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Ordinance-1974-0147 - Granting Right-of-Ways to other Cities for Water
Ordinance-1974-0149 - Amend WR Ord 138 City Positions and Salaries
Ordinance-1974-0150 - Amend WR Ord 138, City Payscale and Classifications
Ordinance-1974-0151 - Amend WR Ord 84 - Contractor Licensing and Building Codes
Ordinance-1974-0152 - Annex Certain Territory
Ordinance-1974-0154 - Repeal Ordinance 42 and Ordinance 62
Ordinance-1974-0155 - Annex Park Lands from Fruitdale Sanitation Dist.
Ordinance-1974-0156 - Lease Option to Purchase 10900 W. 44th Ave
Ordinance-1974-0157 - Amend WR Ord 138 - Positions and Payscale
Ordinance-1974-0158 - Amend WR Ord 98 - Zoning Requirements
Ordinance-1974-0160 - Purchase of Public Park Lands at 44th and Clear Creek
Ordinance-1974-0161 - Lease and Purchase of Park Lands at Robb and 44th
Ordinance-1974-0162 - City Clerk Salary
Ordinance-1974-0163 - City Treasurer Salary