lullilr Oel'elopment Plallllill~ 0/-/21 Planning Overview: Perfornl professional plannmg work m both current and long rangc planmng. ProvIde research and analysIs and reports on varIOUS long range and current plannmg proposals to achIeve mlplementatlon of the C omprehenslve Plan and other land use polIcIes. ProvIde dIrect asslstance to CitIzens, busmcsses developers and other departments and agencIes m all aspects ofland development and use. Develop zonmg code amendments, master plans and comprehenSIve plan amendments to further reflect ehangmg land use polIcy . Serve as staffhatson to Plannmg CommIssIon and Board of AdJustment. ProVIde staff assIstance to CIty Council, Urban Renewal and HOUSIng AuthorIty Complete specIal proJects as assIgned by thc Department Dlreetor. 2005 Achievements: . Attended over 60 publIc meetll1gs mcludmg publIc heanngs, neIghborhood meetmgs, open houses and work.shops. Expanded Dlvlslon mfommtlOn available on the CIty'S website. PartICIpated m creatlOn of N RS through taskforce partIcIpatIOn. Completed reV1Slons to zoning and development code and revIew of CIty'S land use regulatIOns to IdentIfy conflIcts 111 1111plementatlOn between documents. Completed City's five-year recertIficatIon VISIt for partICIpatIOn 111 FEMA's Commu111ty Ratmg System probrram. DUrIng past five years, property owners m flood pla111 who have flood msurance have saved over $67,000 clty-wlde. Expanded outreach to the publ1c through Channel 8 and ConnectIon newsletter 2006 Objectives: Partlclpate 111 maJorreVISlOns to ComprehenSIve Plan mcludmg creatlon and ImpJcmentatlon of subarea plans. Prepare natural hazards mltlgatlon plan to supplement Comprehenslve Plan. Prepare, process amendments and Implement changes to land use regulatlOns to meet goals ofNRS Implement and coordInate streaml1l1ed development reVlew processes consIstent wIth recommended actIOns ofthe N RS Contmue to Improve revIew procedures and create handouts/cheek.lIsts to assIst customers so that reVle\\; times are reduced. ASSIst Wheat Rldge 2020 m development of targeted redevelopment areas. Total Budget by Object 2004 2005 2005 2006 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted Personnel Services $170,310 $182,ORR $182,088 $258,158 Materials & Supplies S 1,140 $2,900 $2,900 $10,850 Other Services & Charges $6,165 $10,885 $3,860 $27,130 Capital Outlay $0 $0 $0 $2,700 TOTAL $177,615 $195,873 $188,848 $298,838 110 - - - - - - - - - - - - Comlllullity Development Plallllin!: 01-121 T()ta12006 Budget b) Ob.iect Personnel Servlccs X6.40o - - - MaterIals & SupplIes 3600 - - Other ServIces & Charges 91''-<, - CapIlal Outlay 090'0 - - - - - - - - - - Did you know... - - Plmilllllg D1Vlslon staff hold pre- applIcatIon meetlllgs wIth potentIal applIcants every Thursday Seventy percent ofthe pre-applIcatlons result In land use cascs. In 2005 the pre-applIcatlOn meetlllgs generatcd $5.600 111 fees. - - - - - - - - - - - 111 (ollllllllnity DevelopmC'nt BlIilding 01-122 Building Overview: Adn11l11ster the Internal10nal BUlldmg codes that set mmmlum standards for lIfe safety and welfare of Its citizens. ProvIde code and ordmance mterpretatlons to cItizens, contractors and dcslgn professlOnals. Provide cItIzens wlth baSIC constructIOn mformatlon and mfonnatIonal handouts related to bUlldmg, plumblllg, mcchal1lcal and clectncal permIts. Provide plan revIew serv1ces for resldentIaL commerelal and mdustnal proJects. CoordInate WIth other cIty departments and outsIde agencIes to ensure publIc health, safcty and welfarc standards are mamtallled. Conduct mspectlOns of constructIon work. requIrIng buIldmg pern11ts. 2005 Achievements: Performed 4,025 mspectlons, averagmg 35 mspectIons per day dUrIng the summer. Performed 1,058 plan revIews related to mdustnal, commerCIal, resldentlal, garagcs, carports, fences, heatmg and coolIng, etc Performed re-mspectlOns on hotels and motels for complIance WIth the IPMC (1,079 hotel room inspectIOns) Conducted mmual contractors and homeowners meetmg on 2003 InternatIOnal Codcs. Responded to 340 Lomng code enforcement complamts, lssued 175 warnmg notIces and 9 summonses WIth each casc resultmg In compliance Created mformatlOnal handouts and brochures for cltlzcns, contractors and deSIgn profeSSIOnals. Expanded workmg relatlOnshlP wlth arc a fire depm1ments. Provlded field II1spectlons on all construetlon and eXlstmg property to ensure cItIzens havc a safe, samtary and attractIve envIronment. Expanded office hours to provIdc greater customer servlce to workmg cItIzens. Implementcd the 2003 IntematlOnal Codes. Created foundatIOn standards for all resldentml constructIon. Complctcd Renter Rlghts handout. 2006 Objectives: Implement a new Multi-Family Hou~mg Inspectlon Program for apartmcnts wlth two or more Ul11ts. Contmue annual hotel/motelmspectIon prob'Tam. Educate and mentor contractmg commumty on mllllmUm standards of 2003 InternatIOnal codes. Total Budget by Object 2004 2005 2005 2006 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted Personnel Services $100,446 $159,825 $159,825 $175,198 Materials & Supplies $783 $UOO $1,300 5>2,700 Other Services & Charges 5> 130,870 $42,400 $42,400 $42,400 Capital Outlay SO $0 $0 $300 TOTAL $232,099 $203,525 $203,525 $220,598 112 - - - - - - - - - COI11II1Itlli(1' Del'elopmellt BlIildillg 01-122 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Total 2006 Budget b~ Object Personnel Services 79 400 r Capital Outlay o 100 Other ServIces & Charges 19.200 l)id you know... The Building DIvIsIon no longer reqUIres permlts for wmdow replacements, drywall and sldmg replacements. MaterIals & SupplIes 1.20'0 113 C01l1/ll/llli(r De,'elop1l1ellt 2006 Adopted BudKet 114 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - POLICE DEPARTl\IENT - Overview: Provlde profeSSIOnal polIce response to cItIzen's requests for serVlce. ProvIde professlOnal follow-up mvestIgatlons to felony CrImes and drug enforcement. Provldc qualIty code enforcement servIces lI1cludll1g al11mal enforccment and park securIty Prmndc polIce commUI11Catlons servIces. ProVIde emergency management scrvlccs for major meldents. ProVIde a cnme preventIOn programll1cludmg hotel/motel enforcement and educatIon. ProVide crImmal Justice records storage and retneval. ProVIde a traffic enforcement and educatIon program that responds to cItIzen requests for servlce, conducts sclectlve traffic enforccment and educates publIc on relevant traffic ISSUCS. - - - - - - - - - 2005 Achievements: Completed orgamzatlOnal assessment of polIcc department resultIng In fourteen (14) recommendations for Improvement. Developed a StrategIc Plan addrcss111g orgamzatlOnal assessment recommendatIons and 111ltJatmg ImplementatIon ofreconunendatlOns. Il11tIated recrUltmg process for ten (10) additIOnal polIce officers. - - - - - - - Formed a "recrUItment team" to enhance effOlis m hmng the bcst applIcants. lmplemcnted ne\\ radIO system With Improved covcragc throughout thc CIty Hlrcd a new PolIce ChIef Rencwed C0111InUmty pohcmg modcl provlding for enhanced customer servIce and problem-solvmg as a bcst husllless practIce, and ongOIng Imple- mentation of CrIme prcventlon strategIes. 2006 Objectives: Implement PolIce Department OrgamzatlOnal Assessment StrategIc Plan. Implement commumty polIcll1g philosophy through orgal11zatlOnal alIgnment, analysls, Cflme preventIon prob'Tams and commul11ty partnershlp. Enhance code cnforcement and complIance efforts by UtIiIZll1g problem-solvll1g and educatIonal approach proVIding rceommendatlOllS to Improve commul11ty complIance WIth code, al11mal control and parks ordmanees. Reduce CrIme vlctlmlzatlon and call offenders to account. Improve safety m publIc spaces. Use financlal rcsources faIrly, effielently and effectIvely - Total Budget by Object 2004 2005 2005 2006 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted Personnel Services $5.273,259 $5,734,059 $5,556,933 $6,596,578 Materials & Supplies $64,139 $I54,50R $159,30X $14 LI 00 Other Services & Charges $318,920 $456,871 $452,451 $544,632 Capital Outlay $4,289 $214,791 $37,1 00 $76,154 TOTAL $5,660.607 $6,560,229 $6,205,792 $7,35X,464 - - - - - - - - - 115 Police Departmefll Total 2006 Budget by Object Personnel ServIces 89 6(~o Materials & SupplIes I go ~ Other ServIces & Charges 7400 Staffing (Full-time Equivalent Employees) 2003 2004 2005 2006 Authorized Authorized <\uthorized Authorized Administralion 6 7 7 6.) lonmmnily Services Unit 6 5 ) ) lommunications 12 II II 11 'School Resource Officer I () 3 2 Records 'SectIOn 5 5 5 5 Training I 1 I I Patrol 41 39 4X 47.5 Invesligalions 17.5 16 15 16 Traftic Enforcement 5 4 3 5 Speciallnvesligalions 3 3 3 3 Emergency Operations () 0 0 0 Tolal 97.5 91 IO! 102 * The folloWIng posltlOns are funded out ot Ihe IloteL Motel Fund. Iwo (2) CommunIty 'ServIce Officers, and I\\,~ 12) Patrol Ufticers. 116 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Police f)epartmelll - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - lOlllmandcr PatlUl II1\e-;ti~ali()lls Sergeant (~;,(J) Sergeant /3'()) Patrol Oflln:l (33.01 Traffk (Hrice!' (-Ull School Rc-;ourl'(: (If!lcCI C:',() \ Crime Preventiun ()fficer 12,11) SuppriifT ech (0.5\ Support Clerk (l.(n l'bief of PuliCt' l.ll!l1rnandcr Trainiul! and PIO officel Officer (I' OJ Sr. I:videnre '[cch Evidence Tech Suppon 1 ech 12.0) Record~ Supcr\,isnr RecurJs l\.tanagcmclll Srccial1~t I-un l ()mm~l1d\,:r Supput1 Services Managel ScrgC:1111 Pwti.:SSlllll<ll Swndal'ds Lilli! Community Scrvil:C:-i Unit SUpCnlS{l] Lead l<mergenn S":l\'iccs ....pecialis! Emergcncv Services Specialist (l)()\ Support T edl (0.5\ lommunity Scrvict's ()flicer (..UH 117 Police Department Total Budget by Program 2004 2005 2005 2006 4.ctual Adjustcd Estimated Adopted Adminis tration $724.226 $674.559 S670,S9X $733,X60 Community Seniccs Unit S I 63.X34 $179.211 $179,211 $243.574 Communications $54X.072 $X40,6XX $60X,639 $703 77'1) School Resource Otliccr $0 SO $0 $ I 49.X46 Records Scction $IXX.652 $2249X7 $224.9'1)7 $24'1).745 Training $113.X59 $177.234 $177,234 $192,371 Patrol $2,367.80R $2.X 16,341 S2.765.93X $3.0XX,26X Inves ti!(ations $1,015.943 $1.128,206 $I,OX9,274 $1.320.092 Traffic Enforccmcnt $289.539 $242.039 $226.092 $39X, 96X Speciallnvesti!(ations $230,394 $247.4'1'.5 $234,340 $25X,362 Emergency Operations $1 X.280 $29479 $29479 $20.600 Total $5.660.607 S6.56O.229 $6.205.792 $7.35X.464 - - - - - - - Total 20()6 Budget by Program - Patrol Inwst. 17 90.0 - Trall E. - Spec Invest. 3.50.0 -- I::mer Ops. O.3n,o - '" .;. '0 Adm. 100"" l ommunity S~rvH:es 3.30'0 - ~.h(),() /' r Records 340'0 SRO l UlTIm. Y 60'0 - - - The PolIce Department has developed a three-year strategIc plan as a gUIde to Implementmg the fouI1een recommendatIons made 111 the orgamzatlOnal assess- ment. 118 - - Police Oepartment Administration 01-2(/1 - Administration Total Budget by Object - 21104 20115 2005 2006 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted Personnel Services $610,008 $560,264 $556,303 $539,748 Materials & Supplies $9,156 $23,500 $23,500 $60,910 Other Services & Charges $105,062 $90,795 $90,795 $133,202 Capital Outlay $0 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL $724,226 $674,559 $670,598 $733,860 - - - - - Total 2006 Budget by Object - Pcrsonnel Services - 73.50Il Matenals & Supplies X.30 (I - - - - - - Othcr Scrviccs & Chargcs 1 X.2".o - - - Did you know... - - - - - - - Use ofTascr's as a "less lcthal"' optIOn began Jan. 2003 Taser has becn employcd 14 tlmcs WIth no 111Jury to suspect or officcr. In 4 othcr cascs, the tascr was not employed - officcrs wcrc 1l1Jurcd 111 all 4 and suspects InJurcd 1112. - - - - - 119 Police Depart/llellt CO/ll/llllllitr Scn,iccs Cllit OJ-20] Community Services Unit Overview: Enforce zonlllg nUIsance code. Enforce ammal control ordll1ances. Respund to wildlIfe conflICts. Enforce park rulcs and regulatIOns. DeSIgn wlldltfe management programs wIth the cooperatlon of the DlVlslOn of WildlIfe and the Park NaturalIst for resource protectIOn and large predator management, I e., bears and mountalll lions. Enforce, on occaSIon, C R.S. regardmg Title III CrImmal Code, Title 19 Juvemle Code, Title 25 Health Code, Title 33 WildlIfe and Title 35 Ab,'TIculture wlthll1 the scope of dutIes. 2005 Achievements: Estabhshed GraffitI Web Page for CItIzen mfom1atlOn and on-Ime reportmg. Expanded GraffitI Hotlme to mclude citizen InfOm1atlon and reportll1g dIrectIons. Developed coopcratlvc effort WIth PatroL Parks and PublIc Works to report and remove graffitI more efticlently 2006 Objectives: Enhance Code Enforcement to become a proactlve umt versus a complalllt based U111t. ASSIgn code officers to speclfic Clty dlStrICtS as part of the PolIce Department commul11ty polIcmg proJect. EstablIsh neIghborhood projects to develop commumty pnde. Implement educatIOnal programs to enhance commul11ty knowledge of code enfiJ[cement. Total Budget by Object 2004 2005 2005 2006 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted Personnel Services $147,355 $151,671 $151,671 $215,659 Materials & Supplies $1,142 $1.200 $1,200 $1,450 Other Services & Charges $\5,337 $26,340 $26340 $25,465 Capital Outlay $0 $0 $0 $ 1,000 TOTAL $163,834 $179,211 $179.211 $243,574 120 - - - - - - - - - - - - - Police Department COlllmllni~j' Sel'l'ices [nil 01-2IJ3 - Total 2006 Budget hy Ohject - Personnel Scrvlccs 88 50" \ - MaterIals & Supplies 060'0 - - - - - Capital Outlay 040" Other Services & Charges 1 0.50 0 - - - - - - - Did ~Oll know... - - - - - - - The Commumty ServIces Umt establIshcd a graffitI web page for cItIzen mlorInatlon and on- Imc reporting. - - - - - - - - - - - 121 Police Department COllllllllniclItiol/S OJ -204 Communications Overvie'w: ReceIve and dlspatch calls for servlcc m a tImely, safe, orderly and when necessary expedItIOUS manner. AdVIse cItIzens eal11l1g 111 for servIce of any necessary response delays, and proVIde follo\V- up calls for reVISIons as necessary ProVIde directIon and refcrrals to cItIzens requIrIng mformatlon or resources that the City or the PolIce Department cannot proVIde. Perfornl computer II1qumes and entrIes for department personnel. Morutor and update as necessary mfomlatlon mto the computer aIded dIspatch system. Increase the overall effiCIency of commumcatIons through automatlon and mechamzatlon. Create an atmosphere that IS conduclve to commuruty mvolvement. Promote and mal11tal11 effcctlvc \vorkl11g relatIOnshIps wlthm the department and adjacent agencIes. 2005 Achievements: Contmued to meet servIce level expectatlons wIth reduced staffing throughout the year Completed IGA wIth West Metro FIre ProtectlOn Dlstnct for the new M/A-COM radio system, scheduled for ImplementatIon prIor to 2006 Upgraded HVAC system to several areas that house vItal eqUIpment uttllzed by commumcatlons personncl. - 2006 Objectives: Ma1l1tam authorIzed level of staffing to I11sure qualIty publIc safety dlspatchll1g servIces. C ontll1ue thc upgradc to a radIO system that will proVIde relIable coverage and mteroperabilIty Cont1l1ue upgrade on electrIcal and mechal11cal lssues ldentJtied 111 the 2002 UPS Study - - - - - - - Total Budget b~ Object - 2004 2005 2005 2006 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted Personnel Services $498,897 $513,147 $458,789 $569,918 Materials & Supplies $2,143 $67,599 $67,599 $230 Other Services & Charges $47,032 $82,251 $82,251 $127,7R0 Capital Outlay $0 $177,691 $0 $5,850 TOTAL $548,072 $840,688 $608,639 $703,778 122 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Police Departlllent COllllllll1lielltio/l.\ (J 1-20./ Total 2006 Budget by Object Personnel Services 81 000 CapItal Outlay 0800 Other ServIces & Charges I X.20 0 Did you know... The City 's PublIc Safety C ommul1lcatIons Cenler handles between 1,800 and 2,0001::-911 calls per mllnth. MaterIals & Supphes 0000 123 Poliec Depllrtlllellt &11001 Resollrct' Officer 01-205 School Resource Officer Overview: ProvIde School Resource Officers (S.R.O 's) for two MIddle Schools and one HIgh School Handle all calls for serV1CC, mcludmg case filIngs, and all specIal requests for officers attendance at after school functIOns, that come from any of the Wheat RIdge school's, mcludmg the elementary schools. Provlde educatIon, tram mg. gUIdance and altematlves to youth ofthe eommumty through vanous programs and through personal mteractlon while 111 the schools. Assist patrol wlth specIal needs such as parks patrol and other specIaltzed patrols dUrIng the summer months when school IS not Il1 sessIOn. 2005 Achievements: Rc-estabhshed School Resource Officer Program dUrIng budget process for the 2006 fiscal year. 2006 Objectives: Re-establtsh the School Resourcc Officer Program. . ProVIde trammg and mformatlOnal matenal to youth on vanous ways to resIst gangs, drugs and/or beeommg a vlctlm ofcnme. Develop a closer workmg relatlOnshlp WIth the varIOUS school's admllllstratlon and youth Il1 the commumty ASSIst patrol and II1vestlgatlons by handlmg calls for servlce 111 the schools, mcludmg the filmg of felony and mIsdemeanor cases they Il1vestIgate. Total Budget by Object 2004 2005 2005 2006 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted Personnel Services $0 $0 $0 $146.646 Materials & Supplies $0 $0 $0 $3.000 Other Services & Charges $0 $0 $0 $200 Capital Outlay $0 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL $0 $0 $0 $149,846 124 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Police Department School Resource Officer 01-205 Total 2006 Budget hy Ohject Personnel ServIces 97 900 - - - - - - Other Serv Ices & Charges o 10'0 - - - - - - - - - - - Did you kmm... - - Based on comments from parents and kIds. the School Resource Officer program IS one of the most popular programs the department offers. - - - - - - - .. MaterIals & SupplIes 2.000 125 Police Departme1ll Records 01-206 Records Overview: Process, ma1l1ta1l1, and arehlvc all polIce reports and related documents. ProVIde polIce reports as requestcd to all cItIzens, Insurance compal11es and other govel11ment agencIes. Enter CrIme 1l1f0l111alIOn 1l1to statc computers for state and federal stalIstlCS. Contmue to develop and lmplement Improved automated procedures. Bond pnsoners 111 cooperatlon wIth other law enforcement agencIes. FingerprInt clllzens for various lIcenses and Job related requIrements. AssIst cItIzens wIth thelrpolIce related questlons or refer them to the appropnate bureau, CIty department or agency Release mformatlon m accordance WIth Colorado state law on reglstered sex offenders. Mamtam mformalIon on weapons de11lal subjects as receIved from the Colorado Bureau of InvestIgatIon (CBI). ArchIve polIcc rcports 111 accordance WIth all applIcable state statutes 111 regard to retentlOn, destructIon and preservatIon of publIc records. Perform lImIted background checks for the military and other cnm1l1al JustIce agencles. Perform CBI fireal111 and person clearances for local pawn shops to comply WIth firearm statutes. - 2005 Achievements: UtIlIzed LaserFlche software to scan polIce records forretentIon. Automated the Records Bureau report proeessmg by mcorporatmg the WIreless submISSIon of polIce reports from the mobIle field computers. - - - 2006 Objectives: Orgal11ze the pel111anent retentIOn polIcc record files for effiCIency and securIty. ContInue scannmg polIce records mto LaserFiehe to conserve storage space and to Improve records search capabilItIes. Contmue workmg towards Colorado CertIfied Records Network CertIficatIons for records staff. - - - - - - - - Total Budget by Object 2004 2005 2005 2006 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted Personnel Services $182,742 $207,150 S204,187 $227,945 Materials & Supplies $5,865 $800 $800 S800 Other Services & Charges $45 $17,037 $20,000 $20,000 Capital Outlay $0 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL $188,652 $224,9R7 5224,987 $24R.745 126 - - Police Deparll11enl Records 111-206 Total 2006 Budget hy Oh.ieet - Personnel Scrvlces 91 h''-., - - - - - - - Matenals & Supplies O.J<' 0 - - Other ServIces & Charges X.oou - - - - - - - - - - Did you knO\~... - - Records staff fingerprmtcd 33X CItIzens, processed I XAO() polIce reporls and responded to 3,000 requests for copIes of pohce reports m 2004 - - - - - - - - - - 127 Policc Departmcnt Training () J -2()7 Training Overview: Process all trammg requcsts for PolIce Dcpartment employees. Seek speclal necds/requested trallllllg per thc TramIngAssessment Forn1. Develop annualm-servlee tralllmg. Coordlllate wIth smaller outsIde agcnclcs to partlclpate m our annualln-Servlee T rammg. Mamtall1 a trall1l11g hIstory for each polIce department employee. Mamtam m-house tramll1g and rcference matenals. PartIcIpate 111 the Field TraInIng Officer (FTO) program. Oversee PolIce Techl11cIan(s) progrcss dunng PolIce Academy T ramll1g. Serve as IImson between PolIce Department and PolIce Academy Arrange for WRPD Instructors to train at the PolIce Academy as requestcd. Coordmate all, and facilItate portlons, ofthe Ncw Officer Onentatlon Program. . EqUIp and outfit all new officers. Manage the requests for the repmr/replacement of damaged/worn eqUIpment and umforms. Assist wlth the PIO representatIOn for the department. 2005 Achie,ements: Hired five police recrUIts to attend the Jefferson County PolIce Academy Hired fivc certIfied polIce officers for the FTO program. HIred two Al11mal, Parks, Code Enforcement Offi cers. CertIfied all department personnelm less le- thal Taser use. Actlvely partIcIpated m the management and dlssemmatlon process of grant mOl11es from POST and the federal government to provlde trammg. Implemented an In-serVIce steerIng commlttee. 20060bjecthes: Provlde speCIalIzed tramll1g for supervIsors. Coordmate and fund exceptIOnal trall1mg op- portUl11tles for polIce department employees. Coordinate efforts WIth supervlsors to bnng "hot tOpIC trall1mg" to bnefing. . Provide lI1-servlee trammg that IS of hIgh value and Impact for our officers and employees. HIre, tram and eqUIp addJtlOnal officers to fill all vacant posItIons. Improve commumcatIon wlth the II1vestIgatlOns U11lt regarding PIO related dutIes. Total Budget by Object 2004 2005 2005 2006 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted Personnel Services $46,255 $50,734 $50,734 $59,121 Materials & Supplies $3,234 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 Other Services & Charges $64,370 $123,500 $123,500 $130,250 Capital Outlay $0 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL $113,859 $177,234 $177,234 $192,371 128 - - - - - - - - - - - - - Police DeparTment li-aillillg 01-20: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - MaterIals & SupplIcs I 6"" Total 2006 Budget b) Ohject Other Services & Charges 67 7"" Personnel ServIces 307" 0 Did you know... OrgamzalIonal commul1IcatIon and leadershIp skIlls trammg was completed by personnel as part of the OrgamzatlOnal i\ceds Assessment recom- mendatIons. 129 Police Department Patrol 01-211 Patrol Overvie\\ : ProvIde response to emergency cans m under four mmutes. ProvIde proactIve, yet faIr and ImpartwI. enforcement of all the laws of the CIty, State and Federal Governments. Deploy and utilIze resources and personnel to best meet the needs of the cItIzens of Wheat RIdge and the lssues at hand. Conduct cltIzen surveys and publIc meetmgs to revle\V effectIveness and customer satIsfactIon of patrol servIces. PartIcipate 111 county-wIde commIttees and orgarnzatIOIlS and commul1lty meetmgs to enhance the level of servIces to the CItIZens of Wheat Ridge. 2005 Achievements: Completed department WIde orgal11zatlOnal needs assessment. Re-establIshed patrol dlstncts,'sectors wlthm the CIty prO\/ldmg qUIcker response tlme and officer accountabilIty to geOb'TaphlC areas of the CIty Conducted "mterpersonal" commUl11catlOns trammg to enhance mteraetlon wIth CItIzens, suspects, peers and supervIsors. 2006 Objectives: Complete hmng process to fill all authorIzed pos ItlOns. UtilIze CrIme analysls for personnel deployment and deCISIons based on best avallable mformatlOn of cnmc trends and patterns. Provlde servIce levels that the cItlzens of Wheat RIdge are accustomed to and expect. Promote "commul11ty pohcmg" phIlosophy wlthl11 the patrol bureau. Total Budget b} Object 2004 2005 2005 2006 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted Personnel Services $2,310,527 $2,716.761 $2,667,158 $2,987,404 Materials & Supplies $29,271 $39,530 $39,530 $52,460 Other Services & Charges $2R,0 10 $36,450 $35,650 $27 ,650 Capital Outlay $0 $23,600 $23,600 $20,754 TOTAL $2,367,808 $2,R 16,341 $2,765,938 $3,088,268 130 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Police Departmellt Patrol 0/-211 TotaI211116 Budget b~ Object Personnel ServIces 96 700 I -...... Other ServIces & Charges 0900 MaterIals & SupplIes 1 70." Capital Outlay 070" Did you know... DlstrIct'Sector based polIcmg has reduced re- sponse tllne and created hIghcr officer accountabI1- lly fon\ hat IS occurrmg wlthm assIgned dlstncts. 131 Po/icc Departmellt Illl'esth.:atiolls () 1-2 / 2 Investigations Ovcrview: InvestIgate all senous cnrnmal actIvIty m the City of Wheat RIdge I11cludl11g sex assaults, robbenes, burglanes and Illegal drug act1V1ty Securc, preserve and II1ventOl) all property and eVIdence collected annually Analyze, I11terprct and testIfy to varIOUS types of f()renS1C eVIdence. Attend and conduct trammg classes. Analyze and 1l1terpret C11ml11al patterns and predIct future problem areas. 2005 AchicHments: Evaluated, purchased and mstalled dIgItal mug shot Identlticatlon system ehml11atmg the need for film development and tilc cabmet storage of pIctures. Imtlatcd lmplementatlon of digItal camera upgrade for Pohce Department. Developed and lmplementcd case management protocol to proVIde for greater accountablhty of mvestIgatlvc practIces. Convertcd audiO/VIsual eqUlpment I11l11vestlgatlOn bureau mtcrvlew rooms from analog to dIgItal klimat. 2006 Objccthes: Assess all II1vestlgatlvc bureau posltlons for effiCIency and cffcctlveness and make necessary departmental changes. Implement cnme preventIon program, 111 partnershlp WIth busIness and senIor commul1lty, to provlde educatIOn regardmg fraud, forgery and Identlty theft m an effort to reduce vlctImlzatlon and brIng otTenders to account. Track prosecutIOn rates of filed cases, study unresolved cases 111 an etfort to mcrease resolutIon and brIng offenders to account for crImmal behaVIor. - - - - - - - Total Budget b~ Object 2004 2005 2005 2006 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted Personnel Services S976,234 $1,069,05g S 1,027 A09 $1,229,257 Materials & Supplies S 12,3 79 $9,550 $14,350 $16,850 Other Services & Charges $23,041 $36.09g $34,015 $36.935 Capital Outlay $4,289 $13,500 $13.500 $37.050 TOTAL $1,015,943 S 1,128,206 $1,089,274 $1,320,092 132 - - Police f)epartmenl Investigations () /-2/2 lotal2006 Budget hy Ohject Personnel ServIces Y3 100 ~ - MaterIals & Supplies 1.300 - - - - - - / Capital Outlay .../ 2.Xo (J Other ServIces & Charges 280'0 - - - - - - - - - - - Did you know... - - The InvestIgations Bureau handlcd 2,262 cascs 111 2004, and arc on track to handle over 2.400 cases 111 2005 - - - - - - - - - - 133 Police Departlllelll Traffic Elljfm'C'IIIC'nt 01-213 Traffic Enforcement Overview: Work closely wIth commumty on selectlVc traffic enforcement areas and problems. Analyze accIdent data and determmc senous accldcnt locatIons and take actIon to reduce those numbers. Enforce school zones to reduce accldents and mJUrIes around schools. Reduce the numbcr of abandoned automobiles m the CIty. Coordll1ate traffic related Issues wlth the Clty Traffic Engmeer. Work WIth the Department ofTransportatlon to target overweIght tractor/trmler rIgs on our streets and hIghways. Tram our Traffic Ul11t personnel to become "cxperts" 111 therr field. 2005 A.chievements: Conducted "ClIck It or Ticket" campaIgn and school zone enforcement. ProvIded speed zonc enforcement when requested by cItIzens and, or mternal servIce requests. 20060bjecthes: Flll fivc vacant posltlons 111 the traffic UI11t. Tram one new motorcycle officer for Traffic Enforcement. Work wlth the commul11ty 111 reduc1l1g traffic rclated Issues 111 nelghborhoods by asslgl11ng one traffic officer 111 each dIstrICt. . ReInstate overwelght truck entorcement prob'Tam. . Work WIth other Jefferson County law enforcement agencIes to target DU I drIvers. - - - - - - - Total Budget by Object 2004 2005 2005 2006 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted Personnel Services $287,736 $236,239 $223,292 $381 A6R Materials & Supplies $0 $0 $0 $0 Other Services & Charges $ 1,803 $5,800 $2,ROO $6,000 Capital Outlay $0 $0 $0 $1 \,500 TOTAL $289,539 $242,039 $226,092 $398,968 134 - - - - Police Department Traffic Enforcement 01-213 Total 2006 Budget b) Object - Personnel ServIces 95600 - - - - Othcr Scn ICCS & Chargcs 1.500 - - - - - - - - - - - - Did )'ou know... - Summons producllon IS down by o,er 5500 due to Trame Ul1It not In full operatIon and fully staffcd. Other traffic enforcement also rcduced. - - - - - - - - - - - - 135 Police Department Spec;alll/I'e.\tiglltiol/s 01-2/4 Special Investigations O\Crview: InvestIgate drug, lIquor and vIce cnmes. Partner wIth the West Metro Drug Task Forcc AssIst the Patrol Bureau WIth drug related actIvIty ProVIde a proactlve approach to reducc unlawful controlled substance sale and use as well as vIce related CrIme. ProVIde mtellIgenee and undercover optlons to other sectIons wlthm thc department. Support the lnveStIgatlons Bureau on maJor CrIme mvestlgatlO11S. 2005 Achievements: The West Metro Drug Task Force made 433 arrests from January through June of2005 for drug related actIvIty 59 of those arrests oecurrcd 111 Wheat Rldge. SClzed over 55 pounds of Illegal drugs through June 2005 Handlcd 62 cases, specIfic to Wheat Rldgc, m the first SIX months of2005 Seven cases remam unresolvcd and four cases were cleared by means other than arrest. 2006 Objectives: Contmue to suppress illegal drug, VIce, and lIquor actIvIty and to arI-est crImmals engaged m such activlty Crcate and Implement educatIOnal programs, 111 partnershlp wlth the commumty, m an effort to raJse awareness and reduce VlctIn11zatlOn. Track prosecutlon rates offiled case and study unresolved cases 111 an effort to 1I1crease resolutIOn of all drug cases bnngmg offenders to account for crImmal behaVIOr. - - -- - - - - - - Total Budget by Object 2004 2005 2005 2006 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted Personnel Services $213,505 $229,035 S217,390 $239,412 Materials & Supplies SO $200 $200 $200 Other Services & Charges $16,889 $18,250 $16,750 $18,750 Capital Outlay $0 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL $230,394 $247,485 $234,340 $258,362 136 - Police Departmel/t Specialllll'estigatiol/s 01-214 Tutal2006 Budget b~ Object Personnel SCl\/lces 92.700 - - - - Other Scrvlces & Charges 7.300 Malenals & SupplIes o 10." - - - - - - - Did you know... - - - - - - Manjuana IS stll1 the number one illegal substance seIzed by detectIves, followed by Mcthamphctammc and Cocmne. - - - - - - - - - - - - 137 Police Ocpartl1ll'nt En/agel/iT OperatiollS 11/-2/5 Emergency Operations Overview: The program covers the expenses for the Jeftcrson Adams C'ounty Hazmat T calll aftillatlOll, cxerCIse desIgn and llnplcmentatlon, and the ha7- ardous wastc facIlity costs. Thc update of thc emergency plan and annual cxerclse arc on-go- mg actIVItIes. 2006 Objectives: Contll1ue partIcIpatIon III emergency cxerclses. Contmue update of CIty \ Llllcrgency Plan. Contlllue rescarch ofJolt1t Llllcrgcncy Opera- twns Center (EC)C) with thc Clty ofLake\\ood. 2005 Achievements: PartIcIpated In grant sponsored multI-county. multl-JunsdictlOnal \v MD lI1eldcnt. Initiated rcsearch ofaJolt1t bllergency Opera- tIons C cnter (LOC) wIth the CIty (If Lakewood. All PolIcc Officers attended a Fcdcrally spon- sorcd WtvlD trCl1l1lt1g. RcsLJlutlon passed by CIty (ouncIl adoptmg the NatJonallIlCIdcnt MClnagclllent System (\IMS) - - - - - - - - - Total Budget b) Object 2004 2005 2005 2006 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted Personnel SelVices $0 $0 $0 $0 Materials & Supplies S949 $9,129 $9.129 $2.200 Other SelVices & Charges $17,331 $20,350 $20,350 $18,400 Capital Outlay $0 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL $18,280 $29,479 $29,479 $20,600 - 138 - - Police DeparTment E/Iler~el19' Operations 0/-215 TotaI200() Budget by Object Other ServIces & Charges X9.30o - - - - - - MaterIals & Supplies 1070'0 - - - - - Did you know... - - - - - - Several members ofthe pol1ce department particIpate on the Urban Arca SCCUrIty ImtJatlve (U ASl) commIttees whIch oversee millIons 111 fcdcral grant h.mdmg for eqUIpment and trallllllg. - - - - - - - - - - - - - 139 Police Departmellt 2006 'Idopted Budget 140 - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Overview: Ma1l1ta1l1 and Improve the City's 1I1frastrueture. Mamtalll and manage Improvements to the 130 mIles of streets and 36 mIles of storm sewers throughout the CIty ASSist the Commul1lty Development Department In revIew of commerCIal and resldentwl development proJects and bmld1l1g permIt applIcatIons. Admmlster and polIce all constructIon actIvItIes wlth1l1 the street rIghts-of-way Manage and mam1am the City's fleet vehIcles and eqUIpment. 2005 Achievements: Successfully completed CDOT Pohey 160 I process for Improvemcnt ofthe 32nd Avenue,' 1- 70 Interchange Completed a multI-year GeographIcal Intormatlon System (GIS) ImplementatIon Plan. . Implemented a Clty-wlde Largc Item PIckup Program. C ompJeted all proJects on tIme and undcr budget. 2006 Objectives: Complete the Envlronmental Assessment for 1I11provcments to 1-70 at 32ndAvenue and Ward Road and to Statc Hlghway 5X west ofl-70 Prepare a Stormwater Management Enforcement Ordlllance for adoption by City Council. Beg1l1 the first phasc ofthc GIS ImplementatIOn Plan. Total Budget by Object 2004 2005 2005 2006 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted Personnel Services $ 1,513.994 $ 1,678,487 $1,644,663 $1,779,737 Materials & Supplies $327,971 $452,5X9 $452, I 00 $514,600 Other Services & Charges $585,021 $733,811 $652,300 $697,000 Capital Outlay $216,632 $649,300 $649,300 $413,500 TOTAL $2,643,618 $3,514,187 $3,39R,363 $3,404.R37 141 Public Uorks Departmelll Total2tJtJ6 Budget by ObJect Matcnals & F 'Supplies 15.20:0 Pcrsonncl Scrviccs 52 50 (I Othcr Scrvlccs & Chargcs 20 (io..o '1 Capital OUlla)' 11 700 Starting (Full-time Equivalent Employees) 2003 2004 2005 2006 Authorized Authorized Authorized Authorized Administration 2 I 1 I Engineering lJ II 12 12 Operations 10 16 16 16 Traffic Maintenance 5 0 0 0 Fleet Maintenance 4 0 0 0 Trartic Engineering 3 0 0 0 Total 33 2g 29 29 Director of Publie ~ arks Engineering Manal!cr Operations Mana2:cr Civil Engineer II 12.01 Civil Engineer Operations SUDervisor Traffic Control Tech Lead Mechanic Engineering Tech (701 Equipmenl ODeralor 11 13 0) Mechanic Equipment Onorator 112.01 142 Maintenance Worker II 15 01 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Public 'forks Deparll11ent Total Budget hy Program - 2004 2005 2005 2006 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted Adminis tration $119,9RO $125,062 $125,051 S 142.886 Engineering $724,503 $955,813 $X44,OOO 5925,357 Operations $1,7<)9.135 $2,433,312 52,429,312 $2,336,594 Total $2,643,618 $3,514.1R7 $3,39R,363 53,404,837 - - - Total 2006 Budget by Program - - - 4')0. .~ 0 Engmeermg 27.200 - - AdmDllStratJOn - - - - - - OperatIons 68 600 - - - Did you knO\~... - - - - - - - tach year, 15 mIllIon rall1drops stnke each square foot ofland Il1 Wheat Rldgc. - - - - 143 Administration PIIMic HorNS Depllrtmelll Adl1li/listratio/llll-301 Total Budget by Object 2004 2005 2005 2006 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted Personnel Services $IIX,2lX $121,X51 $121,851 $139.186 Materials & Supplies $0 $0 $0 $0 Other Services & Charges $ 1,762 $3,211 $3,200 $3,700 Capital Outlay $0 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL $119,9XO $125,062 $125,051 $142,XX6 - Total 2006 Budget by Ohjcct - - Personnel ServIces 974"0 I " - - - - - - Other Services & '---- CharGes b 2600 The hIghest place 111 Whcat RIdge is West 26th Avenue and CIrcle DrIve wJth an elevatIon of5.583 feet above sca lcvcl. 144 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - Public Horks Department 145 Puhlic "orks Departllle11l Engineering 0/-302 Engineering Overview: Plan and admmlster the desIgn, mumtenance and constructIon of street, dramage, traffic lmprovements proJects and preventlve street mamtenance proJects that are IdentIfied m the Capltal Investment Program. RevIew proposed development constructIOn documents such as. roadway deSIgn plans, gradmg and dramage plans, and final dramage reports for complIance wlth CIty specIficatIons. Process rIght-of-way constructIon pem11ts and approve traffic control plans. . Respond to servIce requests as reqUIred. Support the Commul11ty Development Department on proposed dcvelopment matters related to engmeerIng. 2005 AchieHments: Enhanced publIc works related mformatlon avaIlable on CIty webslte by addlllg Stom1water Management Program mformatlon, engmeerIng constructlOn detmls and right-of-way maps. DeSIgned and managed the constructIOn of over $3 0 millIon m street, stom1 sewer and buIldmg lmprovements. Completed CIty Ma1l1tenance Faclltty Master Plan. Completed a multI-year GeographIcal InformatlOn System (GIS) Implementatlon Plan. Prepared corndor streetscape conceptual deSign for maJor arterIal streets and hIghways. 2006 Ob.iectives: Beg1l1 first phase of the GIS ImplementatIon Plan. Prepare Stormwater Management Entorcement Ord1l1ancc for adoptIon by Clty CouncIl. Meet all Stormwater Management Permlt obJeetlves as outl1l1ed m the permlt. Total Budget by Ob.iect 2004 2005 2005 2006 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted Personnel Services $610,633 $716,324 $685.500 $765,057 Materials & Supplies $6,1 0 I $31,589 $31.600 $27.100 Other Services & Charges $107,769 $198,600 $117,600 $127,200 Capital Outlay $0 $9,300 $9,300 $6,000 TOTAL $724,503 $955,813 $844,000 $925,357 146 - - -' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Public 'forks Department EllgiJleerillf.i 11/-302 Total 2006 Budget b) Ohject Personnel Services 82.70" I Capital Outlay 0600 Other Scrvlces & Charges 13.700 135 mIllIon cars travel the natIons roads, strcets and lI1terstates each day MaterIals & S upp lies 2 quo 147 PI/hlic /j(Jrks DepartmeJlt Operations OJ-303 Operations Overview: ProvIde routl11e and preventatlVe mallltenanee servIces for streets, alleys, storm drall1s and walkways wlthll1 the publIc rIghts-of-way . Manage over 230 pleccs OfClty fleet and powcr eqUlpment. Provlde sno'W rcmoval and Ice control on CJty streets. 2005 Achievements: Enhanced snow and Ice control program by eqUlppmg two addItIOnal snow plow trucks WIth ItqUld deIcer apphcators. Four of fivc snow plow trucks now have capabIlIty of applYlllg hqUld deIcer. EstablIshed a storm sewermamtenance program. EstablIshed a traffic slb'11al mamtenance prob'Tam. Implemented a cIty-wIde Large Item PIckup Program. ReVIsed fleet maIntenance mtervals to current 1I1dustry standards. - - - 2006 Objecthes: Encourage greater partICIpatIon 111 clty-wJde Large Item PIckup Program. Complete the replacement ofthe street name Slb'11S wIth the new standards. Contmue upgradmg traffic SIgnal eqUIpment. Replace the followlllg CIty eqUIpment: 3 patrol sedans, onc pol1cc SUV, one Publ1c Works dump truck, one PublIc Works pIckup, one Parks pIckup WIth chlpper box, two small Parks pJckups, and one Buildl11g D1Vlslon pIckup. - - - - - Total Budget by Object - 2004 2005 2005 2006 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted Personnel Services $785,143 $840,312 $837,312 $875,494 Materials & Supplies $321,870 $421,000 $420,500 $487,500 Other Services & Charges $475,490 $532,000 $531,500 $566,100 Capital Outlay $216,632 $640,000 $640,000 $407,500 TOTAL $1,799,135 $2,433,312 $2,429,312 $2,336,594 148 - PlIblic U (I/"ks [)epartment Fllgilleerillji UJ-302 Total 2006 Budget b~ Object Personnel SerVices ~2 7"" MaterIals & SupplIes 29" 0 - - - - I CapItal Outlay 060." Other ServIces & Charges 13 700 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 135 t11l1lIon cars travel the natIons roads, streets and mterstates each day - - - - - - - - - - 147 Puhlic U (J/'k; Depurtl/lc/lt Operatio/ls IJI-3IJ3 Operations Ovenie" : ProvIde routme and prcventatlvc maIntenance servIces for streets, alleys, storm drams and walkways wlthm the public rIghts-of-way Manage over 230 pIeces of CIty fleet and powcr eqUIpment. ProvIde snow removal and Ice control on Clty streets. 2005 Achieyements: Enhanced snow and Ice control program by eqUIppIng two addltJOnal snow plow trucks wIth IIqUld dClccr applIcators. Four offivc snow plow trucks now have capabIlIty of applymg IIqUld deleer tstablIshed a stom1 sewer mamtenance prot.'ram. EstablIshed a traffIc slgnalmamtenance program. Implemented a clty-wlde Large Item PIckup Program. ReVIsed fleet mamtenance mtervals to current mdustry standards. 2006 Objecthes: tncourage greater partlclpatlon 111 elty-wlde Large Item Plck'Up Program. Complete the replacement ofthe street name SIgnS wIth the new standards. ContInue upgradmg traffic SIgnal eqUlpment. Replacc the followmg CIty eqUlpment: 3 patrol sedans, one polIce SUV, one PublIc Works dump truck, one PublIc Works pIckup, one Parks pIckup wIth chIpper box, two small Parks pIckups, and one Buildmg D1Vlslon pIckup. Total Budget by Object 2004 2005 2005 2006 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted Personnel Services $785,143 $840,312 $837,312 $875,494 Materials & Supplies $321,X70 $421,000 $420,500 $487,500 Other Services & Charges $475,490 $532,000 $531,500 $566, I 00 Capital Outlay $216,632 $640,000 $640,000 $407,500 TOTAL $1,799,135 $2,433,312 $2,429,312 $2,336,594 14R - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Public "'/lrks Department Operations 01-303 Personnel Services 37.S" u Total2lHl6 Budget by Object MaterIals & SupplIes 209",,, CapItal Outlay 174"" Did you know... A tYPIcal traffic sIgnal use~ 116 watt bulbs to lIght the red, green and amber lenses. Other ServIces & Charges 24.2"" 149 Puhlic Hm'ks Department 2IJ06 .1dol'(ed Budget - - - - - - - 150 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT OHrvicw: Serve as the leIsure, recreatIOnaL and mfomlatlOnal resource for the resIdents of Wheat RIdge, stnvmg to meet the physIcal, social and cultural needs ofthe commumty AcqUIre, desIgn and construct parks, traIls and opcn space arcas and facIlitIes. Mamtam parks, traIls and open space sItes and rccreatIon facilItIes. Manage recreatIon facilItIes, mcludmg the Wheat Rldgc RecreatIOn Center, Wheat RIdge Sel1lor Center, Anderson BUlldmg and outdoor pooL RIchards Hart Estate and the Ye aide F Irchouse. Dcvelop departmental polIcy SupervIse Park, Forestry, Open Spacc and RecreatIon DIvIsIons. 2005 Achievements: ReconstructIOn of Clear Creek Trail - Phase III Youngfield to West BrIdge and lower Prospect Park. Improvements to Youngfield TraIlhead. Replacement of Prospect Park playground. AcqUISItIon of b'Tants m the amount 01'$200,000 Improvemcnts to Randall Park ll1c1udll1g replacement of all purpose court and sewer ]me Installation of PublIc Art Sculpture at Founders' Park. Completed Tabor Lake bank stablhzatlOn 2006 Objectives: Complete needs assessment regardmg Park and RecreatIOn amel1ltles and facilItIes. . Replace ballfield hghts and poles at Prospect Park fields. Rep]ace Irngatlon system at Randall Park. Construct Restroom/ConcessIon Buildmg at CreeksIde Park. Install dugout roofs at Creeksldc Park. Total Budget by Object 2004 2005 2005 2006 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted Personnel Services 5 I ,660,059 $1,889,854 $1,854,150 51.750,954 Materials & Supplies $206,426 $229,031 S211,208 $247,758 Other Services & Charges $728,233 $919,754 $886,353 5968,144 Capital Outlay $59,548 $62,056 $58,080 $]22,800 TOTAL $2,654,266 53,! 00,695 $3,009,791 $3,089,656 \5\ Parks and Recreation Total 2006 Budget hy Ohject Materials & Supplies R.O" " Personnel ~cr\'ices Other Services & Charges 31.30i() 56.70'0 Staffing (Full-time Equivalent Employees) 2003 2004 2005 2006 ""uthorized Authorized ""uthorized Authorized Administration 2 2 2 2 Recreation 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 Parks Maintenance 14 14 14 15 Fores try 5 4 4 4 Open Space 2 2 2 0 .' Anderson Building 0 0 0 0 Athletics 2 2 2 2 General Programs 1.5 0 0 1.5 Outdoor Pool 0 0 0 0 Senior/Communit\" Center 4.13 3.63 4.13 4 13 Building Maintenance I I 1 I Total 33.13 30.13 30.63 34.13 1\ote ~tatfing numbers include full.time and part.time benetited employees only in the General and Open Space Funds. The following posttlons are funded out of the Open Space Budget: Parks. (Ipcn "pace. Forestry Managcr: Operations Supervisor: Parks Program Coordinator; Upen Space Coordinator' (21 Parks Maintenance Crew Leaders. Maintenance Worker II. The organizational chart on the iollowing page include all Parks and Recreation employees in the (,eneral. Recreation ( enter and Open ~pace funds. 152 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Parks and Recreation - - P:lrL. Furc:;\rv. (ll'cn Span: M:lllagl..'f - - - - - Uperations SupenisOl OpelI Coordinatul - - - t few Lt'adcr I~,OI Mallllt:nancl." \Vurker II - - - Maintenance \\'orh'rJ - M~jntenance \\'urkt.:r II ,4,0\ - - - Mainkl1<lnct: \\'orkl..'fJ (60) - - Forestr\, Tech - - - - run.:stry I\ssis\alll - - - Horticulture <\s.:;istant - - Recreation SupcrvlsDI If/r/Clit\ Parks f1rogram LnordinatOl Dir('ctorol Parb& Recreation Rt:cr~atiOfl Supl'r\'isor (,euc'rdl 1)1'1)~r<lm\ Rel'rcatlon t llllrdinator (0.:--1 Recreation Leader 10"1 Recn.:atlon Coordinator Recn:alion [.eade!" (0,'::;) ReCTe'.rtlOll SurerViS\11 St'JJifll Pro'..!rtllll Rl'creati()1) r-.tanagcl Recreation ( ourdinawr (Ilil Recreatioll Clerk HI (t.Ol Rei,":"reatlon Clerk lJ (I 0) Operations Surcrvisnr Fut'ifili('.) Fadlitv ASSIstant (1,0) Office TeCh 10.5) ReClcatiOl1 Clerk II 11.01 Facilitic~ Maintenance lcch { \.0\ CU~lod,an {2.0f Recreation Supen'lsur llfU,-lIiD Marketing C:oordinawr Ponl Manager (:;.\H 153 Parks and Recreation Total Budget by Program 2004 2005 2005 2006 ""ctual Adjus ted Es ti mated Adopted Administration $174.497 $IX5,619 $1 X4,R09 S203,6()] Recreation $153.713 $IRR,791 S 176,592 $200,525 Parks Maintenance $I,OXI.114 $1.I97.65X $1 IRb.663 $1,022,917 Fores trv $222.449 $316,IX9 $306, X51 $239,7% Open S JXIce $134.1% $160.915 $139.590 $115.297 Anderson Building $74J25 $74.771 $72JOX $X6,4XO Athletics $140,920 $174.535 $159.7X7 $169.743 General Progralm $0 $0 $0 $170.557 Outdoor Pool $6b,75I $109,040 $R7,936 $99.417 Senior/Community Center S306,X33 $362.4 70 $35K426 $4 I 0.X5X Buillinu Maintenance S299,46X $330,707 $33b.R29 $370.465 Total $2.654266 $3.IOO,m5 $3.009,791 $3,()R9,b56 - Total 2006 Budget by Program Sr 'COI11Ill. Center Bldg, Main\. 1200 Adm. 6.60() - Gen. Prog. ').51l() - Outdoor Pool , ~u J...... '0 - Athletics ~ 5.50'0 Parks Mam\. 33 100 2.XO'o ~ Forestry Open Space 7.Xu,o 37"0 A.nderson Bldg. - The Parks and RecreatIOn Dcpartment rcceivcd grants totalmg $544, I 00 from Jeffeo Open Space, and Great Outdoors Colorado for resurfacmg on Clcar Crcek Trall 154 Parks and Recreation .jdmin;stl"tlt;on 111-60/ Administration Total Budget by Object - 2004 200S 200S 2006 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted Personnel Services $149,329 $157,099 $156,OX9 $174,626 Materials & Supplies $5,475 $4,700 $4,700 $4,800 Other Services & Charges $19,693 $23,820 $24,020 $24,175 Capital Outlay $0 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL $174,497 $185,619 $184,809 $203,60 I - - - - Total 2006 Budget hy Ohject - Personnel Services 85 8"0 / ( Other SefYlces & Charges II 90 (I MaterIals & Supplies 2400 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The Parks and RccreatlOn Dcpartment recclved b'Tants totalmg S 194, 1 00 from Jefferson County Open Space and the Grcat Outdoors Colo- rado to resurface a portIon of the Clear Creek Trail. - - - - - - 155 Parks and Recreation Recreation IIl.61J2 Recreation Overvie" : SupervIse, admmlstratlon and management ofthe RecreatIon DIvIsIon whIch mcludes operatIon and programmmg of the RecreatIon Center, Semon' CommunIty Center, outdoor pool and the aquatIcs, athletICS and general rccreatIon programs. SupervIse the Marketmg Coordmator ProVIde qualIty customcr servIce. Develop and mOl1ltor budget expenditures and revenues torthe Rccreatlon DIvISIon. 2005 Achievements: Developed a ne\\ partnershIp WIth the Colorado RapIds to help promote Wheat RIdge socccr Successfully completed a grant request ll1 cooperatIon WIth the Jefferson County Department of Health and EnvIronment and other COnmlUl1lty partners. The "Thnvmg COmmUl1ltles, C ommul11ty Opportul1ltles for Health Eatmg and ActIve Llvmg" IS to help develop and Implement programs, pohcics and envIronmental changes that mcrease phYSIcal actIvIty and healthy eatmg. Completed a full tIme staffsurvey to IdentIfy work load Issues. IdentIfy obstacles to aid staff 111 effiCIency and effectIveness and help pnontlze fundll1g for the 2006 budget. Worked WIth the CIty ConnectIon newsletter editor ll1 cont1l1ull1g an on-gomg column to advertIse upcomll1g classes 2006 Objectives: Work WIth web master and a Parks and RecreatIOn web commIttee to define the look and content of the Parks and RecreatIOn mfonnatlon on the CIty web site Coord1l1ate the RecreatIOn DIvIsIon's ll1volvement 111 the NatIOnal RecreatIOn and Parks AssocIatIon pIlot program "Step Up to Health" . Develop a marketll1g ll1temshlp program m cooperatIon with area colleges. Develop customer servIce standards tor the RecreatIon DIVISIon. Create actIOn plans for key areas that were IdentIfied 111 the staff survey, includll1g commUI11Catlon, marketmg and tramll1g. Total Budget b) Object 2004 200S 200S 2006 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted Personnel Services $91.975 $105,408 $105,244 $110,826 Materials & Supplies $20.1 ] 3 $33,075 $2g,950 $38,973 Other Services & Charges $41,625 $50,308 $42,398 $50,726 Capital Outlay $0 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL $153,713 $188,791 $176,592 $200,525 156 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Parks and Re("/"('atioll R('("/"eatioll OI-6IJ2 - - - Personnel Services 55 3"0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Total 2006 Budget by Object Did you know... Customers can now regIster on.lme for all recreatIon classes. Matenals & Supphes 1940" 'L Other Services & Charges 25.3"'0 157 Parks and Recreation Parks Maintenance IJ/.6f13 Parks Maintenance Overview: ProvIde a safe envIronment for users of Clty- owned developed park land and facilItIes. Mamtam all landscapes and turf areas at CIty parks and facihtles. MamtamlrngatlOn systems m parks. Mamtam and prepare sports fields. 2005 Achievements: Contmued renovatIOn of turf areas through weed controL fert1ltzatlOn, aeratIOn and lITIgatIon, reseedll1g and resoddll1g. Wrote speCIficatIOns and implemented:' upgradcd the nght-of.wav weed ma111tenance program. Upgraded bleachers at Anderson Park to meet CPSC safety standards. . Removed trees, fencll1g and outlymg shed at Baugh House. Renovated concrete at Anderson BUlldll1g,' MUl1lClpal Pool, Parks, Forestry and Open Space offices, and extended walkway from parkmg lot to the skateboard park. Replaced fall surfae1l1g 111 Anderson Park playground. Installed new park sIgns at Bonl1le's and CreeksIde Parks. BUIlt Windsor block planters for Bonl1le's, Creekside and Founders Parks. Completed renovatIons to Prospect and Anderson Park ballfields and added yellow protectIve safety cap to fence Imes. Installed ne'W water 11I1e to Anderson Park ballfield to supply early season water for mamtenance of playmg areas. Removed graffitlm parks and faCIlItIes. Renovated show wagon mtenor and extenor for Performance-JI1.the-Park, CarnatIon Festival and Chnstmas Llghtmg Ceremony PartIcIpated m tests WIth the State of Colorado and Colorado School of Mmes to detennme water qualIty, pestICIdes and l1ltrates 111 well water at the CIty of Wheat RIdge MUl1lclpal buildmg sHe 2006 Objectives: ContInue goal to Improve ma1l1tenance programs m parks and faclhtles. Improve rIght.of-way weed mall1tenance program. Contmue to upgrade bleachers to meet CPSC safety standards. . Implement Turf Mall1tenance Plan objectIves and Improve mamtenance practIces of turf areas. Utlhze lI1fOmlatlOn gathered from work tasks and mamtenanee levels to tmprove effiCIency. Total Budget by Object 2004 200S 200S 2006 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted Personnel Services $734,569 $789,996 $780,039 $509,168 Materials & Supplies $75,708 $52,0] 5 $53,826 $57,415 Other Services & Charges $265,777 $332,191 $330,218 $444,n4 Capital Outlay $5,060 $23,456 $22,580 $11.550 TOTAL $1,081,114 $1,197,658 $] ,186,663 $1,022,917 15!! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Parks and Reereut;on Parksl\,laillfenllnce 01-603 - - - Personnel ServIces 49 X"" - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Total 2006 Budget hy Object Matenals & SupplIes 56u." CapItal Outlay I I u'o Did you kllow... In 2005,35,000 square feet of turf has been replaced, 450,000 square feet ofturfhas been aerated and topdressed, and approxImately 350,000 square feet of sod has been seeded. Other Servtces & Charges 435"u 159 Parks a/ld Recreatio/l Forestry /11-6/14 Forestry Ovcrvie\'v: ProvIde planmng and ma1l1tenance for trees and other plant matenal on all publIc nght -of-way and cIty-owned property to ensure a safe and beautIful tree cover License tree and lawn care compal1les domg busmess wlthm the cIty hmlts. 2005 Achievements: Planted and mamtamed the Wheat RIdge DemonstratIOn Gardens at thc RIchards-Hart Estate Worked WIth the MIle HIgh Youth Corp to plant the Wheat RIdge Demonstration Gardcns and mulehmg at vanous parks. Selected plant materIa] from nursenes for Wheat RIdge Dcmonstratlon Gardens, Randall parkmg lot and memorIal trees. Contracted tnmmmg and removal of hazard trees m the Greenbelt. Responded to servIce requests for mtersectlOn clearance and SIght dIstance problems. Contracted to tub gnnd stumps mto mulch at Lovejoy property Celebrated Arbor Day on May 7, 2005 at the RIchards-Hart Estate Remstated the plantmg programm park plantmg beds. Contracted the removal and tnmmmg of trees on CIty nghts-of-way Mall1tall1ed trecs and plants ll1 traf1ic ealmmg Islands, 38th Avenuc strcctscape and Harlan Street walk. Celebrated the 26th Anmversary of the CIty of Whcat RIdge as Tree CIty USA. Retall1ed DIsplay Garden Status WIth All Amenca SelectIons at Happll1ess Gardens 2006 Objectives: Replace damaged and destroyed trees m the parks and on streets from 2003 snowstorm Work with Colorado State Forest ServIce to conduct tree mventones m parks and nght-of-- ways wlthm the CIty once the GIS programls onlme Stay current WIth Inscct and dIsease 1I1fomlatlon and treatments. Remove trees and stumps and replant trees and plants. Keep Memonal Tree Program and replacement of dead or destroyed trees m nghts-of-way current. Prune, weed and mulch plantmg beds. - - - - - - - Total Budget b~ Object 2004 200S 200S 2006 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted Personnel Services $128,532 $167,671 $166,256 $144,238 Materials & Supplies $5,968 $30,527 $23,604 $21,962 Other Services & Charges $87,949 $117,99] $116,991 $73,596 Capital Outlay $0 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL $222,449 $316.189 $306,851 $239,796 16U Parks & Recreation Forestrl' 01-604 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Total 21106 Budget hy Object Pcrsonnel SCrvlCCS 60.20'0 MaterIals & SupplIes 9.2"" Other Scrvlces & Charges 3070" Did you knO\\... Thcrc arc over fifty varIetIes oftrccs on the RIchards-Hart Estate propcrty )6) Parks and Recreation Open Space IJ/-MI5 Open Space Overvie'w: ProvIde envIronmental education. natural resource management 1l1formatlon and volunteer OppOltul1ltles for open space VIsItors. Manage the CJty's natural rcsources, open space areas, related trail facilitIes and VISItOrs through the effectIVe use of available resources. 2005 Achievements: . Completed SIgn Master Plan wIth consultant. Completed trail constructIOn from Hoyt Street to Charhe Brown Bndge. Completed the revegetatIon of the traIl marg1l1s for both 2003 and 2004 trail constructIOn proJects wJth assIstance from Mile High Youth Corp and a contractor. Cont111ued noxious weed control with staff and contractor 111 open space lands. PartIcIpated 111 the first Denver metro BlObhtz; a survey of plant speCIes and WIldlIfe Cooperated wIth Urban Dra1l1age to alter mow111g schedule for Purple Loosestnfe control, for debns removal and wIth a bank stablhzatlOn project. Replaced and l11stalled of split rail fence off Moore Street and at the MillerTrmlhead. 2006 Objectives: Implement the SlgIl Master Plan. 1l1ltJate a GPS photographIc hnked record of natural resources. ProVIde envIronmental educatIOn and volunteer opportul1ltles to cItIzens. RepaIr portIOns of crusher fines traIl 111 the conservatIon area between MIller Street and Youngfield Street. - - - - - - - - Total Budget by Object 2004 200S 200S 2006 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted Personnel Services $94,328 $99,1 05 $99.1 05 $77,337 Materials & Supplies $14,938 $10,500 $] 0,500 $11,200 Other Services & Charges $24,930 $51,310 $29,985 $26,760 Capital Outlay $0 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL $134,196 $160,915 $139,590 $115,297 162 Parks and Reaeation Open Space Of-605 Personnel ServIces 67 100 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Total 2006 Budget by Object Matenals & Supplies l) 700 ~ Other ServIces & Charges 23.2'\, In ordcr to control nOXlOUS weeds and manage our Clty\ natural resources thc Clty uses multl-prongcd or IPM lI1tergraded pest management approach. 163 Parks and Reaeation 'Jnderson Hui/dinK () J -620 Anderson Building Overview: ProvIde Indoor actIvIty space for Parks and RecreatIOn programs, conunuruty prot,'Tams, local youth groups and pnvate rentals and recreatIon classes and programs Includll1g: Yoga, Karate, ballet, fitness classes, adult baskctball and volleyball, Jazzerclse, pre-school gymnastIcs and other recreatIon classes. ProvIde qualIty customer servIce. 2005 Achievements: Repalred gymnasIUm roof Adapted office area to accommodate summer programs. Added youth JazzerClse programmll1g. 2006 Objectives: Incrcase rental revenues. Repalr upper lobby roof Replace floonng m actIvIty room. Upgrade volleyball equIpment. Pamt actIvIty room. - - - - - - Total Budget by Object 2004 200S 200S 2006 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted Personnel Services $12,853 $15,919 $14,106 $15,693 Materials & Supplies $0 $0 $0 $0 Other Services & Charges $46,995 $47,852 $47,202 $47,3g7 Capital Outlay $14,477 $] 1.000 $11,000 $23,400 TOTAL $74,325 $74,771 $72,308 $86,480 1M - - Parks and Recreation 'llldersoll BuildinK 01-620 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Matcnals & Suppltes , , 000'0 Total 2006 Budget hy Ohject r Personncl ServIces J 24 900 The Anderson b'YmnaSlU111 ts one ofthe fe\', gyms avaIlable for rent 111 the wcst metro area and serves a vanety of groups and activItICS. Other ServIces & Charges 75 100 165 Parks and Real'ation 4th/etic,OI-flll Athletics Overview: Implement and oversee a wIde range of athlettc programs and faClhttes to meet the needs of partIcIpants of all ages. ProvIde quahty customer servIce. Develop, admlmster and evaluate athletIcs programs. Contract youth sp0l1s camps. Admll1lster athletIc 1eab'1les. Coordinate field use for local youth sports b'TOUps. Manage user fees and collect revenues. Schedule field usage and rentals. 2005 Achievements: Reorgamzed the AthletIcs DIvIsIOn to accommodate a RecreatIOn Leader posItIon. Implemented new youth programs. Expanded partICIpatIOn In the C'.A.R.A Track program. Upgraded field light systems at Wheat Ridge MIddle School and Anderson Park. Worked wIth Parks staffto Improve condItIons of grass playmg surfaces. Upgraded field eqUIpment at Paramount and Panorama soccer fields. Worked wIth CompetItIve Soccer to offer more trall1l11g to the developmental program. Conducted speCIal events Includmg Punt, Pass and KIck and RockIes Baseball Skills Challenges. 2006 Objectives: Further expand athletIc programmmg to preschool and youth age groups. ProvIde trall1l11g for soccer field users on new portable goals. Il1ltlate new field elosure procedures for soccer fields Develop new sports camps and classes. - - - - - - - - - - Total Budget by Object 2004 200S 200S 2006 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted Personnel Services $120,290 $148,072 $139,557 $143,368 Materials & Supplies $17,312 $22,238 $19,000 $24,605 Other Services & Charges $3,3 ]8 $4,225 $1,230 $1,770 Capital Outlay $0 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL $140,920 $]74,535 $159,787 $169,743 166 ParJ.s and Recreation 4 th/etics () 1-62/ Total 2006 Budget by Ohject Personnel Servlccs 84.500 - Matenals & Supphes 14.50'0 - - - - - - Other ServIces & Charges 1.000 - - - - - - - - - - - Wheat RIdge provIdes fields for over 750 baseball and softball games annually and the soccer program fielded 63 teams in 2005 - - - - - - - - - -- 167 Parks and /(ecreatioll Gelleral Pro~rall1s 01.622 General Programs Overview: Offer and Implement programs for parent/tot and preschool-aged children ll1cludll1g creatIve movement, mUSIC, arts and crafts, and fitness, whIch faclhtate development of cogmtlve, motor and SOCIal skIlls. Provlde quahty recreatIOn opportumtles for I11dlvlduals wlth dlsabll1tles, facll1tatll1g partIcIpatIOn 111 recreatIOn servIces whIle enhancmg development of physIcal, cogmtlve, emotIOnal and socIal skIlls. Coach varIOUS SpeCIal OlympIcs teams mcludmg bowhng, basketball and soccer and compete m regIOnal and state competItIons. Coordinate lI1clUSIOn opportumtles tor lI1dlvlduals WIth and WIthout dIsabilItIes. Offer and Implement State Llccnscd Preschool Program and supervIse staff Offer and Implement quahty programs for youth, teens and adults mcludmg educatJOnal, arts and crafts, general Interest, self. Improvement and more Offer and Implement specIal events such as, Easter Egg Hunt. Hohday Llghtmg Ceremony, Fall FestIVal and hohday classes. 2005 Achie\ements: Offered vanety of martIal arts, dance, outdoor recreatIOn and general programs for parent/tot, preschool, youth, teens and adults. Expanded Summer Sun Club, camp I1ke program for youth WIth and WIthout dlsabihtles, through 1I1crcased partlclpatlOn and more developed actIVItIes and admmlstratlOn. Formcd "Step Up To Health" program for Llcensed Preschool to teach young chIldren wellness, nutntlon and filI1ess. Involved WIth state I11ltlatlve to change I1censl11g rules for recreatIOn center preschools. Expanded Therapeuttc RecreatIOn through mcreascd partIcIpatIon and program success. Learned I11ternet appl1catlOns to l11arket TherapeutIc RecreatIon on the CIty web sIte. Offered new and Il1nOvatlve programl11l11g mcludmg early mterventton for children WIth dlsablhtles, one on one sWlmmmg lessons and a leIsure coachmg program. 2006 Objectivcs: Mall1tam cun'ent classes and actIVItIes. Uphold excellent customer servIce Contll1ue and expand Summer Sun Club Increase partICIpatIon m LIcensed Preschool. Add and ll1crease features and partICIpatIon m Fall FestIval held at Recrcatlon Center Further develop TherapeutIc RecreatIOn Outdoor programs. Increase awareness of TherapeutIc RecreatIOn servIces Total Budget b) Object 2004 200S 200S 2006 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted Personnel Services $0 $0 $0 $157,794 Materials & Supplies $0 $0 $0 $10,595 Other Services & Charges $0 $0 $0 $2,168 Capital Outlay $0 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL $0 $0 $0 $170,557 16R - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Parks and Recreation General Pro!?/"allls () J .622 Total 20116 Budget by Object RecreatIOn IS necessary to fuel the human spirit, strengthen the physIcal self. and create a senes of connectIons to others, community and the envlrol1l11ent that are necessary to lIfe as are air and water. P ersonne I ServIces 92.5"'0 - - - Other ServIces & Charges 1.3"." - - - - - - - - - - - Did you knO\~... - - - - - - \ Matenals & "- Supplies 6.20 " - - 169 Parks and Recreation Outdoor Pool () 1.623 Outdoor Pool Overview: ProvIde a vanety of programs and scrvlces to all ages and sWlmmmg abilIties. ProvIde a safe and fun envIronment for recreatIOnal sWImmIng and qualIty programmIl1g. Responsible for the mall1tenance, progranumng, schedulmg, and pubhc educatIOn related to the outdoor pool. Mamtam safety, gucst relatIons, and LeanHo- SWll11 prob'Tams. Offer programs for certIficatIOn m LIfeguard Trammg, Water Safety Instructor, CPR and First AId, AED, Commul1lty FirstAld, Learn to SWl1n. 2005 Achievements: Conducted a safe 2005 season. ProvIded ongoll1g opportUl11tles for staff trammg m customer serVIce, lIfe guardmg skIlls, emergency actIOn preparedness and water safety mstructlOn. ProVIded a Learn-to,Swlm program for commul11ty day care centers. Coordmated pool tune for the Wheat RIdge Summcr Club and The Rocky MountaIn Thunder. 20060bjectivcs: ContInue to provIde ongOl11g training opportul11ties for staff. Work WIth contractors and parks to faClhtate ncccssary repaIrs. Promote commumty day care program. Coordll1ate and Implement new aquatIc programs to meet the ongomg nceds of the commumty ProvIde quahty customer servIce. Total Budget by Object 2004 200S 200S 2006 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted Personnel Services $40,142 $72,992 $63,70] $65,754 Materials & Supplies $16,249 $22)\48 $17,500 $2] ,463 Other Services & Charges $7,025 $7,600 $4,235 $8,350 Capital Outlay $3,335 $5,600 $2,500 $3,850 TOTAL $66,751 $109,040 $87,936 $99,417 170 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Parks alld Reereatioll Outdool" {)ool 01.623 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Personnel ServIces 6X XO 0 Total 2006 Budget by Object Other ServIces & Charges 8700 Anderson Pool holds 500,000 gallons of watcr. Matenals & SupplIes 22.500 171 Park." and ReCl"eat;on Sen;or/Colllmun;(1' Center 11/-624 Senior/Community Center Overview: Stnve to enhance the quahty ofhfe for resIdents ages 50 and older by provldmg opportUl11tles to gro~ SOCIally, stay healthy and be 1I1volved 111 the commul11ty by offenng recreatIOnal programs. ProvIde space for commul11ty based groups to meet dunng the even1l1g and weekend hours. Rent the Center for use of pnvate partIes, socIal gathenngs and meetl11gs. Coordl11ate programs and servIces for sel1lors WIth other agencIes such as Volunteers of Amenca, North Jeffco SenIOr Centcr and the Sel1lors' Resource Center (SRC) AUb'Tl1ent fundmg for Improvements to the Center vIa the Sel1lor Fund and fund ralsmg actIvItIes. Market Sel110r Center programs by producmg and distributmg the "Gateway" newsletter 4 tImes per year, deSIgn and dIstribute flyers, and send out press releases. SupervIse and manage the usage of the Center and oversee the mamtenance ofthe faCIlIty . ProvIde quahty customer servIce. 2005 Achievements: . Completed Improvements to Prospect Hall by replacmg Hoonng and stage and upgradmg the sound system. Replaced carpetll1g at Sel11or/Commul11ty Center Increased computer class offcnngs. RecrUIted addItIOnal" olunteer I11structors for classes. Encouraged partICIpation 111 Clt) sponsored pubhc meetmgs. . Accommodated 3,329 sel110rs on 187 tnps m 2003 (van tnps, walkmg group and extended travel ). 2006 Objectives: Expand marketmg exposure of the Center m the commul1lty by sponsonng a commul1lty evcnt. Cont1l1ue to buIld partnershIps WIth area bus messes m offenng programs and to seek sponsorshIps for programs. Complete Improvements to Prospect Hall uS1l1g Sel1lor Fund money Replace deSIgnated HVAC Ul11ts and roofing. Total Budget by Object 2004 200S 200S 2006 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted Personnel Services $217,989 $260,725 $257,186 $285,525 Materials & Supplies $23,105 $25,435 $25,435 $27,850 Other Services & Charges $30,055 $55,310 $54,805 $60,483 Capital Outlay $35,684 $21,000 $21,000 $37,000 TOTAL 5306)\33 $362,4 70 $358,426 $410,858 172 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Parks and Recreation Senior/Community Center 111-62./ - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - Total 2006 Budget by Object Personnel ServIces 69.500 \ Captta] Outlay 900,,, Did you know... 145 volunteers at the Center contributed no less than 4,965 hours m 2004 The average hourly value of volunteers IS $17 00 resultmg in $87,] 35 worth of servIce. Matcnals & Suppltes 680" Other Services & Charges ] 4 70" 173 Purks und Recreation Bni/dill~ Maintenance 01./18 Building Maintenance Overvie"\\ : ProvIde maIntenance to all mumelpal buildIngs. Purchase and Inventory all operatmg supplIes. SupervIse and asSIst WIth all commwllty room set- ups at the Recreation Center. Schedule and supervlsc all outsIde contractors. SupervIse all RecreatIon Ccnter custodial workers. Contmue the upgrade and renovatIon ofHVAC systems ll1 allmu11lclpal buildmgs. SupervIse contractual custodIal servIces for all mUlllclpal buildings. 2005 Achievements: Replaced carpet on first floor of Pol1ce Department. Played ll1tegral role ll1 Semor Center Prospect Hall remodel and carpet replacement. . Played mtegral role on Phase 11 of City Hall HVAC remodel. 2006 Objecthes: Replace carpet on second floor of Pohce Department. . AssIst WIth Phase III of City Hall HVAC remodel. Remodel bookIng room at PolIce Department. Contmue hIgh level of customer serVIce and buildIng mamtenance for all staff. - - - - - - Total Budget by Object -- 2004 200S 200S 2006 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted Personnel Services 570,052 $72,867 $72,867 $66,625 Materials & Supplies S27 ,558 $27,693 $27,693 $28,895 Other Services & Charges $200,866 $229,147 $235,269 $227,945 Capital Outlay $992 $1,000 $1.000 $47,000 TOTAL $299,468 $330,707 $336,829 $370,465 174 Parks tlnd Recreation SIIi/dinK Maintenance (JI-1l8 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Matenals & Suppltes 780'0 Total 2006 Budget by Object Other ServIces & Charges 61 50'0 Personnel Servtces 18000 Capttal Outlay 12 700 Did you know... The RecreatIon Center uses apprc1Xl11lately three hundred miles of" tOllet paper per year 175 Parks and Recreation 211116 'ldoJlted Blld~et - - - - - - - - - - - - 176 - - - - .- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Recreation Center Fund Overview: Thc \Vhcat Rldgc Recreation Center IS a statc.ot~the-art facllity locatcd 111 the heart of Wheat Rldgc Thc RecreatIon (cnter also scrvcs as a bUSlllCSS confercnce ccnter Thc Recrcatlon Center Fund was estabhshed through voter approval of a ballot qucstH1n to lllcrease the sales and use tax rate 111 No\ ember of jlj(n Thc fund was approvcd fllr the construction and operatIon ofa public recrcatlon ccnter with activItIes for all ages. Faclhttes at the recreatlOn centcr mcludc al1111door wanl1 water Ic1surc pool, llldoor lap pool. mdoor walk run track. gymnasIum, acroblcs room, weIght trammg area, racquctball COutts, clImbmg wall. and mcetmg'banquct facllilles. The I 2" (I retail sales and use tax rate Imposed by the City was cf1ectlve January j, 1998 and was termlllated 1l11\1arch 2(J()2 when a total ofS 12,35() O()() had been raised. 2004 2005 2005 2006 Actual Adjus ted Estimated Adopted BEGINNJ:\G fliNn B ""LANCE $2,688,453 $2,462,356 $2,554,508 $2,402,4 70 REVENUDi Facility OpcratlOn 51,634,778 $1 74'J,046 $1761,600 S 1.751.300 AquatICs $66.0'J3 $68.077 $65 452 $6X,120 Fitncss S153.X26 $15'1715 $162,000 SIR8.34b Therapeutic Rccrcation $6.747 $8.500 $9.887 $0 General ProcratTIS S58.460 $94.556 $66,000 $0 Intcrcst and Mlseellancous $135,()37 S80.000 $80.000 $80,000 TOTAL REVE."WE.'l $4,743,394 $4,622,250 $4,699,447 $4,490,236 EXPENDITURES Facilitv Opcration $1.118,717 SI.I91.701 $1.]57,164 $1,")'14.003 Aquatics 1,490,773 5586.071 5576.221 $627 417 Fitncss $368.369 53 I 8.1 85 S331.5<JO $333.873 Marketll1e 566.857 S7775 I $71.516 $84.671 Therapeutic Rccrcation $25.874 $31.096 $29.120 $0 General Progralu>.; $1 I X,44 I $14X,796 $131.366 $0 TOTAL E.XPENDlTURE.'i $2,189,031 $2,353,600 $2,296,977 $2,339,964 RES ERVED MAINTENANCE FB $155,000 $155,000 $155,000 $205,000 El\D1NG FlIND BALANCE $2,399,363 $2,113,650 $2,247,4 70 $1,945,272 177 Recreation C{'lIter Operations Fund - 64 Total Budget by Object 2004 200S 200S 2006 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted Personnel Services S I ,492,940 $1,653,728 $1,624,309 SL5]2,868 Materials & Supplies $154,207 $170,062 $16 L279 $179,354 Other Services & Charges $470,497 5505,860 5490,039 $508,434 Capital Outlay $71,381 $23,950 $21,350 $139,308 TOTAL $2,189,031 $2,353,600 $2,296,977 $2,339,964 - - - - - Total 2006 Budget hy Object - - - - Personnel ServIces 64 700 Matenals & SupplIes 7700 - - Other ServIces & Charges 21 70'0 - Capital Outlay 600'0 178 - - Recreation Center Operatio/1S Fund - 64 Staffing (Full-time Equivalent Employees) - 2003 2004 200S 2006 Authorized Authorized Authorized Authorized Facility Operations 9 g.5 g.5 8 5 Aquatics 4 4 4 4 Fitness 1 ] I ] Marketing 0.5 0.5 0.5 05 Therapeutic Recreation 0.5 05 05 0 General Programs 0.5 I I 0 Total 155 15.5 15.5 14 - - - 'ok Stafting numb~rs 1I1clude full.time and part.time henetiled employees only Th~ R~creatlon C enter hires numerous ,easonal. Il1termittent. temporan and contract employees throughout the year to fillltfeguard positiom. programlnstrue. tors. tramel's. ele. - - - - - Total Budoet Il\' Prooram ~ .. 1:'1 - - - FItness 14.300 Marketmg 3.600 - AquatIcs ~ 26 80'0 Facility 55.3~0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 179 Recreation Center Operations Fund Fadlitr Operations 64-60] Facility Operation Overview: Operate and manage 70,000 square foot recreatIOn center that mc\udes customer serVlce, actIvIty regIstration, faclhty and park rentals, pass sales, pOl11t of sale Items, facilIty mal11tenance, and facilIty tours. Provide I11fOrnlatlon services tor aquatics, gcneral programs, fitness, therapeutIc recreatIon, youth and adult athletIcs, and teen programs. 2005 Achievements: Increased 2004 revenue by over $18,000 Began KIds Nlte Out Program for youth 9-14 years old. Improved procedures for MIddle School I 0 program and Code of Conduct. RecertIfied staff 111 A ED, FIrst AId, and C.P.R. Conducted facllJty tours for the 2005 RecreatIOn FaClhtles DeSIgn and Management School. Completed thorough cleamng offaclhty dunng closure week mcludmg: re-groutmg FamIly Locker Room Showers wttlI epoxy grout, replacmg carpet 111 several areas, replacmg benches m dry sauna, repalflng and stammg woodwork m lobby and resurfacmg all hard wood floors and repa1l1t1l1g 11l1es 111 the racquetball courts. Held Rec Trac Tram1l1g for front 11I1e personnel. Implemented Web Trac for onlll1e recreatIOn program regIstratIOn. Pall1ted mtenor of the RecreatIon Center as needed. 2006 Objectives: Increase on-11l1e recreatIOn regIstratIOn program through Web Trac Upgrade recreatIOn reglstratlon software. Contmue hIgh ]evel of customer servIce. Replace lockers 111 Men's Locker Room. Refimsh wood floors. . Upgrade camera secunty systemm the parkmg lot. Improve landscapmg around the recreatIOn center Improve Customer servIce through addItional 1l1.serVlce trall1ll1g. Improve marketmg of the RecreatIon Center and Faclhty rental spaces. Increase pass sales for arc a corporatIons and busmesses. Total Budget by Object 2004 200S 200S 2006 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted Personnel Services $582,267 $638,924 $622,976 S652,632 Materials & Supplies $60,383 $61,448 $57,970 $70,355 Other Services & Charges $46] ,067 $49] ,329 $476,218 $493,1 08 Capital Outlay $15,000 $0 $0 $77,908 TOTAL $1,118,717 $\,191.701 $1,157.164 $1,294,003 IRO - - - - - - - - - ! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Recreation Cemer Operations J'lInd Facili(1' Operations M.M)2 Personnel ServIces 50400 Total 2006 Budget by Object Matenals & Suppltes 5400 Other Services & r Charges 38 1 (~o Capital Outlay 6000 AntIcIpated n:venuc for the SIlver Sneakers Se11l0r fitness program wIll exceed $130,000 111 2005 and attendance IS expected to be over 60,()()0 VtSltS. 181 Recreation Cel1ter Ol'emtiol1S FlIl1d 'lqllatics 64-604 Aquatics Overview: Provtdc a vanety of programs and servIces to all ages and sWlmmmg abihtles. Responsible for provldmg a safe and fun envIronment for recreational sWlml111ng and quahty prob'Tammmg. Mamtam aquatIc facihtles, programmIl1g, schedule aquatIc prob'Tammmg, and educatc pubhc related to aquatIc actIVItIes. ProvIde quahty customer servIce. MaIntaIn safety, gucst relatIOns and Learn to SWIm prob'Tams. Offer programs for certIficatIon mcludmg LIfeguard T rall1ing, Water Safety Instructor, CPR and FirstAld,AED, C01l1l11umty FlrstAld, Learn to SWIm. 2005 Achievements: Expanded Aqua AerobIC Program by offenng more classes at optImum tImes. InvestIgated alternatIve hyglcne systems and proposed for the 2006 budget process. ProvIded fitness trammg for Aqua ExercIse 1I1structors through AquatIc FItness ProfeSSIOnals. The Wheat RIdge PIranhas conducted two successful sWIm meets. . The Rocky Mountam Thunder had a successful season and IS one of the fastest growmg USA teams m Colorado. ProvIded an Increased number of Learn.to. SWIm opportUl1ltles. The lIfeguard team won thIrd place at the Colorado Parks and RecreatIOn Llfe"uard b games. 2006 Objecth es: . Contmue to offer traInIng to AquatICs stafTto enhance safety and customer servIce. investigate aqua SpllU1ll1g bikes and treadmills as an additIOnal servIce for our partIcIpants. Deve lop a mornmg lesson program for preschoolers and parents. ProVIde up to date fitness traInIng for Aqua ExerCIse Instructors. Coordll1ate and Implement new aquatIc programs to meet the ongoIng needs of the commumty . ContInue to work cooperatIvely WIth commumty sWIm teams to help promote fitness and sWlmmmg. Total Budget b) Object 2004 200S 200S 2006 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted Personnel Services S439,464 $517,708 5508,966 $526,970 Materials & Supplies $41,298 $50,034 $49,584 $52,498 Other Services & Charges $7,239 $7,579 $7,821 $8,449 Capital Outlay $2,772 $10,750 $9,850 $39,500 TOTAL $490,773 $586,071 $576,221 $627,417 182 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Recreation Ce/lll'r Operations t lInd 4qllatics 64-60./ TotaI200() Budget by Ob.iect Personnel ServIces X9 (i"" \ Other ServIces & Charges 1 4"'0 Matenals & '- Suppltes X 900 Did you know... The Aquatics DIvIsIon offers 2 I Aqua AerobIc classes a week averagmg 20 partIcIpants per class. 183 Recreation Center Operations Fund Fitness 64-60-' Fitness Overview: Provldc hIgh qualIty fitness and 'v\ ellness recreatIon programs at the Wheat RIdge RecreatIon Center, Semor Commul1lty Center and Anderson Buildmg to partIcIpants pursumg commul1lty health, wellness, and recreatIOnal actIvIties that encompass adult, older adult, teen and youth classes. Offer speCIalIzed classes and 1I1corporate new classes, utihzmg all facihtles. . ProVIde a hIgh level of customer servIce through the WeIght Room Attendants to patrons usmg the fitness area. Offer SIlver Sneakers program for mcmbers of the KaIser, PaclfiCare and Humana health plans. Cont1l1uc to keep up WIth trends 111 fitness and eqUIpment to allow growth for our drop-1I1 aerobICS class partICIpatIon. Offer on sIte phYSIcal therapy clll1lc to our current patrons for the use ofrehablhtatlon and II1JUry consultatIons. Contmue to orgal11ze and offer the annual Health and Wellness FaIr 2005 Achievements: . Added the Humana health msurance plan to the SilverSneakers programm conjunction WIth the establIshed KaIser and PacIfiC are Secure Honzon members. Added more SIivcrSneakers classes wlthm the fitness dIVISIon to make a total of 10 classes/ week. SIlver Sneakers program produces an average ofS 15,000 m revenue per month. Purchased addItIOnal Pllates reformers and mcrcased Pllates reformer classes. AchIeved a hIgh turn out at the Health and Wellness Fair 111 February that consisted of a eommul11ty keynote speaker, round table dISCUSSIons, medIcal screeners and wellness vendors. Partlclpatcd 111 ConsortIUm for Older Adult Wellness (COAW) a grant. funded program that allowed us to offer the Fall Proof class. 2006 Objectives: Ma1l1tam current classes by contmumg to offer exceptIOnal customer servIce to patrons. Reward partICIpants by Implementmg new fitness challenges or speCIal events. . Offer additIOnal 1I1-house SIlver Sneakers promotions and pnzes. Expand the on-sIte phYSIcal therapy program. . Cont1l1ue offerIng cont1l1u1l1g educatIOn workshops for staff members. Reorgal1lze and assess the evaluation process completed on all Fitness staff . Ensure all FItness staff have current certIficatIOns. Total Budget by Object 2004 200S 200S 2006 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted Personnel Services $305,922 $297,728 $31l,133 $302,895 Materials & Supplies $7,622 $5,540 $7,240 $7,lg6 Other Services & Charges SI,216 $1,7\7 S 1,7 17 $1,892 Capital Outlay $53,609 $13,200 $11,500 $21,900 TOTAL $368,369 $318,185 $331,590 $333,g73 184 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Recreation Cellter Operatiolls Fund Fitlless 64-605 - Total 2006 Budget hy Ob.iect Personnel ServIces 90 70 0 - Matenals & SupplIes 2.20'0 - - - - - CapItal Outlay 6600 Other ServIces & Charges o 6[~ 0 - - - - - - - - - - - - TreadmIll runners at the Wheat RIdge RecreatIOn Center have run more than 385.336 mIles slt1ce the center opened lt1 2000 - - - - - - - - - - 185 Recreation Center Operatiolls FUlld Uarketillg 64.on~ Marketing Hosted t'Wo bndal shows that attracted 600 prospectIVe bndes. Hosted area busmess aSSOCiatIon functIons, whIch exposed the center to more bus1l1css people Contll1ued to pro-actIvely contact west SIde busll1esses to promote the Wheat RIdge RecreatIOn Center's corporate servlccs wIth the help ofthe \Yest Chamber. Overview: Oversee the productIon ofthe ACtlVltlCS GUIde, three tImes a year, whIch IS maIled to 23,000 resIdents and dlstributcd to 10,000 addItIOnal pcople VISlt1l1g City facilItIes. De'v e lop strategIes to market Parks and RecreatIon facilItIes, programs and c1asscs. Produce pnnted commUl1lCatlOn materIals 1l1cludmg sIgns, flyers and brochures to 1l1fonn the pubhc about Parks and RecreatIon facIlItIes, programs and classes. \York wIth the City's wcb master to ensurc that Parks and RecreatIOn lI1fOrmatlon tS placed on the CIty'S website and that the lI1formatlOn IS tImely EstablIsh contacts WIth the medIa and wnte publIc servIce announcements and artlclcs promotll1g Parks and RecreatIOn facilItIes, classes and proh'Tams. 2005 Achievements: Developed commUl11CatlOns/promotlOn plan to promote the Center's Health and Wellncss FaIr 2005 attendance exceeded 2004 Created ne'W Healthy BodIes, Healthy MlI1ds campmgn m conjunctIon WIth Jefferson County Schools to combat the grow1l1g trend of sedentary children, while provld1l1g an opportumty to mcrease busmess for the Center. 2006 Objectives: Cont1l1ue Implementmg the faclhtles rental market1l1g plan that 1l1cludes focus1l1g on advertls1l1g the CIty's rentals to bus1l1esses and prospectIve bndes. Work with web master to refine the Clty's Parks and RecreatlOll page to promote those tlems that may generate more revenue Cont1l1uc to buIld partnershIps WIth area busmesses, orgamzatlolls, etc. as another vehIcle to promote recreatIon programs and servIces mcludmg rentals and the Wheat RIdge RecreatIon Center's corporate membershIp servIces. BUIld more partIcIpatIOn m the Healthy BodIes, Healthy MlI1ds campmgn/program. Total Budget b} Object 2004 200S 200S 2006 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted Personnel Services $27,014 $29,431 $29,43 I $30,371 Materials & Supplies $39,720 $45,395 $39,500 $49,315 Other Services & Charges $123 $2,925 $2,585 $4,985 Capital Outlay $0 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL $66,857 $77,751 $71,516 $84,671 186 - - - - - - - - - Recreation Center Operations Fund Marketing 64-6()7 - - - - - Personnel Services 35 9"" - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - TotaI2()()6 Budget hy Object Matenals & SupplIes 58.20." Other ServIces & Charges 59" " Did you know... Rental revenue for the commumty rooms mneascd ~5J)()0 m 2005 ovcr 2004, rcsult- mg 1I1 a 3" 0 gam. 187 Recreillirl/l Center Operutiom Fund 20()h 4dopted Budget - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 188 - - Police lJ1vesti~atilln Fund - P Police Investigation Fund Overview: 81.?gmnmg with 19l,lU, all proceeds trom selZllrcs and fodieturcs of rroretiy pursuant to C R.S J 6-13.3U2 ("PublIc \UJsancc Policy") and 16-13-501 ("Colorado Contraband hlrfctturc Act") arc reqUlrcd to be placed 111 a serarate fund and used slllely by the PlllIcc Department for purruses other than n0l111al orerat. mg needs. - 2004 2005 2005 2006 "-ctual Adjus ted Btimated \dopted BEGIl'NING FUND BALANCE $116,773 $49,423 $58,795 $14,(145 REVEN UES !tHere, t $6XO $250 $250 SIOO rvtlscdlancous RC\CnllC SO $5.000 $0 $0 TOTAL REVENLES $117,453 $54,673 $59,045 $14,145 FJ\.PE"'DITUR~~ Operatll1~ SUllllJies $5X,65X S50.000 $45.000 $X.7<J5 TOTAL E,XPENDITURES $58,658 $50,000 $45,000 $8,795 ENDING FUND BALANCE $58,795 $4,673 $14,045 $5,350 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 189 Open Splice Fund. 32 Open Space Fund Imtwted CIty WIde PlaYll1g held RehabilItatIOn Program. Installed Open Space boundary slgnage Repaired emsher fine traIl at Frultdalc and Lewts Meadows Parks. DesIgned Randall Park mtgatloll sy<;tem. Overview: Fund receives 1/2 cent sales tax per capIta allotment through the Jefferson County Open Space program for the purpose of acqulflng, developmg and mamtamll1g open space and park propertIes wlthm the CIty of Wheat Rtdge. Open Space Fund generates approxImately $880,000 annually III revenues and expends approxm1ately $500,000 annually for Park Mall1tenance salanes and operatmg costs. 2005 Achievements: Awarded S200,OOO III grants. Installed art sculpture at Founder,' Park Replaced dug out root\ and bleachers at Anderson Park. Completed Clear Creek Trail Replacement. Phase III 2006 Objectivcs: Replace nmcellaneous tenclllg 111 open space. ImprO\e open space kIosks. Improve drall1agc at Harlan trailhead. Replace bleachers at Prospect and Panorama Parks Replace ballfield lights and dugout roof~ at Prospect Park. Install ne\\ slgnage m Open Space DesIgn Kendall Park. 2004 2005 2005 2006 Actual Adjus ted Es ti mated Adopted BEGINNING FUND BALANCE $167,988 $212,651 $245,052 $257.652 Re\enue SI.059,2'iO SI.OX 1.000 S I OX7.250 $900,250 TOTAL REVE."IUES $1,227,238 $1,293,651 $1,332,302 SI,157,902 EXP EN DlTURES Salanes and Benefits SO SO SO S506.l ] 5 Acqutsilion Projects SO SO SO SO De\ elopment ProJects S3XX,R3({ S59X,(X)0 S4lJ5.0(x) S642,OOO Transfers to Other Funds S('15.(x)0 S57lJ.h50 S57lJ,650 SO TOTAL EXPENDITURES $1,003,838 $1,177,650 $1,074,650 $1,148,115 ENDING FUND BALANCE $223,400 $116,001 $257.652 $9,787 CIty receIves 1/2 cent sales tax from Jefferson County for Open Space acqUlsltton and mall1tenanee Jefferson County voters were one of the first to pass this tax m \972. 190 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - HUllil"ifJlIl Court Fund - 33 Ridum!.I' Hart Estllte Fund - 35 Municipal Court Fund Overvie\\ : The MUl11C1pal Coun Fund has been establIshed In order to provIde a means to track court fees and to enahle the court to expend these amount:'.. The hmd ITCel\ es the S 1. S4 and Victim Court l~ees. ThIS fund pmvIdes the l OLl!1 and the ProbatIOn Program WIth money for expenditures for cqUlpmenl, mamtenance, office turnl. lure, VIctIm seI"YlceS and other court and probatIOn e\penses. 2004 2005 2005 2006 ""ctual Adiusted Es timated Adooted BEGINNING FUND BALANCE $71,278 $48,703 $64,580 $38,880 REYENllES Fines and ForlCitures $29.36:1 $47.500 $ \3 975 S3~.OOO Interest SI409 SI.500 SI400 SL500 TOTAL REYENUES $102,050 $97,703 $99,955 $78,380 EXPENDITURES ExpendItures 5:17 469 574.600 $6 L075 S62,IOO TOTAL ['"XPF~IIIDITlIRE\, $37,469 $74,600 $61,075 $62,100 E"iDlI'G FUND BALANCE $64,581 $23,103 $38,880 $16,280 Richards Hal-t Estate Fund Overview: The RIchards Hart Estate IS a tum of the century VictOrIan manSIOn on three acres WhICh IS rented oul for weddmgs and other actIvItIes The RIchards Hart Estate Fund tracks the re\enue from the rental of the Estate The funds arc used to mamtam and Improve the Estate 2004 2005 2005 2006 Actual Adius ted Estimated <\dooted BEGINNING FlIND BALANCE $42,302 $52,952 $52,264 $54,964 REVE'WE."; Grant Revcnuc $IU522 S25.UOO j, 14.000 547.000 Rl-lE Rentals S12.090 S t 1.000 59.S00 59.100 Interest $75:1 SROO 51.200 SI.200 M isccllancous Income SO SO SU SO TOT""L REVEl\CES $65,667 $89,752 $76,964 $112,464 EXPENDITliRES E"tatc In1f\rov cmcnts S \ 6.258 S35,OOO snUUO 565.000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $16,258 $35,000 $22,01l0 $65,000 E'lDlNG FUND BALA:'IiCE $49,409 $54,752 $54,964 $47,464 191 Senior Funtl- 53 Senior Fund 0" ervie,,: Fund was created to accept donations and fund rals111g mOl1les that are dIrectly related to the sel1lor programs and the C ommul1lty Center. 2006 Objectives: RaIse $13,000 111 revenues for Sel1lor/ Commul1lty Center buildmg Improvements and program enhancements. 2005 Achie,ements: Replaced stage, tIle floor and sound system 111 Prospect Hall ReceIved $1,000 donatIOn from Applewood Plumbmg. Completed CarnatIon Festival and Itahan Dmner fund raIsers. - - - 2004 2005 2005 2006 Actual >\dius ted E" ti mated Adopted BEGINNING FU!\D BALANCE $32,4 70 $19,271 $31,296 $16,046 REVE.",UE" RC\cnue $16.721 $14.300 $12,200 S12,200 Intcrcs t S3X2 S200 $400 S400 TOT>\L REVE"lUES $49,573 $33,771 $43,896 $28,646 EXPENDITURE'> ExpcndItures $1 X,277 $27.X50 $27.X50 $27,300 TOTAL EXPENDITURE" $18,277 $27,850 $27,850 $27,300 END~G FUND BALANCE $31,296 $5,921 $16,046 $1,346 - - - - - - - - Wheat Ridge has the largest older adult populatIOn per capita in the Denver Metro area. 28~;o of Wheat Ridge older adults are age 55 & older and the 45-54 age group add an additional 14%. 192 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - COl1.1'erl'atio/l Trust Fund - 54 Conservation Trust Fund Overview: ReceIve revenue from the CIty share of Colorado Lottery procecds, whIch are dIstributed on a per capIta basIs. Funds are used for new projects as well as mall1tenance projects wlthm the Parh and RecreatIOn Department. ReceIVe approxImately $2g0,000 m rcvenue per year RcpaIred crusher fine tralls 111 Wheat RIdge Greenbelt conservatIOn arca. Imtmted nceds analYSIS for Parks and RecreatIOn Department. Complcted bank stabIlIzatIon at Tabor Lake 2005 Achievements: Completed landscapll1g, lI1stallation of lITIgatIon system, new parkmg lot and court resurfacmg at Randall Park. Resurfaced tenl11s court and replaccd playground at Prospect Park. 20060bjecthes: Replace Stevens Elcmentarv School playground (Jomt proJect) . Rcplace restroom/concessIOn bUlldmg and dugout roofs at Creekslde Park. . Upgrade RecreatIOn Centcr ozone system spa/ hot tub Replace playground m LOUIse Tumer Park. . Replace sewer lIne m Panorama Park. . Replacc curb and gutter at RandaJJ and Panorama Park. 2004 2005 2005 2006 Actual ,,"dius ted Estimated -\dopted BEGINNI:"G BALANCE $297,335 $267,145 S287,355 $250,855 REVENUES Rncnues S2XX.059 S33o.000 S2RO,OOO S375.000 In\cn:s\ S31\7 S3.000 S5J)OO $3.000 TOTAL REVENUES $588,511 $600,145 $572,355 $628,855 EXPENDITURES Dev e10pmen t ProJects S301 155 S135.000 S56.500 S300.000 Other Park Projects SO S360.000 S265.000 $165.000 TOT,,"L EXPENDITURES $301,155 $495,000 $321,500 $465,000 Ec'\DlNG FUND BALANCE $287,356 $105,145 $250,855 $163,855 The Colorado Lottery honors Park and Recreation agenCIes throughout the state WIth the Starburst Awards, recogmzmg the exceUent use oflottery funds. 193 Hotel/Motd Fund - 63 Hotel/Motel Fund OHrvie,' : i\ 5"" lodgers tax ll1crcase was approved by vot- ers ltl November IGl)X to he divided hO"" t'1I" po. ltee and code entoreement aett\ tties and 40"" for redevelopment and publIC Improvements wtlhll1 the C tty "1<irlll1g 111 ;}()()4, Ihe 4()"" f'OrllOI1 \\'1// he deposlled 11110 lite ( uplled /11\'c'\lI1lel1l Pmgrolll leIP) hudgu 10 he uwd lor ru/cl"c!ol'lIIel1l (//1(/ public IlIIprO\'clllclIll Provide training for hotehnotel staffas prescribed III C I"lme Free hous1l1g polley Provtde actIve enforcement around hotel motel propertlCs for erim1l1al aett vtty Prov"k proaettve enforcement by hotd motel Ill. spector Document VIOlations and proseeutton of offend. ers Trae1- stattstleal data relating tu enforcement and prosecutIOn 1I1volv1l1g hotel. motel properttcs. 2005 Achievements: Hosted tramll1g for motel managers and apartment complex managers on l I"lme Free Program. \\orked WIth managers to eVIct problem tenants Cont1llued to reduce the amount of cl"lmes belllg commItted m and around the motels through more proacttve pollee work. Received] 00 pereenI comphanee on all motel code and safety vlOlattOt1'. 2006 Objectives: Tram new statl person for HoteUvlotel Officer pOSItion. C ontll1ue pro.acttv e enforcemcnt aettvtttes 111 and around large apartment complexes, espectall) 111 the areas of the hotels. lntttate multl.fan1tl) housll1g ll1Spectlon progam. C ontll1ue hotd motelll1speetton program for code and safety eompltance 60% Police and 2U04 20U5 2005 2006 Code Enforcement Actual Adjus ted EMimated Adopted BEGNNING FlIND BALANCE $208,333 $171,457 $179,291 $114,536 REVENUES Lodgers Tax $224. L)06 $220.000 $238.000 $230.000 (,rants $0 $0 $0 $0 No Proof of Insurance Fines $0 $0 $3400 $5.000 Interes t $2.160 $1.000 $2,500 $2,500 TOTAL REVENUES $435,399 S392,457 $423,191 $352,036 EXPENDITURES Expenditures $256.10'1 $338.728 $308,655 $351,867 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $256,1 U9 $338,728 $308,655 $351,867 ENDING FUND BALANCE $179,290 $53,729 $114,536 $169 194 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Hotel/Jlotel Fund - 63 Total Budget by Object 2004 200S 200S 2006 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted Personnel Services $255,703 $328,528 5305,031 $338,567 Materials & Supplies $88 $7,000 $1,200 $8,950 Other Services & Charges $318 $3,150 $2,350 $4,350 Capital Outlay/Transfers $0 $50 574 $0 TOTAL $256,109 $338,728 $308,655 $351.867 Total 2006 Budget hy Object Personnel Sennces 96.200 Other Servtces & Charges 1.2~() Matenals & SupplIes 250 () Did you know... The Pohce Department made 228 arrests at the vanous motels last year 106 of those were officer initiated warrant arrests. 195 Special Re~'elllle I- unds ]()()6 .jdopted BudJ;et 196 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ClT\ OF\VHEATRIDGE 2006 CAPITAL L\ VESTMENT PROGRAM (eIP) 197 Capitalllll'estme/lt Program DPW DRAINAGE 1. Lena Gulch Study Update 2006 Budget: $80,000 Description: The eXIstIng 1975 Lena Gulch floodplaIn study WIll be updated to rcf1ect changes that have occurred along Lena Gulch that may Impact flood flows. - Justification: The study currently used 111 Wheat RIdge was wntten In 1975 A major map reVISIon was completed 111 1986 after completIon of an Improvement project along the draInagcway The Urban Drall1age and Flood Control Dlstnct has agreed to update the f100d plan studlcs along Lena Gulch to Incorporate changcs that have occurred along the stream. The CIty will provide 500'0 matchmg funds for the project. - - - - - DPW STREETS - - - l. Minor Street Improvement Projects - 2006 Budget $360,000 - Description: This budget line Item reserves funds for Improvement of27'h Avenue, 281h Avenue and Upham Court west of Teller Street, along WIth Improvement of 3yd Avenue between Fenton Street and Depew Street. - Justification: The streets have been detennmed to have senously detenorated pavements WIth slgl11ficantly poor subgrades to warrant total pavement reconstructIOn. - - - , - 2. Hotel/motel District Pedestrian Improvements 2006 Budget: $200.000 - Description: Pedestnan lightll1g WIll be constructed on the north SIde of the South 1.70 Frontage Road west ofKlplmg Street, on the south SIde of the South 1-70 Frontage Road from the Comfort Inn to MIller Street and along Kiplmg Street from the South Frontage Road to the 1-70 ramps. ThIs project WIll be financed with Hotel/Motel tax funds and is the thIrd In a multl.year program. - Justification: The pedestrIan hghtll1g WIll be completed along Klplmg Street and the South 1- 70 Frontage Road wlthm thIs portIon of the Hotel/Motel dlstnct. 198 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Cupitullnvestlllellf Program 3. 32nd and Youngfield Street Improvements 2006 Budget: $600,000 Description: ThIs project wIll consIst of constructmg addItIOnal tum and through lanes to Improve the servIce level of the mterscctlon. Justification: Recent traffic studIes have IdentIfied the need for Improvements at thIs mterseetlOn to accommodate prcsent and future traffic demands. 4. 46th Ave.-I70, Estes-Carr Major Street Improvement 2006 Budget: $900,000 Description: ThIs proJect consIsts of mstallatlon of stonn sewer and reconstructIon of the street sectIOn. ThIS IS the final proJect m a multI-year program for the area. Justification: ThIS netghborhood has very poor dramage, whIch has resulted m dIstorted curbhnes and failed pavement sectIOns 5. Public Improvements Projects, Development Driven 2006 Budget: 580,000 Description: Up-commg developments may reqUIre City-financed strect Improvements. Justification: Contmgent funding should be proVIded for speCial proJect needs. 6. Street Light Installation 2006 Budget. $5,000 Description: InstallatIOn of new streethghts requested by cItIzens and approved by the PublIc Works Department. Justification: New street hghtmg IS proVIded to accommodate areas of the City whIch reqUIre addttJonal hghtmg for safety or as otherwise JustIfied by the City 199 Capital IIII'estll1ent Pro;;1"lI1I1 7. Street Preventative Maintenance Projects 2006 Budget: $1,200,000 Description: The annual street prevcntatlve mamtenance work and costs are as follows Concrete replacement area. Replace broken, dIstorted and non.comphant concrete curbs, SIdewalks and handIcap ramps on streets mc\uded m the Asphalt resurfacmg project $ 210,000 Asphalt patchmg and overlay area. 351h Avenue, Shendan to PIerce 441h Avenue, Harlan to Upham Plcrce Street, 291h to 44111 $ 675,000 Crack/slurry scahng area. \Vesterly halfofthe CIty by pnonty $ 315,000 - Justification: PreventatIve street mamtenance work IS reqUIred to replace defectIve concrete, replace or add to pavement surface by an asphalt overlay, patch Isolated structural failures m eXlstll1g asphalt streets, waterproof and Improve the texture of asphalt weanng surfaces by a slurry seal coat and reduce water ll1filtratlon under pavements by sealll1g cracks. PreventatIve mamtenance prolongs the useful hfe of streets and SIdewalks and reduces the costly altematlve of reconstructmg streets. - - - - 8 Youngfield Street, 38th Avenue to 44th Avenue 2006 Budget: $3,600,000 - - Description: Widen Youngfield Street to a four-lane sectIon WIth center turn lane - - Justification: Recent traffic studIes have IdentIfied the need for Improvcments on thIS street to accommodate present and future traffic demands. DPWTRAFFlC 1. Neighborhood Traffic Management Projects 2006 Budget: S25,OOO Description: Speed boards will be ll1stalled at two locations. Justification: Eleetromc speed boards wIll be ll1stalled at two locatIOns that have a history of excessIve speedmg. 2011 Capitll//IIVl'stlllent Progralll 1. - - - - - 1. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - PARKSAl\'D RECREATION CAPITAL PROJECTS 1. Parking Lots and Drives Improvements 2006 Budgct: $80,000 Description: The Anderson Park parkIng lots will be repaIred. Justification: The parkIng lots are detenorated and reqUIre maIntcnancc ECONOMIC DEVELOPMEl\"T Wheat Ridge Business District 2006 Budget: S40,000 Description: Fmanclal assIstance for the operatIOn of the Wheat Ridgc BUSInCSS Dlstnct. Justification: AssIst In the rcvltahzatlon ofthe commercIal sectIons ofthe CIty MUNICIPAL CAPITAL PROJECTS City Hall Improvements 2006 Budget: $395,000 Description: The HVAC hot water system IS scheduled for replacement In the last phase ofthe HVAC replacement proJect. Addttional Pobce Commul1leatlOns Bureau lmprovements ta the radIO system and mdepcndentAC Ul1lts are programmed. ApproXImately one half of the City Hall dnveway and parkmg lots WIll be reconstructed. Secunty upgrades to the bUlldmg will also be Installed. AdditIOnal undetermmed ma1l1tenance proJects will be addressed as detenmned. Justification: The hcatmg and mr condItIOnIng system at City Hall IS essentlally the angInal eqUIpment Installed when the bUlldmg was constructed. The controls for the eqUlpment were replaced as a 2004 CIP proJect as phase I of a HVAC replaccment plan. [n 2005, Phase 2 consIsted ofreplacmg the chilled water system. The final phase of the proJect will replace the hot water heatmg eqUIpment. An evaluatIon of the mechal1lcal and clectncal systems assocIated WIth the Pobce CommUI11Catlons Bureau was conducted m 2003 The pnonty improvements were constructed m 2005 The remammg Items are scheduled for completIon m 2006 The dnveway and parkll1g lots werc evaluated m 2004 and found to have substantIal damage and madequate dramage and subgrades. Replacement of the pavement and addItIOn of storm drams lS proposed ll1 phases over two years. 2. GIS Updates 2006 Budget: $200,000 Description: A GIS base map WIll be developed. The street nghts-of-way layer WIll also be created m phase 1 Justification: There IS great need to develop a GIS for use by all departments In the CIty The GIS wlll be a valuable md m advancmg work and respondmg to requests for ll1fOnnatlon from the pubhc 201 N o N . c z o ~ ~ > z ~ . , ~ . ~ ~ * ~ ~~~;s 0000 <1>m01'" CD"''''''' ~~~~ I '''-'(., 00 .. ~~ 00 0000 OOCO ~~~~ I 000 000 ggg "_0 o ~ . o o ~ "''''''''''wwwww Z;Z;f;~~~Z~~ 000000000 'f'f<f't''t''t''t''t''f "'''''''00''''00''''''<:0 ~9?????8? ~~go:~~'f'f'ff "'........_mw"'~o W"'!.ol'" ~z:Z:s 0000 ~~i~ ~~~~ m~~~~~~n~~o~~mm~~~~~~z~~ z~o~z~~~~~^w~O~O~~~o ~ F 0 ~ ~~~ ~'~~ 3 ~ ~ ~ 8 ~~ Q ~ ~ g~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~~; ~ ~ g ~ ~ ~.~~' ~~~ ~ ~~' ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~;~~~~E~~~~gg>~g~~~Q~~~~~~~~~;Q~~~~ ~c~om~~3~~~n ~~~g~~Q~~Q l~~~~<~~+n!g:~~~~~5~ wZ~0~2 ~ro~~ o~~~~~~~~rh~w~~R~~a~w~~_mh~~~~Z !~~I~Bi~~~'f ~~[&~:~[~~~~~~~~~~~~~t~~~~C[~!t ~g ~ ~~~~~~~ ~~o5mO ~g~ i~ ~~~g~~t-na Qt~w3m ~~~~ I-Q~~C'i"'* 5~~~~E~"'~ g;~ ~~~~~5'.g3~ rniR~a ~ [ ~~~~ 9 ~~~~~~~ ~ ~~ ~~g~~ ~]~ ~~~~ ~ ~~25 ~ ~~~~~ 3 ~ :~ ~~i~~ ~~; ~~ ~ ~ ~I~~ - ~II~ ~ J ~~ ~!!~ ",t 8~ f ~ ~ 0; ~ ~ ~~~_ 0 .... c... .'<:0.-", ~m ~ ~~ , 00 ~ . o . ~ m ~ ~ 2 c . 00 ""< ~~l c::!2~ ~f::~ , ' > ~~t o ' c , o " Q . ~ . ~. o~~~~ ~~ . 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In addItIon, the CIty took the opportumty to revIew the plan desIgn and compare methods other eltles were practlcmg m awardmg pay mereases. As prevIously deten11lned, the CIty has desIgnated theIr defined market govemmental orgal1lzatIons as those that met one ofthe three followmg cntena. Those that are contIguous wIth the City of Wheat RIdge (except Denver), or, Those that are sImIlar m sIze to the City of Wheat RIdge (as determmed by populatIOn served that IS no more than double the sIze of Wheat RIdge populatIOn or no less than half the sIze of Wheat RIdge, and/or operatmg budget sIze that IS no more than double the sIze of Wheat RIdge operatmg budget or no less than half the Wheat RIdge budget; or, Those speCial dlstncts that represent a slgl1lficant employer m the metropolItan area for a gIven dlsclplme, (e g., parks and recreatIon dlstncts) For the 2005 reVle\\, the orgamzatlOns that meet the aforementIOned cntena and were selected for the CIty's companson mcluded Arvada Broomfield Castle Rock Commerce CIty Englewood Golden Greenwood Village Lafayette Lakewood Ltttleton LOUISVIlle Northglellli Thornton Westmmster 200S SUR\E\ RESULTS The final analysIs ofthe market companson mdlcated that the 2005 pay range mmlmums and maxImums warrant adJustment m order to be competItIve m the market: Cn/llIan pOSItIOns Minimums. 640'0 of all clvihan pOSItIOns fall below the mld.pomt or 50th percentIle of the Market Range, 37.500 of whIch are belo\\ the 25th percentIle. Maximums -8600 of all clvlhan positIOns fall below the mld.pomt or 50th percentIle of the Market Range, 72 60'0 of whIch are belo\\ the 25th percentIle Law Enforcement "Swom" PosItIons Minimums - All swom pOSItIOns fell below the 25th percentile of the Market Range. Maximums - All swom pOSItIOns fell below the 2yh percentile of the Market Range (Note lOOfh percentile is highest pav. 25fh percentile is lowest pav) 203 Compensutio/l Plun As a result ofthe data receIved pertaInIng to the Law Enforcement positIons, effectIve July 2, 2005, the CIty adopted a new pay plan that encompassed the pOSItIOns' Pohce RecrUIt, Pohee Officer, Pohcc Sergeant, and PolIce C0111l11ander. With the completIon and final analysIs ofthe mId-year survey InformatIon receIved on the clvihan positIOns, a reVISion to the CIty'S compensatIon plan IS Included as part of the 2006 Budget. Cl'HHEST P.tr PL..\ STHI (TIRE There arc three (3) Step-Based Pay Plans currently In place for CIty pOSItIOns. PolIce "Career-Path" Swom Pay Plan - ThIs IS a SIX (6) Step Pay Plan wIth a consIstent 0 0 between each Pay Step In a pay range, however tllls percentage rate may vary In each pay range. In additIon, because the posItIons are based on market com pan sons wIth the commltlnent of maIntaInmg the salary ranges at the 701h percentile ofthe Market Range, there IS an 111conslstent 0 0 between Pay Grades, (pay ranges)' MINIMUM l\1AXIl\llIM GRADE 2 Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 670lJ 6 ] Ol! 6 ]U'1l (),lu,o 6 100 6 lOll GRADE3 Step I Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 7 quo 3.30(1 ~ 100 3.3(1) 1 '0 3.3O() '0 GRADE4 Regular (Benefited) ClvIhan pOSItIOns - A n111e (9) Step Pay Plan WIth a consIstent 3"" between cach Pay Step and 7.50'0 between one Pay Grade, (pay range) to the next. Intermittent Part- Time/Seasonat'Temporary posItIons - A nIne (9) Step Pay Plan WIth a consIstent 3" 0 between each Pay Step and 7.500 between one Pay Grade, (pay ranges) to the next. :\lINIl\llIl\I GRADE 1 Step I Step 2 MAXIMUM Step 7 Step X Step 3 Step 4 Step '; Step () Step 9 7 '=in,o .3 ()Ou .3 VOl! 3000 3 no,o .3 000 GRADE 2 Step I Step 2 Step 3 <';tep4 Step 5 "top () Step 7 Step ~ Step 9 7.5011 3001l 3.0ou 1000 .3 ()1Il! 1 OO'n GRADE 3 COMPENSATION PLA;\ STRl'CTCHE Rather than maIntam three (3) separatc Pay Plans, all WIth different deslb'l1S, all ofthe CIty'S pOSItions will be housed wlthm a smgle CompensatIOn Plan WIth a deSIgn that involves: . ASSIgnment of each positIon to an appropnate "Job.family" category' Adm1111stratIVeiManagement Support ExecutIVe Labor/Trade/Crafts 204 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Compensation Plan Lavv Enforcement Management ProfessIOnal T echl1lcal Part- Time/Seasonal ThIs desIgn IS sImIlar to the EEOC (Equal Employment Opportul1lty Comn11SslOn) placement. In addItIOn thIs structure promotes employee morale and understandmg through the appearance of an mternal companson of slITIllar groups. · Pav Ranges - The assIgnment of a pay range for each pOSItIOn wIll be market-based wIth the mmlmums and maxImums establIshed around a pre-deternlll1ed percentIle of the Market Range' For "Regular" (Benefited) Clvlhan positIons and Part. Time/Seasonal pOSItIOns - 50th percentIle Career-Path Sworn posItIons, as mmntamed 111 the Lavv Enforcement category - 70th percentIle · Pav Grades - Because the salary rangcs are based on market compansons WIth the commitment ofmamtall1mg the mmlmums and maxImums at a certall1 percentIle of the Market Range, there wIll be an II1conslstent 00 between the Pay Grades, (pay ranges) ThIS desIgn allows adjustment to a posItIon's pay range, as the market values change, wllhout Impact to the surroundmg classIficatIons. . Pay Steps - "Regular" (Benefited) Clvlhan posItIons - the 30;, currently between each Pay Step must be adjusted to 3500 for general employees and 4.500 for "ExecutIve" clasSIficatIon m order to expand the current range maxImums to meet the cntena of the 50th percentIle of the market range Part-Time/Seasonal posItIOns. the 30'0 currently between each Pay Step will remam. Career. Path Swom positIons, as mall1tamed m the Lavv Enforcement category - current percentage assIgnments will remall1 the same. SUMMAR\ In conclUSIOn, the 2006 CompensatIon Plan IS desIgned to mamtall1 competItIve relatIonshIps WIth the market and proVIde an unbiased relatIOnshIp m pay between positIOns and departments. 205 City of Wheat ~e - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2006 - - 7500 W. 29TH AVENUE. WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 80033 303-234-5900 WWW.CI.WHEATRIDGE.CO.U5 206 Compensatio/J Plan ALPHABET LISTING OF BENEFITED POSITIONs (Full-Time & Part-Time) Position Title Grade Job Family FLSA Accounting Supervisor M.3 Management E Accounting Technician AMS.7 Administrative/Management Support NE Administrative Assistant AMS.8 Administrative/Management Support NE Administrative Clerk AMS.1 Administrative/Management Support NE Assistant to the City Manager PR.4 Professional E Building Maintenance Supervisor M.1 Management NE - Chief Building Official M.5 Management E Chief of Police E.1 Executive E - Civil Engineer (EIT) PR-4 Professional E - Civil Engineer II (PE) PR.7 Professional E Community Services Officer T-4 Technical NE - Community Services Unit Supervisor M.1 Management NE Combination Inspector T.7 Technical NE - Communications Manager M.3 Management E - Court Administrator M-4 Management E Court Marshal AMS.11 Administrative/Management Support NE - Crew Leader. Parks Maintenance L TC.6 Labor/Trades/Crafts NE - Crime Analyst PR.2 Professional E Custodian LTC. 1 Labor/Trades/Crafts NE - Deputy City Clerk AMS.9 Administrative/Management Support NE - Deputy City Manager E.2 Executive E Deputy Court Clerk II AMS.8 Administrative/Management Support NE - Deputy Court Clerk I AMS-4 Administrative/Management Support NE Director of Community Development E.1 Executive E - Director of Parks & Recreation E.1 Executive E - Director of Public Works E.1 Executive E Emergency Services Specialist T-4 Technical NE - Emergency Services Specialist. Lead T.6 Technical NE - Engineering Assistant T.1 Technical NE Engineering Manager M.7 Management E - Engineering Technician T.5 Technical NE - Equipment Operator I LTC.4 Labor/Trades/Crafts NE Equipment Operator II/Crew Leader LTC.6 Labor/Trades/Crafts NE - Evidence Technician T.2 Technical NE Evidence Technician. Sr T.5 Technical NE - Executive Assistant AMS.11 Administrative/Management Support NE - Facilities Maintenance Technician LTC.4 Labor/Trades/Crafts NE Facility Assistant AMS-4 Administrative/Management Support NE - Forestry Assistant LTC.3 Labor/Trades/Crafts NE - Forestry Technician LTC.5 Labor/Trades/Crafts NE GIS Analyst PR.5 Professional E - GIS Technician T.7 Technical NE - Help Desk Technician T-4 Technicial NE Horticulture Assistant L TC.2 Labor/Trades/Crafts NE - Human Resources Manager M.B Management E Human Resources Representative PR-4 Professional E - Human Resources Technician AMS.9 Administrative/Management Support NE - IT Manager M.6 Management E IT Support Technician T.5 Technical NE - IT Support Technician. Sr T.7 Technical NE - Maintenance Worker I . Parks LTC.2 Labor/Trades/Crafts NE Maintenance Worker I. Public Wks LTC.2 Labor/Trades/Crafts NE - 207 Compensation Plan ALPHABET LISTING OF BENEFITED POSITIONs (Full-Time & Part-Time) Position Title Grade Job Family FLSA Maintenance Worker II . Parks LTC.3 Labor/Trades/Crafts NE Maintenance Worker II. Public Wks L TC.3 LaborlTrades/Crafts NE Marketing Coordinator AMS.9 Administrative/Management Support NE Mechanic LTC.5 Labor/Trades/Crafts NE Mechanic. Lead LTC.6 Labor/Trades/Crafts NE Network Administrator PR.6 Professional E Office Technician AMS.6 Administrative/Management Support NE Open Space Coordinator PR.2 Professional E Operations Manager M.6 Management E - Operations Supervisor. Facilities M.2 Management E Operations Supervisor. Parks M.2 Management E - Operations Supervisor.Public Wrks M.2 Management E - Parks Project Coordinator PR.3 Professional E Parks, Open Space, Forestry Manager M.5 Management E - Payroll Technician AMS.7 Administrative/Management Support NE Permit Technician T.1 Technical NE - Planner. Sr PR.6 Professional E - Planner I PR.1 Professional E Planner II PR.3 Professional E - Planning Technician T.3 Technical NE - Plans Examiner T.7 Technical NE Police Commander PA Law Enforcement E - Police Officer P.2 Law Enforcement NW Police Recruit - P.1 Law Enforcement NE Police Sergeant P.3 Law Enforcement NE - Police Support Clerk AMS.4 Administrative/Management Support NE Police Support Technician AMS.8 Administrative/Management Support NE - Police Training & P R. Officer PR.2 Professional E - Pool Manager AMS.5 Professional NE Probation Officer AMS.9 Administrative/Management Support NE - Property Inspector T.5 Technical NE Purchasing Agent PRA Professional E Receptionist AMS.1 Administrative/Management Support NE - Records Management Specialist AMSA Administrative/Management Support NE - Records Supervisor M.1 Management NE Recreation Clerk II AMS.1 Administrative/Management Support NE - Recreation Clerk III AMS.3 Administrative/Management Support NE Recreation Coordinator AMS.9 Administrative/Management Support NE - Recreation Leader AMS.3 Administrative/Management Support NE Recreation Manager M.5 Management E Recreation Supervisor M.2 Management E Sales Tax Auditor PR.2 Professional E Sales Tax Technician AMS.7 Administrative/Management Support NE Staff Assistant AMS.2 Administrative/Management Support NE Staff Assistant. Sr AM SA Administrative/Management Support NE Traffic Control Technician L TCA LaborlTrades/Crafts NE Web & Imaging Technician T.5 Technical NE 208 - - Compensation Plan Administrative/Manaaement SUDDOrt Developed 01/06 Workers PAY FLSA Camp EEO RANGE RANGE RANGE ~ POSITION TITLE ~ ~ ~ MINIMUM MIDPOINT MAXIMUM AMS-1 Recreation Clerk II NE 8810 AS Annual $ 23,945 $ 27.4 77 $ 31.531 Receptionist NE 8810 AS Month $ 1.995 $ 2,290 $ 2.628 Administrative Clerk NE 8810 AS Hour $ 115120 $ 13.2103 $ 151591 AMS-2 Staff Assistant NE 8810 AS Annual $ 25,351 $ 29,091 $ 33,382 Month $ 2.113 $ 2.424 $ 2,782 Hour $ 12.1883 $ 13.9860 $ 16 0492 - AMS-3 Recreation Clerk III NE 8810 AS Annual $ 27,152 $ 31,158 $ 35,754 - Recreation Leader NE 9102 AS Month $ 2,263 $ 2,596 $ 2.979 - Hour $ 1 3 0540 $ 14.9796 $ 171894 - AMS-4 Deputy Court Clerk I NE 8810 AS Annual $ 30,051 $ 34.484 $ 39,571 Records Management Specialist NE 8810 AS Month $ 2.504 $ 2,874 $ 3,298 - Sr Staff Assistant NE 8810 AS Hour $ 144476 $ 16 5789 $ 19 0247 - Police Support Clerk NE 8810 AS Facility ASSIstant NE 9102 AS - AMS-5 Pool Manager NE 9102 AS Annual $ 31,137 $ 35,730 $ 41.001 - Month $ 2,595 $ 2,978 $ 3.417 - Hour $ 149697 $ 171781 $ 197123 - AMS-6 Office Technician NE 8810 AS Annual $ 32.404 $ 37,184 $ 42,670 Month $ 2,700 $ 3,099 $ 3,556 - Hour $ 15.5788 $ 178771 $ 205144 - AMS-7 Accounting Technician NE 8810 AS Annual $ 34,173 $ 39,214 $ 44,999 - Payroll Technician NE 8810 AS Month $ 2,848 $ 3,268 $ 3,750 Sales Tax Technician NE 8810 AS Hour $ 16 4293 $ 18 8530 $ 21 6343 - - AMS 8 Administrative Assistant NE 8810 AS Annual $ 35,819 $ 41,103 $ 47,167 Police Support Technician NE 8810 AS Month $ 2,985 $ 3.425 $ 3,931 - Deputy Court Clerk II NE 8810 AS Hour $ 17.2207 $ 197611 $ 22.6763 - AMS-9 Deputy City Clerk NE 8810 AS $ 37,593 $ 43,139 $ 49,503 Annual - Human Resources Technician NE 8810 AS Month $ 3,133 $ 3,595 $ 4,125 Recreation Coordinator NE 9102 PP Hour $ 18 0736 $ 20 7398 $ 23 7994 - Marketing Coordinator NE 9102 AS Probation Officer NE 8742 AS - AMS-10 Court Marshal NE 8810 PR Annual $ 38,577 $ 44,268 $ 50,799 - $ 3,215 $ 3689 $ 4,233 Month - Hour $ 185466 $ 21.2827 $ 24 4224 - AMS-11 Executive Assistant NE 8810 AS Annual $ 41,292 $ 47.384 $ 54,374 Month $ 3.441 $ 3,949 $ 4,531 - $ 198519 $ 22.7805 $ 261412 Hour - - - - 209 CO/llpensation Plan Administrative/Manaaement Support Developed 01/06 Range Midpoint PAY RANGE STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP RANGE GRADE MINIMUM 2 3 1 5 6 7 !! MAXIMUM AMS.1 Annual $ 23,945 S 24,783 S 25,650 $ 26,548 $ 27,477 $ 28,439 $ 29,435 $ 30 465 $ 31,531 Month $ 1.995 $ 2,065 $ 2,138 $ 2,212 $ 2,290 $ 2.370 $ 2.453 $ 2,539 $ 2.628 Hour $11.5120 $11.9149 $12.3320 $12.7636 $13.2103 $13 6727 $141512 $146465 $ 151591 AMS.2 Annual $ 25,351 $ 26,238 $ 27.157 $ 28,107 $ 29.091 $ 30 109 $ 31,163 $ 32.254 $ 33,382 Month $ 2.113 S 2,187 5 2.263 $ 2,342 $ 2,424 $ 2,509 $ 2,597 5 2,688 $ 2,782 Hour $12.1880 $12.6146 $13.0561 $13.5130 $13.9860 $144755 $14.9821 $15.5065 5 16.0492 AMS.3 Annual $ 27.152 $ 28.102 $ 29.086 $ 30,104 $ 31 158 $ 32,248 $ 33.377 $ 34,545 $ 35,754 Month 5 2,263 $ 2.342 $ 2.424 $ 2,509 $ 2,596 $ 2,687 $ 2.781 $ 2,879 $ 2,979 Hour $ 13.0538 $13.5107 $13.9836 5144730 $14.9796 $15 5039 $16.0465 $16.6081 $ 171894 AMS-4 Annual $ 30,051 $ 31103 $ 32,191 5 33.318 $ 34 484 $ 35,691 $ 36.940 $ 38.233 5 39,571 Month $ 2,504 $ 2,592 $ 2,683 $ 2.777 $ 2,874 5 2,974 $ 3,078 $ 3,186 5 3,298 Hour $144476 514.9533 515.4766 $160183 516.5789 $171592 $177598 $18.3814 $ 19.0247 AMS.5 Annual $ 31,137 $ 32,227 $ 33,355 $ 34 522 $ 35.730 $ 36 981 $ 38.275 $ 39.615 $ 41,001 Month S 2,595 $ 2,686 5 2,780 5 2,877 $ 2.978 $ 3.082 $ 3,190 $ 3.301 $ 3.417 Hour $ 14.9697 515.4937 $16 0359 $16.5972 $171781 $17 7793 518.4016 $19 0457 $ 197123 AMS.6 Annual $ 32.404 $ 33,538 5 34,712 $ 35,927 5 37.184 $ 38.486 $ 39 833 $ 41,227 $ 42,670 Month S 2,700 $ 2,795 5 2,893 5 2,994 $ 3.099 $ 3.207 $ 3.319 $ 3,436 $ 3,556 Hour $ 15.5788 $16.1241 $16.6884 $17.2725 $178771 $18.5028 $191504 $19.8206 $ 20.5144 AMS.7 Annual $ 34,173 $ 35,369 $ 36,607 $ 37.888 5 39.214 $ 40,587 $ 42,007 $ 43.478 $ 44,999 Month $ 2,848 5 2.947 $ 3,051 $ 3.157 $ 3,268 $ 3,382 $ 3,501 $ 3.623 $ 3,750 Hour $164293 $170044 $17.5995 $18.2155 $ 18.8530 $195129 $20.1958 $20.9027 $ 21 6343 AMS.8 Annual $ 35,819 $ 37.073 $ 38,370 $ 39.713 $ 41,103 $ 42.542 $ 44,031 $ 45.572 $ 47.167 Month $ 2,985 $ 3,089 $ 3.198 $ 3,309 5 3.425 $ 3.545 $ 3.669 $ 3798 $ 3,931 Hour $ 17 .2207 $17.8234 $18.4472 $19.0929 $19.7611 $20.4528 $21 1686 $21.9095 $ 22.6763 AMS-9 Annual $ 37,593 $ 38,909 $ 40.271 $ 41 680 $ 43,139 $ 44,649 $ 46.211 $ 47,829 $ 49,503 Month $ 3,133 $ 3,242 $ 3.356 $ 3.473 $ 3,595 $ 3721 $ 3,851 $ 3,986 $ 4,125 Hour $ 18.0736 $18.7061 $19.3608 $20 0385 $ 20.7398 $21 4657 $22.2170 $22.9946 $ 23.7994 AMS.10 Annual $ 38,577 $ 39,927 $ 41,325 $ 42,771 $ 44,268 $ 45,817 $ 47 421 $ 49,081 $ 50,799 Month $ 3,215 $ 3,327 $ 3,444 $ 3.564 $ 3.689 $ 3,818 $ 3.952 $ 4,090 $ 4,233 Hour $ 18.5466 $191958 $19.8676 $20.5630 $ 21.2827 $22.0276 $22.7985 $23.5965 $ 24 4224 AMS.11 Annual $ 41,292 $ 42.737 $ 44,233 $ 45.781 $ 47,384 $ 49.042 $ 50,758 $ 52,535 $ 54,374 Month $ 3,441 $ 3.561 $ 3.686 $ 3.815 $ 3,949 $ 4,087 $ 4,230 $ 4.378 $ 4,531 Hour $19.8519 $20.5467 $21.2659 $22.0102 $ 22.7805 $23.5779 $24 4031 $25.2572 $ 26.1412 - - - - - - - - - 210 - Compensation Plan Executive Developed 01/06 Workers PAY FLSA Comp EEO RANGE RANGE RANGE ~ POSITION TITLE Jil.i!1.YJi ~ ~ MINIMUM MIDPOINT MAXIMUM E-l Public Works Director E 9410 OA Annual $ 85,879 $ 102,412 $ 122,129 Community Development Director E 9410 OA Month $ 7,157 $ 8,534 $ 10,177 Parks & Recreation Director E 9102 OA Hour $ 41.2880 $ 49.2367 $ 58 7157 Chief of Police E OA E-2 Deputy City Manager E 9410 OA Annual $ 91,386 $ 108,980 $ 129,960 Month $ 7,616 $ 9082 $ 10,830 - $ 43 9356 $ 52.3940 $ 62.4808 Hour - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 211 Compensation Plan Executive Developed 01/06 Range Midpoint PAY RANGE STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP RANGE GRADE MINIMUM 2 " ~ , ~ I ~ MAXIMUM E 1 Annual $ 85.879 $ 89,744 I 93.782 $ 98,002 $ 102.412 $ 107,021 I 111.837 $ 116.869 $ 122.128 Month I 7157 I 7479 S 7815 $ S.16? $ 8.534 $ 8.91.9 $ 9320 I 9.739 $ 10177 Hour S 41.2880 $ 431459 $ 450875 $ 471164 S 49.2367 $ 514523 $ 537677 $ 56.1872 $ 587157 E-' Annual I 91.386 S 95.4y8 S 99,796 $ 104.287 $ 108,980 I 113.884 $ 119.008 I 124,364 $ 129,960 Month $ 7.616 $ 7958 $ F\,.316 I 8691 I 9,082 S 9,490 $ 9.917 $ 10,364 $ 10.830 Hour $ 43.9356 I 459127 $ 47.9787 $ 50.1378 $ 52.3940 $ 547517 I 57.2155 $ 59 7902 S 62.4808 212 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Compensation Plan LaborlTrades/Crafts Developed 01/06 Workers PAY FLSA Comp EEO RANGE RANGE RANGE ~ POSITION TITLE ~ ~ ~ MINIMUM MIDPOINT MAXIMUM LTC-1 Custodian NE 9015 SM Annual $ 23,773 $ 27,280 $ 31,305 Month $ 1,981 $ 2,273 $ 2,609 - Hour $ 114293 $ 131154 $ 15 0502 - LTC-2 Maintenance Worker I . Parks NE 9102 SM Annual $ 25,940 $ 29,767 $ 34,158 - Maintenance Worker I . Public Wks NE 5506 SM Month $ 2,162 $ 2,481 $ 2,847 - Horticulture Assistant NE 9102 SM Hour $ 12.4712 $ 143109 $ 164221 - LTC 3 Maintenance Worker II . Parks NE 9102 SM Annual $ 31,715 $ 36,394 $ 41,763 - Maintenance Worker II.Public Works NE 5506 SM Month $ 2,643 $ 3,033 $ 3,480 - Forestry Assistant NE 9102 SM Hour $ 152476 $ 17 4970 $ 20 0782 - - LTC-4 Traffic Control Technician NE 6325 SM Annual $ 34,173 $ 39,214 $ 44,999 Equipment Operator I NE 5506 SC Month $ 2,848 $ 3,268 $ 3,750 - Facilities Maintenance Technician NE 9015 SM Hour $ 16 4293 $ 18 8530 $ 21 6343 - - LTC-5 Mechanic NE 8380 SC Annual $ 36,720 $ 42,137 $ 48,353 Forestry Technician NE 9102 SM Month $ 3,060 $ 3.511 $ 4,029 - Hour $ 17 6538 $ 20.2582 $ 23.2467 - - LTC-6 Equipment Operator II/Crew Leader NE 5506 SC Annual $ 38,999 $ 44,752 $ 51,354 Crew Leader. Parks NE 9102 SM Month $ 3,250 $ 3,729 $ 4,280 - Lead Mechanic NE 8380 SC Hour $ 187495 $ 215155 $ 24 6895 - - - - - - - - - - - - - 213 COlllpensation Plan Labor/Trades/Crafts Developed 01/06 Range Midpoint PAY RANGE STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP RANGE GRADE MINIMUM ! l 1 ~ ~ I ~ MAXIMUM LTC-1 Annual $ 23.773 $ 24.605 S 25.466 $ 26.358 S 27.280 $ 28.235 $ 29.223 $ 30.246 $ 31.305 Month $ 1981 $ 2050 $ 2.122 S 2.196 $ L:.273 $ 2,~53 $ 2.435 $ 2,520 $ L,609 Hour $ 114293 $ 118294 $ 122434 $ 12.6719 $ 13 1154 $ 135745 $ 14,0490 $ 14.5413 $ 15.0502 LTC 2 Annual $ 25.940 $ 26.848 $ 27788 $ 28.76U $ 29.767 $ 30,809 $ 31.887 $ 33.003 $ 34,158 Month $ 2162 $ 2.237 $ 2.31fi $ 2,397 $ 2.481 S 2.567 $ 2,657 $ 2.750 $ 2.847 Hour S 124712 $ 129076 $ 13.3594 $ 13.8270 $ 14.3109 $ 14.8118 $ 15.3302 S 15.8668 $ 164221 LTC :'1 Annual $ 31715 $ 32.825 $ 33,974 $ 35,163 $ 36.3::14 $ 37667 $ 38,986 $ 40.350 $ 41.763 Month $ 2.643 $ 2,735 $ 2.831 $ 2,930 $ 3.033 S 3.139 S 3.249 $ 3.363 $ 3.480 Hour S 15.2476 $ 157813 $ 16 3336 $ 169053 $ 17497() $ 181094 $ 187432 S 193992 S 20.0782 LTC~4 Annual $ 34.173 $ 35.369 $ 36.607 S 37.888 $ 39.214 $ 40.587 $ 42.007 $ 43478 $ 44.999 Month $ 2,848 $ 2.947 $ 3,051 $ 3.157 $ 3.268 $ 3.382 $ 3,501 $ 3,623 $ 3.750 Hour $ 164293 $ 17 0044 $ 17 5995 $ 182155 $ 188530 $ 195129 S 20.1958 $ 20.9027 $ 21.6343 LTC.5 Annual $ 36,720 $ 38,OU5 S 39.335 $ 40.712 S 42,137 $ 43.612 $ 45.138 $ 46.718 $ 48,353 Month $ 3.060 $ 3.167 S 3.278 $ 3393 $ 3.511 $ 3634 $ 3762 $ 3.893 $ 402CJ Hour $ 17.6538 $ 182717 $ 189112 S 19.5731 $ 20.2582 $ 20.9672 $ 21.7011 $ 22.4006 $ 23.2467 LTC-6 Annual $ 38.999 $ 40.304 $ 41.777 $ 43.239 $ 44.752 $ 4E.319 $ 47940 $ 49,618 $ 51,354 Month $ 3.250 $ 3.364 $ 3.481 $ 3.603 $ 3,729 $ 3,860 $ 3.995 $ 4,135 $ 4,280 Hour $ 187495 $ 194058 $ 200850 $ 207879 $ 215155 $ 22.2685 $ 230479 $ 23 8546 $ 24 6895 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 214 - - Compensation Plan Law Enforcement Developed 07105 - P-3 Police Sergeant Workers FLSA Comp EEO RANGE RANGE ~ ~ ~ MINIMUM MAXIMUM NE 7720 PS Anrllwl $ 40,756 Month $ 3,396 Hour $ 19.5942 NE 7720 PS Annual $ 43,047 $ 61,680 Month $ 3,587 $ 5,140 Hour $ 20 6957 $ 29 6538 NE 7720 PS Annual $ 63,627 $ 77,335 Month $ 5,302 $ 6,445 Hour $ 30 5899 $ 37 1803 E 7720 PS Annual $ 79,872 $ 97,829 Month $ 6,656 $ 8,152 Hour $ 38 4000 $ 47 0332 PAY GRADE POSITION TITLE P-1 Police Recruit - P-2 Police Officer - - - - - P-4 Police Commander - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 215 COlllpe11.llltiol/ Plan Law Enforcement Developed 07/05 PAY RANGE STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP RANGE GRADE MINIMUM < ;! 1 . Ii MAXIMUM P 1 Annual $ 40.756 Month $ 3.396 Hour S 19 5942 P~2 Annual S 43,047 ! 45 706 $ 48.530 $ 51.528 $ 54,711 $ 58.091 $ 61.680 Month S 3,587 S 3.809 $ 4.044 $ 4,294 $ 4.559 $ 4.841 $ 5140 Hour S 20.6957 S 21974L $ 23.3317 $ 24 7730 $ 26.3034 $ 27.9284 $ 29.6537 P3 Annual S 63.627 S 65,730 $ 67.903 $ 70.147 $ 72.465 $ 74,801 $ 77.335 Month ! 5,302 S 5.478 $ 5.659 $ 5.846 $ fl,O~9 $ 6,238 $ 6445 Hour S 30 5899 S 31.601() $ 320454 $ 33 7245 $ 34.8391 $ 35,9906 $ 37 1802 P 4 AnnuClI S 79,872 S 82.618 $ 85.458 $ 88.396 $ 91.t34 $ 94,577 $ m.82\J Month S 6,656 S 6.885 $ 7121 $ 7,366 $ 7,620 $ 7881 $ e.152 Hour S 38.4000 S 39 n01 $ 41.0855 $ 42.497Y $ 43 9588 $ 45.4699 $ 47.0330 - - - - - - - - - - - - 216 Compensation Plan Manaaement Developed 01/06 Workers PAY FLSA Comp EEO RANGE RANGE RANGE ~ POSITION TITLE ~ ~ ~ MtNIMUM MIDPOINT MAXIMUM M-1 Records Supervisor NE 8810 PP Annual $ 44,172 $ 50,688 $ 58,166 Bu"'ding Maintenance Supervisor NE 9015 SM Month $ 3,681 $ 4,224 $ 4,847 Community Services Unit Supervisor NE 8810 PR Hour $ 21.2365 $ 24 3694 $ 27 9645 - - M2 Operations Supervisor. Parks E 9102 TE Annual $ 46,176 $ 52,988 $ 60 805 Operations Supervisor.Public Wrks E 5506 TE Month $ 3848 $ 4,416 $ 5,067 - Operations Supervisor - Facilities E 9102 PR H'jlll $ 22.2000 $ 25.4750 $ 29.2332 Recreation Supervisor E 9102 PR - - M-3 Accounting Supervisor E 8810 PR Annual $ 49.058 $ 56,295 $ 64,600 Communications Manager E 8810 OA Month $ 4,088 $ 4,691 $ 5.383 - $ 23 5856 $ 27 0650 $ 31 0577 H()ur - - M-4 Court Administrator E 8810 OA Annual $ 56,931 $ 65,330 $ 74,967 Month $ 4744 $ 5444 $ 6,247 - $ $ $ Hour 27 3707 31 4085 36 0419 - - M-5 Recreation Manager E 9102 OA Annual $ 62,487 $ 71 705 $ 82,283 - Parks, Open Space Forestry Manager E 9102 OA Month $ 5.207 $ 5975 $ 6,857 Chief Building Official E 9410 OA Hour $ 30 0418 $ 344737 $ 39 5593 - - M-6 Operations Manager E 9410 OA Month $ 66,901 $ 76,770 $ 88,096 - IT Manager E 9410 OA Hour $ 5,575 $ 6,398 $ 7,341 $ 32,1639 $ 36.9089 $ 423538 - - M-7 Engineering Manager E 9410 OA Annual $ 68,351 $ 78,434 $ 90,005 - $ 5,696 $ 6,536 $ 7,500 $ 32.8611 $ 37 7088 $ 43.2717 - - M-8 Human Resources Manager E 8810 OA Annual $ 69,972 $ 80.294 $ 92,140 - Month $ 5,831 $ 6,691 $ 7,678 Hour $ 33.6404 $ 386031 $ 44.2980 - - - - - - - 217 Compensation Plan ManaQement Developed 01/06 Range Midpoint PAY RANGE STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP RANGE GRADE MINIMUM l ~ 1 ;; l! 7 B MAXIMUM M 1 Annual $ 44172 I 45.718 I 47.318 I 48,974 I 50.688 I 52,462 I 54,299 I 56,199 $ 58,166 Month S 3681 I 3.810 $ 3.943 $ 4,031 $ 4224 $ 4,372 $ 4,525 S 4.6R3 $ 4,R47 Hour S 21.2365 $ 219798 $ 227491 $ 23 5453 $ 24.3694 $ 25.2223 $ 26.1051 I 27.0188 $ 27,9645 M2 Annual S 46.176 $ 47792 $ 49.465 $ 51 196 $ 52.988 $ 54,84.i $ 56.762 S 58.749 $ 60.805 Month $ 3.84R $ 3.91'13 $ 4122 $ 4.266 $ 4.416 $ 4.570 $ 4,730 S 4896 $ 5,067 Hour $ 22.20UO $ 22.9770 $ 23.7812 $ 246135 $ 25.4750 $ 26.3666 $ 27.2895 S 28.2446 $ 29.2332 M-3 Annual $ 49.058 $ 50.775 $ 52 552 $ 54.391 $ 56.295 $ 58.266 $ 60,305 $ 62415 $ 54.600 Month $ 4,088 $ 4.231 $ 4.:H9 I 4533 $ 4.691 $ 4.855 $ 5.025 $ 5.201 $ 5.383 Hour $ 23.5856 $ 244111 $ 25.2655 I 26.1498 $ 27 0650 $ 28.0123 I 28,9927 $ 300074 $ 31.0577 M-4 Annual $ 56.931 $ 58.924 $ 60.986 $ 63.120 $ 65,330 $ 67.616 $ 69.983 $ 72.432 $ 74,967 Month S 4744 $ 4.910 $ 5.082 I 5.260 $ 5444 $ 5.635 I 5.832 $ 6,036 $ 6.247 Huur $ 27.3707 $ 28 3286 $ 29.3201 I 30.3464 $ 31 40R5 $ 32 5078 I 33 6455 $ 34.8231 I 36.0419 M-5 Annual $ 62.487 $ 64.674 $ 66.938 $ 6!:l.280 $ 71.705 $ 74,215 S 76.812 $ 79.501 S 82.283 Month I 5207 $ 5.390 I 5.578 $ 5.77."1 $ 5.975 S 6.185 S 6.401 $ 6.625 S 6.857 Hour S 30.0418 $ 310933 $ 32.1816 $ 3::13079 $ 344737 $ 35.6803 I 36.9291 $ 38.2216 $ 39 5593 M-6 Annual S 66.901 I 69.243 $ 71.66R $ 74,174 $ 76770 $ 79.457 $ 82.238 $ 85117 $ 88.096 Month S 5.575 I 5770 $ 5.972 $ 6.181 $ 6.398 $ 6.621 $ 6.853 $ 7.093 $ 7341 Hour S 32.1639 S 332897 $ 34.4548 $ 356607 $ 36 9089 $ 38.2007 $ 39.5377 $ 40.9215 $ 42.3538 M7 Annual S 68.351 $ 70743 $ 73.219 $ 75,782 $ 78434 $ 81.180 $ 84.021 $ 86.962 $ 90.005 Month $ 5.696 I 5.895 $ 6.102 $ 6,315 $ 6.536 $ 6.765 $ 7.002 I 7.247 $ 7.500 Hour $ 32.8611 $ 34.0112 $ 352016 $ 36.4336 $ 37.7088 $ 39.0286 $ 40 3946 $ 41.8084 $ 43.2717 M8 Annual I 69.972 $ 72.421 $ 74.956 S 77.579 $ 80.294 $ 83.105 $ 86.013 $ 89,024 $ 92140 Month $ 5.831 $ 6,035 $ 6.246 S 6.465 $ 6.691 $ 6.925 I 7168 $ 7419 $ 7.678 Hour $ 336404 $ 34.8178 $ 36 0364 S 37.2977 $ 38.6031 I 399542 I 413526 $ 42.8000 $ 44.2980 - - - - - - - - - 218 - - Compcnsation Plt/ll Professional (Exemot) Developed 01106 Workers PAY FLSA Camp EEO RANGE RANGE RANGE ~ POSITION TITLE ~ ~ ~ MINIMUM MIDPOINT MAXIMUM PR-1 Planner I E 9410 PR Annual $ 39,443 $ 45,262 $ 51,939 Month $ 3,287 $ 3,772 $ 4,328 - Hour $ 18 9630 $ 21 7605 $ 24 9706 - PR-2 Police Training/Public Relations Officer E 8810 OA Annual $ 43,908 $ 50,385 $ 57,818 - Sales Tax Auditor E 9410 PR Month $ 3,659 $ 4,199 $ 4,818 - Crime Analyst E 8810 PR Hour $ 21 1096 $ 242238 $ 27 7973 Open Space Coordinator E 9102 SM - - PR-3 Planner II E 9410 PR Annual $ 46.618 $ 53,495 $ 61,387 - Parks Project Coordinator E 9410 TE Month $ 3,885 $ 4,458 $ 5,116 Hour $ 224125 $ 25 7189 $ 29 5130 - - PR-4 Purchasing Agent E 8810 OA $ 48,327 $ 55,456 $ 63,637 Annual - Assistant to the City Manager E 8810 PR Month $ 4,027 $ 4,621 $ 5,303 Human Resources Representative E 8810 PR Hour $ 232341 $ 26 661 7 $ 30 5949 - Civil Engineer (EIT) E 9410 PR - PR-5 GIS Analyst E 9410 PR Annual $ 49,782 $ 57,126 $ 65,553 - $ 4149 $ 4,760 $ 5,463 Month - Hour $ 23 9337 $ 27 4644 $ 31 5161 - PR-6 Sr Planner E 9410 PR Annual $ 55.776 $ 64,004 $ 73,446 - Network Administrator E 9410 PR Month $ 4.648 $ 5,334 $ 6,121 - Hour $ 26 8154 $ 307713 $ 35 3107 - PR-7 Civil Engineer II (PE) E 9410 PR Annual $ 58,638 $ 67,288 $ 77,215 - Month $ 4,887 $ 5,607 $ 6,435 - Hour $ 281913 $ 32.3502 $ 37 1226 - - - - - - - - - - - 219 Compensation Plan Professional (Exempt) Developed 01/06 Range Midpoint PAY RANGE STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP RANGE GRADE MINIMUM " ;! ~ > ~ I ft MAXIMUM PR 1 Annual $ 39.443 $ 40,824 $ 42,252 $ 43.731 $ 45.262 $ 46.846 $ 48.486 S 5U,183 $ 51.939 Month $ 3.287 S 3.402 $ 3.521 $ 3.b44 $ 3,772 $ 3,904 $ 4.040 $ 4182 I 4,32e Hour $ 18 9630 $ 1\:1.6267 S 20.3136 S 210246 S 21,7605 $ 22.5221 $ 233103 $ 24.1262 $ 24 9706 PR 2 Annual $ 43,9US $ 45445 $ 47,035 $ 48.682 $ 50,385 $ 52,149 $ 53,974 $ 55.863 $ .')7,818 Month $ 3,659 $ 1.787 $ 3.920 $ 4.057 $ 4.199 $ 4.34fi $ 4.498 $ 4.655 $ 4.818 Hour S 21 109G $ 218485 $ 22.6131 $ 23.4046 $ 24.2238 $ 250716 $ 259491 $ 268573 $ 277973 PR 3 Annual $ 46.618 $ 48.250 $ 49.938 $ 51.686 $ 53.495 $ 55.368 $ 57,305 $ 59.311 $ 61387 Month $ 3.885 $ 4.021 $ 4,162 $ 4,307 $ 4.458 $ 4.614 $ 4775 $ 4.943 $ 5.116 Hour $ 224125 $ 231969 S 24.0088 $ 248491 $ 25.7189 $ 26 6190 $ 27,5507 $ 28.5150 $ 29,5130 PR4 Annual $ 48,327 S 50,018 $ 51,769 $ 53.581 $ 55.456 $ 57397 $ 59.406 S fi1485 $ 63,637 Month $ 4,027 $ 4,168 $ 4 ~14 $ 4.465 $ 4.621 $ 4.783 $ 4,951 $ 5.124 $ 5.303 Hour $ 23,2341 I 24,0473 $ 24.8890 $ 257f-i01 $ 26.6617 $ 27 5949 $ 28,5607 $ 29,5603 $ 30.5949 PR-5 Annual $ 49,782 $ 51.524 $ 53.328 $ 55.194 $ 57126 $ 59.125 $ 61 195 S 63.337 $ 65,553 Month $ 4.149 $ 4.294 I 4.444 $ 4,600 $ 4,760 $ 4,927 ! f1,100 $ 5.278 S 5,463 Hour $ 23.9337 $ 247713 $ 25638j $ 265357 $ 274fl44 $ 28.4257 $ 29.4206 $ 30.4503 $ ~1.51R1 PR 6 Annual $ 55776 $ 57728 $ 59.749 $ 61,840 $ 64,004 $ 66,244 $ 68,563 $ 70,963 $ 73,446 Month $ 4.648 $ 4.811 $ 4979 $ 5,153 $ 5,334 $ 5.520 $ 5.714 ! 5.914 $ 6.121 Hour $ 26,8154 $ 27.7539 $ 28,7253 $ 29.7307 $ 307713 I 318483 $ 32.9630 $ 34.1167 $ 35,3107 PR-7 Annual S 58.638 $ 60,690 $ 62,814 $ 65,013 $ 67.288 $ 69.644 $ 72.081 $ 74.604 $ 77.215 Month $ 4,887 $ 5.058 $ 5.235 $ 5,418 $ 5,607 $ 5804 $ 6.007 $ 6,217 $ 6.435 Hour $ 28,1913 $ 29.1780 $ 30.1993 $ 31.2562 $ 323502 $ 33,4825 $ 34,6544 $ 35,8673 $ 371226 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 220 CO/llpen\atio1/ Plall Technical Developed 01/06 Workers PAY FLSA Comp EEO RANGE RANGE RANGE ~ POSITION TITLE ~ ~ ~ MINIMUM MIDPOINT MAXIMUM T-1 Permit Technician NE 8810 AS Annual $ 30,051 $ 34,484 $ 39,571 Engineering Assistant NE 9410 AS Month $ 2,504 $ 2,874 $ 3,298 Hour $ 144476 $ 16 5789 $ 19 0247 - T2 Evidence Technician NE 9410 pp Annual $ 33,797 $ 38,783 $ 44.504 Month $ 2,816 $ 3,232 $ 3709 - Hour $ 16.2486 $ 186456 $ 21 3962 - - T-3 Planning Technician NE 8810 pp Annual $ 35,560 $ 40,806 $ 46,826 Month $ 2,963 $ 3,400 $ 3,902 - Hour $ 17 0962 $ 196182 $ 225124 - - T-4 Community Services Officer NE 8831 PR Annual $ 36,480 $ 41862 $ 48,037 Emergency Services Specialist NE 9410 PP Month $ 3,040 $ 3,488 $ 4,003 - Help Desk Technician NE 9410 TE Hour $ 17 5385 $ 201258 $ 23 0948 - T-5 Property Inspector NE 9410 OA Annual $ 38,446 $ 44,118 $ 50,626 - $ 3,204 $ 3,676 $ 4.219 Engineering Technician NE 9410 SC Month - Sr Evidence Technician NE 9410 PP Hour $ 184837 $ 21.2104 $ 24.3394 Web & Imaging Technician NE 8810 AS - IT Support Technician NE 9410 TE - T-6 Lead Emergency Services SpecialISt NE 9410 PP Annual $ 40,325 $ 46,274 $ 53,100 - $ 3,360 $ 3,856 $ 4,425 Month - Hour $ 193870 $ 222471 $ 25 5290 - - $ 43,250 $ 49,630 $ 56,952 T-7 Combination Inspector NE 9410 OA Annual - Sr IT Support Technician NE 9410 TE Month $ 3,604 $ 4,136 $ 4,746 GIS Technician NE 9410 TE Hour $ 20 7933 $ 23 8608 $ 27 3808 - Plans Examiner NE 8810 TE - - - - - - - - - - 221 COlllpensation Plan Technical Developed 01/U6 I Ranqe M Idpom! PAY RANGE STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP 51 EP RANGE GRADE MINIM UM 2 3 4 5 6 7 6 MAXIMUM , 1 Annual , 30,051 , 31.10:, S 12.191 S 33318 S 3441J4 S 3 5,6~ 1 S 3G ~41J S 38,2:n S 39571 Month S 2504 S 2.592 S 2f;R3 S 2 777 S 2.874 S 2 ~P4 S 3078 $ '18G , .~ .298 Hour S 14447f, S 149533 S 15.47b6 S 11;;0183 S 165789 S 171592 S 177598 $ lR:lR14 S 190247 T-;,' Annual " 33797 S 149RQ S 3f,2Q4 S 37471 S 38783 S 4u 141) S .11545 S 42,999 $ 44504 Month $ 2816 S 2915 S ~ () 17 ! 123 S 3,2:.12 S \3115 S 3462 S 1583 S 3,709 Hour I 16.2486 S 16 R 173 S 174059 S 111u151 S 18,645b S 19_2~H\.: S 19.9736 $ 2U fi72? $ 21.3962 T 3 Annual S 35560 S 3fifW5 S 38,093 S 3942fi S 40,806 S 42.234 S 43712 I 45.242 S 46826 Month $ 2,963 S .j06l S 'j174 S 3286 S 3400 S 3,52u S 3643 $ :1 770 I 3902 Hour S 170962 I 176'0145 S 18,::1138 S 1R954R S 196182 S 20.3049 S 21.0155 $ 217511 S 225124 '.4 Annual S 36480 S 37,757 S 39,078 S 40440 S 41,862 I 433;:7 $ 44,843 S 4fi4n $ 48037 ManU, $ 3040 $ 3 146 S 3.257 S 3,371 S 3488 $ 3,611 S 3,737 I 3,808 $ 4003 Hour S 17,5385 , 18152:1 S 187876 , 194452 S 2u 1258 , 208302 $ 215592 S n,3138 I 23.094(j , 5 Annual S 3844G $ 39.792 S 41184 S 4~ 62fi S 44118 $ 45fifi2 S 47.2611 S 48,914 $ 50.626 Mnnth S 3,2U4 $ 3,31G S 34:12 S 3552 S 3,670 S 3805 S 3 ~38 S 4,076 I 4,219 Hour S 184e37 $ 191306 S 198002 S 2U 4!jj,! , 212104 S 21.952e I 22 ,7211 S 235104 $ 243.194 T-n 6.nnual S 40325 I 41.73G S 43 197 S 44,709 $ 46,:!74 I 47,893 S 4\:1 57n S 51305 $ 53100 Month $ 3160 S 3478 S 36uO S 3,726 S 3856 $ 3991 S 4111 S 4275 $ 4425 Hour S 19387U S 20.01556 S 2u,7f.79 S 214947 S 2:':,2471 $ 230257 S 238.116 $ 24,6657 $ 25.5290 T , Annual $ 43,250 $ 44,764 S 463311 S 47952 S 49630 S 51367 S 53165 S 55.026 S 56,952 M unth $ 3,604 S 3,730 S 3,eti1 S 38% $ 4136 $ 4281 S 4430 S 4,586 S 4,746 Huur S 207933 S 21.5210 S 22.274 j S 230539 $ 238608 S ~ 4.6959 S 2556C2 S 264548 S 273808 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 222 - CompeJ/satioJ/ Plan ALPHABET LISTING OF INTERMITTENT PART-TIME & SEASONAL JOB TITLES Position Title Grade Department/Division FLSA Administrative Assistant PT.20 Various NE Administrative Clerk PT.12 Various NE Attendant. Child Care PT.6 Recreation NE Attendant. Climbing Wall PT.6 Recreation NE Attendant. Front Desk PT.6 Recreation NE Attendant. Gym PT.6 Recreation NE Attendant. Head Child Care PT.8 Recreation NE Attendant. Head Climbing Wall PT.8 Recreation NE - Attendant. Head Weight Room PT.8 Recreation NE Attendant. Weight Room PT.6 Recreation NE - Building Supervisor PT.? Recreation NE - Coach PT.? Recreation NE Coach. Head PT.8 Recreation NE - Court Marshal PT.22 Court NE Custodian PT.6 Recreation NE - Driver PT.? Recreation NE - Facility Assistant PT.16 Recreation NE Fitness Assistant I PT.13 Recreation NE - Fitness Assistant II PT.19 Recreation NE Food Services Worker PT.9 Recreation NE - Instructor. Aerobics I PT.13 Recreation NE - Instructor. Aerobics II PT.19 Recreation NE Instructor .Aqua Exercise I PT.13 Recreation NE - Instructor .Aqua Exercise II PT.19 Recreation NE Instructor. Dance I PT.? Recreation NE - Instructor. Dance II PT.11 Recreation NE - Instructor. Martial Arts I PT.13 Recreation NE Instructor. Martial Arts II PT.19 Recreation NE - Instructor. Recreation I PT-4 Recreation NE Instructor. Recreation II PT.8 Recreation NE - Instructor. Specialty Fitness I PT.8 Recreation NE - Instructor. Specialty Fitness II PT.13 Recreation NE Instructor. Specialty Fitness III PT.19 Recreation NE - Instructor. Sports I PT.? Recreation NE Instructor. Sports II PT.11 Recreation NE - Instructor. WSI PT.11 Recreation NE - Intern PT5, PT.8, PT11, PT.15 Various NE IT Intern PT.15 & PT 21 IT NE - Licensed Pre.School Group Leader PT.11 Recreation NE Licensed Pre.School Specialist PT.13 Recreation NE - Lifeguard PT.? Recreation NE - Lifeguard. Head PT.13 Recreation NE Maintenance Worker PT.? Parks NE - Office Technician PT.18 Various NE Personal Trainer I PT.13 Recreation NE Personal Trainer II PT.19 Recreation NE Pool Aide PT.2 Recreation NE Pool Manager PT.1? Recreation NE Recreation Aide PT.5 Recreation NE Recreation Clerk I PT.8 Recreation NE Recreation Clerk II PT.12 Recreation NE Recreation Clerk III PT.14 Recreation NE Recreation Coordinator PT.21 Recreation NE Recreation Leader PT.14 Recreation NE Recreation Service Attendant PT-4 Recreation NE - 223 Compensation Plun ALPHABET LISTING OF INTERMITTENT PART-TIME & SEASONAL JOB TITLES Position Title Grade DepartmentlDivision FLSA Scorekeeper PT-4 Recreation NE Sports Official I PT.8 Recreation NE Sports Official II PT.13 Recreation NE Staff Assistant PT.13 Various NE Staff Assistant. Sr PT.16 Various NE WSA PT.? Recreation NE WSI PT.8 Recreation NE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 224 - - Compensation Plan Part-Time/Seasonal Developed 01/05 Workers PAY FLSA Camp EEO RANGE RANGE ~ POSITION TITLE ~ l&!llt l&!llt MINIMUM MAXIMUM PT-1 Hour $ 5 3623 $ 6 7928 Month $ 929 $ 1,046 $ 1,177 PT 2 Pool Aide NE 9102 PS Hour $ 5 7779 $ 73193 Month $ 1.002 $ 1,127 $ 1,269 PT-3 Hour $ 6.2257 $ 7 8865 - $ 1,079 $ 1,215 $ 1,367 Month - - PT-4 Recreation Service Attendant NE 9102 AS Hour $ 6 7082 $ 8 4977 Scorekeeper NE 9102 AS - Instructor' Recreation I NE 9102 PP - PT-5 Recreation Aide NE 9102 AS Hour $ 72281 $ 91563 - Intern I NE 8810 AS - - PT-6 Custodian NE 9015 SM Hour $ 7 7883 $ 9 8660 Attendant: Front Desk NE 9102 PS - Gym NE 9102 PS Climbing Wall NE 9102 PS - Weight Room NE 9102 PS - Child Care NE 9102 PS - PT-7 Coach NE 9102 SC Hour $ 83919 $ 10 6306 Maintenance Worker NE 9102 SM - Lifeguard NE 9102 PS - WSA NE 9102 PS Driver NE 9102 AS - Instructor' Sports I NE 9102 PP Dance I NE 9102 PP - Building Supervisor NE 9102 PS - PT-8 Recreation Clerk I NE 8810 AS Hour $ 9 0422 $ 114544 WSI NE 9102 PS - Sports Official I NE 9102 SC - Head: Climbing Wall Attendant NE 9102 PS Weight Room Attendant NE 9102 PS - Child Care Attendant NE 9102 PS Coach NE 9102 PS - Instructor' Recreation II NE 9102 PP Specialty Fitness I NE 9102 PP - Intern II NE 8810 AS - PT-9 Foard Services Worker NE 9102 SC Hour $ 9 7430 $ 12.3421 - - - - 225 Compensation Plan Part-Time/Seasonal Developed 01/05 Workers PAY FLSA Camp EEO RANGE RANGE ~ POSITION TITLE ~ ~ ~ MINIMUM MAXIMUM PT-10 Hour $ 104981 $ 132987 - PT-11 Licensed Pre.School Group Leader NE 9102 PP Hour $ 11 3117 $ 14 3293 Intern III NE 8810 AS - Instructor' Dance II NE 9102 PP - Sports II NE 9102 PP WSI NE 9102 PP - PT-12 Recreation Clerk II NE 8810 AS Hour $ 115120 $ 145831 - Administrative Clerk - - PT-13 Staff Assistant NE 8810 AS Hour $ 121883 $ 15 4398 Licensed Pre-School Specialist NE 9102 PP - Personal Trainer I NE 9102 PP Fitness Assistant I NE 9102 PP - Instructor' Aqua Exercise I NE 9102 PP - Aerobics I NE 9102 PP Martial Arts I NE 9102 PP - Specialty Fitness II NE 9102 PP PT-14 Sports Official II NE 9102 SC Hour $ 131329 $ 16 6364 Head Lifeguard NE 9102 PS Recreation Leader NE 9102 PP Recreation Clerk III - NE 8810 AS $ - PT-15 IT Intern I NE 9410 TE Hour 141507 $ 17.9257 Intern IV NE 8810 AS - -- PT-16 Facility Assistant NE 9102 AS Hour $ 144476 $ 183018 Sr Staff Assistant NE 8810 AS PT-17 Pool Manager NE 9102 PP Hour $ 14 9697 $ 18 9632 - PT-18 Office Technician NE 8810 AS Hour $ 15.5788 $ 19 7348 PT-19 Personal Trainer II NE 9102 PP Hour $ 164291 $ 20 8119 Fitness Assistant II NE 9102 PP Instructor' Aqua Exercise II NE 9102 PP Aerobics II NE 9102 PP Martial Arts II NE 9102 PP Specialty Fitness III NE 9102 PP 226 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Cl/lIll'cnmtil/n Plall Developed 01/05 Part-Time/Seasonal PAY ~ PT-20 PT-21 PT-22 POSITION TITLE Workers FLSA Camp EEO ~~ ~ Admin istrative Assistant Recreation Coordinator IT Intern II Court Marshal NE 8810 NE NE 9102 9410 NE 8810 AS PP TE AS RANGE MINIMUM RANGE MAXIMUM Hour $ 17.2207 $ 21 8147 Hour $ 180736 $ 228951 Hour $ 18.5466 $ 23 4943 227 Compellsatiol1 P/all Part-Time/Seasonal Developed 01/05 PAY RANGE STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP RANGE GRADE MINIMUM 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 MAXIMUM PT 1 Hour $ 5.3623 $ 5.5232 $ 56889 S 5.8595 S 6.0353 $ 6.2164 S 64029 $ 6.5950 S 67928 PT 2 Hour S 5.7779 $ 59512 $ R 12Y8 $ 6.3137 $ b.5031 $ 611982 $ 6,8991 $ 71061 $ 7.3193 PT 3 Hour $ 62257 $ 6.4125 $ 6.6048 $ 6.8030 S 7.0071 $ 72173 $ 74338 $ 7.6568 $ 78865 PT-4 Hour $ 6.70R2 S 69094 $ 71167 $ 7.3302 I 75501 $ 7 l7R6 $ Fi.OO9q $ 8.2502 $ 8 4977 PT-5 Hour $ 7.2281 S 74449 S 7,668:-\ $ 78983 $ 81353 $ 83793 $ 8.6307 $ 8.R897 $ 9.1563 PT-6 Hour $ 7.7883 $ 8.0219 $ 8.2626 $ 8.5105 $ 87658 S 9.0288 $ 9.2996 $ 95786 I Y 8660 PT 7 Hour $ 83919 $ 86437 $ 8 9030 $ 91701 $ 9 4452 $ 9.7285 $ 100204 $ 10.3210 $ 106306 PT-S Hour S 9.0422 $ 9.31:15 S 95929 S 98807 $ 10.1771 $ 10.4824 S 107969 $ 11 1208 $ 114544 PT-9 Hour $ 97430 $ 100353 $ 103363 $ 106464 S 10.9658 $ 112948 $ 116337 $ 11.9827 $ 12.3421 PT-10 Hour $ 10.4;J81 $ 10813() $ 11 1374 $ 114716 $ 11.8157 $ 121702 $ 125353 $ 129113 $ 132987 PT 11 Hour $ 11.3117 S 11.6511 S 1200U6 $ 123606 S 127314 $ 131134 $ 13.5068 $ 139120 $ 143293 PT-12 Hour $ 11.5120 $ 11.8574 $ 122131 $ 125795 $ 12 9569 $ 133456 $ 137459 S 14 1~83 $ 14.5831 PT 13 Hour $ 12.1883 $ 12.5539 $ 12.9306 $ 13.3185 $ 13.7180 $ 14.12% $ 14.5535 $ 14.9901 $ 15.4398 PT-14 Hour $ 13.1329 $ 13.5269 $ 13.9327 $ 14.3S07 $ 14.7812 $ 15.2246 $ 156814 $ 161518 $ 16.6364 PT 15 Hour $ 141507 S 14.5752 $ 15.0125 S 15.4629 $ 15.9267 $ 16.4045 $ 168967 $ 174036 $ 179257 PT-16 Hour $ 14.4476 $ 14.8810 $ 15.3275 $ 15.7873 $ 16.2609 $ 167487 $ 17.2512 $ 17 7687 $ 18.3018 PT-17 Hour $ 14.9697 $ 154188 $ 15.8814 $ 163578 S 16.8485 $ 173540 $ 17.8746 $ 18.4108 $ 18.9632 PT 18 Hour $ 15.57?}8 S 16.0462 $ H:i.5275 $ 17 .0234 $ 17.5341 $ 18.0601 $ 18.6019 $ 19.1600 $ 19.7348 PT 19 Hour $ 164291 $ 169220 $ 174296 $ 179525 $ 184911 $ 190451'\ $ 19.6172 S 202057 $ 20.8119 PT-20 Hour $ 17 .2207 $ 17.7373 $ 18.2694 $ 18.8175 $ 19.3820 $ 199635 $ 20 5624 $ 21 1793 $ 218147 PT-21 Hour $ 18.0735 $ 186158 $ 19.1743 $ 19.7495 $ 20.3420 $ 20.9523 $ 21.5808 S 22.2282 S 22.8951 PT-22 Hour $ 185460 $ 19.1030 $ 19.6761 $ 20.2664 $ 20.8744 $ 21.5006 $ 22.1456 $ 22.8100 $ 23.4943 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 228 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Compensation Plan 229 Staffing STAFFING TABLE 2003 2004 2005 2006 Authorized Authorized Authorized Authorized GENERAL FUND TREASURY Treasury City Treasurer Elected Elected Elected Elected Accountant 1 000 0000 0000 0000 Accounting Technician 1 000 0000 0000 0000 Payroll Technician 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 - Subtotal 3000 0000 0000 0000 Sales Tax Sales Tax Auditor 1000 0000 0000 0000 Sales Tax Technician 1000 0.000 0000 0.000 Subtotal 2.000 0000 0000 0000 Total 5.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 - CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE - General Management Services - City Manager 1 000 1 000 1 000 1 000 Assistant to the City Manager 1JillQ 1000 1.000 1.000 - Total 2.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 CITY ATTORNEY Legal Services City Attorney Contracted Contracted Contracted Contracted - CITY CLERK - City Clerk City Clerk Elected Elected Elected Elected - Deputy City Clerk 1000 1000 1000 1000 Administrative Assistant 0500 0500 1000 1000 Sr Staff Assistant 0500 0500 0000 0000 Receptionist 0.000 0000 0.500 0.500 Total 2.000 2.000 2.500 2.500 MUNICIPAL COURT Municipal Court Municipal Judge Contracted Contracted Contracted Contracted Court Administrator 1000 1000 1000 1000 Deputy Court Clerk 6000 5.750 5.750 6750 Probation Supervisor 1000 1000 0000 0000 Probation Officer 1000 0000 1000 1000 Sr Staff Assistant 1000 1000 1000 0000 Court Marshall 0000 0.000 0.000 1.000 Total 10.000 8.750 8.750 9.750 230 - Stafjing STAFFING TABLE (continued) 2003 2004 2005 2006 Authorized Authorized Authorized Authorized Administrative Services Deputy City Manager 0000 1000 1000 1000 Administrative Services Director 1000 0000 0000 0000 - Executive Assistant 1000 1000 1000 1000 - Receptionist 1.000 0.000 0000 0.000 Subtotal 3000 2.000 2000 2.000 - - Finance Accounting Supervisor 0000 1000 1000 1000 - Accounting Technician 0000 1000 1000 1000 - Payroll Technician 0.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 Subtotal 0000 3000 3.000 3.000 - - Sales Tax Sales Tax Auditor 0000 1000 2.000 2.000 - Sales Tax Technician 0.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 - Subtotal 0000 2.000 3000 3000 - Human Resources - Human Resources Manager 1000 1000 1000 1000 Human Resources Representative 1000 1000 1000 1000 - Human Resources Technician 0000 0.000 0.000 1.000 - Subtotal 2.000 2.000 2.000 3000 - Purchasing and Contracting - Purchasing and Contracting Agent 1000 1000 1000 1000 Purchasing Technician 1.000 0000 0.000 0000 - Subtotal 2.000 1000 1000 1000 - Information Systems - IT Manager 1000 1000 1000 1000 - Network Administrator 1000 1000 1000 1000 Sr IT Support Technician 0000 0000 0000 2.000 - Personal Computer Technician 2.000 2000 2.000 0000 - Web & Imaging Technician 1000 1000 0.500 0.500 Help Desk Technician 0.000 0.000 0.500 0.500 - Subtotal 5.000 5.000 5.000 5.000 - Total 12.000 15.000 16.000 17.000 - - COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Administration - Community Development Director 1000 1000 1000 1000 Administrative Assistant 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 Subtotal 2.000 2000 2.000 2.000 - - 231 Staffing STAFFING TABLE (continued) 2003 2004 2005 2006 Authorized Authorized Authorized Authorized Planning Senior Planner 1000 1000 1000 2.000 Planner" 0000 0000 0000 1000 Planner I 2.000 1000 1000 1000 Planning Technician 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.000 Subtotal 4000 3000 3.000 4000 Building Chief Building Official 0500 1000 1000 1000 - Building Inspector 0500 Contracted 1000 0000 Combination Inspector 0000 0000 0000 1000 - Sr Staff Assistant 1000 1000 1000 0000 - Permit Technician 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 Subtotal 2.000 2000 3.000 3000 - - Total 8.000 7.000 8.000 9.000 - POLICE DEPARTMENT - Administration Chief of Police 1000 1000 1000 1000 - Deputy Chief of Police 1000 1000 1000 0000 - Police Commander 1000 0000 0000 1000 Police Sergeant 1000 1000 1000 1000 Administrative Assistant 2.000 3000 3.000 1000 Police Support Technician 0000 0.000 0000 2.500 Warrants Clerk 0000 1000 1.000 0.000 - Subtotal 6.000 7000 7000 6.500 Community Services Unit (formerly APCE) - Code Enforcement Supervisor (APCO Supervisor) 1000 1000 1000 0000 - Code Enforcement Officer (APCO) 2000 2000 2.000 0000 Community Services Unit Supervisor 0000 0000 0.000 1000 - Community Services Officer 0.000 0.000 0.000 2.000 Subtotal 3.000 3000 3.000 3.000 Communications Communications Manager 1000 1000 1000 1000 Lead Emergency Services Specialist 0000 0000 0000 1000 Emergency Services Specialist 10.000 10.000 10.000 9.000 Subtotal 11 000 11 000 11 000 11 000 School Resource Officer and Crime Prevention Police Officer 1.000 0.000 3.000 2.000 Subtotal 1000 0000 3.000 2.000 Records Section Records Supervisor 1000 1000 1000 1000 Records Management Specialist 4.000 4.000 4000 4.000 Subtotal 5.000 5.000 5.000 5.000 232 - - StajfillJ.: STAFFING TABLE (continued) 2003 2004 2005 2006 Authorized Authorized Authorized Authorized Training Training and Public Information Officer 0000 0.000 0000 1000 Training Coordinator 0.500 1. 000 1.000 0.000 Subtotal 0500 1000 1000 1000 Patrol Police Commander 1000 1000 1000 1000 Police Sergeant 5000 6000 6000 7000 - Police Officer 31 000 29 000 39 000 35.000 Police Support Technician 0000 0000 0000 0500 - Police Support Clerk 0.000 0.000 0.000 2.000 - Subtotal 37000 36.000 46.000 45.500 - Investigations - Police Commander 1000 1000 1000 1000 - Police Sergeant 1000 2.000 2.000 2.000 Police Officer 11 000 11 000 10000 11 000 - Sr Evidence Technician 0000 0000 0000 1000 - Evidence Technician 1000 1000 1000 1000 Pawn Slip Clerk 0500 0000 0000 0000 - Offender Registrar (Sex Offender Registration Clerk) 1000 1000 1000 0000 - Warrants Clerk 1000 0000 0000 0000 Administrative Assistant 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 - Subtotal 17500 16.000 15000 16000 - Traffic Enforcement - Police Sergeant 1000 0000 1000 1000 - Police Officer 4000 4.000 2.000 4.000 Subtotal 5.000 4000 3.000 5.000 - - Special Investigations Police Sergeant 1000 1000 1000 1000 - Police Officer 2.000 2000 2.000 2.000 - Subtotal 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 - Total 89.000 86.000 97.000 98.000 - PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT - Administration - Public Works Director 1000 1000 1000 1000 Administrative Assistant 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 - Subtotal 2.000 1000 1000 1000 - Engineering - Engineering Manager 0000 1000 1000 1000 - Administrative Assistant 0000 1000 1000 1000 Civil Engineer" 4 000 2.000 2.000 2.000 - Civil Engineer 1 000 1 000 1 000 1 000 - Engineering Technician 2.000 5 000 6 000 7000 Engineering Assistant 2.000 1.000 1.000 0.000 Subtotal 9000 11 000 12.000 12.000 233 Stalf; 111.: STAFFING TABLE (continued) 2003 2004 2005 2006 Authorized Authorized Authorized Authorized Operations Operations Manager 0000 1000 1000 1000 Operations Supervisor 0000 1000 1000 1000 Administrative Assistant 0000 1000 1000 1000 Street Superintendent 1000 0000 0000 0000 Equipment Operator /I 3000 3000 3000 3000 Equipment Operator I 2.000 2.000 2000 2.000 Maintenance Worker /I 0000 3.000 5000 5.000 Maintenance Worker I 4000 2.000 0000 0000 Traffic Control Technician 0000 1000 1000 1000 Lead Mechanic 0000 1000 1000 1000 - Mechanic 0.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 Subtotal 10 000 16.000 16.000 16.000 Traffic Maintenance - Traffic Planner (Civil Engineer) 1000 0000 0000 0000 Traffic Control Supervisor 1000 0000 0000 0000 - Traffic Control Technician 1000 0000 0000 0000 - Traffic Control Assistant 2.000 0000 0000 0000 Subtotal 5000 0000 0000 0000 - - Fleet Maintenance Fleet Supervisor 1000 0000 0000 0000 - Lead Mechanic 1000 0000 0000 0000 - Mechanic 1000 0000 0000 0000 Fleet Analyst 1.000 0.000 0.000 0000 - Subtotal 4000 0000 0000 0000 - Traffic Engineering Traffic Engineer 1000 0000 0000 0000 - Engineering Technician /I 1000 0000 0000 0.000 Engineering Assistant 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Subtotal 3.000 0000 0000 0000 - Total 33.000 28.000 29.000 29.000 PARKS AND RECREATION Administration Parks & Recreation Director 1000 1000 1000 1000 Administrative Assistant 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 Subtotal 2.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 Recreation Recreation Manager 1000 1000 1000 1000 Marketing Coordinator MQQ 0.500 0.500 0.500 Subtotal 1500 1500 1500 1500 234 - - StaJjing STAFFING TABLE (continued) 2003 2004 2005 2006 Authorized Authorized Authorized Authorized Parks Maintenance Parks, Open Space, Forestry Manager 1000 1000 1000 0000 Operations Supervisor 2.000 1000 1000 0000 Parks Program Coordinator 0000 1000 1000 0000 Parks Maintenance Crew Leader 4000 2.000 2.000 0000 - Parks Maintenance Worker /I 1000 3.000 3000 3000 Parks Maintenance Worker I 5.000 5000 5000 6000 - Sr Staff Assistant 1000 1000 1.000 1.000 - Subtotal 14000 14000 14000 10000 - Forestry - City Forester 1000 0000 0.000 0000 Forestry Technician 1000 1000 1000 1000 - Forestry Assistant /I 1000 1000 1000 0000 - Forestry Assistant 0000 0000 0000 1000 Parks Horticulturalist 1000 0000 0000 0000 - Parks Maintenance Worker I 0000 1000 1000 0000 - Horticulture Assistant 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 Subtotal 5000 4000 4000 3.000 - - Open Space Park Naturalist 1000 1000 1000 0000 - Parks Maintenance Worker /I 1000 1000 1000 1000 - Parks Maintenance Worker I 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 Subtotal 2.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 - - Athletics Recreation Supervisor 1000 1000 1000 1000 - Recreation Coordinator 1000 1000 1000 0500 - Recreation Leader 0000 0.000 0000 0.500 Subtotal 2.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 - - General Programs Recreation Supervisor 1000 0000 0000 1000 - Recreation Leader 0000 0000 0000 0500 - Teen Coordinator 0.500 0.000 0.000 0.000 Subtotal 1500 0000 0000 1500 - - Senior/Community Center Recreation Supervisor 1000 1000 1000 1000 - Recreation Coordinator 1 130 1 130 1 130 1 130 Recreation Clerk 11/ 0000 0000 0000 1000 Recreation Clerk /I 0000 0000 0000 1000 Recreation Clerk 1000 1500 2000 0000 - Office Technician 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Subtotal 4130 3630 4130 4130 - - 235 Stafling STAFFING TABLE (continued) 2003 2004 2005 2006 Authorized Authorized Authorized Authorized Building Maintenance Building Maintenance Supervisor 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 Subtotal 1000 1000 1000 1000 Total 33.130 30.130 30.630 27 130 - General Fund Total 194.130 178.880 193.880 194.380 OPEN SPACE FUND - Parks, Open Space, Forestry Manager 0000 0000 0000 1000 Operations Supervisor (P&R) 0000 0000 0000 1000 - Parks Program Coordinator (P&R) 0000 0000 0000 1000 - Open Space Coordinator (P&R) 0000 0000 0000 1000 Crew Leader. Parks Maintenance (P&R) 0000 0000 0000 2.000 - Maintenance Worker" (P&R) 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 - Open Space Fund Total 0.000 0.000 0.000 7000 - - HOTEL/MOTEL FUND - - Police Sergeant (PO) 1000 0000 0000 0000 - Police Officer (PO) 3000 3.000 2.000 2.000 Community Service Officer. Comm Services (PO) 3.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 - Emergency Services Specialist (PO) 1000 0000 0000 0000 Training Coordinator (PO) 0500 0000 0000 0000 Property Inspector (Comm Oev) 1000 1000 1000 1000 Chief Building Officer (Codes Administrator) (Comm Oev) 0500 0000 0000 0000 Building Inspector (Comm Oev) 0.500 0000 0.000 0.000 - Hotel/Motel Fund Total 10.500 6.000 5.000 5.000 RECREATION CENTER OPERATIONS FUND Facility Operation Facilities Operations Supervisor Facility Assistant Recreation Clerk 11/ Recreation Clerk Office Technician Custodian Facility Maintenance Technician Subtotal 1000 3.000 0.000 1000 1000 2.000 1.000 9000 1000 3000 0000 1000 0500 2.000 1.000 8.500 1000 3.000 0.000 1000 0500 2.000 1.000 8.500 1000 3000 1000 0000 0500 2.000 1J2QQ 8.500 - 23ft - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sta.tJillg 2003 2004 2005 2006 Authorized Authorized Authorized Authorized Aquatics Recreation Supervisor 1000 1000 1000 1000 Pool Manager 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 Subtotal 4000 4000 4000 4000 Fitness Recreation Coordinator 1.000 1.000 1.000 1000 Subtotal 1000 1000 1000 1000 Marketing Marketing Coordinator 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.500 Subtotal 0500 0500 0500 0500 Therapeutic Recreation Recreation Leader 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.000 Subtotal 0500 0500 0500 0000 General Programs Recreation Supervisor 0500 1000 1000 0000 Recreation Coordinator (Teen) 0.500 0.000 0.000 0.000 Subtotal 0500 1000 1000 0000 Recreation Center Operations Fund Total 15.500 15.500 15.500 14.000 Grand Total 220 130 200.380 214.380 220.380 237 StafjillK 23R - - - - - - - - - - 2006 FEE SCHEDULE - A CIty Fee CommIttee, represented by each department, was estabhshed m 2003 to reVIew all cIty fees. The COl11111lttee revIewed the maJonty of Ctty fees usmg elthcr a markct analysIs and/or actual cost. The conmllttee met over a penod ofthree (3) months IdentlfYmg ditferent methodologIes for revlewmg City fees, IdennfYmg the vanous fees to be revlcwcd, and rcvlewll1g arcas or programs where the City could Implemcnt a ncw fee structure to recoup its costs. F ollowll1g IS the 2006 Fee Schedule - 2006 Fee Schedule - General Administrative/Clerk Fees: - C oples/M Icrofilm per page I $5 00,']" five (5) pages wiresearch $.50/for addItIOnal pages - - CopIes/Microfilm per page - '>", out research S.50 - (ExceplJon: 'See Senior/C ommunity Center fee schedule ) - CertIfied Copies per page $200 - - Research Fees $25/hour times actual - tIme spent rounded to - the nearest '/4 hour. - Video Tape' $3000 (,>,,/own tape) - $35 00 (wiouttape) - AudIO Tape' $25 (w,'own tape) - $30 (w/out tape) - (Exception. 'See Police Departmenl - fee schedule and procedures for cost.) - - Code of Laws SI25 - Cod of Laws Bmder $25 - - LIquor/Beer Code $20 - - NEC Codes $15 - Pnnted Documents (I.e., budget) Actual Pnntll1g Cost - Code Supplements Actual Cost + slllppmg - and $5 handling fee. 239 2006 Fee Schedule CIty Charter Transcnpts of City CouncIl Meetmgs Fees DIshonored Check Fce Voter Info FAX Copies Public Works Fees: 2006 Fee Schedule $15 ProvIde and coord mate own servIces. ProvIde and eoordmate own servIces $25 Referred to County for mformatlOn No Charge Contractor License . Class A $200 $150 - $125 - - $100 $50 - S100 S500 - - 5125 - S125 Sl50 - S200 - - SI50 NA - 5250 $90 $5 00 per copy $5 00 per map $25 00 $25 00 flat fee . Class B . Class C Development Revle\\ r ees . Processmg Fee . S1I1gle-Family ResldentJal ReVIew . CommerCIal/MultI-FamIly ReVIew' -- Revle\v oftechmcal documents -- ReVIew for constructIOn m R -0. W, final dramage report & erosIon control plan SubdIvISion ImprovementAI:,'1nt. Development Covenant Fee CDOT Access Permit Fee Traffic Impact Study ReVIew Fee Flood Plam Vanance ReVIew r ee - Class I Apphcatlon . Class I PubhcatlOnlPublIc NotIce - Class II Apphcatlon - Class II PubhcatlOn/PublIc Notice CopIes of Development Plans/Plats (B&W 24x36) CopIes of Color Maps (1IxI7) SpeCIal Request Maps Zomng VenficatlonlC omplIance Letters - 240 200n Fee Schedule 2006 Fee Schedule Cifl' Treasurer \. LIquor OccupatIOn Class 0 $650 Class F $600 - Class G $900 - Class J $700 - - Class T $1.300 - News Rack LIcense Fee $IO/fack - - LIst of LIcensed Busmesses S25 - - on labels - L1St of LIcensed Busll1esses SIO - . computer pnntout - - Police Denarfmenf - Address Check $15/first ]2 hour, $25 each addItIOnal hour. - - Records Check $15/first ]dlour, $25 - each addItIOnal hour. - RegIstered Sex Offender Llst $5/resldents - - Report Fees $5/first 5 pages - $.50/per addltlonal page - Add Research Fee $25/hour for additional - research tIme over \'2 hour. - Audio Tapes $35 first hour - $10 each addltlonal ]'4 - hour Blank tape reqUIred. - EVldence Photos 3x5 or 4x6 (entIre $5 plus cost ($5 deposIt) - roll only) - 241 2IJIJ6 Fee Schedule 2006 Fee Schedule EVIdence Photos 5x7 or 8x 12 (smgle roll only) $1 () plus cost, $10 deposIt Pawn Shops $5,000/year Concealed Weapons PermIt DISCONTINUED - State La\\ Changes DIgItal Image $25/CD and pnntout $5 deposIt Sex Offender Reglstratlon $20.$25/reglstratlon Fingerpnnts $1 O/resldents only and and hquor lIcense wlthm Clty Parks and Recreation Ye aide Firehouse Rental Fee Free N on-profit groups only RIchards Hart Estate Rental Fee $500/6 hours S75 each addItional hour Park Shelters Rental Fee $50 Park Pavihons Rental Fee $ 1 00 (Monday- Thursday) $150 (Fnday-Sunday) through February) $200 (Fnday-Sunday After March I ) 242 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 200(, Fee Schedule Wheat Rid!!e Recreation Center - 2006 Fee Schedule Wheat RiMe Resident Jeffco Resident Non-Resident Daily DroD-In Fees Adult 18 & older Youth 6. I 7 years Child 3-5 years Child 2 & under Semor 65 & older Family $450 $400 $350 free $400 $1000 S5.50 $500 $400 free S500 5 I 3 00 5650 $600 $4.50 free $600 t1/a - - Punch Card Fees (20 yisits) Adult Youth Child Scmor 567.50 $6000 $52.50 $60 00 $82.50 575 00 $60 00 $75 00 $97.50 $90 00 $6750 S9000 - - - - Annual Pass Fees Adult 5350 )~uth $250 Child $ I 90 Sel1lor $250 (mcludes admISSIon to the outdoor pool) $400 $320 $225 $320 5465 $375 $265 $375 - - - - - - Summer Fun Pass (good for admISSIOn to outdoor pool and Wheat RIdge RecreatIon Center for the summer season) Adult $110 5135 $145 Youth $95 SI20 $130 Child $75 5'10 $120 Semor $95 5120 $130 Family $200 $250 $300 - - - - - - Outdoor Pool in Anderson Park - Daily Admlsslon: Child 2 & under Child 3.5 years Youth 6.17 years Adult 18 & older Senior 65 & older Resident free $1.25 $275 $3.25 $2.75 Non-ResIdent free $2.25 $4.25 $5.25 $4.25 - - - - 243 2006 Fcc Schedule Youth Snorts Lea!!ue Fee Boys Baseball, GIrlS SoftbalL MIdget f<ootball, $15/per player Youth Basketball. PIranhas SWlm Team, St. Peter & Paul Greenbelt and Clear Creek Groun Usa!!e $50 for approved group usage. (all groups) Parks. Pavilions & Shelter Rental Fee & Policies Park Pavilions Anderson Park ( 100 maxImum occupancy) Prospect Park ( 150 maxImum occupancy) Monday - Thursday - $100 (no rate change as of March 1 ) Fnday - Sunday IfreservatlOn made bcfore March I $150 ReservatIons made startmg March I $200 Wheat RIdge reSIdents reserve pavihons,'shelter begml11ng January 2 Non-resIdents reserve pavihonsishelters beg1l1111ng March I - - - - Park Shelters Panorama Park Randall Park Paramount Park FrUltdale Park - (50 maxImum occupancy) (50 maxImum occupancy) (50 maxImum occupancy) (50 maximum occupancy) 550 $50 $50 550 - (Rent to reSIdents only) - Hayward Park Johnson Park Apel Bacher Park no fee - penmt only If over 25 people no fee - penmt only If over 25 people no fee - pernllt only If over 25 people - - Park Dama!!e Denosits Any group over 75 people are charged a $ 1 00 refundable damage deposIt for all parks. - Pavilion/Shelter Reservations at no fee for followinl! l!rouns Wheat Ridge CarnatIon FestIVal Wheat Rldge/ Arvada KIWal11S - one tIme weekday use of Anderson Pavlhon Wheat RIdge Garden Club - one tIme weekday use of Paramount Park Shelter Park Rentals - weeklv Groups that reserve a park for a Monday - Fnday camp, school, etc. are charged $50 per day The $100 refundable damage deposIt pobcy also applIes here. 244 Line Ilelll /ICl'{)III11.\' Cit) Treasurer 01-101 CITY TREASURfR ACCOLNT 01-101 2004 2005 2005 2006 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted ACCOUNT NAM ElDET AILED EXPLANA TI Budaet Budaet Budaet Budget - 602 STAFF SALARIES & WAGES 29,223 29 000 29,000 29,000 604 Dt:t-ti<I<W COM PSIlSA TION 0 0 0 0 606 AUTO ALLOWANCE 0 0 0 0 610 OVERTIME AND PREMIUM PAY 0 0 0 0 617 TEMPORARY PffiSONNB. - HOURI. Y 0 0 0 0 619 TEM PORARY PffiSQNIIEL - NON HOURI. , 0 0 0 0 620 RCA EXPSIlSE- EMPLOYER 1,812 1798 1,798 1,798 622 MEDlCAUDENTAL INS~NCE 0 0 0 0 625 MEDICARE PORTION RCA 424 421 421 420 630 CCOERA RETIREMENT 0 0 0 0 640 OUTSIDE PffiSDI'I'lEL SERVICES 0 0 0 0 600 SUB- TOTAL 31,459 31.219 31.219 31,218 I 651 OFRCE SLPPLlES 0 25 20 25 655 POSTAGE I 0 0 0 0 654 PHOTOCOPY/PRINTING 0 0 0 0 660 OPERATING SUPPLIES 0 0 0 0 650 SUB- TOTAL 0 25 20 25 1 702 Cor.FERENCElMEETING 300 500 425 500 704 CONTRACT SERVICES 0 0 0 0 706 DUESlBOOKSISUBSCRlPTIONS 160 50 50 50 728 TRAlr--ING I 0 0 0 0 740 AUTO MILEAGE RBMBURSEM8I/T 0 0 0 0 750 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 300 0 525 600 752 MICROFILMING 0 0 0 0 759 TaEPI-tOt<E EXPENSE 0 0 0 0 776 OTI-ER MAJOR EQUlPM8I/T 0 0 0 0 784 JEFFCO TREAS COLL FEES 0 0 0 0 799 MISCaLAJIEOUS SERVICES AfID CHARI 0 0 0 0 700 SUB- TOTAL 760 550 1,000 1,150 I 802 OFRCEFURNlT~& EQUIPM8I/T 0 0 0 0 809 OTHER MAJOR EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 800 SUB- TOTAL 0 0 0 0 - .- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 32.2391 32.3931 32,2191 31,7941 I DEPARTM8I/T/ACCOLNT TOTALS. - - 245 Lilleitem 'lcCO/lllts Gencral Government - Legislative Serviccs 01-102 CITY CQlt.ICIL ACCOUNT 01.102 2004 Actual 2005 Estimated ACCOUNT NAM EIDEr AILBl EXPLANATION 602 STAFF SALARIES & WAGES 0 0 0 0 604 DEHRRED COM P811SA TION 0 0 0 0 606 AurO ALLOWANCE 0 0 0 0 610 OVERrIMEAI\DPR8\IIIUM PAY 0 0 0 0 617 T8'v1 PORARY PERSONfIEl.. - HOl..R.. Y 0 0 0 0 619 T8'v1PORARY PERSONfIEl.. - NON HOURI.. Y 68,188 67,680 67,680 67,680 620 RCA EXP811SE- 8'v1 PLOYER 4,228 4.196 4,196 4.196 622 MEIlICAUDENTAL INS~NCE 0 0 0 0 625 M EIlICARE PORTION RCA 989 981 981 981 630 CCOffiA RETIR8\II ENT 0 0 0 0 640 OUTSIDEPERSOI'N3... SERVICES 0 0 0 0 600 SUB-TOTAL 73.405 72,857 72.857 72.857 I 651 OFFICE SUPPLIES 792 1,150 1.150 1173 655 POST AGE COSTS 0 0 0 0 654 PHOTOCOPY/PRINTING 0 1,000 1,000 1,520 660 OPERATING SUPPLIES 1,701 1,790 1,790 450 650 SUB-TOTAL 2.493 3,940 3.940 3,143 I 702 COI\FER8IICE & MElliNG EXP811SES 13,519 30,330 30.300 59,100 704 CONTRACT SERVICES 0 0 0 0 706 DlESIBOOKS/SLBSCRlPTIONS 2,925 3,617 3,617 3,775 712 AI'fIlUAL APPRECIATION D111N:R 0 5,000 2,000 5,000 716 LEGISLATIVE M 8'v1 BERSHP 32,118 32,548 33,878 37.432 740 AurO MILEAGE RBM BlRS8'v1 ENT 0 0 0 400 750 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 0 0 0 0 758 RENTALS AND LEASES 0 1.330 1,330 1.400 759 TaEPHONE EXP811SE 0 0 0 0 780 OUTSIDEAGB>lCY CONTRIBUTION 0 11.100 11,100 10,100 799 M ISCaLANEOUS SERVICES AI\D CHARGe: 0 0 0 0 700 SUB- TOTAL 48.562 83,925 82.225 117.207 I 802 OFF1CEF\JRIIIT~& EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 809 OTI-ER MAJOR EQUlPM ENT 0 0 0 0 800 SUB- TOTAL 0 0 0 0 - - I DEPARTMENT/ACCOUNT TOTALS: I 124.4601 160,7221 159,0221 193.2071 24(, Ulle Ite/11 .lecount' Cit) Treasurer 01-101 CITY TREASlRR ACCOUNT 01-101 2004 2005 2005 2006 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted ACCOUNT NAM EIDEr AI LID EXPLANA TI Budaet Budaet Budaet Budget - 602 STAFF SALARIES & WAGES 29,223 29 000 29,000 29,000 604 DEFffiRED COM P8IlSA TION 0 0 0 0 606 AUTO ALLOWANCE 0 0 0 0 610 OVERTIME AND PREMIUM PAY 0 0 0 0 617 T8IJIPORARY PffiSONNa. HOURLY 0 0 0 0 619 T8IJIPORARY PffiSONIIEL - NON HOURL \ 0 0 0 0 620 RCA EXP8IlSE- 8IJIPLOYER 1,812 1798 1,798 1,798 622 M EDlCAUDENT AL INSlRANCE 0 0 0 0 625 MEDICARE PORTION RCA 424 421 421 420 630 CCOERA REflREM8IIT 0 0 0 0 640 OUTSIDE PffiSONNB.. SERVICES 0 0 0 0 600 SUB-TOTAL 31,459 31,219 31,219 31,218 I 651 OffiCE SUPPLIES 0 25 20 25 655 POST AGET 0 0 0 0 654 PHOTOCOPY/PRINTING 0 0 0 0 660 OPERATING SUPPLIES 0 0 0 0 650 SUB-TOTAL 0 25 20 25 I 702 CClIflRBIlCElMEETING 300 500 425 500 704 CONTRACT SERVICES 0 0 0 0 706 DUESlBOOKSISUBSCRlPTIONS 160 50 50 50 728 TRAII'ING I 0 0 0 0 740 AUTO MILEAGE RBMBURS8lJl8IIT 0 0 0 0 750 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 300 0 525 600 752 MICROFILMING 0 0 0 0 759 TaS'HCJIIE EXP8IlSE 0 0 0 0 776 OHER MAJOR EQUlPM8IIT 0 0 0 0 784 JEFFCO TREAS COLL FEES 0 0 0 0 799 MISCaLAI\EDUS SERVICES AI'IJ CHAR( 0 0 0 0 700 SUB-TOTAL 760 550 1,000 1,150 I 802 OffiCE FURNlTlR: & EQUIPM 8IIT 0 0 0 0 809 OTHER MAJOR EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 800 SUB- TOTAL 0 0 0 0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 32.2391 32.3931 32,2191 31.7941 IDEPARTM8IIT/ACCOUNT TOTALS: - - 245 Line Item '1cc{}unts General GO\'ernment - Legislative Services 01-102 CITY COUIICIL ACCOUNl" 01-102 2004 Actual ACCOUNT NAMElDETAILBlEXPLANATlON 602 STAFF SALARIES & WAGES 0 0 0 0 604 DEFERRI3) COM PENSA TION 0 0 0 0 606 AUTO ALLOWANCE 0 0 0 0 610 OVERfIMEAI'.[)PR8IIIIUM PAY 0 0 0 0 617 TEMPORARY PERSONf'B. - HOlR Y 0 0 0 0 619 TEMPORARY PERSONf'B.. NON HOlR Y 68,188 67,680 67,680 67,680 620 RCA EXPENSE- EMPLOYffi 4.228 4,196 4,196 4.196 622 MBJlCAUDENTAL INS~NCE 0 0 0 0 625 M BJlCARE PORTION RCA 989 981 981 981 630 CCOERA RErIR8lllENT 0 0 0 0 640 OUTSIDEPERSONNB. SBMCES 0 0 0 0 600 sw. TOTAL 73.405 72, 857 72,857 72,857 1 651 OFRCE SLPPLlES 792 1,150 1150 1173 655 POST AGE COSTS 0 0 0 0 654 PHOTOCOPY/PRINTING 0 1,000 1,000 1,520 660 OPERATING SUPPLIES 1.701 1,790 1.790 450 650 sw. TOTAL 2.493 3,940 3.940 3,143 I 702 CONFERENCE & MEETING EXPENSES 13,519 30.330 30,300 59,100 704 CONTRACT SERVICES 0 0 0 0 706 DUESlBOOKS/SLeSCRlPTIONS 2,925 3.617 3,617 3,775 712 ArNJAL APPRECIATION llINNffi 0 5.000 2,000 5,000 716 LEGISLATIVE M EM BERSHP 32,118 32,548 33,878 37.432 740 AUTO MILEAGE RElMBlRSEMENT 0 0 0 400 750 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 0 0 0 0 758 RENTALS AND LEASES 0 1,330 1,330 1.400 759 TB.8'HONE EXPENSE 0 0 0 0 780 OUTSIDE AGENCY CONTRIBUTION 0 11,100 11,100 10.100 799 M ISCB.LANB:lUS SERVICES AI'.[) CHARGE 0 0 0 0 700 sw. TOTAL 48,562 83,925 82,225 117,207 1 802 OFRCEFlRNTlR:& EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 809 OTHER MAJOR EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 800 sw. TOTAL 0 0 0 0 I DEPARTMENT/ACCOUNT TOTALS: I 124.4601 160,7221 159,0221 193.2071 246 - - Line Item ,kl"OlInts Administrative Services - Finance 01-103 - FINANCE ACCOUNT 01.103 2004 2005 2005 2006 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted ACCOUNT NAME/DETAILED EXPLANATI Budaet Budaet Budaet Budaet - 602 STAFF SALARIES & WAGES 129,599 134,807 134,807 145,201 604 Dt::i'ct<t<tlJ COM P811SA TION 0 0 0 0 606 AUTO ALLOWANCE 0 0 0 0 610 OVERTIMEAMJPREMllJVl PAY 0 0 0 0 617 TBVI PORARY PERSONNa" HOURLY 0 0 0 0 619 TBVlPORARY PERSONNa - NON HOURL ~ 0 0 0 0 620 RCA EXP811SE- BVlPLOYER 7.748 8.358 8,358 9,002 622 MEDlCAUDENTAL INSURANCE 0 0 0 0 625 MEDICARE PORTION FICA 1,812 1,954 1,954 2,106 630 CCOERA RETIREMENT 5,184 5,393 5,393 5,808 640 OUTSIDE PERSQIIIIB.. SERVICES 0 0 0 0 600 SUB-TOTAL 144.343 150,512 150,512 162,117 I 651 OFFICE SlPPLlES 1,202 1,165 1,165 1,200 655 POSTAGE I 0 0 0 0 654 PHOTOCOPY/PRINTING 0 0 0 0 660 OPERATING SlPPLlES 0 0 0 0 650 SUB- TOTAL 1.202 1,165 1,165 1.200 I 702 CONFffiBIICE/M EETING 299 500 500 700 704 CONTRACT SERVICES 0 0 0 0 706 DlES/BOOKSISUBSCRlPTIONS 860 1,000 1,000 1,075 728 TRAIf\lNG 1 763 1,225 1,225 1,265 740 AUTO MILEAGERBMBlRSBVlENT 417 500 500 500 750 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 15.700 18,000 18,000 20,000 752 MICROFILMING 0 0 0 0 759 TaEPHONE EXP811SE 0 0 0 0 776 OTHER MAJOR ECllRPM ENT 0 0 0 0 784 JEFFCO TREAS COLL FEES 6,797 7.000 7,000 7.000 799 MISCaLANEOUS SERVICES AfIV CHARC 0 0 0 0 700 SlIB- TOTAL 24,836 28.225 28,225 30.540 I 802 OFFICE FlRIIT~ & ECllRPM ENT 0 0 0 600 809 OTHER MAJOR ECllRPM ENT 0 0 0 0 800 SlIB- TOTAL 0 0 0 600 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I DEPARTMENT/ACCOUNT TOTALS. I 170.3811 179,9021 179,9021 194.4571 - - - 247 Line Item Accounts City Manager's Office - Economic De\ elopmcnt 01 - I 05 ECONOMIC DEVB-OPMENT ACCOUNT 01-10 2004 Actual Bud et ACCOUNT NAME/DErAILED EXPLANATION 602 STAFF SALARIES & WAGES 0 0 0 0 604 Dt:t-CHHI:1J COM PENSA TION 0 0 0 0 606 AUTO ALLOWANCE 0 0 0 0 610 OVERTIMEANDPR8\IIIUM PAY 0 0 0 0 617 TBVlPORARY PffiSOfIN3... - H()IR.. Y 0 0 0 0 619 TBVlPORARY PffiSOIIN3... - NON H()IR.. Y 0 0 0 0 620 RCA EXPENSE- BVIPLOYffi 0 0 0 0 622 MBlICAUDENTAL INSURANCE 0 0 0 0 625 M BlICARE PORTION RCA 0 0 0 0 630 CCOERA RETIR8\IIENT 0 0 0 0 640 OUTSIDE PffiSOfIN3... Sffi\lICES 0 0 0 0 600 SUB-TOTAL 0 0 0 0 651 OFRCESUPPLlES 230 700 700 700 655 POSTAGE 0 0 0 0 654 PHOTOCOPY/PRINTING 5,952 5,000 5,000 10,300 660 OPERATING SUPPLIES 0 6,750 6,000 7,000 650 SUB-TOTAL 6,182 12,450 11,700 18,000 702 CONFmENCE & MEETING EXPENSES 3,712 3,500 5,000 4,880 704 CONTRACTUAL Sffi\lICES 0 0 0 0 706 DlES/BOOKS/SlESCRlPTIONS 4,568 6,355 5,855 12,900 714 LEGALS & PUBLISHNG 2,531 5,000 5,000 16,700 719 ECONOMIC DEVB-OPMENT INCENTIVE 20,600 50,000 70,000 70,000 720 ECONOMIC DEVB-PMENT - SAFBlVAY 20,161 60,000 100,000 100,000 721 I>R) 1M PLBVI ENTATION 0 70,212 70.212 0 740 AUTO MILEAGE RBMBlR>BVIENT 627 700 700 1,100 750 PROFESSIONAL Sffi\lICES 247,943 352,538 348,788 12,000 755 COM PUTffi SOFTWARE 0 1750 0 0 776 OTHffi EQU1PM ENT MAINTENANCE 0 0 0 0 799 MISCB-LANEDUS Sffi\lICES AM) CHARGES 0 0 0 0 700 SUB- TOTAL 300,142 550,055 605,555 217,580 802 OFRCEFURNTURE& EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 809 OTHffi MAJOR EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 800 SUB-TOTAL 0 0 0 0 235,5801 617,2551 I 306,3241 562,5051 I DEPARTMENT/ACCOUNT TOTALS, 248 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Line Itelll ,1ccounts City Manager's Office - City l\i}anager 01 - 106 CITY MANAGffi ACCOUNT 01-106 2004 ACCOUNT NAM E/DEr AILED EXPLANATION 602 STAFF SALARIES & WAGES 173,519 188,350 188,350 184,387 604 Dt:t-t::KKW COM PENSA TION 5,794 10,400 10,400 9,660 606 AUTO ALLOWANCE 3,600 3,600 3,600 3,600 610 OVERTIM E AND PR8\IIIUM PAY 0 0 0 0 617 TBVlPORARY PffiSONNa - HOURLY 0 0 0 0 619 TBVI PORARY PffiSONNa - NON HOURLY 0 0 0 0 620 RCA EXPENSE- BVIPLOYffi 8,922 9,012 9,012 9,526 622 MBlICAUDENTAL INSURANCE 0 0 0 0 625 M BlICARE PORTION RCA 2,627 2,731 2,731 2,674 630 CCOERA RETIR8\IIENT 2,284 2,334 2,334 2,545 640 OUTSIDEPffiSONNa Sffi\lICES 0 0 0 0 600 SUB-TOTAL 196,746 216,427 216,427 212,392 651 OFRCESUPPLlES 683 700 700 850 655 POSTAGE 0 0 0 0 654 PHOTOCOPY/PRINTING 262 700 700 500 660 OPERATING SUPPLIES! 1,146 350 350 550 650 SUB-TOTAL 2,091 1,750 1.750 1,900 I 702 CONFmENCE/M EETING 7,317 4,750 4,750 8,450 704 CONTRACTUAL Sffi\lICES 0 0 0 0 706 DlES/BOOKSlSUBSCRlPTIONS 1,296 2,415 2,415 2,485 723 TUTlON RBMBURSBVlENT 0 0 0 0 726 RECRUTMENT & ADVERTISBVlENT 0 0 0 0 728 TRAlfIING I 480 1,000 1,000 1,000 740 AUTO MILEAGE RBMBlR>BVIENT 46 100 100 100 750 PROFESSIONAL Sffi\lICE 19,244 30,000 30,000 75,000 759 TB-EPHONE EXPENSE I 0 0 0 0 798 MANAGBVlENT CONTINGENCY 1,441 7,500 7,500 7,550 799 M ISCB-LANEOUS Sffi\lICES AM) CHARGES 25 0 0 0 700 SUB-TOTAL 29,849 45,765 45,765 94,585 802 OFRCE FURNTURE & EQUlPM ENT 0 0 0 1,600 809 OTHffi MAJOR EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 800 SUB- TOTAL 0 0 0 1,600 IDEPARTMENT/ACCOUNT TOTALS: I I 228,6861 263,9421 263,9421 310,4771 249 Line Ite/ll ,jeeo/lnts Gencral Governmcnt - City Attorney 01 - 107 ILEGAL Sffi\lICES ACCOUNT 01-107 2004 2005 2005 2006 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted ACCOUNT NAM EIDEr AILED EXPLANA TI( Budaet Budaet Budaet Budaet 702 CONFmENCE & MEETING EXPENSES 0 0 0 0 704 CONTRACTUAL Sffi\lICES 71,208 73,500 73,500 73,500 750 PROFESSIONAL Sffi\lICES 81,451 163,000 163,000 163,000 759 TB-EPHOI>E EXPENSE 0 0 0 0 799 MISCB-LANEOUS Sffi\lICES & CHARGEl 130,556 74,000 74,000 64,000 700 SUB- TOTAL 283.214 310,500 310,500 300,500 300,5001 1 283,2141 310,5001 310,5001 I DEPARTMENT/ACCOUNT TOTALS. 2511 - - - - - - - - - - - - - Line Item 'leeount,. Cit~ Clerk's Office 01- 108 CITY CLffiK ACCOUNT 01-108 2004 2005 2005 2006 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted ACCOUNT NAM EIDEr AILED EXPLANA TIO Budaet Budaet Budaet Budaet - 602 STAFF SALARIES & WAGES 113,371 129,302 129.302 136,431 604 Dt:t-t::KKW COM PENSA TION 0 0 0 0 606 AUTO ALLOWANCE 0 0 0 0 610 OVERTIMEAMJ PR8\IIIUM PAY 0 0 0 0 617 TBVI PORARY PffiSONNa - HOURLY 0 0 0 0 619 TBVI PORARY PffiSOfIN3... - NON HOURLY 0 0 0 0 620 RCA EXPENSE- B\lIPLOYffi 6.687 8.017 8,017 8,459 622 MBlICAUDENTAL INSURANCE 0 0 0 0 625 M BlICARE PORTION RCA 1,564 1,875 1,875 1.978 630 CCOERA RETIR8\IIENT 3,283 5,172 5,172 4,215 640 OUTSIDE PIR>OIIN3... Sffi\lICES 0 0 0 0 600 SUB-TOTAL 124,905 144,366 144.366 151,083 - - - - - - - - 651 OFRCESUPPLlES 2,009 2,500 2,500 2,550 655 POSTAGE 0 0 0 0 654 PHOTOCOPY/PRINTING 0 0 0 0 660 OPERATING SUPPLIES 0 0 0 0 650 SUB-TOTAL 2,009 2,500 2,500 2,550 - - - - 702 CONFERENCE & MEETING EXPENSES 277 1,500 1,300 2,600 704 CONTRACT Sffi\lICES 0 0 0 0 706 DlESIBOOKSISlESCRlPTIONS 4,506 4,600 4,600 2,000 708 B-ECTlON EXPENSE 9,957 13,000 10,000 13,000 714 LEGALS & PUBLISHNG 20,557 24,000 17,000 24,000 715 RECORDING FEES 3.000 3,000 3,000 3,500 728 TRAINING 1,073 500 700 1,500 740 AUTO MILEAGE RBMBlR>BVIENT 0 0 0 0 750 PROFESSIONAL Sffi\lICES 10,030 10,000 10,000 10,000 776 OTHffi EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 0 0 0 0 799 MISCB-LANEOUS Sffi\lICES AND CHARG 0 0 0 0 700 SUB-TOTAL 49,400 56,600 46,600 56,600 - - - - - - - - - - 802 OFRCE FURNTURE & EQUlPM ENT 0 Or 0 0 809 OTHER MAJOR EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 800 SUB-TOTAL 0 0 0 0 - - - DEPARTMENT/ACCOUNT TOTALS. - - - ~ 25\ Une Ite/ll 'leeollnt\ Municipal Court 01-109 M\JIlICIPAL COlRT ACCOUNT 01-109 2004 2005 2005 2006 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted ACCOUNT NAMElDEr AILED EXPLANA Budaet Bud(let Budaet Budael 602 STAFF SALARIES & WAGES 331,290 353,392 350,000 403,053 604 Dt:t-tM-<ED COM PENSA TION 0 0 0 0 606 AUTO ALLOWANCE 0 0 0 0 610 OVERTIMEAMJ PR8\IIIUM PAY 515 1,900 1.900 2,250 617 TBVlPORARY PffiSONNB.. - H()IR.. Y 0 1,200 1,200 1.200 619 TB\lI PORARY PffiSONl\e... - NON HOlJ' 71,093 88,000 84,000 90,000 620 RCA EXPENSE- BVIPLOYffi 24,657 27,366 27,366 30,569 622 MEDlCAUDENTAL INSURANCE 0 0 0 0 625 MEDICARE PORTION FICA 5,767 6,400 6,400 7,158 630 CCOERA RETIR8\IIENT 11,386 11716 11716 16,122 640 OUTSIDE PffiSOIIN3... Sffi\lICES 18,958 22,200 20,000 22,500 600 SUB-TOTAL 463,666 512,174 502,582 572. 852 651 OFRCE SUPPLIES 4,103 4,650 4,650 4,820 655 POSTAGE 0 0 0 0 654 PHOTOCOPY/PRINTING 426 2,475 2,000 2,475 660 OPERATING SUPPLIES 1,819 3,225 3,000 3,225 650 SUB-TOTAL 6,348 10,350 9,650 10,520 702 CClI'I'ffiENCE & MEETING EXPENSES 1,743 4.000 4,000 4,225 704 CONTRACTUAL Sffi\lICES 0 0 0 0 706 DlESIBOOKS/SUBSCRlPTIONS 269 515 515 515 726 RECRUTMENT & ADVERTISB\lIENT 0 0 0 0 732 WITNESS & JUROR FEES 1,238 1,200 900 1,200 740 AUTO MILEAGERBMBlR>B\lIENT 147 150 150 150 750 PROFESSIONAL Sffi\lICES 9,733 9,975 9,975 10,650 758 RENTALS AIID LEASES 0 350 350 350 759 TB-EPHOI>E EXPENSE 0 0 0 0 776 OTHffiEQU1PMENT MAINTENANCE 0 0 0 0 799 MISCB-LANEDUS Sffi\lICES AIID CW 0 0 0 0 700 SUB- TOTAL 13,130 16,190 15,890 17,090 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 802 OFRCEFURNTURE& EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 809 OTHffi MAJOR EQUPM ENT 0 0 0 0 800 SUB-TOTAL 0 0 0 0 - I DEPARTMENT/ACCOUNT TOTALS. I 483,1441 538,7141 528,122\ 600,4621 252 - - Unl' Ite/ll Aecilllllts Administrative Services - Administration OI-II I ADMlfIISTRA TIVE Sffi\lICES ACCOUNT 01-111 2004 2005 2005 2006 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted ACCOUNT NAM6'DETAILED EXPLANATION Bud(let Budget Bud(let Bud(let - 602 STAFF SALARIES & WAGES 133,781 143,683 143.683 158.227 604 1A::t-t::KKW COM PENSA TION 4,488 4,867 4,867 5,351 606 AUTO ALLOWANCE I 3,600 3,600 3,600 3,600 610 OVERTIMEAMJ PR8\IIIUM PAY 0 0 0 0 617 TB\lI PORARY PffiSOIIN3... - H()IR.. Y 0 0 0 0 619 TB\lIPORARY PIR>OIIN3... - NON H()IR.. Y 0 0 0 0 620 RCA EXPENSE- B\lI PLOYffi 8,076 8,267 8,267 8,755 622 MEDlCAUDENTAL INSURANCE 0 0 0 0 625 MEDICARE PORTION RCA 2,031 2,083 2,083 2,294 630 CCOERA RETIR8\II8'-ll1 1,761 1,854 1,854 2,048 640 OUTSIDE PIR>OIIN3... Sffi\lICES 0 0 0 0 600 SUB- TOTAL I 153,737 164,354 164,354 180,275 - - - - - - - 651 OFRCESUPPLlES I 467 750 750 1,000 655 POSTAGE I 0 0 0 0 654 PHOTOCOPY/PRINTING 0 1,500 1,500 1,500 660 OPERATING SUPPLIES 1,101 500 500 500 650 SUB- TOTAL I 1,568 2,750 2,750 3,000 - - - - - 702 CClN'mENCElMEETING 2,335 2,750 2,750 4,225 704 CONTRACT Sffi\lICES 0 0 0 0 706 DlESIBOOKSISlESCRlPTIONS 996 1,040 1,040 1,152 712 AflNJAL APPRECIATION DII>NR 0 0 0 0 728 TRAlfIING I 85 250 0 1,500 740 MILEAGE RBMBlR>B\lIENT 0 0 0 0 750 PROFESSIONAL Sffi\lICES 0 0 0 10,000 758 RENTALS AMJ LEASES 0 0 0 0 759 TB-EPHONE EXPENSE I 0 0 0 0 776 onm EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 0 0 0 0 799 M ISCB-LANEOUS Sffi\lICES AMJ CHARGES 492 2,000 2,000 3,000 700 SUB- TOTAL I 3,908 6,040 5,790 19,877 - - - - - - - - - 802 OFRCEEQUlPMENT I 1,674 0 0 0 809 OTHffi MAJOR EQUlPM ENT 0 500 500 500 800 SUB-TOTAL I 1,674 500 500 500 - - I DEPARTMENT/ACCOUNT TOTALS. I 160,8871 173,6441 173,3941 203,6521 - - - - 253 Line Itelll 4eL'Ounts Administrative Serviccs - Human Rcsources OI-II2 tu'IIAN RESOURCES ACCOUNT 01-112 2004 2005 2005 2006 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted ACCOUNT NAM 6'DET AILED EXPLANA Budaet Bud(let Bud(let Bud(let 602 STAFF SALRlES & WAGES 132,628 138.638 138,638 196,047 604 Dt:t-1::HHt1.I COMPENSATION 0 0 0 0 606 AUTO ALLOWANCE 0 0 0 0 610 OVERTIMEANDPR8\IIIUM PAY 0 0 0 0 617 TBVI PORARY PffiSONIII3... - HOURLY 0 0 0 0 623 \JII3\/I PLOYM ENT INSURANCE 44744 20,000 14,000 15,000 620 RCA EXPENSE- BVIPLOYffi 7,663 8,596 8,596 12,022 622 MBlICAUDENTAL INSURANCE 0 0 0 0 625 MEDICARE PORTION RCA 1,792 2,010 2,010 2,843 630 CCOERA RETIR8\IIENT 5,305 5,546 5.546 6,231 640 OUTSIDE PffiSOIIN3... Sffi\lICES 0 0 0 0 600 SUB- TOTAL 192,132 174,790 168,790 232,143 651 OFRCESUPPUES 407 400 500 500 655 POSTAGE 0 0 0 0 654 PHOTOCOPY/PRINTING 2,863 2,000 2,000 2.000 660 OPERATING SUPPLIES 0 0 0 0 650 SUB-TOTAL 3.270 2,400 2,500 2,500 702 CONFmENCElM EETING 0 999 999 999 706 DUESlBOOKS/SLmCRlPTIONS 636 1,600 1600 1600 712 B\lIPLOYEE FUNCTIONS 4.269 3,250 3.250 14,200 723 TUTION RBM BlR>B\lI ENT 0 0 0 0 724 PRE-BVIPLOYMENT PHYSICAL 8,304 13,300 13.300 11,700 726 RECRUTMENT & ADVERTISB\lIENT 40.207 25,000 30,000 33,000 728 TRAlfIING 14,530 22,500 7,272 15,000 740 AUTO MILEAGE RBMBlR>B\lIENT 0 0 0 0 750 PROFESSIONAL Sffi\lICES 15,879 13,100 13,100 13,300 797 V ACA TION ACCR CASH-OUT 54,394 70,000 60,000 60,000 799 M ISCB-LANEOUS Sffi\lICES AMJ CW 0 250 250 250 700 SUB- TOTAL 138,219 149,999 129,771 150,049 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 802 OFRCEFURNlTURE& EQUPMENT 0 0 0 750 809 OTHffi MAJOR EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 800 SUB- TOTAL 0 0 0 750 301,0611 385,4421 I DEPARTMENT/ACCOUNT TOTALS: I 333,6211 327,1891 254 Line Itelll 4('('(}ullts City Manager's Officc - Community Support 01-113 COMM\JIlITYSUPPORT ACCOUNT 01.113 2004 2005 2005 2006 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted ACCOUNT NAMElDETAILED EXPLANATION BudQet BudQe t BudQet Budaet - 602 STAFF SALARIES & WAGES 0 0 0 0 604 Dl:l-tj-(KtiJ COMPENSATION 0 0 0 0 606 AUTO ALLOWANCE 0 0 0 0 610 OVERTIMEAMJ PR8\IIIUM PAY 10,376 10,000 0 0 617 TB\lI PORARY PffiSOI'lti.. - HOURLY 0 0 0 0 619 TB\lI PORARY PffiSOI'Iti.. - NON HOURL Y 0 0 0 0 620 RCA EXPENSE- B\lI PLOYffi 128 639 0 0 622 MEDlCAUDENTAL INSURANCE 0 0 0 0 625 MEDICARE PORTION RCA 107 145 0 0 630 CCOERA RETIR8\IIENT 0 0 0 0 640 OUTSIDE PffiSONNa Sffi\lICES 0 0 0 0 600 SUB- TOTAL 10,611 10.784 0 0 651 OFRCE SUPPLIES 0 0 0 0 655 POSTAGE COSTS 14,000 15,000 15,000 15.000 654 PHOTOCOPY/PRINTING 19,792 21,600 20,500 20,520 660 OPERATING SUPPLIES 0 0 0 0 650 SUB-TOTAL 33,792 36,600 35,500 35,520 702 CONFERENCE & MEETING EXPENSES 3.229 1,100 1100 1,100 704 CONTRACTUAL Sffi\lICES 18,223 110,834 112,634 33,150 712 AflNJAL APPRECIATION D1NNffi 0 0 0 0 714 LEGALS & PUBLICAA TIONS 0 0 0 0 716 LEGISLATIVE M BVI BERSHP 0 0 0 0 740 AUTO MILEAGE RBMBlR)B\lIENT 0 0 0 0 750 PROFESSIONAL Sffi\lICES 9,382 0 0 0 758 RENTALS AIID LEASES 0 0 0 0 780 OUTSIDE AGENCY CONTRIBUTIONS 10,100 0 0 0 799 MISCB-LANEOUS Sffi\lICES AND CHARG8 7,017 7,140 8,000 7,590 700 SUB- TOTAL 47,951 119,074 121,734 41,840 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 802 OFRCE FURNITURE & EQUlPM ENT 0 0 0 0 809 onm MAJOR EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 800 SUB-TOTAL 0 0 0 0 - - DEPARTMENT/ACCOUNT TOTALS, - - - - 255 Line Item .1cCt>lIlltS Administrative Services - Sales Tax 01-115 SALES TAX ACCOUNT 01-115 2004 2005 2005 2006 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted ACCOUNT NAMElDErAILEDEXPLANATIClI Budaet Bud(let Bud(let Bud(let 602 STAFF SALARIES & WAGES 94,973 142,179 143,135 149,720 604 Dt:t-t::KKW COM PENSA TION 0 0 0 0 606 AUTO ALLOWANCE 0 0 0 0 610 OVERTIM E AND PR8\IIIUM PAY 0 0 0 0 617 TBVlPORARY PffiSONNB.. - H()IR.. Y 533 2,850 0 0 619 TBVI PORARY PffiSONNa - NON HOI.R. Y 0 0 0 0 620 FICA EXPENSE- B\lI PLOYffi 5,879 9,091 9,091 9,283 622 MEDlCAUDENTAL INSURANCE 0 0 0 0 625 MEDICARE PORTION RCA 1,375 2,126 2,126 2,170 630 CCOERA RETIR8\IIENT 3,799 4,352 4,352 5,676 640 OUTSIDE PffiSOfIN3... Sffi\lICES 0 0 0 0 600 SUB- TOTAL 106,559 160,598 158,704 166,849 651 OFRCE SUPPLIES 642 1,500 1.500 1.530 655 POSTAGE 4,506 4,800 4,800 5,300 654 PHOTOCOPY/PRINTING 433 1.650 1,819 1,020 660 OPERATING SUPPLIES 0 0 0 0 650 SUB-TOTAL 5,581 7,950 8.119 7,850 702 CONFERENCE & MEETING EXPENSES 44 500 500 510 704 CONTRACT Sffi\lICES 2,310 956 955 9,932 706 DlESIBOOKS/SUBSCRlPTIONS 150 400 370 408 726 RECRUTMENT & ADVERTISB\lIENT 0 0 0 0 728 TRAlfIING 0 500 395 510 740 AUTO MILEAGE RBM BlR>B\lI ENT 992 1,000 1,150 1,300 750 PROFESSIONAL Sffi\lICES 0 0 0 0 758 RENTALS AND LEASES 0 0 0 0 759 TB-EPHONE EXPENSE 0 0 0 0 776 OTHffi EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 0 0 0 0 799 M ISCB-LANEOUS Sffi\lICES AMJ CHARG 0 0 0 0 700 SUB-TOTAL 3.496 3,356 3,370 12,660 802 OFRCE FURNITURE & EQUlPM ENT 2,737 0 0 600 809 OTHffi MAJOR EQUlPM ENT 0 0 0 0 800 SUB-TOTAL 2,737 0 0 600 170,1931 187,9591 IDEPARTMENTIACCOUNT TOTALS: I 118,3731 171,9041 256 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Line Item 4cco/lflfs Administrathe Services - Purchasing and Contracting 01-116 PURCHASING ACCOUNT 01-116 2004 2005 2005 2006 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted ACCOUNT NAMElDET AILED EXPLANA Bud(let Bud(let Budaet Budaet 602 STAFF SALARIES & WAGES 56,043 58,350 58,350 63,637 604 Dt:t-t::KKW COM PENSA TlON 0 0 0 0 606 AUTO ALLOWANCE 0 0 0 0 610 OVERTIMEAMJPR8\IIIUM PAY 0 0 0 0 617 TB\lI PORARY PffiSONNB- - HOURLY 0 50 50 0 619 TBVlPORARY PffiSONNEL - NON HOlJ' 0 0 0 0 620 RCA EXPENSE- BVIPLOYffi 3,446 3,618 3,618 3,946 622 MEDlCAUDENTAL INSURANCE 0 0 0 0 625 MEDICARE PORTION RCA 806 846 846 923 630 CCOERA RETIR8\II ENT 2,242 2,334 2,334 2,545 640 OUTSIDE PffiSONNa Sffi\lICES 0 0 0 0 600 SUB-TOTAL 62,537 65,198 65.198 71,051 651 OFRCE SUPPLIES 329 800 700 600 655 POSTAGE 0 0 0 0 654 PHOTOCOPY/PRINTING 0 0 0 0 660 OPERATING SUPPLIES 0 0 0 0 650 SUB-TOTAL 329 800 700 600 702 COIflRENCElM EETING 1,040 950 950 1,000 704 CONTRACT Sffi\lICES 0 0 0 0 706 DUESlBOOKSIS\J3SCRlPTIONS 270 350 350 400 728 TRAlfIING 500 500 500 400 732 WITNESS & JURROR FEES 0 0 0 0 740 MILEAGE RBMBlR>B\lIENT 462 300 300 400 750 PROFESSIONAL Sffi\lICES 0 0 0 0 758 RENTALS AMJ LEASES 0 0 0 0 759 TB-EPHONE EXPENSE 0 0 0 0 776 OTHffi EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 0 0 0 0 799 MISCB-LANEOUS Sffi\lICES AMJ CHJ 0 0 0 0 700 SUB-TOTAL 2,272 2,100 2,100 2,200 802 OFRCE EQUlPM ENT 0 0 0 0 809 OTHffi MAJOR EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 800 SUB-TOTAL 0 0 0 0 73,8511 65,1381 68,0981 67,9981 I DEPARTMENT/ACCOUNT TOTALS. 257 l.inl' Itelll .kCOlluts Administrative Services - Information Technology 01-117 INFORM A TION TECI-NOLOGY ACCOlM 01-117 2004 2005 2005 2006 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted ACCOUNT NAMElDErAILBJ EXPLANATIC Budget Budget Budget Budget 602 STAFF SALARIES & WAGES 263,295 279,069 279,069 304,677 604 Dt:t-u-<ttiJ COM PENSA TION 0 0 0 0 610 OVERTIMEAND PR8\IIIUM PAY 0 3,960 3.960 5,280 614 ST AfIIJBY PAY 0 0 6.000 12,000 617 TBVlPORARY PffiSOIIN3... - HOURLY 0 0 0 20,000 619 TBVI PORARY PffiSONNB.. - NON H()IR.. Y 0 0 0 0 620 RCA EXPENSE- BVIPLOYffi 15,533 17,303 17,303 18,890 622 MBlICAUDENTAL INSURANCE 0 0 0 0 625 MEDICARE PORTION FICA 3,633 4,047 4,047 4,418 630 CCOERA RETIR8\II ENT 10,502 11163 11,163 11,100 640 OUTSIDE PffiSOIIN3... Sffi\lICES 0 0 0 0 600 SUB- TOTAL 292,963 315,542 321,542 376,365 651 OFRCE SUPPLIES 0 0 1,000 2,000 655 POSTAGE 0 0 0 0 654 PHOTOCOPY/PRINTING 0 0 0 0 660 OPERATING SUPPLIES 3,494 5,950 4,913 5,950 650 SUB-TOTAL 3,494 5,950 5,913 7,950 - - - 702 CONFmENCElM EETING 3,312 4,200 3,000 4,200 704 CONTRACT Sffi\lICES 0 0 0 0 706 DUESlBOOKS/SlESCRlPTIONS 2,237 2,757 2,757 2,650 728 TRAlfIING 19,803 42,195 35,000 25,500 740 AUTO ALLOWANCE 1,553 1,093 1,000 2,000 750 PROFESSIONAL Sffi\lICES 45,400 35,000 16,500 17,500 755 COM PUTffi SOFTWARE 258,667 294,340 261,340 441,550 758 RENTALS AND LEASES 0 0 0 0 759 TB-EPHONE EXPENSE 0 0 0 0 776 OTHER EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 21,902 38,000 38,000 22,800 799 M ISCB-LANEOUS Sffi\lICES AND CHAR< 0 0 0 0 700 SUB-TOTAL 352,874 417,585 357,597 516.200 - - - - - 802 OFRCE EQUPM ENT 42,184 42,790 42,790 54,885 803 TOOLS AND WORK EQUlPM ENT 0 3,500 0 0 809 OTHER MAJOR EQUlPM ENT 166,799 296,250 270,250 246,825 800 SUB-TOTAL 208,983 342,540 313,040 301,710 I DEPARTMENT/ACCOUNT TOTALS, I 858,3141 1,081,6171 998,0921 1,202,2251 258 - - Lille Itelll 4CCOIlIlts Parks and Recreation - Building Maintenance OI-II8 BUILDING MAINTENANCE ACCOUNT 01-118 2004 2005 2005 2006 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted Budget Budget Budget Budaet - 602 STAFF SALARIES & WAGES 47491 49,558 49,558 54,299 604 IJEFffiRB) COM PENSA TION 0 0 0 0 606 AUTO ALLOWANCE 0 0 0 0 610 OVERTIM E AMJ PR8\IIIUM PAY 9,788 10,721 10,721 6,000 614 TBVlPORARY PffiSONNa - HOURLY 6,124 6,814 6,814 0 619 TBVI PORARY PffiSONfII3... - NON HOURLY 0 0 0 0 620 FICA EXPENSE- B\lI PLOYffi 3,863 3,073 3,073 3,367 622 MEDlCAUDENTAL INSURANCE 0 0 0 0 625 MEDICARE PORTION FICA 903 719 719 787 630 CCOERA RETIR8\IIENT 1,883 1,982 1,982 2,172 640 OUTSIDE PffiSONNa Sffi\lICES 0 0 0 0 600 SUB- TOTAL 70,052 72.867 72,867 66,625 651 OFRCE SUPPLIES 0 0 0 0 655 POSTAGE 0 0 0 0 654 PHOTOCOPY/PRINTING 0 0 0 0 660 OPERATING SUPPLIES 27,558 27,693 27,693 28,895 650 SUB- TOTAL 27,558 27.693 27,693 28,895 702 COI\FER8'lCElMEETING 0 0 0 0 704 CONTRACT Sffi\lICES 71,215 77,020 77,020 81,395 706 DlESIBOOKS/SUBSCRlPTIONS 60 100 60 100 728 TRAlfIING 100 500 400 500 730 UfIIFORMS 164 377 377 450 758 RENTALS & LEASES 4,644 5,000 5,262 7,000 759 TB-EPHONE EXPENSE 0 0 0 0 760 UTILITIES 90,873 100,200 106,200 104.500 774 FACILITY REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 31,398 42,250 42,250 29,000 776 OTHffi EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 2.412 3,700 3,700 5,000 799 M ISCB-LANEOUS Sffi\lICES AMJ CHARG 0 0 0 0 700 SUB- TOTAL 200,866 229,147 235,269 227,945 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 803 TOOLS AMJ WORK EQUlPM ENT 992 1,000 1,000 2,000 812 BUILDING 1M PROVBVIENTS 0 0 0 45,000 800 SUB-TOTAL 992 1,000 1,000 47,000 - I DEPARTMENT/ACCOUNT TOTALS I 299,4681 330,7071 336,8291 370,4651 - - 259 Une Ite/ll 4ccollnts Community Development - Administration 01 - 120 COMMUfIITY DEVB-OPMENT ADMIN ACCOUNT. 01-120 2004 2005 2005 2006 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted ACCOUNT NAM ElDET AILED EXPLANATION Bud(let Bud(let Budget Budgel 602 STAFF SALARIES & WAGES 134,727 141,241 141,241 163,552 604 1A::t-t::KKW COM PENSA TION 4,804 5,047 5,047 5,931 606 AUTO ALLOWANCE 3,600 3,600 3,600 3,600 610 OVERTIMEAMJ PR8\IIIUM PAY 0 0 0 0 617 TBVlPORARY PffiSONNa - HOlR. Y 2,557 6,000 6.000 21,000 619 TBVlPORARY PffiSONIIEI... - NON H()IR.. Y 0 0 0 0 620 RCA EXPENSE- BVIPLOYffi 7,857 8.265 8,265 8,366 622 MEDlCAUDENTAL INSURANCE 0 0 0 0 625 MEDICARE PORTION FICA 2,071 1,933 1,933 2,371 630 CCOERA RETIR8\IIENT 1,529 1,612 1,612 1797 640 OUTSIDE PffiS0Nti3.- Sffi\lICES 0 0 0 0 600 SUB-TOTAL 157,145 167.698 167,698 206,617 651 OFRCE SUPPLIES 1,571 2,000 2.000 3,000 655 POSTAGE 0 0 0 0 654 PHOTOCOPY/PRINTING 147 700 500 500 660 OPERATING SUPPLIES 0 200 400 400 650 SUB-TOTAL 1,718 2.900 2,900 3,900 702 CClI'I'ffiENCE & MEETING EXPENSES 472 750 600 1,900 704 CONTRACTUAL Sffi\lICES 0 0 0 0 706 DUESlBOOKS/SUBSCRlPTIONS 406 460 460 550 718 ORDINANCE eFORCEM ENT 0 200 0 0 728 TRAlfIING 60 400 200 800 730 UfIIFORMS AMJ PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 0 0 0 75 750 PROFESSIONAL Sffi\lICES 0 100,000 100,000 0 752 MICRORLMING 600 1,000 0 5,000 758 RENTALS AND LEASES 0 0 0 0 759 TB-EPHONE EXPENSE 0 0 0 0 776 OTHffiEQU1PMENT MAINTENANCE 0 800 0 800 799 M ISCB-LANEDUS Sffi\lICES AMJ CHARGES 0 0 0 0 700 SUB- TOTAL 1,538 103.610 101,260 9,125 802 OFRCE FURNTURE & EQUlPM ENT 0 0 0 15,000 809 OTHffi MAJOR EQUlPM ENT 0 0 0 0 800 SUB-TOTAL 0 0 0 15,000 I DEPARTMENT/ACCOUNT TOTALS: I 160,4011 274,2081 234,6421 271,8581 260 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Unc Itelll Aceoullts Community Development - Planning 01-121 - PLANNING ACCOUNT 01-12 2004 2005 2005 2006 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted ACCOUNT NAMElDErAILED EXPLANATION Budget Budaet Budaet Budaet - 602 STAFF SALARIES & WAGES 153,872 163,194 163,194 233.330 604 DEFERRED COM PENSA TION 0 0 0 0 606 AUTO ALLOWANCE 0 0 0 0 610 OVERTIMEAND PR8\IIIUM PAY 0 0 0 0 617 TBVlPORARY PffiSONNa - HOURI.. Y 0 0 0 0 619 TB\lI PORARY PffiSONNa - NON H()IR.. Y 0 0 0 0 620 FICA EXPENSE- B\lI PLOYffi 9,348 10,118 10,118 14,502 622 MEDlCAUDENTAL INSURANCE 0 0 0 0 625 MEDICARE PORTION RCA 2,186 2,366 2,366 3,383 630 CCOERA RETIR8\IIENT 4,904 6,410 6,410 6,943 640 OUTSIDE PffiSONNa Sffi\lICES 0 0 0 0 600 SUB- TOTAL 170,310 182,088 182,088 258,158 651 OFFICE SUPPLIES 0 0 0 0 655 POSTAGE 0 0 0 0 654 PHOTOCOPY/PRINTING 923 2,000 2,000 7,950 660 OPERATING SUPPLIES 217 900 900 2,900 650 SUB- TOTAL 1,140 2,900 2,900 10,850 702 COfll'ffiENCElM EETING 292 560 560 2700 704 CONTRACT Sffi\lICES 2.600 5,000 0 20000 706 DUESlBOOKSISUBSCRlPTIONS 2.332 4725 3000 3330 718 ORDINANCE ENFORCBVI ENT 0 0 0 0 728 TRAlfIING 941 600 300 800 730 UfIIFORMS & PROTECTIVE CLOTHNG 0 0 0 100 740 AUTO MILEAGE RBMBlR>EMENT 0 0 0 200 755 COM PUTffi SOFTWARE 0 0 0 0 759 TB-EPHONE EXPENSE 0 0 0 0 776 OTHffi EQUlPM ENT MAINTENANCE 0 0 0 0 799 MISCB-LANEOUS Sffi\lICES AMJ CHARGEl 0 0 0 0 700 SUB- TOTAL 6,165 10,885 3,860 27,130 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 802 OFRCEFURNTURE& EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 2,700 809 OTHffi MAJOR EQUlPM ENT 0 0 0 0 800 SUB-TOTAL 0 0 0 2,700 - - 1177,6151 195,8731 298,8381 I DEPARTMENT/ACCOUNT TOTALS. 188,8481 - - - - 261 Line Item Acco/lnts Community Development - Building 01-122 INSPECTION Sffi\lICES ACCOUNT 01-12 2004 2005 2005 2006 Aclual Adjusted Estimated Adopted ACCOUNT NAM EIDEr AILED EXPLANATION Budaet Budllet Budaet Budget 602 STAFF SALARIES & WAGES 92,232 143,906 143.906 157,570 604 Dt:t-t::KKW COMPENSATION 0 0 0 0 606 AUTO ALLOWANCE 0 0 0 0 610 OVERTIMEAMJPR8\IIIUM PAY 0 0 0 0 617 TB\lI PORARY PffiS0tN3... - H()IR.. Y 0 0 0 0 619 TB\lI PORARY PffiSQ11N3... - NON HOURL Y 0 0 0 0 620 RCA EXPENSE- B\lIPLOYffi 5,173 8,922 8,922 9,769 622 MEDlCAUDENTAL INSURANCE 0 0 0 0 625 MEDICARE PORTION RCA 1,210 2,087 2,087 2,285 630 CCOERA RETIR8\IIENT 1,831 4.910 4,910 5,574 640 OUTSIDE PffiSONMl. Sffi\lICES 0 0 0 0 600 SUB- TOTAL 100,446 159.825 159,825 175.198 651 OFRCE SUPPLIES 0 0 0 0 655 POSTAGE 0 0 0 0 654 PHOTOCOPY/PRINTING 564 700 700 700 660 OPERATING SlPPLlES 219 600 600 2,000 650 SUB-TOTAL 783 1,300 1,300 2,700 702 CONFmENCElM EETING 119 600 600 1,250 704 CONTRACT Sffi\lICES 127,807 35,000 35,000 35,000 706 DlESIBOOKS/SlESCRlPTIONS 1,330 1,500 1,500 2,000 718 ORDINANCE EllFORCBVI ENT 49 2,000 2,000 0 728 TRAlfIING 1,565 3,000 3,000 3,500 730 UfIIFORMS & PROTECTIVECLOTHNG 0 300 300 650 740 AUTO MILEAGERBMBlR>EMENT 0 0 0 0 752 MICRORCHE 0 0 0 0 755 COM PUTffi SOFTWARE 0 0 0 0 759 TB-EPHONE EXPENSE 0 0 0 0 776 OTHffi EQUIPM ENT MAINTENANCE 0 0 0 0 799 M ISCB-LANEDUS Sffi\lICES AMJ CHARGEl 0 0 0 0 700 SUB- TOTAL 130,870 42,400 42,400 42,400 - - 802 OFRCEFURfIITURE& EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 300 809 OTHffi MAJOR EQUlPM ENT 0 0 0 0 800 SUB-TOTAL 0 0 0 300 I DEPARTMENT/ACCOUNT TOTALS. I 232,0991 203,5251 203,5251 220,5981 262 - Une Ilelll 4ccollllls Police - Administration 01-201 POLICE ADM INlSTRA TION ACCOUNT 01-201 2004 2005 2005 2006 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted ACCOUNT NAM EIDEr AILED EXPLANA TIO Budget Budget Budget Budaet - 602 STAFF SALARIES & WAGES 477,965 455,299 455,299 439,707 604 1A::t-t:t<t<t:1J COM PENSA TION 6,351 8,851 4,890 5,351 605 EXTRA DUTY PAY 76,963 50,000 50,000 50,000 606 AUTO ALLOWANCE 0 0 0 0 610 OVERTIMEAMJ PR8\IIIUM PAY 3,130 1,000 1,000 1,500 618 COURT PAY 0 200 200 200 620 RCA EXPENSE- EMPLOYffi 15.315 16,757 16,757 15,311 622 MEDICAL/DENTAL INSURANCE 0 0 0 0 625 MEDICARE PORTION FICA 5.427 4,080 4080 3,828 630 CCOERA RETIR8\IIENT 6,613 6,686 6,686 6,278 633 POLICE RETIR8\IIENT 18.244 17,391 17,391 17,573 600 SUB- TOTAL 610.008 560,264 556,303 539,748 651 OFRCE SUPPLIES 6,777 7,500 7,500 9,500 655 POSTAGE 0 0 0 0 654 PHOTOCOPY/PRINTING 0 12.000 12,000 13,510 660 OPERATING SUPPLIES 2,379 4.000 4,000 37,900 650 SUB- TOTAL 9,156 23,500 23,500 60,910 702 CONFmENCElM EETING 989 3,000 3,000 3,610 704 CONTRACTUAL Sffi\lICES 0 0 0 0 706 DlES/BOOKS/SLESCRlPTIONS 6,436 8,445 8,445 9,967 728 TRAlfIING 5,931 8,300 8,300 12,800 730 UfIIFORMS & PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 413 0 0 0 741 UfIIFORM ALLOWANCE 23,059 28,950 28,950 29,800 750 PROFESSIONAL Sffi\lICES 68,234 42,100 42,100 77. 025 755 COM PUTffi SOFTWARE 0 0 0 0 758 RENTALS AMJ LEASES 0 0 0 0 759 TB-EPHOI>E EXPENSE 0 0 0 0 776 OTHffi EQUlPM ENT MAINTENANCE 0 0 0 0 799 M ISCB-LANEOUS Sffi\lICES AMJ CHARG 0 0 0 0 700 SUB- TOTAL 105,062 90,795 90,795 133,202 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 802 OFRCEFURNTURE& EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 809 OTHffi MAJOR EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 ACCOUNT #800 SUB-TOTAL 0 0 0 0 - - I 724,2261 674,5591 670,5981 733,860 I I DEPARTMENT/ACCOUNT TOTALS, - - - 263 Line Item ,Icco/lnts Police - Community Services Unit 01-203 AfIIMAL-PARK ENFORCBVI EN' ACCOUNT 01-203 2004 2005 2005 2006 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted ACCOUNT NAM ElDET AILED EXPLANA TI Budaet Budget Budael Budaet 602 STAFF SALARIES & WAGES 131,604 128,041 128,041 175,360 604 DEFffiRED COMPENSATION 0 0 0 0 605 EXTRA DUTY PAY 0 0 0 0 610 OVERTIMEAMJ PR8\IIIUM PAY 4,034 3,820 3,820 0 618 COURT PAY 168 1,030 1,030 1,500 619 TBVI P PffiSONNEL NON-H()IR.. Y 0 5.000 5,000 19,400 620 RCA EXPENSE- B\lI PLOYffi 7,934 8,010 8,010 10,872 622 MEDlCAUDENTAL INSURANCE 0 0 0 0 625 M BlICARE PORTION RCA 1,855 1,857 1,857 2,543 630 CCOERA RETIR8\IIENT 1,760 3,913 3,913 5,984 633 POLICE RETIR8\II ENT 0 0 0 0 600 SUB-TOTAL 147,355 151,671 151,671 215,659 651 OFRCESUPPLlES 0 0 0 0 655 POSTAGE 0 500 500 650 654 PHOTOCOPY/PRINTING 0 0 0 0 660 OPERATING SUPPLIES 1,142 700 700 800 650 SUB- TOTAL 1142 1,200 1,200 1,450 702 CClI'I'ffiENCElM EETING 258 500 500 500 704 CONTRACTUAL Sffi\lICES 0 0 0 0 706 DlESIBOOKS/SUBSCRlPTIONS 0 0 0 0 720 VETERINARY Sffi\lICES 160 500 500 500 721 JEFFCO AfIIMAL SI-EI... Tel 13,444 23,240 23,240 22,365 730 \JIlIFORMS AMJ PROTECTIVE CLOTHNC 908 0 0 0 750 PROFESSIONAL Sffi\lICES 0 0 0 0 758 RENTALS AND LEASES 0 0 0 0 759 TB-EPHONE EXPENSE 0 0 0 0 776 OTHffiEQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 567 2,100 2,100 2,100 799 MISCB-LANEOUS Sffi\lICES ANDCHAF 0 0 0 0 700 SUB-TOTAL 15,337 26,340 26,340 25.465 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 802 OFRCEEQUPMENT 0 0 0 0 809 OTHffi MAJOR EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 1,000 800 SUB-TOTAL 0 0 0 1,000 I DEPARTMENT/ACCOUNT TOTALS, I 163,8341 179,2111 179.2111 243,5741 - 264 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - LillI' Itelll Accounts Police - Communications 01-204 Pa.ICEC~MLNCATIOOS ACCa.Nr' 01-204 2004 2005 2005 2006 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted ACCa.Nr NMlE1IETAlLIDEXPI..AN4TIC IiJd(let IiJd~et IiJdget IiJdget 602 STAFF SALARlffi & WAGES 428,381 413,878 360,050 487,887 604 LU u<l<LlJC~PB5ATIOIl 0 0 0 0 605 EXTRA OOTYPAY 0 0 0 0 606 AUTO ALLOIVAI\CE 0 0 0 0 610 CNffiTlMEA/II)PREMILM PAY 21.471 45,202 44,608 27,280 618 CClRl' PAY 0 400 400 400 620 RCA EXf'B'5E. B\lIPLOYffi 27,398 28,813 28,813 30,249 622 MEDCAUlBIITAL INSl.RA/ICE 0 0 0 0 625 MEDCARE PCRTIOIl RCA 6.428 6,675 6,675 7,074 630 CCa:RA RETIREMENT 15,219 18,179 18,179 17,028 633 Pa.ICERETlREMENT 0 0 64 0 600 SLB- TOTAL 498,897 513,147 458,789 569,918 651 CFRCESlPPLlffi 0 0 0 0 655 POOTAGE 0 0 0 0 654 PI-OTOCCPY/PRNTlI'-I> 0 0 0 0 660 CPERATII'-I> SlPPLlffi 2,143 67,599 67,599 230 650 SLB- TOTAL 2,143 67,599 67,599 230 702 CCNmEN:;E1MEETlI'-I> 713 7'3J 7'3J 7'::iJ 704 CGlTRACTl.W. SERVICffi 0 34,801 34,801 109,830 706 1UB'0000000SlESCRlPTlOOS 0 0 0 0 732 W1TN:5S & JI..R:R FEES 0 0 0 0 716 L8]SLATIVEMBM~HP 0 0 0 0 740 AUTO MILEAGE R13MB.RS8IIIENT 0 0 0 0 750 PR:FE5SI0\lAL SERVICffi 0 0 0 0 758 RI:NI" ALS A/II) LE'ASE5 0 0 0 0 759 TB-EPI-I:N: EXP8\\SE 0 0 0 0 776 OTHffi B:UPMENT MAlNTENA/lCE 46,319 46,700 46,700 17,200 799 MISCB-I.AI\IDUS SERVICffi A/II) CHARG 0 0 0 0 700 SLB- TOTAL 47,032 82,251 82,251 127,780 802 CFRCE RRIITlR::& B:UPMENT 0 0 0 2,400 805 CCWlMLNCATlOOS B:UPMENT 0 177,691 0 0 809 OTI-ffi MAJCR B:UPMENT 0 0 0 3,450 800 SLB- TOTAL 0 177,691 0 5,850 I [B>ARrMENT/ACca.NT TOTALS: I 548,0721 840,6881 608,6391 703,7781 265 Une Ite/ll AeclIlIllt.\ Police - School Resource Officer 01 -205 SB-ECTIVEENFORCEMENT AND 8JUCATIC ACCOUNT 01-205 2004 2005 2005 2006 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted ACCOUNT NAM 6'DET AILED EXPLANATION Budget Budget Budget Budget 602 STAFF SALARIES & WAGES 0 0 0 123,359 604 1A::t-t::KKW COM PENSA TION 0 0 0 0 605 EXTRA DUTY PAY 0 0 0 0 606 AUTO ALLOWANCE 0 0 0 0 610 OVERTIM E AIID PR8\IIIUM PAY 0 0 0 6,000 618 COURT PAY 0 0 0 1,620 620 RCA EXPENSE- B\lIPLOYffi 0 0 0 0 622 MBlICAUDENTAL INSURANCE 0 0 0 0 625 MEDICARE PORTION RCA 0 0 0 1789 630 CCOERA RETIRBVIENT 0 0 0 0 633 POLICE RETIR8\II ENT 0 0 0 12,336 634 STATE DISABILITY INSURANCE 0 0 0 1,542 600 SUB-TOTAL 0 0 0 146,646 651 OFRCESUPPLlES 0 0 0 0 655 POSTAGE 0 0 0 0 654 PHOTOCOPY/PRINTING 0 0 0 0 660 OPERATING SUPPLIES 0 0 0 3,000 650 SUB-TOTAL 0 0 0 3,000 702 CONFmENCElMEETING 0 0 0 200 704 CONTRACT Sffi\lICES 0 0 0 0 706 DlES/BOOKS/SUBSCRlPTIONS 0 0 0 0 730 UfIIFORMS & PROTECTIVE CLOTHNG 0 0 0 0 716 LEGISLATIVE M BVI BERSHP 0 0 0 0 740 MILEAGE RBM BlR>B\lI ENT 0 0 0 0 750 PROFESSIONAL Sffi\lICES 0 0 0 0 758 RENTALS AND LEASES 0 0 0 0 759 TB-EPHOI>E EXPENSE 0 0 0 0 776 OTHffi EQUIPM ENT MAINTENANCE 0 0 0 0 799 MISCB-LANEOUS Sffi\lICES AMJ CHARGES 0 0 0 0 700 SUB- TOTAL 0 0 0 200 802 OFRCE FURNITURE & B:lUIPM ENT 0 0 0 0 809 OTHffi MAJOR EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 800 SUB- TOTAL 0 0 0 0 01 01 01 149,8461 I DEPARTMENT/ACCOUNT TOTALS. 266 - - - - - - - Line ltem 4cco/lllts Police - Records 01 -206 POLICE RECORDS ACCOUNT 01-206 2004 2005 2005 2006 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted ACCOUNT NAM EIDEr AILED EXPLANATION Budaet Budaet Budaet Budaet - 602 STAFF SALARIES & WAGES 163,600 181,840 181,840 195,920 604 Dt:t-t::KKtll COM PENSA TION 0 0 0 0 605 EXTRA DUTY PAY 0 0 0 0 606 AUTO ALLOWANCE 0 0 0 0 610 OVERTIM E AND PR8\IIIUM PAY 916 1.900 1,900 9,200 617 TB\lIP PffiSOIIN3... - H()IR.. y 0 2,963 0 0 620 RCA EXPENSE- BVI PLOYffi 9,870 11.274 11,274 12,147 622 MEDlCAUDENTAL INSURANCE 0 0 0 0 625 MEDICARE PORTION FICA 2,308 2,637 2,637 2,841 630 CCOERA RETIR8\IIENT 6.048 6,536 6.536 7,837 633 POLICE RETIR8\II ENT 0 0 0 0 600 SUB- TOTAL 182.742 207,150 204,187 227,945 651 OFRCE SUPPLIES 0 0 0 0 655 POSTAGE 0 0 0 0 654 PHOTOCOPY/PRINTING 5,392 0 0 0 660 OPERATING SUPPLIES 473 800 800 800 650 SUB- TOTAL 5,865 800 800 800 702 CONFERENCElM EETING 45 0 0 0 704 CONTRACTUAL Sffi\lICES 0 0 0 0 706 DUESlBOOKSISlBSCRlPTIONS 0 0 0 0 732 WITNESS & JUROR FEES 0 0 0 0 716 LEGISLATIVE MB\lI BERSHP 0 0 0 0 740 MILEAGE RBMBlR>B\lIENT 0 0 0 0 750 PROFESSIONAL Sffi\lICES 0 17.037 20,000 20,000 758 RENTALS AMJ LEASES 0 0 0 0 759 TB-EPHONE EXPENSE 0 0 0 0 776 OTHffi EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 0 0 0 0 799 MISCB-LANEDUS Sffi\lICES AND CHARGES 0 0 0 0 700 SUB-TOTAL 45 17,037 20,000 20,000 - .- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 802 OFRCE FURNTURE & EQUlPM ENT 0 0 0 0 809 OTI-ER MAJOR EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 800 SUB- TOTAL 0 0 0 0 - - - I DEPARTMENT/ACCOUNT TOTALS. 248.7451 I 188,6521 224,987\ 224,9871 - - - - 267 Line Item 4L'co/lnts Police - Training 01-207 POLICE TRAlfIING ACCOUNT 01-207 2004 2005 2005 2006 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted ACCOUNT NAMElDETAILED EXPLANATION Budaet Bud(let Bud(let BudQet 602 STAFF SALARIES & WAGES 41,318 42.932 42,932 49,817 604 Dt:t-t::KKW COM PENSA TION 0 0 0 0 605 EXTRA DUTY PAY 0 0 0 0 606 AUTO ALLOWANCE 0 0 0 0 610 OVERTIMEAND PR8\IIIUM PAY 452 2,800 2,800 3,500 618 COURT PAY 0 0 0 0 620 RCA EXPENSE- B\lI PLOYffi 2,295 2,662 2,662 3,089 622 MEDlCAUDENTAL INSURANCE 0 0 0 0 625 MEDICARE PORTION RCA 537 623 623 722 630 CCOERA RETIRBVIENT 1,653 1717 1,717 1,993 633 POLICE RETIR8\II ENT 0 0 0 0 600 SUB-TOTAL 46,255 50,734 50,734 59,121 651 OFRCE SUPPLIES 0 0 0 0 655 POSTAGE 0 0 0 0 654 PHOTOCOPY/PRINTING 0 0 0 0 660 OPERATING SUPPLIES 3,234 3,000 3,000 3,000 650 SUB-TOTAL 3,234 3.000 3,000 3,000 702 CONFmENCElM EETING 873 2,500 2,500 3,000 704 CONTRACT Sffi\lICES 0 0 0 0 706 DlES/BOOKS/SlESCRlPTIONS 0 0 0 0 728 TRAlfIING 46,956 75,000 75,000 85.250 730 UfIIFORMS & PROTECTIVECLOTHNG 16,541 46,000 46,000 42.000 740 MILEAGE RBM BlR>B\lI ENT 0 0 0 0 750 PROFESSIONAL Sffi\lICES 0 0 0 0 758 RENTALS AND LEASES 0 0 0 0 759 TB-EPHOfIE EXPENSE 0 0 0 0 776 OTHffi EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 0 0 0 0 799 MISCB-LANEDUS Sffi\lICES AMJ CHARGES 0 0 0 0 700 SUB-TOTAL 64,370 123,500 123,500 130,250 - - - - - - - - - - - 802 OFRCEEQUlPMENT 0 0 0 0 809 OTHffi MAJOR EQUlPM ENT 0 0 0 0 800 SUB-TOTAL 0 0 0 0 I DEPARTMENT/ACCOUNT TOTALS, I 113,8591 177,2341 177,2341 192,371\ 268 - Line Item 4ceo/lnts Police - Patrol 01 -2 11 POLICE PATROL ACCOUNT 01-21 2004 2005 2005 2006 I Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted ACCOUNT NAM 6'DET AILED EXPLANA TIO~ Budaet Budaet Budaet Bud(let - 602 STAFF SALARIES & WAGES 1,924,977 2,202,006 2.152,403 2,430,217 603 LONGEVITY 0 0 0 0 605 EXTRA DUTY PAY 0 0 0 0 606 AUTO ALLOWANCE 0 0 0 0 610 OVERTIM E AMJ PR8\IIIUM PAY 120,456 200,000 200,000 202,440 618 COURT PAY 25,371 34,500 34,500 38,808 620 RCA EXPENSE- B\lI PLOYffi 1,330 232 232 5,188 622 M BlICALlDENT AL INSURANCE 0 0 0 0 625 MEDICARE PORTION RCA 23,544 26,773 26,773 32,698 630 CCOERA RETIR8\IIENT 0 0 0 943 633 POLICE RETI R8\II ENT 186,405 220,851 220,851 234,653 634 STATE DISABILITY INS, 28.444 32,399 32,399 42,457 600 SUB-TOTAL 2,310,527 2,716,761 2,667158 2,987,404 657 RANGE SUPPLIES 16,684 18,200 18,200 22,360 655 POSTAGE 0 0 0 0 654 PHOTOCOPY/PRINTING 0 0 0 0 660 OPERATING SUPPLIES 12,587 21.330 21,330 30,100 650 SUB-TOTAL 29,271 39,530 39,530 52,460 702 COI'FBDICElM EETING 182 500 500 650 704 CONTRACT Sffi\lICES 0 0 0 0 706 DlESIBOOKS/SUBSCRlPTIONS 0 0 0 0 727 EXPENSE RBMBlR>BV1 ENT 42 600 600 0 730 UNIFORMS AMJ PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 10,789 20,050 20,050 12,000 740 MILEAGE RBMBlR>BV1 ENT 0 0 0 0 750 PROFESSIONAL Sffi\lICES 15,578 13,200 12,400 12,900 758 RENTALS AND LEASES 0 0 0 0 759 TB-EPHONElPAGffi EXPENSE 0 0 0 0 776 OTHffiEQUlPMENT MAINTENANCE 1,419 2,100 2,100 2.100 799 M ISCB-LANEOUS Sffi\lICES AMJ CHARGE 0 0 0 0 700 SUB-TOTAL 28,010 36,450 35,650 27,650 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 802 OFRCE FURNITURE & EQUlPM ENT 0 0 0 0 809 OTHffi MAJOR EQUlPM ENT 0 23.600 23.600 20,754 800 SUB-TOTAL 0 23,600 23,600 20,754 - - - I 2,367,8081 2,816,3411 2,765,9381 3,088,2681 I DEPARTMENT/ACCOUNT TOTALS. - - - - 269 Lillt'ltelll 4ec()lInts Police - Investigations 01-212 POLICE INVESTIGATIONS ACCOUNT 01-21 2004 2005 2005 2006 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted ACCOUNT NAM6'DETAILED EXPLANATIQII Bud(let Bud(let Bud(let Bud(let 602 STAFF SALARIES & WAGES 813,253 877,849 835,000 1,003,734 603 LONGEVITY 0 0 0 0 605 EXTRA DUTY PAY 0 0 0 0 606 AUTO ALLOWANCE 0 0 0 0 610 OVERTIMEAMJPR8\IIIUM PAY 64,178 74,250 74,250 85,000 614 STAI03Y PAY 6,555 7,000 7,000 20,000 618 COURT PAY 2,585 6,800 8,000 8,000 620 RCA EXPENSE- B\lI PLOYffi 5,065 4,896 4,896 4,825 622 MEDlCAUDENTAL INSURANCE 0 0 0 0 625 MEDICARE PORTION RCA 8,399 8,525 8,525 7,542 630 CCOERA RETIR8\IIENT 3,116 2,964 2,964 3,113 633 POLICE RETIR8\II ENT 73,083 81,255 81,255 92.591 634 STATE DISABILITY INS, 0 5,519 5,519 4,452 600 SUB-TOTAL 976,234 1069,058 1,027409 1.229.257 657 RANGE SUPPLIES 0 0 0 0 655 POSTAGE 31 350 350 350 654 PHOTOCOPY/PRINTING 0 0 0 0 660 OPERATING SUPPLIES 12,348 9,200 14,000 16.500 650 SUB- TOTAL 12,379 9,550 14,350 16,850 702 CCJIIE8BIICElM EETI NG 4,539 4,180 4,180 4,120 704 CONTRACT Sffi\lICES 0 0 0 8,000 706 lllSIBOOKSISlESCRlPTIONS 0 0 0 0 727 EXPENSERBMBlR>BVIENT 829 800 800 2,000 730 UfIIFORMS AM> PROTECTIVE CLOTHNG 415 1,000 1,000 1.000 740 MILEAGE RBMBlR>B\lI ENT 0 0 0 0 750 PROFESSIONAL Sffi\lICES 13,366 21,803 19,720 13.500 758 RENTALS AM> LEASES 2,253 3,000 3,000 4000 759 TB-EPHOtE'PAGffi EXPENSE 0 0 0 0 776 OTHffiEQUlPMENT MAINTENANCE 1,639 1,315 1,315 4,315 799 M ISCB-LANEOUS Sffi\lICES AMJ CHARGE 0 4,000 4,000 0 700 SUB-TOTAL 23,041 36,098 34,015 36,935 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 802 OFRCE FURNTURE & EQUIPMENT 4,289 5,000 5,000 25,000 804 e.IGIte:RlNG & PHOTO EQUIPMENT 0 8,500 8,500 12,050 800 SUB-TOTAL 4,289 13,500 13,500 37,050 I DEPARTMENT/ACCOUNT TOTALS: 11,015,94311,128,2061 1,089,274\ 1,320,0921 - 270 Une Item Accounts Police - Traffic Enforcement 01-213 TRAFRC ENFORCB\lIENT ACCOUNT 01-213 2004 2005 2005 2006 Actual Adjusted Estimaled Adopted ACCOUNT NAM 6'DET AILED EXPLANATION Bud(let Bud(let Budaet Budaet - 602 STAFF SALARIES & WAGES 241,464 192,947 180,000 324,660 603 LONGEVITY 0 0 0 0 605 EXTRA DUTY PAY 0 0 0 0 606 AUTO ALLOWANCE 0 0 0 0 610 OVERTIM E AND PR8\IIIUM PAY 16,384 14,000 14,000 10,800 614 STANDBY PAY 174 0 0 0 618 COlRT PAY 2,466 5,750 5,750 5,750 620 RCA EXPENSE- B\lI PLOYffi 0 0 0 0 622 MEDlCAUDENTAL INSURANCE 0 0 0 0 625 MBlICARE PORTION FICA 3,771 2,798 2,798 4708 633 POLICE RE\'IR8\IIENT INSURANCE 23,477 19,295 19,295 32,466 634 STATE DISABILITY INS. 0 1,449 1,449 3,084 600 SUB-TOTAL 287 736 236,239 223,292 381,468 651 OFRCE SUPPLIES 0 0 0 0 655 POSTAGE 0 0 0 0 654 PHOTOCOPY/PRINTING 0 0 0 0 662 VEHCLE& EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 650 SUB-TOTAL 0 0 0 0 702 COIII=ERENCElM EETING 91 300 300 300 704 CONTRACT Sffi\lICES 0 0 0 0 706 DlJES/BOOKSISlESCRlPTIONS 0 0 0 0 730 UNIFORM S AMJ PROTECTIVE CLOTI-DNG 1,069 4,500 1,500 4700 716 LEGISLATIVE M BVI BERSHP 0 0 0 0 740 MILEAGE RBMBlR>B\lIENT 0 0 0 0 750 PROFESSIONAL Sffi\lICES 0 0 0 0 758 RENTALS AMJ LEASES 0 0 0 0 759 TB-EPHONE EXPENSE 0 0 0 0 776 OTI'I:REQUlPMENT MAINTENANCE 643 1,000 1,000 1,000 799 M ISCB-LANEOUS Sffi\lICES AMJ CHARGE 0 0 0 0 700 SUB- TOTAL 1,803 5.800 2,800 6,000 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 802 OFRCEFURNTURE& EQlJPMENT 0 0 0 0 809 OTI'I:R MAJOR EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 11,500 800 SUB-TOTAL 0 0 0 11,500 - - DEPARTMENT/ACCOUNT TOTALS, - - - 271 Line Item A,ceollnts Police - Special Investigations 01-214 SPECIAL INVESTIGATIONS ACCOUNT. 01-214 2004 2005 2005 2006 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted ACCOUNT NAM 6'DET AILED EXPLANA 1 Budget Budget Budget Budget 602 STAFF SALARIES & WAGES 184,652 195,195 185,000 200,694 604 1A::t-t::KKW COM PENSA TlON 0 0 0 0 605 EXTRA DUTY PAY 0 0 0 0 606 AUTO ALLOWANCE 0 0 0 0 610 OVERTIM E AND PR8\IIIUM PAY 8,922 11,000 11,000 15,300 618 COURT PAY 240 2,450 1,000 2,455 620 FICA EXPENSE- BVIPLOYffi 0 0 0 0 622 MEDlCAUDENTAL INSURANCE 0 0 0 0 625 MEDICARE PORTION RCA 798 870 870 894 630 CCOERA RETIR8\IIENT 0 0 0 0 633 POLICE RETIR8\IIENT 18,893 19,520 19,520 20,069 600 SUB-TOTAL 213,505 229,035 217,390 239,412 651 OFRCE SUPPLIES 0 0 0 0 655 POSTAGE 0 0 0 0 654 PHOTOCOPY/PRINTING 0 0 0 0 660 OPERATING SUPPLIES 0 200 200 200 650 SUB- TOTAL 0 200 200 200 702 CClI'I'ffiENCElM EETI NG 0 0 0 0 704 CONTRACT Sffi\lICES 0 0 0 0 706 DlJES/BOOKS/SlESCRlPTIONS 0 0 0 0 727 EXPENSE RBM BlR>BV1 ENT 0 150 150 150 730 UfIIFORMS & PROTECTIVE CLOTHNG 0 300 300 300 740 MILEAGE RBM BlR>BV1 ENT 0 0 0 0 750 PROFESSIONAL Sffi\lICES 0 0 0 0 758 RENTALS AND LEASES 16,834 17,500 16.000 18,000 759 TB-EPHONE EXPENSE 0 0 0 0 776 OTHffiEQUlPMENT MAINTENANCE 55 300 300 300 799 MISCB-LANEDUS Sffi\lICES AMJ CHA 0 0 0 0 700 SUB- TOTAL 16,889 18,250 16,750 18,750 - - - - - 8021 OFRCE FURNITURE & EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 809 I OTHffi MAJOR EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 ACCOUNT #800 SUB-TOTAL 0 0 0 0 I DEPARTMENT/ACCOUNT TOTALS. I 230,3941 247,4851 234,3401 258,362\ 272 - - Une Itelll .1cnJ//nt.\ Police - Emergency Operations Ot-2IS B\lIffiGENCY OPERATIONS ACCOUNT 01-2H 2004 2005 2005 2006 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted ACCOUNT NAMElDETAILED EXPLANATI Bud(let BudQet BudQet BudQet - 602 STAFF SALARIES & WAGES 0 0 0 0 604 DEFERRID COMPENSATION 0 0 0 0 605 EXTRA DUTY PAY 0 0 0 0 606 AUTO ALLOWANCE 0 0 0 0 610 OVERTIM E AND PR8\IIIUM PAY 0 0 0 0 618 COlRT PAY 0 0 0 0 620 FICA EXPENSE- B\lI PLOYffi 0 0 0 0 622 MEDICAL/DENTAL INSURANCE 0 0 0 0 625 M BlICARE PORTION FICA 0 0 0 0 630 CCOERA RETIR8\IIENT 0 0 0 0 633 POLICE RETIR8\IIENT 0 0 0 0 600 SUB-TOTAL 0 0 0 0 651 OFRCE SUPPLIES 0 0 0 0 654 PHOTOCOPY & PRINTING 0 200 200 200 660 OPERATING SUPPLIES 37 650 650 1,000 663 HAZARDOUS WASTE DISPOSAL 912 8.279 8,279 1,000 650 SUB- TOTAL 949 9,129 9,129 2,200 702 CONFERENCElM EETING 0 0 0 1,000 704 CONTRACTUAL Sffi\lICES 17.331 20,350 20,350 17,400 706 DlESIBOOKS/SUBSCRlPTIONS 0 0 0 0 732 WITNESS & JUROR FEES 0 0 0 0 716 LEGlSLATIVEMBVlBmSHP 0 0 0 0 740 MILEAGE RBMBURSB\lIENT 0 0 0 0 750 PROFESSIONAL Sffi\lICES 0 0 0 0 758 RENTALS AND LEASES 0 0 0 0 759 TB-EPHONE EXPENSE 0 0 0 0 776 OTHER EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 0 0 0 0 799 M ISCB-LANEOUS Sffi\lICES AND CHAR 0 0 0 0 700 SUB-TOTAL 17,331 20,350 20,350 18,400 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 802 OFRCE~TURE& EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 809 OTI-ER MAJOR EQUlPM ENT 0 0 0 0 800 SUB- TOTAL 0 0 0 0 - - 20,6001 18,280\ 29,479\ 29,479\ - I DEPARTMENT/ACCOUNT TOTALS. - 273 Linc item AeL'ollnts Public \\'orks - Administration 01 -30 1 PUBLIC WORKS ADM INlSTRA TIC ACCOUNT 01-301 2004 2005 2005 2006 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted ACCOUNT NAM EIDEr AILED EXPLANA T Bud(let Budaet Budaet Budaet 602 STAFF WAGES 102,467 106,019 106,019 122,129 604 1A::t-t::KKW COMPENSATION 5,186 5,301 5,301 6,106 605 EXTRA DUTY PAY 0 0 0 0 606 AUTO ALLOWANCE 3,600 3,600 3,600 3,600 610 OVERTIM E AND PR8\IIIUM PAY 0 0 0 0 618 COlRT PAY 0 0 0 0 620 RCA EXPENSE- BVIPLOYffi 5,375 5,394 5,394 5,580 622 M EDICAUDENT AL INSURANCE 0 0 0 0 625 MEDICARE PORTION RCA 1,590 1,537 1,537 1,771 630 CCOERA RETIR8\IIENT 0 0 0 0 640 OUTSIDE PffiSCJNIIH. Sffi\lICES 0 0 0 0 600 SUB- TOTAL 118,218 121,851 121,851 139,186 651 OFRCE SUPPLIES 0 0 0 0 655 POSTAGE 0 0 0 0 654 PHOTOCOPY/PRINTING 0 0 0 0 660 OPERATING SUPPLIES 0 0 0 0 650 SUB-TOTAL 0 0 0 0 702 CONFmENCElM EETING 1117 2,500 2,500 3.000 704 CONTRACT Sffi\lICES 0 0 0 0 706 DlESIBOOKSIS\J3SCRlPTIONS 445 500 500 500 728 TRAlfIING 0 0 0 0 730 UfIIFORMS & PROTECTIVE CLOTHNG 200 211 200 200 716 LEGISLATIVE MB\lIBERSHP 0 0 0 0 740 MILEAGE RBMBlR>B\lI ENT 0 0 0 0 750 PROFESSIONAL Sffi\lICES 0 0 0 0 758 RENTALS AND LEASES 0 0 0 0 759 TB-EPHONE EXPENSE 0 0 0 0 776 OTHffiEQUlPMENT MAINTENANCE 0 0 0 0 799 MISCB-LANEDUS Sffi\lICES AND CHAR 0 0 0 0 700 SUB-TOTAL 1,762 3,211 3.200 3,700 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 802 OFRCE FURNTURE & EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 809 OTHffi MAJOR EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 800 SUB-TOTAL 0 0 0 0 I DEPARTMENT/ACCOUNT TOTALS. I 119,9801 125.0621 125,0511 142,886\ 274 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Line Item ,lcClIlIllls Public Works - Engineering 01-302 P\J3LICEWORKS ENGINB:RING ACCOUNT 01-302 2004 2005 2005 2006 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted ACCOUNT NAM EIDEr AILED EXPLANA T Budget Budget Budget Budget 602 STAFF SALARIES & WAGES 553,216 633,895 610,000 681,862 604 Dt:t-t::KKW COM PENSA TION 0 0 0 0 606 AUTO ALLOWANCE 0 0 0 0 610 OVERTIMEANDPR8\IIIUM PAY 995 6,000 3,000 3,000 617 TBVlP PffiSOfllNEL-HOURL Y 0 5,000 3,000 3,000 619 TB\lIP PffiSOfllNEL-NDN-H()IR.. Y 0 0 0 0 620 FICA EXPENSE- BVI PLOYffi 33,720 39,301 38,000 42,112 622 M EDICAUDENT AL INSURANCE 0 0 0 0 625 MEDICARE PORTION RCA 7,886 9,191 9,000 9,887 630 CCOERA RETIR8\IIENT 14,816 22,937 22,500 25,196 640 OUTSIDE PffiSONNEL Sffi\lICES 0 0 0 0 600 SUB-TOTAL 610,633 716,324 685,500 765,057 651 OFFICE SUPPLIES 1,254 2,100 2,100 2,100 655 POSTAGE 0 0 0 0 654 PHOTOCOPY/PRINTING 0 5,000 5.000 5,000 660 OPERATING SlPPLlES 4,847 24,489 24,500 20,000 650 SUB-TOTAL 6,101 31,589 31,600 27100 702 CONFERENCElM EETING 500 600 600 1,200 704 CONTRACT Sffi\lICES 0 25,000 5,000 5,000 706 DlESIBOOKS/SUBSCRlPTIONS 1,555 1,800 1,800 2,500 728 TRAlfIING 5,980 8,000 8,000 15,000 730 UNIFORMS & PROTECTIVE CLOTl-RNG 983 1,200 1.200 1,500 740 AUTO MILEAGE RBM BlR>BV1 ENT 0 500 500 500 750 PROFESSIONAL Sffi\lICES 98,751 160,000 100,000 100,000 759 TB-EPHONE EXPENSE 0 0 0 0 761 STREET LIGHTING 0 0 0 0 776 OTHffi EQUlPM ENT MAINTENANCE 0 1,000 500 1,000 793 TITLE SEARCHES 0 500 0 500 700 SUB-TOTAL 107,769 198,600 117,600 127,200 802 OFRCE FURNITURE & EQUIPMENT 0 3,300 3,300 2,500 809 OTHffi MAJOR EQUIPMENT 0 6,000 6,000 3,500 800 SUB-TOTAL 0 9,300 9,300 6,000 925,3571 724,5031 955,8131 844,0001 I DEPARTMENT/ACCOUNT TOTALS. 275 LillI' Item ,fcco/lllts Public \\'orks - Operations 01-303 PUBLIC WORKS OPERATIONS ACCOUNT 01.303 2004 2005 2005 2006 Actual Adjusled Estimated Adopted ACCOlM' NAM 8DET AILED EXPLANATION Budget Budaet Budaet Bud(let 602 STAFF SALARIES & WAGES 668,608 713,989 713,989 742,941 603 LONGEVITY 0 0 0 0 604 llEf'ffiRB) COMPENSATION 0 0 0 0 610 OVERTIMEAMJPR8\IIIUM PAY 28,143 28,000 28,000 32,000 614 STANDBY PAY 11,445 16,000 13,000 14,000 617 TB\lIP PffiSONNB--HOlR.. Y 0 0 0 0 619 TB\lIP PffiSONNa-NON-HOlR Y 0 0 0 0 620 FICA EXPENSE- B\lIPLOYffi 42,651 44,267 44,267 46,062 622 MBlICALlDENTAL INSURANCE 0 0 0 0 625 M BlICARE PORTION FICA 9,975 10,353 10,353 10,773 630 CCOERA RErIR8\llENT 24,321 27 703 27,703 29,718 640 OUTSIDE PffiSOf'N3... Sffi\lICES 0 0 0 0 ACCOUNT #600 SUB-TOTAL 785,143 840,312 837,312 875,494 651 OFRCE SUPPLIES 496 500 500 500 655 POSTAGE 0 0 0 0 654 PHOTOCOPY/PRINTING 0 0 0 0 660 OPERATING SUPPLIES 152.911 200,000 200,000 212,500 661 OIL AND GAS - SHOPS 111,796 136,500 136,500 190,000 662 VEHCLEANDEQlJPMENT PARTS 55,642 81,000 81,000 82.000 663 HAZARDWASTEMAT~AL 526 2,500 2,000 2,000 665 SPECIAL EQUPMENT 499 500 500 500 ACCO\JIIT #650 SUB-TOTAL 321,870 421.000 420,500 487.500 702 CCN'ERENCElMEETING 337 500 500 600 704 CONTRACTUAL Sffi\lICES 49,747 90,000 90,000 88,500 706 DUES/BOOKS/SUBSCRIPTIONS 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 728 TRAlfIING 3,767 4,000 4,000 8,000 730 UNIFORMS & PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 6,663 9,000 9,000 9.000 740 MILEAGE RBM BlR>BV1 ENT 651 500 500 500 750 PROFESSIONAL Sffi\lICES 0 0 0 0 758 RENTALS AND LEASES 198 1,000 500 500 760 UTILITIES 14,168 16,000 16,000 18,000 761 STREET LIGHTING 391,385 400,000 400,000 430,000 774 FACILITY REPAIR/MAINTENANCE 5,311 8,000 8,000 8,000 776 OTI-ER EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 2,263 2,000 2,000 2,000 799 MISCB-LANEDUS Sffi\lICES AIIDCHARGE 0 0 0 0 ACCOUNT #700 SUB-TOTAL 475,490 532,000 531,500 566,100 802 OFRCEFURNTURE& EQlJPMENT 0 1,000 1,000 5,000 803 TOOLS AND WORK EQUIPMENT 4,293 1.500 1,500 1.500 807 FLEET REPLACB\lIENT 212,339 529,000 529,000 296,000 809 OTI-ER MAJOR EQUIPMENT 0 108,500 108,500 105,000 ACCOUNT #800 SUB-TOTAL 216.632 640,000 640,000 407,500 DEPARTMENT/ACCOUNT TOTALS. 1,799,135 2,433,312 2,429,312 2,336,594 276 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Line Item 4c('(,"nl,\ Parks & Recreation - Administration 01 -601 PARKS & RECREATION ADI\IIlfIISTRA TIDr ACCOUNT 01-601 2004 2005 2005 2006 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted ACCOUNT NAMElDET AILED EXPLANATION Bud(let Budaet Budaet Budnet 602 STAFF WAGES 129,525 136,064 136,064 154,087 604 DEFffiRED COM PENSA TION 4,646 4,875 4,875 5,887 606 AUTO ALLOWANCE 3,600 3,600 3,600 3,600 610 OVERTIMEANDPR8\IIIUM PAY 0 0 0 0 617 TB\lI P PffiSOIIN3... - HOURLY 150 1,260 250 500 619 TB\lIP PffiSONNa - NQN.H()IR.. Y 0 0 0 0 620 RCA EXPENSE- B\lIPLOYffi 7729 7785 7785 7,833 622 MEDlCAUDENTAL INSURANCE 0 0 0 0 625 MEDICARE PORTION FICA 1,969 1,973 1,973 2,234 630 CCOERA RETIR8\IIENT 1.464 1,542 1.542 485 640 OUTSIDE PffiSOf\I'B.. Sffi\lICES 246 0 0 0 600 SUB-TOTAL 149,329 157,099 156,089 174,626 651 OFRCE SUPPLIES 4,060 3,400 3,400 3,500 654 PHOTOCOPY/PRINTING 579 600 600 600 655 POSTAGE 181 400 400 400 660 OPERATING SUPPLIES 655 300 300 300 650 SUB-TOTAL 5,475 4,700 4,700 4,800 702 CONFERENCElM EETING 2,202 2,500 2,500 2,500 704 CONTRACT Sffi\lICES 0 0 0 0 706 DlESIBOOKSISUBSCRlPTIONS 325 520 520 675 728 TRAlfIING 99 200 200 200 730 UfllFORMS & PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 0 0 0 0 740 AUTO MILEAGE RBMBlR>B\lIENT 681 600 800 800 750 PROFESSIONAL Sffi\lICES 16,386 20,000 20.000 20,000 755 COMPUTffi SOFTWARE 0 0 0 0 758 RENTALS AND LEASES 0 0 0 0 759 TB-EPHONE EXPENSE 0 0 0 0 760 UTILITIES 0 0 0 0 774 FACILITY REPAIRAI>V MAINT 0 0 0 0 776 OTHffi EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 0 0 0 0 799 M ISCB-LANEOUS Sffi\lICES AMJ CHARGES 0 0 0 0 700 SUB-TOTAL 19,693 23,820 24,020 24,175 802 OFRCE EQUlPM ENT 0 0 0 0 809 OTHffi MAJOR EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 800 SUB- TOTAL 0 0 0 0 277 Line Item 4c/:ollnts Parks & Recreation - Recreation 01-602 PARKS & RECREATION - RECREATION ACCOUNT 01-602 2004 2005 2005 2006 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted ACCOUNT NAM EIDEr AILED EXPLANATION Budget Budget Budget Budget 602 STAFF SALARIES & WAGES 81,849 88,023 88,023 93,052 603 LONGEVITY 0 0 0 0 610 OVERTIME & PR8\IIIUM PAY 0 0 0 0 614 STANDBY PAY 0 0 0 0 617 TB\lIP PffiSONNa - HOURLY 594 864 700 960 619 TIMP PffiSO/lNLfNQN..HOURL Y 36 0 0 0 620 FICA EXPENSE- BVIPLOYffi 5,035 5,511 5,511 5.829 622 MEDlCAUDENTAL INSURANCE 0 0 0 625 M BlICARE PORTION RCA 1,178 1,289 1,289 1,363 630 CCOERA RETIR8\IIENT EXP 3,283 3,521 3,521 3.722 640 OUTSIDE PffiSONAL Sffi\lICES 0 6.200 6,200 5,900 ACCOUNT #600 SUB- TOTAL 91,975 105,408 105,244 110,826 651 OFFICE SUPPLIES 0 0 0 0 654 PHOTOCOPY & PRINTING 11,875 19,618 18,000 20,208 655 POSTAGE COSTS 4,384 6,752 4,350 6,752 660 OPERATING SUPPLIES 3,854 6,705 6,600 12,013 ACCOUNT #650 SUB-TOTAL 20,113 33,075 28,950 38,973 702 CONFmENCE& MEETING EXPENSE 0 323 323 337 704 CONTRACTUAL Sffi\lICES 292 2.000 1,500 2,000 706 DlES, BOOKS, S\J3SCRlPTIONS 232 475 475 475 728 TRAlfIING 35 150 100 2,150 730 UfIIFORMS & PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 0 0 0 0 740 AUTO MILEAGE RBM BURSBVI ENT 196 360 200 364 750 PROFESSIONAL Sffi\lICES 0 1,800 1,800 3,800 755 COMPUTffi SOFTWARE 0 0 0 0 758 RENTALS & LEASES 0 0 0 0 759 TB-EPHONE EXPENSE 0 0 0 0 760 UTILITIES 0 0 0 0 774 FACILITY REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 0 0 0 0 776 OTHffi EQU PM ENT MAINTENANCE 0 0 0 0 799 MISC. Sffi\lICES & CHARGES 40,870 45,200 38,000 41,600 ACCOUNT #700 SUB-TOTAL 41,625 50,308 42,398 50,726 802\OFRCEFURN & EQlJPMENT 0 0 0 0 8091 OTHER MAJOR EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 ACCOUNT #800 SUB-TOTAL 0 0 0 0 176,592\ 200.5251 I 153,713\ 188,7911 I DEPARTMENT/ACCOUNT TOTALS 278 - - - - - - - Une Ite/ll Aatlllll(,\ Parks & Recreation - Parks Maintenance OJ -603 PARKS & REC - PARKS MAINT ACCOUNT 01-603 2004 2005 2005 2006 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted ACCOUNT NAM ElDET AILED EXPLANA TIO BudQet Budaet Budae t Budaet - 602 STAFF SALARIES & WAGES 581,037 581,693 603.271 335,346 603 LONGEVITY 0 0 0 0 610 OVERTIME & PR8\IIIUM PAY 11,221 17009 12,000 6,285 614 STAr-DBY PAY 6,602 11,201 7,000 4,264 617 TB\lI P PffiSONNa - HOURLY 63,414 112,325 90,000 126,261 619 TB\lI P PffiSONNEUNOfo.I.H()IR.. y 0 0 0 0 620 RCA EXPENSE - B\lIPLOYffi 40,425 36,065 36,065 20,791 622 MBlICAUDENTAL INSURANCE 0 0 0 0 625 MEDICARE PORTION RCA 9.444 8,435 8,435 4,863 630 CCOERA RErIR8\llENT EXP 22,426 23,268 23,268 11,358 640 OUTSIDE PffiSONAL Sffi\lICES 0 0 0 0 600 SUB-TOTAL I 734,569 789,996 780,039 509,168 651 OFRCESUPPLlES 500 500 500 500 655 POSTAGE COSTS 0 0 0 0 660 OPERATING SUPPLIES 75,208 51,515 53,326 56,915 663 HAZARDOUS WAST DISPOSAL 0 0 0 0 650 SUB-TOTAL I 75,708 52,015 53,826 57,415 702 C~E& MEETING EXPENSE 0 0 0 0 704 CONTRACTUAL Sffi\lICES 34.200 78,099 78,199 115,251 706 DlES, BOOKS. SlESCRlPTIONS 0 355 280 315 728 TRAINING 2,344 3,655 1,525 3,655 730 UfIIFORMS & PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 7,415 9,580 9,580 9,580 740 AUTO MILEAGE RBMBlR>B\lIENT 597 600 600 600 750 PROFESSIONAL Sffi\lICES 300 355 250 355 755 COMPUTffi SOFTWARE 0 0 0 0 758 RENTALS & LEASES 7,743 9,316 9,640 10.540 759 TB-EPHONE EXPENSE 0 0 0 0 760 UTILITIES 166,450 192,821 192,854 198,419 774 FACILITY REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 33,777 26,910 27,290 86,069 776 OTHffi EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 12,951 10,500 10,000 10,000 799 MISC. Sffi\lICES & CHARGES 0 0 0 10,000 700 SUB- TOT ALl 265,777 332,191 330,218 444,784 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 803 TOOLS & WORK EQUPMENT 0 0 0 4,500 805 COM M UfIICA TIONS EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 809 OTHffi MAJOR EQUIPMENT 5,060 18,456 17,580 7,050 812 BlILDlNG IMPROVB\lIENTS 0 5,000 5,000 0 800 SUB-TOTAL I 5,060 23,456 22,580 11,550 - - - - - - 279 Line item Accounts Parks & Recreation - Forestf) 01-604 PARKS & RECREATION - FORESTRY ACCOUNT 01-604 2004 2005 2005 2006 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted ACCOUNT NAM EIDEr AILED EXPLANATION Budget Budget Budget Budaet 602 STAFF SALARIES & WAGES 102,546 132,859 132,859 112,271 603 LONGEVITY 0 0 0 0 610 OVERTIMEAMJPRBVIIUM PAY 1,432 2,915 1,500 2,464 614 STANDBY 98 810 810 548 617 TBVlP PffiSONNa - H()IR.. Y 11,627 15,608 15,608 15.875 618 COURT PAY 0 0 0 0 620 RCA EXPENSE- B\lI PLOYffi 7,011 8,238 8,238 6,961 622 MEDICAL/DENTAL INSURANCE 0 0 0 0 625 MEDICARE PORTION RCA 1,640 1.926 1,926 1,628 630 CCOERA RETIR8\IIENT 4,178 5,315 5,315 4,491 640 OUTSIDE PERSONNB- Sffi\lICES 0 0 0 0 600 SUB- TOTAL 128,532 167,671 166,256 144.238 651 OFRCE SlPPLlES 46 500 500 500 653 POSTAGE 0 0 0 0 654 PHOTOCOPY & PRINTING 0 100 100 500 660 OPERATING SUPPLIES 5,922 29,677 23,004 20,712 663 HAZARDOUS WASTE DISPOSAL 0 250 0 250 650 SUB-TOTAL 5,968 30,527 23,604 21,962 702 CClI'I'ffiENCElM EETING 460 550 550 550 704 CONTRACTUAL Sffi\lICES 84,412 108,345 108,345 64,500 706 DU:SJBOOKS/SUBSCRlPTIONS 262 825 825 825 728 TRAlfIING 735 795 795 795 730 lJIIFORMS & PROTECTIVE CLOTHNG 1,457 2,676 2,126 2,126 740 MILEAGE RBM BlR>BV1 ENT 0 0 0 0 750 PROFESSIONAL Sffi\lICES 0 450 0 450 755 COM PUTffi SOFTWARE 0 0 0 0 758 RENTALS AND LEASES 0 200 200 200 759 TB-EPHONE EXPENSE 0 0 0 0 760 UTILITIES 0 2,500 2,500 2,500 774 FACILITY REPAIRAMJ MAINT 0 150 150 150 776 OTHffi EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 623 1,500 1,500 1,500 799 M ISCB-LANEOUS Sffi\lICES AMJ CHARGES 0 0 0 0 700 SUB-TOTAL 87.949 117,991 116,991 73,596 802 OFRCE EQUIPM ENT 0 0 0 0 805 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 800 SUB-TOTAL 0 0 0 0 239,7961 I 222,4491 316,1891 306,8511 I DEPARTMENT/ACCOUNT TOTALS, 280 - - - - - - - - - - .- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - U/I(' Ilelll 4('('01/111'\ Parks & Recreation - Open Space 01-605 PARKS & RECREATION - OPEN SPACE ACCOUNT 01-605 2004 Actual 2005 Estimated 2005 ACCOUNT NAM6'DETAILEDEXPLANATlON 602 STAFF SALARIES & WAGES 76,904 81,999 81,999 62,334 603 LONGEVITY 0 0 0 0 610 OVERTIME & PR8\IIIUM PAY 564 1485 1485 1,312 614 STANDBY PAY 1,276 1,373 1,373 1,936 617 TBVlP PffiSONNa - HOURLY 6,029 4,695 4,695 5,530 619 TB\lIP PERSOI'HLINCm-HOURL Y 0 0 0 0 620 FICA EXPENSE - B\lI PLOYffi 5,251 5,084 5,084 3,865 622 MEDlCAUDENTAL INSURANCE 0 0 0 0 625 MEDICARE PORTION FICA 1,228 1,189 1,189 904 630 CCOERA RErIRBVIENT EXP 3,076 3.280 3,280 1,456 640 OUTSIDEPffiSONAL Sffi\lICES 0 0 0 0 600 SUB-TOTAL I 94,328 99,105 99,105 77,337 651 OFRCE SUPPLIES 291 300 300 300 654 PHOTOCOPY & PRINTING 0 0 0 500 660 OPERATING SUPPLIES 14,627 10,000 10,000 10,200 663 HAZARDOUS WASTE DISPOSAL 20 200 200 200 650 SUB- TOTAL I 14,938 10,500 10,500 11,200 702 CONFERENCE & MEETING EXPENSE 422 325 0 325 704 CONTRACTUAL Sffi\lICES 21,840 47,500 27.500 23,400 706 DlES, BOOKS. SlESCRlPTIONS 146 150 150 150 728 TRAlfIING 15 75 75 100 730 UfIIFORMS & PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 736 960 960 960 740 AUTO MILEAGE RElMBURSB\lIENT 0 0 0 0 750 PROFESSIONAL Sffi\lICES 1,001 1.000 0 500 755 COM PUTffi SOFTWARE 0 0 0 0 758 RENTALS & LEASES 220 100 100 100 759 TB-EPHONE EXPENSE 0 0 0 0 760 UTILITIES 0 0 0 0 774 FACILITY REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 550 1,200 1,200 1,225 776 OTI-ER EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 0 0 0 0 799 MISC. Sffi\IICES & CHARGES 0 0 0 0 700 SUB-TOTAL I 24,930 51,310 29,985 26,760 804 8IIGINEffilNG & PHOTO EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 809 OTHffi MAJOR EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 800 SUB-TOTAL I 0 0 0 0 139,5901 115,2971 I 134,1961 160,9151 281 Line Item 'kCOIlIltS General Government - Central Charges 01-610 CENTRAL CHARGES ACCOUNT 01-610 2004 2005 2005 2006 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted ACCOUNT NAM6'DETAILED EXPLANATIC Budaet Bud(let Budaet Budget 602 COMPENSATED ABSENCES 0 0 0 0 621 VVORKERS COM PENSA TION 319,667 324,349 324,349 396,793 624 VVORKERS COM PENSA TION UfIINSlRD 0 60,000 60,000 60,000 626 MEDICAL 1,060,752 1,219,988 1 182,737 1,287,546 627 DENTAL 72,244 81.432 74,767 93,376 628 L TD'STD 61,333 75,256 61,125 71,286 629 LI FE! ADD'DEP 26,647 38,346 28,312 28,175 640 OUTSIDEPffiSONNa Sffi\lICES 0 0 0 0 600 SUB-TOTAL 1,540,643 1,799,371 1,731,290 1,937,176 651 OFRCE SLPPLlES 1,326 22 0 0 654 PHOTOCOPY/PRINTING 20,606 38,355 25,000 25,000 653 POSTAGE 26,524 35,000 30,000 30,000 660 OPERATING SUPPLIES 14,700 20,000 20,000 20,000 650 SUB-TOTAL 63,156 93,377 75.000 75,000 706 DlES, BOOKS, SlESCRlPTIONS 340 300 300 500 719 ECONOMIC DEVB-OPMENT INCENTIVE 0 0 0 0 720 DECONOMIC DEV INCENT SAFBlVAY 0 0 0 0 721 J8'FCO AfIIMAL SHa Tffi 0 0 0 0 728 SAFETYIWELLNESS 4,645 7,000 7,000 7,000 729 SAFETY 0 0 0 0 730 UfIIFORMS & PROTECTIVE CLOTHNG 0 0 0 0 740 MILEAGE RBMBlR>BV1 ENT 0 0 0 0 750 PROFESSIONAL Sffi\lICES 0 11,293 11.293 32,000 758 RENTALS AMlLEASES 32,843 36,000 36,000 35,000 759 TB-EPHONE EXPENSE 224,773 270,000 200,000 225,000 760 UTILITIES 0 0 0 0 776 OTHffiEQUlPMENT MAINTENANCE 2,686 5,000 2,500 2,500 781 PffiSONAL & PROP L1AB 135,164 168,267 168.267 170,527 782 UfIINSlRD LOSS 115.047 50,000 50,000 50,000 784 J8'FCO TREASURER COLL FEES 0 0 0 0 799 MISCB-LANEOUS Sffi\lICES AMl CHAR( 0 585 585 0 700 SUB-TOTAL 515,498 548,445 475,945 522,527 802 OFRCEFURNTURE& EQUIPMENT 1,295 1,000 1,000 1,000 805 COMMUfIICATlONS EQUIPMENT 165 1,500 500 500 808 CAPITAL LEASES 9,281 10,905 10,905 10,905 809 OTHffi MAJOR EQUlPM ENT 12,870 0 0 0 897 TRANSFffi TO SPECIAL FIJII)S 0 0 0 0 800 SUB-TOTAL 23,611 13,405 12,405 12,405 DEPARTMENT/ACCOUNT TOTALS. 2,142,908 2,454,598 2,294,640 2,547,108 - - - - - - - 282 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Lille Itelll 'kcol/Ilts Parks & Recreation - Anderson Building 01-620 PARKS & REC - AMlffiSON BLOC ACCOUNT 01-620 2004 2005 2005 2006 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted ACCOUNT NAM EIDEr AILED EXPLANA TIO Budaet Budael Budaet Bud(let 602 STAFF SALARIED & WAGES 0 0 0 0 603 LONGEVITY 0 0 0 0 610 OVERTIME & PR8\IIIUM PAY 42 0 0 0 614 ST AMJBY 0 0 0 0 617 TBVI P PffiSO/IN3... - H()IR.. Y 11,898 14,788 13,104 14,578 619 TB\lI P PffiSONIIEI... - NQN-H()IR.. Y 0 0 0 0 620 RCA EXPENSE- BVIPLOYffi 740 917 812 904 622 MEDlCAUDENTAL INSURANCE 0 0 0 0 625 MEDICARE PORTION RCA 173 214 190 211 630 CCOERA RETIR8\IIENT EXPENSE 0 0 0 0 640 OUTSIDE PffiSOI\IIEl.. Sffi\lICES 0 0 0 0 600 SUB- TOTALT 12,853 15,919 14,106 15,693 651 OFRCE SUPPLIES 0 0 0 0 654 PHOTOCOPY/PRINTING 0 0 0 0 655 POSTAGE 0 0 0 0 660 OPERATING SUPPLIES 0 0 0 0 650 SUB-TOTAL 1 0 0 0 0 702 CONFERENCElMEETING 0 0 0 0 704 CONTRACT Sffi\lICES 6,122 6,330 6,330 6,515 706 DlES, BOOKS, SUBSCRIPTIONS 0 0 0 0 728 TRAlfIING 0 0 0 0 730 UfIIFORMS & PROTECTIVE CLOTHNG 0 0 0 0 740 MILEAGE RBMBlR>B\lIENT 0 0 0 0 750 PROFESSIONAL Sffi\lICES 0 0 0 0 755 COM PUTffi SOFTWARE 0 0 0 0 758 RENTALS AMJ LEASES 0 0 0 0 759 TB-EPHOI>E EXPENSES 0 0 0 0 760 UTILITIES 35,062 36,000 36.000 36,000 774 FACILITY REPAIRE& MAINTENANCE 5,468 4,494 3,644 3.844 776 OTHffi EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 343 1,028 1,028 1,028 799 MISCB-LANEOUS Sffi\lICES & CHARGES 0 0 0 0 700 SUB-TOTAL I 46,995 47,852 47,202 47,387 802 OFRCE FURNTURE & EQUPM ENT 0 0 0 0 812 BUILDING 1M PROVBVIENTS 14,477 11,000 11,000 23,400 800 SUB-TOTAL I 14,477 11,000 11,000 23,400 72,3081 86,4801 I DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT TOTALS 74,3251 74,7711 283 Une Item 4cco/lf1(s Parks & Recreation - Athletics 01-62 I PARKS & REC - ATHLETIC ACCOUNT 01-621 2004 2005 2005 2006 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted ACCOUNT NAM EIDEr AILED EXPLANATION Budget Budget Budget Budget 602 STAFF SALARIES & WAGES 79,761 94,437 91,000 90,777 603 LONGEVITY 0 0 0 0 610 OVERTIM E AND PR8\IIIUM PAY 0 0 0 0 614 ST AI'VBY 0 0 0 0 617 TBVlP PffiSOIIN3.. - H()IR.. Y 6,254 11,644 11,000 11,017 619 TB\lIP PffiSONNa - NON-HOURL Y 7,559 8,049 8,049 8,724 620 FICA EXPENSE - BVI PLOYffi 6,087 7,076 7,076 6,852 622 MEDlCAUDENTIAL INSURANCE 0 0 0 0 625 MEDICARE PORTION FICA 1424 1,655 1,655 1,603 630 CCOERA RETIR8\IIENT 3,191 3,777 3,777 2,961 640 OUTSIDE PERSONNa Sffi\lICES 16,014 21,434 17,000 21,434 600 SUB- TOTAL I 120,290 148,072 139,557 143,368 651 OFRCE SUPPLIES 0 0 0 0 654 PHOTOCOPY/PRINTING 0 0 0 0 655 POSTAGE 0 0 0 0 660 OPERATING SUPPLIES 17,312 22.238 19.000 24,605 650 SUB-TOTAL I 17,312 22.238 19.000 24,605 702 CONFmENCElM EETING 430 430 430 645 704 CONTRACT Sffi\lICES 0 0 0 0 706 DUESlBOOKS/SUBSCRlPTIONS 30 150 150 225 728 TRAlfIING 0 0 0 0 730 UNIFORMS & PROTECTIVECLOTHNG 0 345 150 90 740 MILEAGE RBM BlR>B\lI ENT 63 500 500 810 750 PROFESSIONAL Sffi\lICES 0 0 0 0 755 COMPUTffi SOFTWARE 0 0 0 0 758 RENTALS AMJ LEASES 0 0 0 0 759 TB-EPHONE EXPENSE 0 0 0 0 760 UTILITIES 0 0 0 0 774 FACILITY REPAIRAMJ MAINTENANCE 2,795 2,800 0 0 776 OTHffiEQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 0 0 0 0 799 MISCB-LANEOUS Sffi\lICES & CHARGES 0 0 0 0 700 SUB- TOTAL I 3,318 4,225 1,230 1,770 802 TOOLS & WORK EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 809 OTHffi MAJOR EQUlPM ENT 0 0 0 0 800 SUB-TOTAL 1 0 0 0 0 169,7431 I 140,9201 174,5351 159,7871 I DEPARTMENT/ACCOUNT TOTALS 284 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Line IteJll j(,(,ollnt~ Parks & Recreation - General Programs 01-622 PARKS & REC - GENERAL PROGRAMS ACCOUNT 01-622 2004 2005 2005 2006 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted ACCOUNT NAMElDET AILED EXPLANATION Budget Budaet Budaet Budaet 602 STAFF SALARIES & WAGES 0 0 0 74,058 603 LONGEVITY 0 0 0 0 610 OVERTIME AND PR8\IIIUM PAY 0 0 0 0 614 STANDBY 0 0 0 0 617 TBVlP PffiSONf113... - H()IR.. Y 0 0 0 31,175 619 TBVlP PffiSONNa - NON-HOURL Y 0 0 0 28,898 620 RCA EXPENSE - B\lIPLOYffi 0 0 0 8,316 622 MEDlCAUDENTAL INSURANCE 0 0 0 0 625 M BlICARE PORTION RCA 0 0 0 1,945 630 CCOERA RETIR8\II ENT 0 0 0 2,962 640 OUTSIDE PffiSONNEL Sffi\lICES 0 0 0 10,440 600 SUB- TOTAL I 0 0 0 157,794 651 OFRCE SUPPLIES 0 0 0 0 654 PHOTOCOPYIPRlNTING 0 0 0 0 655 POSTAGE 0 0 0 0 660 OPERATING SUPPLIES 0 0 0 10,595 650 SUB-TOTAL I 0 0 0 10.595 702 CONFffiENCElM EETING 0 0 0 350 704 CONTRACT Sffi\lICES 0 0 0 0 706 DlESIBOOKSISlESCRlPTIONS 0 0 0 78 728 TRAlfIING 0 0 0 1415 730 UNIFORMS & PROTECTIVECLOTHNG 0 0 0 80 740 MILEAGE RBM BlR>B\lI ENT 0 0 0 245 750 PROFESSIONAL Sffi\lICES 0 0 0 0 755 COM PUTffi SOFTWARE 0 0 0 0 758 RENTALS AND LEASES 0 0 0 0 759 TB-EPHONE EXPENSE 0 0 0 0 760 UTILITIES 0 0 0 0 774 FACILITY REPAIRAMJ MAINTENANCE 0 0 0 0 776 OTHffiEQUlPMENT MAINTENANCE 0 0 0 0 799 M ISCB-LANEOUS Sffi\lICES AND CHARGES 0 0 0 0 700 SUB-TOTAL I 0 0 0 2,168 802 OFRCEFURNTURE& EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 809 OTHffi MAJOR EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 800 SUB- TOTAL I 0 0 0 0 01 01 170,5571 01 285 Une Item ,lceounl,\ Parks & Recreation - Outdoor Pool 01-623 PARKS & REC - GENERAL PROGRAMS ACCOUNT 01-623 2004 2005 2005 2006 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted ACCOUNT NAM EIDEr AILED EXPLANATION BudQet Bud(let Bud(let Bud(lel 602 STAFF SALARIES 0 0 0 0 603 LONGEVITY 0 0 0 0 610 OVERTIMEANDPR8\IIIUM PAY 26 450 400 450 614 STANDBY 0 0 0 0 617 TB\lI P PffiSONNB... - HOURLY 37,263 67,355 58,576 60,631 619 TB\lI P PffiS0NN8... - NON-H()IR.. Y 0 0 0 0 620 RCA EXPENSE- B\lIPLOYffi 2,312 4,204 3,860 3,787 622 MEDlCAUDENTAL INSURANCE 0 0 0 0 625 MEDICARE PORTION RCA 541 983 865 886 630 CCOERA RETIR8\IIENT EXP 0 0 0 0 640 OUTSIDE PffiSONNB- Sffi\lICES 0 0 0 0 600 SUB- TOTAL I 40,142 72,992 63,701 65,754 651 OFRCESUPPLlES 0 0 0 0 654 PHOTOCOPY/PRINTING 0 0 0 0 655 POSTAGE 0 0 0 0 660 OPERATING SUPPLIES 16,249 22,848 17 ,500 21 ,463 650 SUB- TOTAL I 16,249 22,848 17,500 21 ,463 702 CONFmENCElM EETING 0 0 0 0 704 CONTRACT Sffi\lICES 0 0 0 0 706 DlES/BOOKS/S\J3SCRlPTIONS 0 0 0 0 728 TRAINING 0 0 0 0 730 UfIIFORM S & PROTECTIVE CLOTHNG 0 350 200 0 740 MILEAGE RBM BlRSB\lI ENT 0 0 0 0 750 PROFESSIONAL Sffi\lICES 0 0 0 0 755 COM PUTffi SOFTWARE 0 0 0 0 758 RENTALS AND LEASES 0 0 0 0 759 TB-EPHONE EXPENSE 0 0 0 0 760 UTILITIES 0 0 0 0 774 FACILITY REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 7,025 7,250 4,035 8,350 776 OTHffi EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 0 0 0 0 799 MISCB-LANEDU Sffi\lICES & CHARGES 0 0 0 0 700 SUB-TOTAL I 7,025 7,600 4,235 8,350 802 OFFICE FURfIITURE & EQUlPM ENT 0 0 0 0 809 OTHffi MAJOR EQUIPMENT 3,335 5.600 2,500 3,850 800 SUB- TOTAL 1 3,335 5,600 2,500 3,850 66,7511 109,0401 87,9361 99,417\ I DEPARTMENT/ACCOUNT TOTALS 286 - - - - - - - - Une Item AL'l'()l/ltts Parks & Recreation - Senior/Community Center () 1-624 IPARKS & REC - COMMUNITY CTR ACCOUNT 01-624 2004 2005 2005 2006 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted ACCOUNT NAM ElDET AILED EXPLANA TIOI Budget Budget Budget Budget - 602 STAFF SALARIES & WAGES 144.811 167,787 162,573 180,884 603 LONGEVITY 0 0 0 0 610 OVERTIM E AND PR8\IIIUM PAY 0 0 0 0 614 STANDBY 0 0 0 0 617 TB\lI P PffiSONNB- - HOLR.. Y 22,921 40,504 36,000 36,918 619 TB\lI P PffiSONNEL - NON-HOURL Y 9,469 9,540 12,000 13,853 620 RCA EXPENSE - B\lI PLOYffi 10.464 12,584 13,056 14,729 622 MBlICAUDENTAL INSURANCE 0 0 0 0 625 MEDICARE PORTION RCA 2.453 2,943 3,054 3,445 630 CCOERA RETIR8\IIENT 5,813 6,117 6,503 7,235 640 OUTSIDE PffiSOIIN3.. Sffi\lICES 22,058 21,250 24,000 28.461 600 SUB-TOTAL I 217.989 260,725 257.186 285,525 651 OFRCE SUPPLIES 24 0 0 0 654 PHOTOCOPY/PRINTING 4,906 5,600 5,600 5,900 655 POSTAGE 1,487 2,300 2,300 2,300 660 OPERATING SUPPLIES 16,688 17,535 17,535 19,650 650 SUB- TOTAL I 23,105 25.435 25,435 27,850 702 CQllFffiENCElMEETING 5421 645 645 645 704 CONTRACT Sffi\lICES 22,4411 27 405 25 000 28,230 706 DUESlBOOKS/SlESCRlPTIONS 625 280 280 380 728 TRAlfIING 928 680 680 680 730 lHFORMS & PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 0 0 0 0 740 MILEAGE RBM ElI.mB\ll ENT 175 225 200 243 750 PROFESSIONAL Sffi\lICES 0 0 0 0 755 COMPUTffi SOFTWARE 0 0 0 0 758 RENTALS AND LEASES 0 0 0 0 759 TB-EPHONE EXENSE 0 0 0 0 760 UTILITIES -1,395 16,800 21.000 18,330 774 FACILITY REPAIRE & MAINTENANCE 6,241 8,100 6,000 10,800 776 OTHffi EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 498 1,175 1,000 1,175 799 MISCB-LANEOUS Sffi\lICES & CHARGES 0 0 0 0 700 SUB- TOTAL I 30,055 55,310 54,805 60,483 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 802 OFRCE FURNITURE & EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 809 OTHffi MAJOR EQUIPMENT 0 9,000 9,000 0 812 BUILDING 1M PROVB\lI ENTS 35,684 12,000 12,000 37,000 800 SUB-TOTAL I 35,684 21,000 21,000 37,000 - 410,8581 1 306,8331 362,4701 358.4261 - - 287 Line Item Accounts Police Investigation Fund - 17 2004 2005 2005 2006 ACTUAL ADJUSTED ES lIMA TED ADO PTED 17-580-00-589 BEGINNI1'>G F1JND BALANCE $116.773 $49,423 $58.795 $14,045 REVINUES 17-580-00-581 INTERESf $680 $250 $250 $100 17-580-00-588 MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE $0 $5,000 $0 $0 17 -590-00-591 TRANSFER FROM GENERAL FUND $0 $0 $0 $0 17-590-00-592 TRANSFER FROM CAP IT AL FUND $0 $0 $0 $0 $117,453 . 10 TAL REVFNUES $54,673 $59,045 $14.145 - - - - - - - - EXPINDITIJIilll 17-202-650-660 FUND PURCHASES - OPERATING SUPPLIES $58,658 $50,000 $45,000 $8,795 10 TAL EXPEl'iD ITIJIilll $58.658 $50,000 $45 000 $8,795 - - - - - - FNDING F1JND BALANCE $58,795 54,673 $14,045 $5,350 - - - - - - 288 N co C!:! 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Y 176,236 205,948 190,000 196,290 619 TB\lI PORARY PERSQIINi. - r<<:lN-HOlR.. , 0 0 0 0 620 RCA EXPENSE- B\lIPLOYffi 28,410 31,984 31,984 32,812 622 MEDlCAUDI:M"AL INSURANCE 65,284 71 ,793 71793 74,589 625 MEDICARE PORTION RCA 6,644 7,480 7,480 7,674 630 CCOERA RETIRBVIENT 9,806 11,803 11,803 11,952 640 ourSIDE PffiSOIIN3... Sffi\lICES 0 0 0 0 600 SUB-TOTAL I 582,267 638,924 622.976 652,632 651 OFRCE SUPPLIES 2,439 2,800 2,500 2,800 654 PHOTOCOPY/PRINTING 0 0 0 0 655 POSTAGE 370 470 470 470 660 OPERATING SUPPLIES 57.574 58,178 55,000 67,085 650 SUB-TOTAL I 60,383 61448 57,970 70,355 702 CClN'mENC6'MEETING 2,425 1,635 1,635 2,435 704 CONTRACT Sffi\lICES 61,605 68.097 65,000 70,597 706 l:U5IBOOKSISlESCRlPTIONS 75 150 150 150 719 SALES TAX REFtN:lS 0 0 0 0 728 TRAlfIING 2,037 1, 632 1,632 1,632 730 UfllFORMS & PROTECTIVE CLOTHNG 1,043 3.848 3,848 1,800 740 AUTO ALL<MIANCE 432 673 673 774 750 PROFESSIONAL Sffi\lICES 0 0 0 0 755 COMPUTffi SOFTWARE 0 3,000 3,000 1,500 758 RENTALS AN) LEASES 2,601 2.280 2,280 3,780 760 UTILITIES 300,846 311.040 311,000 311,040 774 FACILITY REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 77,692 86,374 75,000 79,000 776 OTHffi EQUlPM ENT MAINTENANCE 12,311 12,600 12,000 20,400 799 MISCB-LANEOUS Sffi\IICES & C 0 0 0 0 700 SlB- TOTAL I 461,067 491,329 476,218 493,108 809 OTHffi MAJOR EQUIPMENT 15,000 0 0 6.200 812 BULDlNG IMPROVB\lIENTS 0 0 0 71,708 800 SlB- TOTAL I 15,000 0 0 77. 908 11,118.7171 1,191,7011 1,157,1641 1,294.0031 IDEPARTMENT/ACCOlM TOTALS 297 Une Item .Jcc/lullfs Recreation Center - Aquatics 64-604 Rec Center - Aquatics Account: 64-604 2004 2005 2005 2006 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted ACCOUNT NAM ElDET AILED EXPLANATION Bud(let BudQel Bud(let Bud(let 602 STAFF WAGES 153,878 160,959 160,959 169,049 604 Dt:t-t::KKW COM PENSA TION 0 0 0 0 606 AUTO ALLOWANCE 0 0 0 0 610 OVERTIME AND PR8\IIIUM PAY 418 7,560 450 3,500 617 TBVI PORARY PffiSONNa - HOURI.. Y 233,290 291,152 289,520 290,428 619 TB\lI PORARY PffiSONNa - NON HOURI.. Y 0 0 0 0 620 RCA EXPENSE- B\lIPLOYffi 23,882 28,500 28,500 28,705 622 MBlICAUDENTAL INSURANCE 16,298 16,434 16,434 21,813 625 MEDICARE PORTION RCA 5,585 6,665 6,665 6.713 630 CCOERA RETIRBVIENT 6,113 6,438 6,438 6,762 640 OUTSIDE PffiSONNa Sffi\lICES 0 0 0 0 600 SUB- TOTAL 439,464 517,708 508,966 526,970 651 OFRCE SUPPLIES 0 0 0 0 654 PHOTOCOPY/PRINTING 0 0 0 0 655 POSTAGE 0 0 0 0 660 OPERATING SUPPLIES 41,298 50,034 49,584 52,498 650 SUB-TOTAL 41,298 50,034 49,584 52,498 702 CONFmENCElM EETING 215 215 215 225 704 CONTRACT Sffi\lICES 0 0 0 0 706 DUES/BOOKS/SUBSCRIPTIONS 38 50 50 50 727 EXPENSE RBM BlR>B\lI ENT 0 0 0 0 728 TRAINING 5,000 4,516 4,956 5,556 730 UfIIFORMS & PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 1,986 2,798 2,600 2,618 740 MILEAGE RBM BlR>B\lIENT 0 0 0 0 741 lJIIFORM ALLOWANCE 0 0 0 0 759 TB-EPHONE EXPENSE 0 0 0 0 776 OTHffi EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 0 0 0 0 799 M ISCB-LANEOUS Sffi\lICES AND CHARGES 0 0 0 0 700 SUB-TOTAL 7.239 7,579 7,821 8,449 802 OFRCEEQUPMENT 0 0 0 0 809 OTHffi MAJOR EQUlPM ENT 2,772 10,750 9,850 39,500 800 SUB-TOTAL 2,772 10,750 9,850 39,500 627,4171 I 490,7731 586,0711 576,2211 I DEPARTMENT/ACCOUNT TOTALS. 298 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Une Itelll 1ceoulll.\' Recreation Center - Fitness 64-6()5 - Rec Center - Fitness Account: 64-605 2004 2005 2005 2006 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted ACCOUNT NAM EIDEr AILS) EXPLANATION Budaet Budaet BudQel Bud(let - 602 STAFF WAGES 39,167 40.738 38,589 39 704 604 lJEFIRRED COM PENSA TION 0 0 0 0 606 AUTO ALLOWANCE 0 0 0 0 610 OVERTIM E AND PR8\IIIUM PAY 0 0 0 0 617 TBVlPORARY PffiSO/INi.. - H()IR.. Y 165,341 173,038 155,000 154,697 619 TB\lIPORARY PffiSO/INi.. - NON HOURI.. Y 66,177 47,230 80,000 79,870 620 FICA EXPENSE- B\lI PLOYffi 16,691 15,989 17,000 17,005 622 MEDlCAUDENTAL INSURANCE 9,894 12,034 11,000 5,228 625 MEDICARE PORTION RCA 3,903 3.739 4,000 3,977 630 CCOERA RETIR8\IIENT 1,567 1,630 1,544 794 640 OUTSIDE PffiSO/INi.. Sffi\lICES 3,182 3,330 4,000 1,620 600 SUB-TOTAL 305,922 297,728 311133 302.895 - - - - - - 651 OFRCE SUPPLIES 0 0 0 0 653 POSTAGE 77 120 120 120 654 PHOTOCOPY/PRINTING 0 0 0 0 660 OPERATING SUPPLIES 7,545 5,420 7,120 7,066 650 SUB-TOTAL 7,622 5,540 7,240 7,186 - - - - 702 CONFmENCElM EETING 215 250 250 225 704 CONTRACT Sffi\lICES 38 365 365 365 706 DlESIBOOKSISUBSCRlPTIONS 0 38 38 38 718 ORDINANCE ENFORCB\lIENT 0 0 0 0 728 TRAlfIING 963 964 964 1,164 730 \JIlIFORMS & PROTECTlVECLOTHNG 0 0 0 0 740 AUTO ALLOWANCE 0 100 100 100 755 COM PUTffi SOFTWARE 0 0 0 0 759 TB-EPHONE EXPENSE 0 0 0 0 776 OTHffi EQUIPM ENT MAINTENANCE 0 0 0 0 799 MISCB-LANEOUS Sffi\lICES AMJ CHARGEl 0 0 0 0 700 SUB-TOTAL 1,216 1,717 1,717 1,892 - - - - - - - - - - 802 OTHffi EQUIPM ENT 0 0 0 0 809 OTHffi MAJOR EQUIPMENT 53,609 13.200 11,500 21,900 800 SUB- TOTAL 53,609 13,200 11,500 21,900 - - I DEPARTMENT/ACCOUNT TOTALS, 1 368.3691 318,1851 333,8731 331,5901 - - - 299 Une Item .jceollnts Recreation Center - Marketing 64-607 Rec Center - Marketing Account: 64-607 2004 2005 2005 2006 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted ACCOUNT NAM ElDET AILED EXPLANATION Budget Budget Budget Budget 602 STAFF WAGES 19,607 20,671 20,671 21,953 604 Dt:t-t::KKW COMPENSATION 0 0 0 0 606 AUTO ALLOWANCE 0 0 0 0 610 OVERTIME AND PR8\IIIUM PAY 0 0 0 0 617 TBVI PORARY PERSONIB... - H()IR.. Y 0 0 0 0 619 TBVlPORARY PffiSOIIN3... - NON HOURLY 0 0 0 0 620 RCA EXPENSE- BVIPLOYffi 1136 1,282 1,282 1,361 622 MEDlCAUDENTAL INSURANCE 5,221 6,351 6,351 5,861 625 MEDICARE PORTION RCA 266 300 300 318 630 CCOERA RETIRBVIENT 784 827 827 878 640 OUTSIDE PffiSONNa Sffi\lICES 0 0 0 0 ACCOUNT #600 SUB-TOTAL 27,014 29,431 29,431 30,371 I 653 POSTAGE 0 0 0 0 654 PHOTOCOPY/PRINTING 22,094 21,573 18,500 22,210 655 POSTAGE 5,072 6,382 5,500 6,937 660 OPERATING SUPPLIES 12,554 17440 15,500 20,168 ACCOUNT #650 SUB- TOTAL 39,720 45,395 39,500 49,315 I 702 CONFmENCElMEETING 0 0 0 0 704 CONTRACT Sffi\lICES 0 0 0 0 706 DUESlBOOKS/SlBSCRlPTIONS 101 240 100 240 728 TRAlfIING 0 150 100 150 730 UNIFORMS & PROTECTIVE CLOTHNG 0 0 0 0 740 AUTO ALLOWANCE 22 135 135 145 750 PROFESSIONAL Sffi\lICES 0 2,250 2,250 4,250 755 COM PUTffi SOFTWARE 0 150 0 200 759 TB-EPHONE EXPENSE 0 0 0 0 776 OTHffiEQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 0 0 0 0 799 M ISCB-LANEOUS Sffi\lICES AMJ CHARGB 0 0 0 0 ACCOUNT #700 SUB- TOTAL 123 2,925 2,585 4,985 I 802 OFRCE EQUPM ENT 0 0 0 0 809 OTHffi MAJOR EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 ACCOUNT #800 SUB-TOTAL 0 0 0 0 - - - - - - - - - - - I DEPARTM ENT /ACCOUNT TOTALS. I 66,8571 77,7511 71,5161 84,6711 300 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Line Item 4CCO/lllts Recreation Center - Therapuetic Recreation 64-608 Rec Center - Theraputie Ree Account: 64-608 2004 2005 2005 2006 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted ACCOlM NAM6'1ET AILED EXPLANATION Bud(let Budget Budaet Budaet 602 STAFF WAGES 13,060 13,373 13,373 0 610 OVOOIME AM) PR8III11WI PAY 0 0 0 0 614 ST AfIIEY PAY 0 0 0 0 617 T8'I1PORARY PffiSOfII'ti.. - HOlRL Y 4,147 5,553 4,100 0 619 TB\lI PORARY PERSClI'I'-B.. - IIlJN.HOlRL Y 0 1.500 900 0 620 RCA EXPENSE- B\lIPLOYffi 959 1.266 1,520 0 622 MEDlCAUDENTAL INSI.RAICE 1,968 1,828 1.974 0 625 MEDCARE PaUION RCA 224 296 355 0 630 CCOERA RETIREMENT 511 267 390 0 640 OUTSIDE PERSClI'I'-B.. smvlCES 4,026 4,310 4,310 0 600 SUB-TOTAL I 24,895 28,393 26,922 0 651 OFFICE SLPPUES 0 0 0 0 654 PI-Ol'OCOPY/PRINTING 0 0 0 0 655 POSTAGE 0 0 0 0 660 OPERATING SlJ>PLlES 824 1,985 1.985 0 650 SUB-TOTAL I 824 1,985 1,985 0 702 C~6'MEETING 125 125 0 0 704 CONTRACT smvlCES 0 0 0 0 706 Dl.IBIBOOKSISlI3SCRlPTICN> 0 38 38 0 718 ORDINANCE 8IFORCB\lIENT 0 0 0 0 728 TRAlfIING 30 430 130 0 730 IJIIFCRv'IS & PROTECTIVECLOTHNG 0 80 0 0 740 AUTO ALLOWANCE 0 45 45 0 750 PfUESlONAL smvlCES 0 0 0 0 755 COMPUTffi SOFTWARE 0 0 0 0 760 UTILITIES 0 0 0 0 774 FACILITY REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 0 0 0 0 776 OTI-IR EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 0 0 0 0 799 MISCB-LANEOUS smvlCES & CHARGES 0 0 0 0 700 SUB-TOTAL 1 155 718 213 0 802 OFFICE EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 809 OTI-IR MAJOR EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 800 SUB-TOTAL I 0 0 0 01 I [S>ARTMENT/ACCOlM TOTALS 25,8741 31,0961 29,1201 301 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - U/le Item /lcC/JII/lts Recreation Center - General Programs 64-609 Rec Center - General Programs Account: 64-609 2004 2005 2005 2006 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted ACCOUNT NAM EIDEr AILED EXPLANATION Bud(let BudQet BudQet Bud(let 602 STAFF WAGES 51745 53,010 53,010 0 604 1A::t-t::KKW COM PENSA TION 0 0 0 0 606 AUTO ALLOWANCE 0 0 0 0 610 OVERTIMEANDPR8\IIIUM PAY 0 0 0 0 617 TBVlPORARY PffiSONNB- - H()IR.. Y 11,700 29,772 20,000 0 619 TBVlPORARY PffiSONNB- - NON HOURI.. Y 24,905 25,120 25,000 0 620 FICA EXPENSE- BVIPLOYffi 5.273 6.938 5.000 0 622 MEDlCAUDENTAL INSURANCE 10,542 12,751 12,751 0 625 MEDICARE PORTION RCA 1,233 1,623 1,500 0 630 CCOERA RETIRBVI ENT 2,070 2,120 2,120 0 640 OUTSIDE PffiSONNa Sffi\lICES 5,916 10,210 5,500 0 600 SUB-TOTAL 113,384 141,544 124,881 0 651 OFRCE SUPPLIES 0 0 0 0 654 PHOTOCOPY/PRINTING 0 0 0 0 655 POSTAGE 0 0 0 0 660 OPERATING SUPPLIES 4,360 5,660 5,000 0 650 SUB- TOTAL 4,360 5,660 5,000 0 702 CONFffiENCElM EEfING 225 252 225 0 704 CONTRACT Sffi\lICES 0 0 0 0 706 DlESIBOOKS/SUBSCRlPTIONS 38 88 88 0 718 ORDINANCE 8'l'ORCBVI ENT 0 0 0 0 728 TRAINING 420 985 985 0 730 UfIIFORMS 0 80 0 0 740 AUTO ALLOWANCE 14 187 187 0 755 COM PUTffi SOFTWARE 0 0 0 0 759 TB-EPHOI>E EXPENSE 0 0 0 0 776 OTHffiEQUPMENT MAINTENANCE 0 0 0 0 799 M ISCB-LANEDUS Sffi\lICES AMJ CHARGEl 0 0 0 0 700 SUB-TOTAL 697 1,592 1,485 0 802 OFFICEEQUPMENT 0 0 0 0 809 OTHffiMAJOR EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 800 SUB-TOTAL 0 0 0 0 I DEPARTM ENT/ACCOUNT TOTALS, 1118,4411 148,7961 131,3661 01 302 - GLOSSARY - Adjusted - Adjusted, as used 111 the depat1ment and dIV]SIOn SUml11alleS w]thll1 the budget document, rep- resents the budget Il1cludmg any mId-year altiustments. M1d-year al~ustments, mcreasmg a department's bud- get. arc approved by C It) Council VIa the adoptlon of a supplemental budget appropnatlon. (lther mId-year adjustments w]thm a department"; budget may be made VJa budget rCVISlons. movll1g funds !Tom one or more accounts wlthm a dlvlslon or department to an- othcr account w1th1l1 that d1vlslon or department. Ad- .lusted budget m thIS document mcludes any adJust- ments made through i\ugust 3 I , 2005 - - - - - - Admission! Amusement Tax - i\n excise ta.\ offour percent (400), effectIve January 1, 1 9t<6, levled on each person who pays to gam admlss10n or access to a performance of a motlOn pIcture or to the use of lanes and pm setters for bO\\ Ill1g balls m a bowlmg alley located 111 'vVheat R]dge Effect]ve January I, 19XY, the llty added m1l1iature golfto the classlfica- t10n and rcqUlred an adnllsslOn tax to be levlCd. - - - - - - - Adopted - Adopted. as used 111 the department and dIVISIOn summalles wlthm the budget documcnt. rep- resents the budget as approved by the Clly COlll1CJ1 - - - Budget - The Clty's operatlOnal and functIOnal plan balancmg expendItures for a fiscal year WIth the ex- pected 1l1come or revenue for the iiscal year - - - Budget Message - A summary and general dlscus- s]on of the proposed budget, accompanymg the bud- get document. The budget message IS presented 111 Wlltll1g by the City Manager. - - - - Business License Fees - Effectlve December, I ')g6, the CIty m1posed an annual busmess hcense fee f()f all vendors domg busmess wlthm the Clty Inmts of Wheat RId~e A $5 00 first-tnne applIcatIOn fee IS charged for new busmesses, and an annual renewal fee of S20 00 (effective January 1,20(4) IS charged Janu- ary I of each ycar and collected on the January sales tax retum torm, - - - - - - Capital Investment Pmgram (CIP) - A compre- hens]ve program whIch proJects the financll1g and con- structIOn of maiOI' durable and fixed assets. such as streets, buddll1gs, parks, water and sewer 1ll1es. Capital Outlay - Those Items such as eqUlpment, machmery vehIcles, or tl.lmlture mc ludedm the oper- atmg budgct and necessary t()r the delIvery ofser- VlCes. Community De'Vclopmcnt Block Grant (CDBG) - CDBG funds are receIved annually from the U.S Depal1ment ofHousmg and lIrbanDewlopment. The funds are restncted to commulllty development proJects that benefit lovy and moderate Il1come resI- dents m the ( It; and help to elnnmate blIght condi- tions. Department - A department IS a component ofthe overall CIty organlzatlon. Otten includmg muluple di- V]SlOnS, It]S headed by a dIrector and has an estab- hshed specIfic and ul1llJue set of goals and obJectIves to proVIde servIces to the c1t1zen and orgal1lzatJon (e.g. Admmlstral]ve Servlces. PolIce, PublIc Works, Com- mumty Development, Parks & RecreatIon, etc ). Encumbrances (encumbered) - An encumbrance reserves funds wllh111 a budget account tor a speCl- tied dollar amount for unpertoffi1ed contracts Jor goods or serVlces. They cease to be encumbrances when paId, canceled, or when the actual lIabIlIty ]S created. Elevator Inspection Fees - Busll1esses located 111 Wheat RIdge that have operatlOnal elevators must have thcm 1l1spectecl each December for safety The City charges S 150 00 for each elevator II1speCl10n. Enhanced Sales Tax Incentive Program (ESTlP)- An econom1C development proh'Tam to encourage the establIshment and/or substantial ex.panslon of retail sales tax generatmg busmessess wlthm the City through the shareback of sales tax revenues above a negol]- ated base amount. 3113 Glossary Estimated - As used throughout the budget docu- ment, thIS term repre,ents an antICIpated year end expendIture or revenue Expenditures - The use offinanClal resources for the operatIons of the Clly Each expenditure results m a decrease mnet tinanclal resources. They melude such Items as employee salarIes, operation supplies. and capItal outlays. Fire District Dispatching Fees - Thc CIty and the \Vheat R]dgc FJrc DistrIct cntered mto an Il1tergm- ern mental agreement which stIpulates that the FIre DIstrIct will pay to the CIty an agreed upon amount to be used for fundmg of an emergency services spe- CIalist (dispatcher) 111 the Police CommUl1lCatlon DIVI- sIon. Full Time Equivalent (FTE) - A personnel posIt1On tinanced for the eqUIvalent of40 hours per wee~ for 52 weeks. For example, a OS FTE could wor" 20 hours per week for 52 weeks or 40 hours per wee~ for 26 weeks. Fund - Each ImliVldual fund IS a separate accountl11g entlty havmg Its own assets, Iiabilit]e" revenues and expenditures. C ]ty finanCial resources are allocated to and accounted for ll1mdlvldual funds based on le- gal or admllllstratJve restnctlons or requIrements. Fund Balance - The net dlflerence between expen- dltures and revenues at the end of the tiscal year GASB - GovcmmentAccountl11g Standards Board. GeneralJ;'und - The fund used to account for all fmancJaI resources not speCIfically emarked for other purposes. The General Fund IS Ihe pnmary operatmg fund for the City of Wheat RIdge Grants - Contributions or gIfts of cash or other as- sets from another gO\ emment, or a pnvate or non- profit entity Grants are generally to be used or ex- pended for a speclfic purpose, actlv]ty, or faClhty 304 Interest Income - Interest Income IS the amount of revenue eamed on mvestments and cash depOSIts. The gUldelmes for generatmg thIS source of revenue arc found 111 thc l11vestmcnt policIes of the City The re\- enue IS used to fund CIty programs. I ntergovernlTIentaI Revenue - Revenue, leVied by one governmcnt but shared on a predetcrIllIned baSIS WIth another government or class ofgo\ernments (grants, loans, vehlclehghway tax, etc ), .Jefferson Count)' Road and Bridge Tax - Each county 111 the state mamtal11S a county road and brIdge fund tor road and bndge constructIOn, mamtenance, and admll1lstratlon, tunded by a mill levy propcrty tax. Each mUl1lc]pality located 111 any county IS entltled to receIve the revenue accrull1g to Said funds, fll]' thc purpose of construction and mall1tenance ofroads and streets located wlthm the CIty'S boundanes. Le- gally, tIllS IS the only use for these funds. - - - - - License Revenue - A fee tllr conductmg busll1ess wlthll1the CIty of Wheat RIdge ThIS fee I~ tYPIcally leVIed on beer or hquor, constructIon, and a vanety of other regulated busll1esses. - - - - Liquor Hearing Fees - The CIty charges S500 OU per each new liquor license locatIon, TIllS tee IS for a pubhc hearll1g and survey for cItIzens hvmg 111 the VI- CIl1lty orthe new liquor estabhshment, to deten11lne whether they approvc of the estabhshment bemg 111 theIr neIghborhood, or not. - Liquor Occupational Tax - An occupatIon tax Ie\- led on all operators lIcensed to sell vanous claSSifica- tIOns ofhquor wlthm the Clly lImits, Operators are bIlled annually based on a schedule and classlficallon set by mUl1lclpal code. Lodger's Tax - An excIse tax. effective January I, ] lIl:;6, leVIed on the pnce pmd or charged for the lcase, rental, or fumIshmg of rooms or other public accom- modatIons 111 any hotel, apartment hotel, guest house, guest ranch, mobile home, auto camp, traller court or - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - GloSSal)' park, or any other placc fumlshmg rooms or other accommodatIOns. I n I l)lJX. \ oters approved an 111- creasc ofLodger"s Tax to 1 O~O. The tax leVIed and collected IS at the rate of I ()O" of the purchase prIce paId. and IS m heu ofthe City" sales tax. The Lodger's Tax IS dlVlded bet\\een thc (,cneral. elP, and Hotel Motel !-unds, MAPO - Multiple Assembly of Procurement om- clals, Cooperative orgalllzatlOn WIth other mUlllclpaL county, speCial (lIstnct and school dlstncts for the sole purpose ofobtall1ll1g the highest level of value t(xtax- payers by collectIvely ISSUll1g solicltatlons for goods and servIces common ly required by local government agencIes. Materials and ~upplies - Includes adnlll1lstratlve costs such as otllce supplies, operatmg supphes, pho- tocopy and pnntmg expenses, postage, 011 and gas. etc Motor Vehicle Registration Fees - State law re- qUIres payment of an aIU1ual regIstratIon tee for all velllcles. The amount of the fee IS based on the class and use of the \ ehlc Ie Out of each fee pmd by the owner of the vehIcle, $2.50 IS credIted to the county wlthm which the vehicle IS registered. In additIon to the base fee, an addItIOnal fee of $1.50 IS paid for every motor vehIcle. trailer. and semItrailer. Both fees collected by the County are allocated among the ( ounty and cllles wnhm the county on the baSIS ofthe number of vehIcles regIstered m each cIty and the un- mcorporated area of the county The revenue recelVed by a county. cIty or town from the regIstratIOn fees must be spent on the construdlon or mamtcnance of roads and bndges. Municipal Court Fines - All fines are set by thc court for each VIOlator. wlthm legally sct Inmts. li-affic tickets, summons.JUl)' tnab. and forfclturcs arc re- ceIVed by the Fmance DIVISIOn from the MUl11clpal Court as cIty revenuc Operating Budget - Thc 3lU1ual operatmg budget IS the pnmary means by wlllch most ofthc financmg, acqUISItion, spcndmg, and servlcc dchvcry actlvltles ot a government are controlled. Other Services and Charges - Includes such Items as dues. subscnptlons, travel and trall1l11g expenscs, profeSSional fees and Uttllty charges. Park and Recreation Fces - The fees and charges assessed for recreatIon programs, actlV'ltles and ser- vices reflect all thc direct costs of the program plus 3()O" to cover adm1111 stratlve costs. DIrect costs m- clude such ltems as supphes, referees, stafftlllle and other direct expendItures made by the Oty to oper- ate a speCific program Admmlstratlve fees reflect the cost of Items such as uttlltles. brochure pubhca- tlons, pcrn1anent statftlllle,.1allltonal \vork and build- II1g mamtenance Only a portion of these expenses are coy ered. Personnel Services - CompensatIOn for direct la- bor of persons m the employment ofthe City,: mcludes salanes, wages and benefits for tull-tnne. part-lIIlle, and temporary work. Il1cludmg overtime and SImilar compensation. Property Tax - A tax leVIed by the CIty on the as- sessed valuatIon ofa11 taxable property located wlthm the Clly calculated usmg the mIll levy State Highway Users' Tax Fund (HUTF) - The HIghway Users' Tax Fund IS compnsed of several revenue sources. The first IS the net revenues denved from Imposiuon of any hcense orreg1strahon tee. from any "ton-mile" or "passenger-mIle" tax, trom penalty orJudlclal asscssments. from certam mlscellancous collectIOns, and from excIse taxes on gasolll1e or other hqUld motor fucl.The second source IS the add1l10nal revcnue raIsed by eXCIse taxcs on gasohne or other I1qUld motor fuel. The thIrd source IS an allocatIOn from thc State as a partial replacemcnt for the rev- enue loss due to the rcpcal of the Noble Bill 111 19X7. Funds reccIVed trom thc base HUTF revenues may be used for engll1eenng, reconstruction. mamtenance. repan', eqUIpment, Improvement 3l1d admll1lstratlon of 305 Glossal)' streets and roads. Not more than 50 () ufthese funds may be used on admll1IstratlOn. Revenues trom the addItIOnal motor fuel taxes and the General hmd money may be used tix new constructIon, safety 1111- provements, mamtenancc and capac Itl' lmpro\ ements, none may be used for admll11stratIve purposes. Planning and Development Fee - The City reqUIres that an applicatIOn fee be paId for all rezonmg re- quests and site plan revIews. These rezunmg requests must thcn meet postmg, publicatIon and public hear- Il1g reqUIrements established by the ( Ity Police Records/Search Fees - These tees reImburse the City for costs related to the release of records mt0t111atlOn, RFP - Request t()r ProposaL Sales Tax - All sales, transfers, or cosumptlOn of tangible personal property wllh the City shall be sub- Ject to a ,ales and/or use tax, unless specltically ex- empted Irom taxatIOn, at a rate 0/'3 00 (j (eJTecuve January 1,2005). State Cigarette Tax - The State taxes wholesale thstlibutors of cIgarettes, State tax stamps arc Issued to the dIstributors as eVIdence of payment. CountIes and CItIes recerve a dlstributIon li'om the State The amount receIved IS based upon the proportlon of State sales tax collected m each mUl11clpalIty, and umncOJ'- porated areas ofthe countIes. Swimming Pooll<ees - AdmISSIon and lesson fees charged fur the use of the City Swnnmmg pooL Telephone Occupation Tax - A tax leVIed on and agall1St each telephone utility company uperatmg \vlthm the City, a tax on the occupal1on and busmess ofmall1- tammg a telephone exchangc and Imes connected therewlth Il1 the Clly and of supplymg local exchange telephone serVice to the mhabltants of the CIty Transfer Payments - The transfer ofmone'v from , . one tund to another. 306 Urban Renewal Area - A deSIgnated area WIth boundanes established for the purpose ofelimmatmg slum or blighted areas wlthm the CIty ThIS deSIgna- tIon makes the area eligible for vanous hmdmg and allows t()l' the cleanng of such areas lor development or redevelopment. Vehicle Ownership Tax - A tax paid by owners of motorvehtcles, trailers, sem Itral leI's and trailer coaches 111 lIeu of any ad valorem taxes. The amount ofthe tax paId IS a functIon ofthe class. age and value ofthc vehIcle Gcnerally, the amount of the tax paId de- creases WIth the age of the 'vehIcle SpeCIfic owner- shIp taxes for Class A \ ehlcles, whIch mcludes any motorvehIele. truck. tractor, trailer or semItrailer used to transport persons or property over publIc hlgh- ways for compensatIon are paId to the State The State dIstributes tIllS revenue among countIes based upon the prop0l110n that state hIghway mileage Il1 the county bears to the total state ll1ghway system. There are no restnctmns on the use OfthlS revenue. - - - - - - - - All other classes ofspeCllic ownershIp are paid to the County The Jetferson County Treasurer then dlS- tnbutes thIS revenue based upon the amount that the property tax collected by the County and each polIti- cal and govemmental subchvlslOn bears 111 relat10n to all the propel1y taxes collected 111 the County - - - - \\ eed Mowing/Cleanup Fees - Re'v enue receIved from sIte cleanup and weeds that are mowed at tax- payer expense are accounted for 111 a separate l111e ltem account. Xcel Company Franchise Fee - A franclnse pay- ment IS accepted by the CIty from Xcd Ener!:,'} 111 heu of all occupancy or occupatIOn and license taxes. and all other speCIal taxes, assessments or exercises on the nght to do busmess. Revenues arc derived from the Imposition of a three percent (30'0) fee on the h'TOSS re'venue from the sale of gaseous tuel and electncity w1Ih1l1 the corporate lllTI1ts of the City - - INVESTMENT POLICY - The total Investment PolIcy IS adopted by <- ouneII upon recel\'mg advIce from the Clt) Treasurer ThIs IS mtended as a summary but the adopted CouncIl PolIcy IS controllmg. - The C It) consolIdates cash balances from all funds to maXl1111ZC mvestment cammgs, except for the cash m restncted and specIal funds. Investment mcome IS allocated to the vanous funds bases on theIr respeL- tlve partICIpation and m accordance wIth generally accepted accountmg pnnclples. - - - - - - The City's pnnclpal l11Vestment objectIves are . Confonnanee WIth all applIcable Clt), State and h:deral rcgulatlons . PreservatIon of capItal through the protection of Il1vestment pnnclpal by mll1ll111zmg credIt nsk . Investmg operatmg funds m shorter-tem1 secun- tIes. money market mutual fimds or slmllm'lI1vest- ment pools to aVOId mcumng unreasonable mar- ket mterest rate nsk . Mamtenance of suffiCIent lIqUIdIty to meet the (Ity 's cash needs . Attall1mg a market rate ofretum tor elIgible secu- ntles, whIch 1S secondal) to the saiCty and lIqUId- Ity stated above - - - - - - - - - - - - The City 's assets are managed to the "prudent ll1ves- tor" standard by the CIty Treasurer whIch states "In- vestments shall be made With Judgement and care, under cIrcumstances then prevailmg, whIch persons of prudence, dIscretion and mtellIgence exercise m the management of another, not 111 regard to specula- Hem, but for mvestment eonsldenng the probable sakty ofthe]r capital as well as the probable mcome to be denved." - - - - - - - - The CIty Treasurer has further restncted the 1I1vest- ment otTlty funds to any of the followmg: . U .S. Treasury OblIgatIons WIth matuntles less than five years from the date of purchase. - - - - FederallnstrumentalIt)' Secuntles Issued by Fed- eral NatIOnal Mortgage ASSOCIatIOn (FNMA), Federal Fam1 C redll Banks (FFeB), Federal Home Loan Sanks (FilLS). and Federal Home Loan Mortgage CorporatIon (FHMLC). . Pnme CommercIal Paper. at the t1111e of purchase, wh]ch]s rated 1I1 Its hIghest ratll1g category by one or more natIOnally recognIzed organlLatlons whIch regularly rate such oblIgatIOns and whIch have matuntIes not exceedll1g 270 days. . Local Govemment Investment pools pursuant to C.R.S 24-75-101 et seq as amended. Although the publIc DepOSIt ProtecllonAct allows mUI11C]palItles to lI1\'est 1I1 denvatlves. the Treasurer has explICItly state that denvatlves arc an unaccept- able mvestmcnt. It IS the mtent of the CIty to dIverSity Ihe lI1vestmenb With the por1flllIo to aVOId II1cu111ng umeasonable nsks mherent mover ll1vestll1g m specdic mstruments. or ll1dlVldual finanCial ll1stltutlOns ormatuntles. The as- set allocatIon 111 the portfolIo should, however be t1ex- ible dependl11g upon the outlook forthe economy, the secuntles market and the City, 's antICIpated cash flow need. It IS the polIcy of the CIty to purchase secuntles only from authonzed l11stIlutlons and tinns. Broker/Deal- ers and other financ]al mst]tutlOns shall be selected by thc Trcasureron the baSIS of theIr cxpertlse m pubhc cash management and theIr abilIty to servIce the City, 's account. Elected ot1iClals and employees mvolved lt1 the 1l1- vestment process shall refram trom personal busmess actiVIty that could contl]ct with proper exccutlon of the mvestment proi:,'Tam or whIch could Impair or cre- ate the appearance of an impamnent ofthe]r ab]lity to make lmpart]a] mvestment deCISions, 307